is this what really happened to mike.Nutritionist speaks

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
  • Start date
Considering the amount of stories that have come to surface this week, I am also skeptical. But this story makes so much sense...

If it's true, I'm even more heartbroken. He wanted to deliver us the best that was in him and that deprived him of sleep. He shouted for help and was abandoned.

I can't even find my words... this tragedy should have never happened, would have never happened had someone answered his cries for help.
I watched her first and second phone video on CNN. In the first one she said she hadn't spoke to him in three months. The next interview she said it was last Sunday. As soon as I heard that, her credibility was shot.

She's another one of "them" in my opinion
I watched her first and second phone video on CNN. In the first one she said she hadn't spoke to him in three months. The next interview she said it was last Sunday. As soon as I heard that, her credibility was shot.

She's another one of "them" in my opinion

damn liars
I don't believe a word.
Not one.
Ask her how she got paid for those interviews...

We are going to hear everything in the next months.
Don't know what to say. He wasn't trying to abuse. He just wanted a good sleep :(

This is very sad...i don't have the words. But i just ....if that nurse told him he could get into a sleep he wasn't gonna wake up from. How could he be so stubborn (IF this is true of course) and just ask or get that medicine anyway?
And.....,use it? MJ's wasn't stupid or anything. I really hope the autopsy results will make it all clear...if they don't silence it.
Well it seemed to me like when she was talking about ppl watching him sleep that she meant it more like Mike was telling ppl he couldn't sleep and he wanted them to watch him to convince them he really had trouble ( that's why she said she watched him and it was true, that after 3 hours he woke up) and NOT because he was afraid something would happen. Why would he ask a nutritionist nurse to look after him and not a real doctor?
maybe he awas trying to get some sleeping pills but they wouldn't give him any? Who knows...
it could be true i mean Michael was in constant physical pain and emotional pain from all the crap that was said about him and the pressure. Michael was only human i mean even if you are strong you are still a person... anyway Michael , if it is true, wasn t stress with the concerts because giving the testimony he couldn't sleep before he decided to do the concerts.
Doesn't make sense at all.
those are medicines noone can have. they are just for clinics and hospitals.
the effetcs stays for 24 hours and more, and you are not able to do anything... how the hell can anyone have it everyday... not even once a month.

Fishy, smelly...
I believe her story and hearing it gave me peace last night.
Doesn't make sense at all.
those are medicines noone can have. they are just for clinics and hospitals.
the effetcs stays for 24 hours and more, and you are not able to do anything... how the hell can anyone have it everyday... not even once a month.

Fishy, smelly...

There are always other ways to get meds , that you ain't supposed to have.
But i have a very hard time believing it. Michael wanted to sleep...that's all he wanted. He didnt want to die....taking that bacailly...singing his own death certificate.
It gave me peace because the problem was insomnia not some long running drug habit.
There are always other ways to get meds , that you ain't supposed to have.
But i have a very hard time believing it. Michael wanted to sleep...that's all he wanted. He didnt want to die....taking that bacailly...singing his own death certificate.

Those kind of meds are not easy to get... not even if you are a special doc... not even a normal doc in my country is allowd inside the hospital itself to give those meds to a patience, so to have that kind of medicine at home must be illegal, and if the doc gave it to mj then sorry, it's something very wrong, and the story smells a lot.
And then I'm according to you, mj wanted to sleep, not have such a thing.
This woman should've gone straight to the LAPD with this information. Its important.

It pains me to say, but it fits in with what we've been hearing about whats been found. I just cant believe that Michael just wanted to have a good nights sleep and its led to his death. The info says if taken in the correct dose its not fatal, how could it be that he received more than the recomended dose of a fatal drug? How the hell did that happen. My heads all over the place, just too much confusion.

What is of major importance now though, if true, is to establish who prescribed this and how Michael got it.

Poor Michael.
Oh boy...this seems to becoming more and more realistic :(

It IS TMZ, i know..but still, read it.


Dangerous Drug Found in Jackson Home

Posted Jul 1st 2009 8:30AM by TMZ Staff
Sources tell TMZ an extremely dangerous and potent drug used for surgical anesthesia was found at Michael Jackson's house after he died ... and this may well be the drug that killed him.

We're told the drug Propofol was discovered at the residence. The drug is used to put people under anesthesia before surgery. It is an extremely powerful drug that is only available to medical personnel. As one source said, "There is no conceivable way this drug can be properly prescribed for home use."

The drug can only be administered with an IV. Interestingly, Propofol burns and the drug Lidocaine is used to reduce the pain associated with the Propofol injection. As we first reported, Lidocaine was found near Jackson's body.

One of the major side-effects of Propofol is cardiac arrest if it's taken in combination with narcotic painkillers, however, Propofol is so powerful it can stop someone's heart on its own.

A registered nurse has come out and said Jackson begged her for the drug Diprivan -- the brand name for Propofol. She says he needed it for insomnia but she declined to supply it.

Sources say the drug is so inappropriate and reckless for home use, if a doctor facilitated it for Jackson and it caused his death, he or she could be prosecuted for manslaughter.
its saying there were injection marks all over his body now on TMZ
All I could think of earlier is that if this is true, we now know why Dr Conrad took so damned long to call 911 and why he was hard to find for questions afterwards. I had a horrible scenario in my head after thinking about this... that he could have come in, found Michael not breathing, thought, "Oh sh*t, don't die on me! Man, I could go to prison!" and wasted valuable time trying to save him himself, hoping Michael would wake up and no one would ever know about this incident or the illegal medication. Or taking time to unhook an IV or whatever. IF it's true. Jesus. :no:
to be honest, i would feel better if Mj really did have a drug problem. id rather have it be something that was "inevitable" then some little accident that should never had happened. IF he really was being reckless and naive then this was going to happen sooner than later, as sad as that sounds.
well this wasnt a drug problem as the nurse says. either way the doctor caused this by his actions
You know what, we really need to stop. We've been the ones that never believed the tabloids before and now we swallow every bit these damn journalists are throwing our way. How come nobody said anything about Propofol before? Now after that nurse came out and said it, everyone changed their Demerol story. They make me sick.
It gave me peace because the problem was insomnia not some long running drug habit.

Yet, he KNEW about the drug, in fact, didn't he mention that he'd been given it before by someone? My mother's doctor used to give her pain killer, gravol AND sleeping pills. Having an addiction to pain-killers does not mean you are a 'drug addict.' Yet, the presciption drugs are drugs just the same.

I hate trying to make logic of this, yet these stories are chilling. A doctor can and will get ANY medication they can find in order to get a huge pay cheque. Let's hope to Jesus that this isn't true for Michael.

Christ, why couldn't or better yet didn't someone help him. I can't see Michael being like this, he is human but, not Michael. God.
I think this makes sense. I used to work as a nurse so I know...although I am quite surprised they had no antidote in the house...that could have saved his life.
People don't know the details regarding the autopsy, and most results aren't even in. Everyone can come up with a theory and post it as a story now. Don't make it factual.
That is true, cause i have a very very hard time believing MJ would decide to
use that drug , even when that nurse had told him it could put him into a eternal sleep....come on now. People can be stubborn ...but NOT like that. If it does turn out to be the case...then....i am speechless:(
I have come to a realisation.

As devastated as I am by Michael's death, I cope for the most part. But the days that I am struck low are the days when I read these disturbing threads with stories, rumours, denials, speculation.

I have said over and over that we need to stop doing this to ourselves and just wait for official confirmation for things. But I guess some of us need this in order to deal with the horror of what has happened. I respect that.

I just wanted to say that this kind of stuff tears my heart out, crushes my spirit and debiltates me. So - from here on out and I not visiting these threads (no matter how tempted I am). I will wait till I see something official from the family or the police.

Whatever the result I hope it brings some relief for those who need it. But I really would advise - for the last time - wait to hear the FACTS.
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