It's time for AEG LIVE to answer their lies!

I think people have to reckonise that AEG did/do not just deal with Michael. They produce a load of concerts for multiple artists.

And I just don't believe they'd be so vindictive to Michael, especially when he was a strong businessman!

Ofcourse.. When things such as "AEG LIVE KILLED MJ" came out.. I felt exactly as you..
I found it hard to believe that such a big corporation like AEG would do something like that..

But this is not about how they treated MJ whilst he was alive.. This was what they have done to fans later..

Im saying once again what my point is:
Why would Randy Philips take the risk and put out a lie to media if it really would not have such a affect? There must be several reasons for why he told this lie.
You can speculate how much you want around this. I just want my honest answer from AEG Live.
Also i just want to add, as Michael said/sang "Money makes the world go around" AEGs role in Michaels shows was always about the money, sending out the tickets is all about the money its just something we've got to accept im not happy about paying £85 for a piece of card but at the end of the day it has sentimental value to me but at the end of the day all AEG care about is green pieces of paper.

True, but we have a right to annoyed in how it's all been handled. I feel they couldn't of given a monkeys fart about Michael or the fans, just about how much green they could make.
I feel people are just taking things WAY out of proportion now, in most threads.

Can't we just celebrate Michael on here :(

I don't blame you if you lock this one soon as its been taken the wrong way by the majority. We were only trying to help some people who were bothered you see, not start an argument :)
they just got $60mil from Sony, AEG's pockets are not hurting, them SOBs could've offered us those tickets at a decent price. I was schedule for the July 28th and it was stated that the original 10 shows tickets were already set to go.. I just couldn't see giving that rich ass company all that money with out actually seeing a show.. The full price of that ticket was to see a show and have a ticket.. Greedy Mofos
I would put money on them waiting until after 14th August before sending out the tickets - this way, everyone has to make up their minds before they see them and people's opinions on them. It also prevents people selling them on eBay before they're all released.

yeah that does make sense I agree :) I just don't understand why some folk have been told their tickets are on the way...? odd eh!
I don't blame you if you lock this one soon as its been taken the wrong way by the majority. We were only trying to help some people who were bothered you see, not start an argument :)

True. This thread is about people who are not happy with the way things have been handled & are prepared to do something about it. If you are happy in waiting until god knows when to get your tickets fine too.
The thing that makes me mad, is that we have already paid for our ticket when we paid for the shipping and handling. So really they have no right to make us pay more money for the tickets that should be ours anyway! Also if the concerts were still on we would have recieved our tickets by now!
The thing that makes me mad, is that we have already paid for our ticket when we paid for the shipping and handling. So really they have no right to make us pay more money for the tickets that should be ours anyway! Also if the concerts were still on we would have recieved our tickets by now!

I'm really confused why people are so bothered by this. I really am...why are people ringing Ticketmaster like, 3 or 4 times about this when it said they'll be received by August 30th? I'm sorry but it's coming across as ridiculous now. What do you expect to happen from this? Randy Phillips to record a big fat long apology over this? What is gonna make you feel better? Whatever they say you don't believe it anyway. Is it that you think you're not going to receive tickets at all? I don't see what a big difference a few weeks is gonna make anyhow. I'm pissed off at the cost, I can understand that, but nobody forced anyone to keep tickets. At the end of the day it's just a bit of paper which doesn't prove anything really.

All this blame everyone for everything humanly possible attitude is getting a bit desperate now. This board has so much hate and anger at the moment, it's sad. :( Especially over something like this, when there are murder theories and all sorts going on. I just dunno what to say or think anymore.
I'm really confused why people are so bothered by this. I really am...why are people ringing Ticketmaster like, 3 or 4 times about this when it said they'll be received by August 30th? I'm sorry but it's coming across as ridiculous now. What do you expect to happen from this? Randy Phillips to record a big fat long apology over this? What is gonna make you feel better? Whatever they say you don't believe it anyway. Is it that you think you're not going to receive tickets at all? I don't see what a big difference a few weeks is gonna make anyhow. I'm pissed off at the cost, I can understand that, but nobody forced anyone to keep tickets. At the end of the day it's just a bit of paper which doesn't prove anything really.

All this blame everyone for everything humanly possible attitude is getting a bit desperate now. This board has so much hate and anger at the moment, it's sad. :( Especially over something like this, when there are murder theories and all sorts going on. I just dunno what to say or think anymore.

I've said this a hundred times now..
But ill explain my point once again
Why would Randy Philips take the risk and put out a lie to media if it really would not have such an affect? There must be several reasons for why he told this lie. Clear fact is however that they've taken advantage of fans.. I guess its normal in the corporate world.. But by lying!?
This "simple" lie could have came out to justify many other thing that they've said about these tickets.. such as "speically designed by MJ"
You can speculate how much you want around this. I just want my honest answer from AEG Live.
I'm really confused why people are so bothered by this. I really am...why are people ringing Ticketmaster like, 3 or 4 times about this when it said they'll be received by August 30th? I'm sorry but it's coming across as ridiculous now. What do you expect to happen from this? Randy Phillips to record a big fat long apology over this? What is gonna make you feel better? Whatever they say you don't believe it anyway. Is it that you think you're not going to receive tickets at all? I don't see what a big difference a few weeks is gonna make anyhow. I'm pissed off at the cost, I can understand that, but nobody forced anyone to keep tickets. At the end of the day it's just a bit of paper which doesn't prove anything really.

All this blame everyone for everything humanly possible attitude is getting a bit desperate now. This board has so much hate and anger at the moment, it's sad. :( Especially over something like this, when there are murder theories and all sorts going on. I just dunno what to say or think anymore.

Like i have said many times, i have been told half a dozen things about these tickets & just want a straight answer. You are happy about the situation, that's fine. I don't enjoy being lied to. Maybe if something good does come of this, Aeg will learn from their mistakes & will think twice about ripping fans off.
I've said this a hundred times now..
But ill explain my point once again
Why would Randy Philips take the risk and put out a lie to media if it really would not have such an affect? There must be several reasons for why he told this lie. Clear fact is however that they've taken advantage of fans.. I guess its normal in the corporate world.. But by lying!?
This "simple" lie could have came out to justify many other thing that they've said about these tickets.. such as "speically designed by MJ"
You can speculate how much you want around this. I just want my honest answer from AEG Live. Im not gonna sit here and think its okay that they have lied to me..

Why does this lie affect your decision? I don't see the big deal. Even you can't seem to think of a reason why he would tell this lie. Maybe the tickets had gone through the process to a point where they were as good as being printed and it couldn't be reversed by then?
First the argument was not getting a straight answer on ticket dispatch, now it's the fact that he may have lied about some tickets already being printed. :doh: Someone's still got to pick through those tickets and get out the ones that people wanna keep. That probably takes longer than printing the ones for the remaining dates. I honestly feel people are blowing things way out of proportion, not just about this but all over the board. It's like paranoia city round here and it's not healthy.
Like i have said many times, i have been told half a dozen things about these tickets & just want a straight answer. You are happy about the situation, that's fine. I don't enjoy being lied to. Maybe if something good does come of this, Aeg will learn from their mistakes & will think twice about ripping fans off.

I'm far from happy about this situation actually, I just think posting stuff like this all over the board is useless. Going to the media is feeding what they love...yet another scandal about Michael. wahoo for them. AEG won't have to learn from their mistakes as this situation is never going to happen again. If you're so bothered why don't you take it to trading standards, or AEG themselves. It would be more useful.
Why does this lie affect your decision? I don't see the big deal. Even you can't seem to think of a reason why he would tell this lie. Maybe the tickets had gone through the process to a point where they were as good as being printed and it couldn't be reversed by then?
First the argument was not getting a straight answer on ticket dispatch, now it's the fact that he may have lied about some tickets already being printed. :doh: Someone's still got to pick through those tickets and get out the ones that people wanna keep. That probably takes longer than printing the ones for the remaining dates. I honestly feel people are blowing things way out of proportion, not just about this but all over the board. It's like paranoia city round here and it's not healthy.

You really don't get it do you? I'm glad you are not bothered by the whole ticket fiasco, yes i am bothered about being lied to, about being told half a dozen different things about these tickets & you are not helping in basically posting that people shouldn't be upset over this. If people who want to bitch about this just let them, there are other threads on other subjects for you to post in,just avoid this thread if it bothers you so much. We have a right to be annoyed & to air those annoyances if we wish.
I'm far from happy about this situation actually, I just think posting stuff like this all over the board is useless. Going to the media is feeding what they love...yet another scandal about Michael. wahoo for them. AEG won't have to learn from their mistakes as this situation is never going to happen again. If you're so bothered why don't you take it to trading standards, or AEG themselves. It would be more useful.

As far as i can see there are two threads about tickets on here. That's not all over the board is it?

I have tried to contact Aeg as have others by the way & of course they couldn't care less.
Why does this lie affect your decision? I don't see the big deal. Even you can't seem to think of a reason why he would tell this lie. Maybe the tickets had gone through the process to a point where they were as good as being printed and it couldn't be reversed by then?
First the argument was not getting a straight answer on ticket dispatch, now it's the fact that he may have lied about some tickets already being printed. :doh: Someone's still got to pick through those tickets and get out the ones that people wanna keep. That probably takes longer than printing the ones for the remaining dates. I honestly feel people are blowing things way out of proportion, not just about this but all over the board. It's like paranoia city round here and it's not healthy.

If you looked through the thread I have given some possible reasons for this lie..
But what I said might be completely wrong.. what do I know..? But I atleast want Randy to come and tell us why he said that lie??

Please read the first post. What was said there, is what has been discussed about
As far as i can see there are two threads about tickets on here. That's not all over the board is it?

I have tried to contact Aeg as have others by the way & of course they couldn't care less.

By all over the board I meant all different topics...not just these ones.
You know what, I will leave you to it.
If you're so bothered why don't you take it to trading standards, or AEG themselves. It would be more useful.

Hi :) People have tried AEG but have no reply so that is why some are taking it further. This thread was only intended for people who were bothered so we could pass on their messages and help them.
Maybe this thread just should be locked..
Cause people seem to be upset that I'm trying to know why AEG told me a lie. The thread is not being used for what it was intended to.

Atleast I know now that TMZ will report about it so I'll hopefully get my answers..

If a moderator wants to lock this thread.. It's fine
Can people who are happy with waiting for their tickets & don't give a toss about the lies/misinformation, perhaps not post in here? This thread is to share info with each other & give advice to each other in what can be done. Thanks guys! :) I don't want arguments & bad feeling on here.
Dont see the big issue to be honest. Mountain out of a molehill

Ditto. Maybe he forgot. Maybe he was in distress. Who knows.

Unless there's some diabolical reason for this "lie", then I'd just chalk it up to confusion or him slipping up. It doesn't necessarily mean there was any malicious intent behind it.

All this fuss reminds me of the old people that queue at the post office dead on 9AM and then moan like lil b!tches when it opens at 9-02AM!!! lol