It's time for AEG LIVE to answer their lies!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know there is a "Ticket Dispatched" thread already dicussing already about this. But I believe this really need its own thread so more people can see it.

What happend was that after I read this article:

I decided to contact a swedish newspaper asking them to take up the fact that Randy Philips, and AEG LIVE has lied to us! I notified the community here by writing on the "Tickets Dispatched" thread. Later I got a PM from user myfavouritewintercoat where he suggested that I maybe should write to Lauren Vece of TMZ(I know this site has often harrased Michael, but it is still the only way to reach out to the world).

I followed his suggestion and sent off this email this morning:

After the tragic loss of one of the greatest artists in the world, Michael Jackson, AEG LIVE promoter Randy Philips came out and told the fans, that had purchased their tickets to the 'This is It' concerts that they would be able to gain a full refund or be sent their original tickets in lieu of th refund. Randy also added that these were tickets specially designed by Michael Jackson and THAT the tickets to the first few shows were already printed(Im sure you already know all of this). Also on it says that the tickets will be distrubuted within 30 days.
Personally I decided to take the refund for 3 of my tickets and get my 4th one sent home.

After contacting Ticketmaster Support I was informed that I will get my tickets sometime in August. Hence AEG did not hold their promise of distrubuting the tickets within 30 days. This did not upset me really much. However one thing that did really piss me off, was when I read this article:

If you read the article, you can see that it CLEARLY states that AEG HAD NOT GIVEN THE ORDER FOR ANY TICKETS UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DAY MICHAEL JACKSON PASSED AWAY! Hence Randy Philips statement that the tickets for the first few shows had already been printed is a complete lie!

Why he told this lie carries on further speculation.. It rather seems as if they used the vulnerable fans that were mourning after MJs tragic death, just to regain money that was lost by TELLING LIES!

I email you this, because fact is that it is only through media like as TMZ that can really put AEG on the wall here.. This article has been up on MJJC for many days now, but still hasn't reached media. Im hoping you will do the job so that AEG can come out and answer many of the fans that are furious as of now..

Stockholm, Sweden

I got the reply just a few hours ago:
Dear tsw_gnaget,

Thank you very much for your email detailing your issue with Randy Phillips and the AEG ticket situation. You eloquently put together what so many have other frustrated fans have been trying to tell us.

If you have any more information that you think would be of help to us regarding the situation, please let me know! You can shoot me an email!

Once again, thank you so much for the information. I’m definitely putting something together on this.


Lauren Vece


Now we atleast now for certain that AEG WILL HAVE to reply for the lie they gave about the tickets.

Now to the main point:
"If you have any more information that you think would be of help to us regarding the situation, please let me know! You can shoot me an email!"

Do you guys have anything more to add? I think if we work together and give everything we have, the fans can get true answers! So please add something here if you have anything!
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what was their reason to lie? they thought more fans will ask back for souvenir tickets so?
Hhhmm, lemme think about this. What about the fact that AEG was able to print 20.000 memorial booklets in less than 2 days, but still haven't been able to print the first concert tickets...

I don't know if it helps, but I'm just tryin to help. :p and what about that nobody got a confirmation mail yet?
someone needs to ask AEG why charge FULL PRICE for a piece of damn paper.. had they asked for a reasonable amount I would've kept at least one, but since they didn't i got my full refund..
someone needs to ask AEG why charge FULL PRICE for a piece of damn paper.. had they asked for a reasonable amount I would've kept at least one, but since they didn't i got my full refund..

right hell i paid to see michael jackson,no1s paying FULL price for a show we dont get to see da hell is wrong with them fools
someone needs to ask AEG why charge FULL PRICE for a piece of damn paper.. had they asked for a reasonable amount I would've kept at least one, but since they didn't i got my full refund..

Its the same reason they charge £25 for a t-shirt that HMV sells for £10 less, its all about business and money!

AEG are not forcing anyone to pay that much for a ticket, its an OPTIONAL thing. If its so expensive (which yes it is) then you dont have to buy it.
I would put money on them waiting until after 14th August before sending out the tickets - this way, everyone has to make up their minds before they see them and people's opinions on them. It also prevents people selling them on eBay before they're all released.
Its the same reason they charge £25 for a t-shirt that HMV sells for £10 less, its all about business and money!

AEG are not forcing anyone to pay that much for a ticket, its an OPTIONAL thing. If its so expensive (which yes it is) then you dont have to buy it.

I know it's a business, ppl have been saying that over and over again.. and you are right I don't have to buy it, AND I DIDN'T BUY IT.. I got my full refund.. but I still feel they are taking advantage of the fans.. Many fans had never seen him perform before so of course they would want something that would remind them of what they were going to see, however I have seen him twice so it wasn't important to pay for a designed ticket..

AEG knows they could've charged a lower price for those tickets and they know once they put out a dvd of MJ they will more than quadruple their money.. Scam artist..
Dont see the big issue to be honest. Mountain out of a molehill

So you think its okay that they lied regarding this?
Truth is that they TOLD lies to get these tickets sold to fans who were volnurable.

There could be several other reasons for why AEG told this lie.

And yeah I know it's a buisness.. And quite frankly I had never complained about AEG until I heard about this..
Its the same reason they charge £25 for a t-shirt that HMV sells for £10 less, its all about business and money!

AEG are not forcing anyone to pay that much for a ticket, its an OPTIONAL thing. If its so expensive (which yes it is) then you dont have to buy it.

If you are not bothered why are you in this thread? Some of us want the memento but want to know why it is so expensive. Also Randy did say in a report that tickets were printed for the first ten shows, but as per the article by the company who were awarded the ticket printing contract the day Michael mere hours before Michael died, the interview with Randy saying this was of course after Michael had died.

You or others may not mind having the wool pulled over your eyes & then lied to, but i mind. I & others who do mind would like some answers. Maybe some good may come of this? A memorial program with the tickets perhaps? Tickets sent out a little quicker maybe. I am not prepared to just bitch in the threads about it & sit & do nothing about it.

If you want to see results for something you have to get up & do something about it.
If you paid for a ticket, you will get a ticket! Time is irrelavant! There is no show to go to!

Its been just over a month since his death, AEG have had more to worry about than some fans tickets. He may not have been lying about the tickets. SOME may have been printed already! No-one knows, and to be honest it doesnt matter. I am happy to wait for my tickets
Its the same reason they charge £25 for a t-shirt that HMV sells for £10 less, its all about business and money!

AEG are not forcing anyone to pay that much for a ticket, its an OPTIONAL thing. If its so expensive (which yes it is) then you dont have to buy it.

ur missing the point of some reactions,who the hell wants to pay 1,000 bucks for a ticket. we paid that 2 see mike perform not 4 a damn ticket. who wants to pay full price for a show thats not going to happen. we know we dont have to buy it but fans wud like to have it for a reasonable price,u bought urs good 4 move on be happy
If you paid for a ticket, you will get a ticket! Time is irrelavant! There is no show to go to!

Its been just over a month since his death, AEG have had more to worry about than some fans tickets. He may not have been lying about the tickets. SOME may have been printed already! No-one knows, and to be honest it doesnt matter. I am happy to wait for my tickets

HOW is it possible to print tickets if the order for the tickets were given the day MJ died? The point is that Randy told us a lie!
"some".. he said the tickets for the FIRST 10 WERE PRINTED

I personally am not furious because my tickets are a bit late.. IF you read my email thats what it said..
Im furious that Randy is taking advantage of fans!
Also there may be plenty of other reasons for why he told that lie. Thats just what we want to find out.
If you paid for a ticket, you will get a ticket! Time is irrelavant! There is no show to go to!

Its been just over a month since his death, AEG have had more to worry about than some fans tickets. He may not have been lying about the tickets. SOME may have been printed already! No-one knows, and to be honest it doesnt matter. I am happy to wait for my tickets

If there is no show why are they charging full price for a ticket? Yes Aeg have had more to worry about like what else they can flog to get more money. If you are happy to wait for your tickets, good for you! So we are just some fans eh? You make it sound like they shouldn't give a monkeys about us. Do you work for them?

I am not happy about being lied to. I am a bit puzzled as to why you are participating in this thread if you are a happy customer.
I dont think he 'lied' to deceive us!

If he has said 'the tickets havent been printed', it wouldnt have mattered, you would have still got them

People are blaming AEG left right and centre lol

I dont think he 'lied' to deceive us!

If he has said 'the tickets havent been printed', it wouldnt have mattered, you would have still got them

People are blaming AEG left right and centre lol

Yeah, but then why did he tell us that lie? It was a lie right? why did he tell it?
We just want to find out..

"People are blaming AEG left right and centre lol"

I somewhat get what you mean.. Like with the merchandise thing.. Personally I wouldn't blame AEG for that.. they have lost huge amounts of money and so they cant just throw away their stuff..
Also to put up the memorial for free was pretty nice done..

BUT, once again.. NOW they have lied to the fans! LIED! You can not justify that.
I dont think he 'lied' to deceive us!

If he has said 'the tickets havent been printed', it wouldnt have mattered, you would have still got them

People are blaming AEG left right and centre lol

They do have a lot to answer for, if you like it or not! Even if Michael hadn't died we would of still gotten the tickets in time, yes? So what is the delay? The company has the contract, details can be passed on via e-mail, tickets printed. It's not that hard to do.

I wouldn't of minded half a much if we got straight answers, honest answers. At the end of the day Randy Philips is the face of Aeg & he does have questions to answer. Even if you don't agree, that's fine. There has been a lot of misinformation from Aeg here & they need to quickly sort this out. Even if they said tickets sent out September at least it would be a straight answer for a change.

I don't like being given the runaround & taken advantage of. I'm not a mug.
They do have a lot to answer for, if you like it or not! Even if Michael hadn't died we would of still gotten the tickets in time, yes? So what is the delay? The company has the contract, details can be passed on via e-mail, tickets printed. It's not that hard to do.

I wouldn't of minded half a much if we got straight answers, honest answers. At the end of the day Randy Philips is the face of Aeg & he does have questions to answer. Even if you don't agree, that's fine. There has been a lot of misinformation from Aeg here & they need to quickly sort this out. Even if they said tickets sent out September at least it would be a straight answer for a change.

I don't like being given the runaround & taken advantage of. I'm not a mug.


end of the day we are all mugs, we just paid £85 for a shiny peice of card LOL
Yeah, but then why did he tell us that lie? It was a lie right? why did he tell it?
We just want to find out..

"People are blaming AEG left right and centre lol"

I somewhat get what you mean.. Like with the merchandise thing.. Personally I wouldn't blame AEG for that.. they have lost huge amounts of money and so they cant just throw away their stuff..
Also to put up the memorial for free was pretty nice done..

BUT, once again.. NOW they have lied to the fans! LIED! You can not justify that.

They have sold the rights to the concert rehearsals when Michael isn't in the ground yet. They are doing nothing to help company image of a greedy corporation when they do this & charge full price for a ticket with no show. Then we find out they are liars? So yes we shouldn't just sit idle & say nothing.
I can guarantee you that Randy Phillips head is already on the chopping black as far as AEG Live is concerned. Randy will be fired probably by the time AEG goes to court over the probate!
i dont see the big deal your talkin about what might not even be a lie (ever occur that i was just a mistake on his behalf and he was under the impression the tickets were printed or had been ordered) and even if it was a lie its hardly a big lie, i dont see the big deal its not like he lied about Michaels involvement that would be cause for outrage but a mistake about tickets being printed? seriously?
But it is emotional blackmail for those who want a memento of Michael.

how? i dont see how being told that tickets had already been printed would change anyones decision as to whether they wanted to keep it or not.
I think we just want to know when these tickets will be coming out from AEG. I didn't choose the ticket option but I was trying to help those who did who have complained. If you are not bothered then this thread is not for you.

This thread is aimed at those unhappy with the service, if you are not its a shame to come onto the thread and argue about it. Please don't argue, I was just trying to help people.

Thing is the ticket company said they got the contract 'hours' before Michael died - So I don't think they would have got round to printing any, so why didn't Randy just cancel the contract instead of going ahead? Maybe he couldn't I know but its all a bit odd thats all.

All I'm saying is if you want a story to be run on this to get some answers contact the lady at TMZ mentioned in the first post of this thread, if you don't well why waste your time arguing about it? Also please don't use her contact details to be nasty or anything, I know she is part of a tabloid etc... but she has been nice and civil to me so I will treat her the same until she acts otherwise.

At the end of the day by giving out her contact details I was just trying to help people on here who were frustrated by their dealings with AEG and Ticketmaster, if you are not bothered then fine I'm not forcing anyone to write to her lol, just letting people know you can :)
i dont see the big deal your talkin about what might not even be a lie (ever occur that i was just a mistake on his behalf and he was under the impression the tickets were printed or had been ordered) and even if it was a lie its hardly a big lie, i dont see the big deal its not like he lied about Michaels involvement that would be cause for outrage but a mistake about tickets being printed? seriously?

I don't think it's something he could make a mistake over. The guy is involved in all aspects of the shows. A lie is a lie, no matter how big it is. If he was misinformed he should of rectified what he said.

I'm glad you are another happy customer.