It's time for AEG LIVE to answer their lies!

They have sold the rights to the concert rehearsals when Michael isn't in the ground yet. They are doing nothing to help company image of a greedy corporation when they do this & charge full price for a ticket with no show. Then we find out they are liars? So yes we shouldn't just sit idle & say nothing.

Full price for the ticket is not a good move..
But then that is not something that you can "fight" for and change.. Cause truth is that AEG gives us an option.. They have a valid point their.. Even though that is a crappy argument for the fans..

BUT that they've lied is not something I just can accept..

Nobody is forced to buy anything from AEG.
THAT is not the point of this thread! Im talking about the fact that they came and told us a complete lie.

I want to AEG to come and answer us why they told the lie.

I can not sit here as a consumer to AEG and fan of MJ and feel that it is okay that AEG lied.
I don't think it's something he could make a mistake over. The guy is involved in all aspects of the shows. A lie is a lie, no matter how big it is. If he was misinformed he should of rectified what he said.

I'm glad you are another happy customer.

ok thats a fair point, i just dont see why its such a big deal to you, i just dont see what difference it makes in anyones decision to keep the tickets or not.
how? i dont see how being told that tickets had already been printed would change anyones decision as to whether they wanted to keep it or not.

People are annoyed at the wait of getting the tickets. As we thought the first ten shows were printed we would be getting them sooner rather than later.I'm sorry you don't understand why people are annoyed, i guess you are another happy customer.
ok thats a fair point, i just dont see why its such a big deal to you, i just dont see what difference it makes in anyones decision to keep the tickets or not.

At the end of the day all they need to say if tickets are going to be dispatched such & such a date, not conflicting "within 30 days" & the middle of August & the end of August like i have been told. I was even told by ticketmaster that they were not involved in souvenir tickets/refunds. Twice!

All i want is a straight answer & for them to stick to that answer.
People are annoyed at the wait of getting the tickets. As we thought the first ten shows were printed we would be getting them sooner rather than later.I'm sorry you don't understand why people are annoyed, i guess you are another happy customer.

ok i see i guess im more patient than some people, im more hung up on Michaels death than caring about getting my tickets a couple of weeks later than I expected.
not sure why it matters if he lied or not. it doesnt make a fan want a ticket more cause he said some had already been printed. u arent getting them later than offered on the tm site. no ones been screwed in anyway. he prob lied about mj designing the tickets aswell.
ok i see i guess im more patient than some people, im more hung up on Michaels death than caring about getting my tickets a couple of weeks later than I expected.

oh come on now thats not very fair is it. Everyone is upset about Michael you know that. I don't think he would want people being treated badly either to be honest.

Lets all be nice to each other about this, come on folks if you aren't bothered about this issue then why comment on this thread?
ok i see i guess im more patient than some people, im more hung up on Michaels death than caring about getting my tickets a couple of weeks later than I expected.

Just because we don't like getting ripped off/lied to/misinformed or whatever, we don't care about Michael's death? How dare you! I have loved MJ since i was four & will miss him until the day i die, but i won't let my grief get in the way of being taken advantage of!
when u asked for a ticket on tm when doing the refund it said i think u would get them shipped around the end of august. im happy thats all some are bothered about while i cry myself to sleep every night over mike
ok thats a fair point, i just dont see why its such a big deal to you, i just dont see what difference it makes in anyones decision to keep the tickets or not.

Sure.. But I do think some fans still could have been affected..

But then the question I asked before.. WHY did they go out with this lie then? If it would not have any affect on peoples decision.. Just why would Randy Philips say that?

They are saying "specially designed tickets" by MJ.
Do we really know how much impact MJ had on those tickets?
That lie could have been so to give an illusion that these tickets were really a big priority for MJ and that they had started with the works of it a long time ago..

I don't know.. its all just speculation... Bottom line is I want to know why they came with that lie.. I want an answer from AEG!
not sure why it matters if he lied or not. it doesnt make a fan want a ticket more cause he said some had already been printed. u arent getting them later than offered on the tm site. no ones been screwed in anyway. he prob lied about mj designing the tickets aswell.

If you aren't bothered why reply on this thread to start a banter about it? The original post is just asking for anyone else who IS bothered, if you are not pls don't try and start friction on here :( I don't want anyone arguing I was trying to help people who were bothered! if you are not then fair enough :)
oh come on now thats not very fair is it. Everyone is upset about Michael you know that. I don't think he would want people being treated badly either to be honest.

Lets all be nice to each other about this, come on folks if you aren't bothered about this issue then why comment on this thread?

Exactly! If you are happy with the situation then why are you here? & then have a go at people who are not happy?
id be more concered about getting ripped off £75 for abit of paper
If you aren't bothered why reply on this thread to start a banter about it?

its a discussion board ppl can post their opnion on any thread they like or say what tm said about when tickets would be dispatched
well cause like sony,aeg took advantage and they know some fans will pay regardless.
Just because we don't like getting ripped off/lied to/misinformed or whatever, we don't care about Michael's death? How dare you! I have loved MJ since i was four & will miss him until the day i die, but i won't let my grief get in the way of being taken advantage of!

i didnt mean that how it sounded, i wasn't implying anything about you or others on here and i apologize if i was misunderstood, I just meant that im too upset about Michael to care about when i get my ticket.
I think people have to reckonise that AEG did/do not just deal with Michael. They produce a load of concerts for multiple artists.

And I just don't believe they'd be so vindictive to Michael, especially when he was a strong businessman!
when u asked for a ticket on tm when doing the refund it said i think u would get them shipped around the end of august. im happy thats all some are bothered about while i cry myself to sleep every night over mike

thats really not nice :( Don't imply others don't care about Michael's death. Come on don't start friction. Do you really think Michael would want his fans treated badly? I just said this thread is for people who are bothered, if you are not then fair enough why waste time commenting on this thread then?

Also I know if you chose the 'ticket' option you knew what you were getting etc... some said on here though that they were told their tickets have been sent out by Ticketmaster and they haven't arrived... its stuff like that we are concerned about too, if you are not then don't join in the discussion instead of creating arguments on here. I don't want to argue with anyone, I wanted to help people!

I don't blame the mods if they lock this thread now, people are taking it the wrong way and its best if people just message me if they have a complaint to pass on. Its sad some people have to be funny, all we were doing was trying to help others :(
I feel people are just taking things WAY out of proportion now, in most threads.

Can't we just celebrate Michael on here :(
Ok hun, all is forgiven. :)

thanks, im happy to debate and discuss stuff because im quite an opinionated person haha but I would never suggest or imply that people don't care about Michael as much as others. I just didnt re-read what i wrote and it came across totally wrong and nasty i feel ashamed now and i apologize to anyone i may have offended.
its a discussion board ppl can post their opnion on any thread they like or say what tm said about when tickets would be dispatched

fair enough but once you've read the first post and disagreed why proceed? You know it'll just end up on disagreement which isn't what the thread should be about and takes it off topic. I don't want to argue with you at all :) I just wanted to help others, its fine if you aren't bothered just some are. Lol its the problem with some forums too many different views, sometimes you can never win eh lol :) No hard feelings :)
lso I know if you chose the 'ticket' option you knew what you were getting etc... some said on here though that they were told their tickets have been sent out by Ticketmaster and they haven't arrived... its stuff like that we are concerned about too, if you are not then don't join in the discussion instead of creating arguments on here. I don't want to argue with anyone, I wanted to help people!
well cant ppl just look on their account or has that gone. like i said when u picked to get a ticket it said if i remember right it would be sent out at the end of august so i dont see the problem.
when u asked for a ticket on tm when doing the refund it said i think u would get them shipped around the end of august. im happy thats all some are bothered about while i cry myself to sleep every night over mike

I have been told within 30 days, middle of august, end of august. I'd like a straight answer.
Just because we have an issue with all this doesn't mean we don't care. You are very wrong to imply we don't.
Also i just want to add, as Michael said/sang "Money makes the world go around" AEGs role in Michaels shows was always about the money, sending out the tickets is all about the money its just something we've got to accept im not happy about paying £85 for a piece of card but at the end of the day it has sentimental value to me but at the end of the day all AEG care about is green pieces of paper.
well cant ppl just look on their account or has that gone. like i said when u picked to get a ticket it said if i remember right it would be sent out at the end of august so i dont see the problem.

I was told by ticketmaster not to bother looking in my account as it wouldn't change. I have been told three different time frames as to when they are getting sent out.