is this what really happened to mike.Nutritionist speaks

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
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That is true, cause i have a very very hard time believing MJ would decide to use that drug , even when that nurse had told him it could put him into a eternal sleep....come on now. People can be stubborn ...but NOT like that. If it does turn out to be the case...then....i am speechless
According to this, he had a doctor telling him it was safe.

I have come to a realisation.

As devastated as I am by Michael's death, I cope for the most past. But the days that I am struck low are the days when I read these disturbing threads with stories, rumours, denials, speculation.
I know what you mean. I am sitting here contemplating the idea that the most accomplished man on earth was killed by a total loser.
its saying there were injection marks all over his body now on TMZ

Until the actual autopsy report is concluded, there's simply no way to separate fact from fiction with regards to the circumstances surrounding his death. The nurse herself, if she's to be trusted, said that she took various blood tests of Michael and also gave him natural vitamin and mineral substances via IV. So, even if he had such needle marks on his skin, it certainly doesn't mean that he must have been pumping medical drugs and illegal substances into his veins like a drug addict--according to this nurse he just wanted more energy. However, if he was told by another "doctor" that it was safe to use Diprivan and he had in fact been administered this drug for perhaps days if not weeks to get more sleep, it makes the whole situation all the more tragic.

Whatever the case, I like many others sadly believe that this entire tragedy could have been prevented had his personal doctor done as a doctor should've (and not done what a doctor shouldn’t have); I have no words to describe the doctor's delinquent actions...
Obviously, we still away confirmation but I do lean towards believing this story. If this doctor did inject him with the drug it's definitely enough for manslaughter and possibly enough for Murder 2 on the theory of depraved heart. Absolutely baffling.

I suppose we can take some solace in the fact that, if this is what happened, MJ probably died peacefully in his sleep. At first I didn't even want the doctor to be punished, other than having his license taken away, but if he was giving Michael something this powerful I will probably change my mind.

For those wondering why the police haven't done anything, it's probably because he won't be a suspect until the autopsy reports come back. All they have is his story right now.
how many times must she talk 2 cnn. Yesterday she called in, now today she there in the flesh. We got the point the first time.
I am going to say something and a lot of people are not going to like it, so skip it if you wish.

I believe Michael was under a GREAT deal of ANXIETY, whether or not he wanted to go through with these concert dates. I believe he had decided after canceling the first five concerts to somehow delay or cancel following concerts because of his anxiety over everything, be it financial difficulties, physical PAIN during and after rehearsals, even just being a perfectionist and maybe feeling he didn't have enough time to prepare for the concerts.

I am CONSIDERING that Michael may have tried to get out of doing these concerts. And the only way he could do that with out breaking contrast was to make himself physically ill. Not to kill himself, just make himself ill and in the hospital, maybe he felt he had NO other choice. And shit hit the fan and it backfired. Self-destructive behavior is something I think Michael had tendencies towards, lots of people do, he is human and makes mistakes. We all do.

Maybe Michael just made a stupid mistake.

EDIT: and I would like to add why would the doctor disappear for 24 hours after Michael's death, that signifies SOMETHING for God's sake.


Michael I miss you, and I love you. A part of me has died for I had binded my soul to yours, but your memory lives on FOREVER.~
thanks to midas

*I knew the name was familiar. Old article from the NY Post.......

New York Post
February 9, 2000


A one-time dope-addict doctor was accused yesterday of pumping Michael
Jackson full of drugs while on tour with the bizarre megastar. The
bombshell accusation came in Manhattan federal court, where Dr. Neil
Ratner was testifying against another doctor in an insurance-fraud
case. Sources said Ratner told colleagues he once gave the Gloved One
so much of a relaxant that Jackson collapsed during a world tour.

Ratner is a key prosecution witness at the federal trial of Dr. Niels
Lauersen, a celebrity gynecologist dubbed the "Dyno Gyno," who's
charged with defrauding health-insurance companies for fertility
treatments. Ratner said that in the past few years he worked as a "tour
physician" for Jackson, but refused on the stand to answer questions
about Jackson and drugs. "Would you give Michael Jackson drugs?" asked
Lauersen's lawyer, Ted Wells, referring to the singer's 1996-97
tour. "I'm not going to discuss a patient's personal medical
condition," answered Ratner. Seconds later, in a heated sidebar
conversation with Judge William Pawley, Wells accused Ratner of being
Jackson's personal drug pusher. Wells told the judge Ratner gave
Jackson drugs while the King of Pop was touring in Europe. "I think
what he is doing is illegal," insisted Wells, who has spent days
grilling Ratner on the witness stand, trying to paint him as a liar and
a thief. The judge ruled that Ratner did not have to talk about his
treatment of Jackson. Asked again about his work on the tour, Ratner
answered: "I administered medical treatment occasionally." Sources said
Ratner once told people in Lauersen's office that Jackson collapsed
after a show because Ratner had given him too much of a general
anesthetic called propofol. Propofol is often used to relieve anxiety
or pain, but larger doses cause unconsciousness.
When told of the lurid
drug accusations that surfaced at the trial, Jackson lawyer Brian Wolf
said the Gloved One's medical history was confidential. Ratner has said
he was an out-of-control drug-using doctor in the late '80s before
getting sober. He has denied ever illegally prescribing drugs to
ratner was on cnn the other night i believe. also is this the doctor mj told the nurse had given him this drug in the past
What the hell, so that Propofol stuff doesn't put you into eternal sleep right away?
But since he has had it many times before...and now in combination with presumably several painkilllers....jesus.