is this what really happened to mike.Nutritionist speaks

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
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even if he did call her out of the blue on Sunday it would mean to me that he had no one else to call, and if she told him no doctor would give it to him, it seems unlikely to me that he could find it in a few short days
Sleeping pills are not dangerous. If you use them right. But this is not about pills...
even if he did call her out of the blue on Sunday it would mean to me that he had no one else to call, and if she told him no doctor would give it to him, it seems unlikely to me that he could find it in a few short days

Well, if the story about the Sunday call is true, then it means he may have found "someone" to give him "something". It may not have been what he asked her for but maybe it was something else.

The reason she said she beleives she was "allegedly" called on the Sunday was becuz she had gone over some of the symptoms or side effects with Michael and that may have been the reason he thought to call her to find out what was happening to him.

Look, if this woman is full of ish, I hope the police find out and expose her. All I know is whoever may have been guilty of giving MJ crap he shouldn't have been taking (if these ppl exist at all), they surely aren't going to step forward and speak up. If anything, they are shaking in their boots somehwere praying no one finds out they had anything to do with MJ or possibly preparing to cover their ass. I hope MJ's family and team are keeping an open mind in finding out what happened to him. I pray they don't automatically slam doors on people or ideas without at least checking out the possibilities. If something comes up empty or turns out to be quackery, then so be it. But please don't automatically dismiss or discredit things if their honest goal is to find out what happened to Michael.
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she was just on cnn talking about this. the reporter asked if she went to the auuthorities about this and she said she hasn't. she went straight to the news instead. she did seem really upset while she was talking, though.

it doesnt surprise me that she did. It angers me that all the ppl michael needed the most, are now doggin on him..even in death!!!!

I cant take it anymore :cry:
Hmmm...Dangerous sleeping pills that can cause cardiac arrest if taken in conjunction with pain killers. Michael found in bed. This is starting to come together. Also, who ever gave Michael the pills is in hot water. It's manslaughter.
Instead of rehearsing everyday, Michael should have spaced out the rehearsals like he did with the TII concerts. That way, he would have gotten some sleep in between, he wouldn't have needed meds, and he would still be here today.
I know we don't like TMZ but they have posted the following:

Sources tell TMZ an extremely dangerous and potent drug used for surgical anesthesia was found at Michael Jackson's house after he died.

We're told the drug Propofol was discovered at the residence. The drug is used to put people under anesthesia before surgery. It is an extremely powerful drug that is only available to medical personnel. As one source said, "There is no conceivable way this drug can be properly prescribed for home use."

The drug can only be administered with an IV. Interestingly, Propofol burns and the drug Lidocaine is used to reduce the pain associated with the Propofol injection. As we first reported, Lidocaine was found near Jackson's body.

One of the major side-effects of Propofol is cardiac arrest if it's taken in combination with narcotic painkillers, however, Propofol is so powerful it can stop someone's heart on its own.

A registered nurse has come out and said Jackson begged her for the drug Diprivan -- the brand name for Propofol. She says he needed it for insomnia but she declined to supply it.

Sources say the drug is so inappropriate and reckless for home use, if a doctor facilitated it for Jackson, he or she could be prosecuted for manslaughter.
^ speaking of that have you guyz seen any credible confirmations of any of the evidence they took out of there? I haven't so how could TMZ lmbo they are so crazy lol Oh that reminds me - did u guys see the interview with the guy (some official) from TMZ talking to the Nightline reporter about their (TMZ's) credibility? It kinda cracked me up because he said they use the same standard process a nightline ... then a few minutes later they showed this guy entering a meeting with his reporters with an update - he goes, "hey you guys, ok well its official, Michael Jackson is not the biological father and Debbie Rowe is not the biological mother" (I think he mentioned them both if I'm not mistaken) but it so cracked me up - but anyway - thanks Trish for that, I know what you're doin' - I'm just sayin' - they're gonna make a circus out of MJ even in ... sleeping ... its all entertainment. MJ wasn't playin' - he was gonna entertain until beyond the end of time . . .

I told you that everybody was going to start coming out of the woodwork.

I know, and its only week #1

Well, if the story about the Sunday call is true, then it means he may have found "someone" to give him "something". It may not have been what he asked her for but maybe it was something else.
I only posted the T.abloid M.edia Z.oo *giggle* report because it coincides with what the nurse was saying. It pains me to think that he couldn't sleep. I suffer from insomnia and I bum rush the chamomile tea (with the teddy bear on the front of the tea box) and it usually works. I just don't know what to think anymore. All of these reports and different doctors doing lord knows what and... I just dunno.

I'm just worried. *sigh*
I want to know the name of Doctor who said to Michael that kind of med is safe for him :(
:( So sad to hear Michael couldn't sleep well and Gregory telling it's rooted in what he went through during the trials...I once had to sleep only 1 hour or 2 hours for about a month becuz of the workload and it was a horrible period. Seems like Michael went through a serious insomnia..:(
I'm skeptical about this, for the mere reason that it plays exactly into all the rumors that have come out after his death. And this AFTER the fact, not before. TMZ obviously just copied the story and put their spin on it. I wouldn't run with this just yet.
Oh god......these reports seem as if Michael was just distressed about not getting enough sleep....I just dont understand why e couldn't have been prescribed a lesser dangerous sleeping pill....*sigh*...this is all horrible.
Also, let me correct myself. I called the lady Dr. Lee, but she's a nurse. And the thing about his body being cold on one side and hot on the other? wtf? I wonder who she spoke to on the phone that day while MJ was talking in the background? She definitely needs to go to the police and tell them everything she knows. If that happened as recently as the Sunday before his death, then something may have been going on that whole week which may have contributed to his death in some way. It may not have been a matter of what happened to him the night before but a cummulative effect of what he was taking all week...or rather the result of NOT taking him to the hospital that Sunday. Whatever was in his system on that Sunday may have had a delayed impact. So many questions and so long to go until we get any answers.

I really dunno if I believe her story, first of all why aren't you talking to the police first? Also it's really weird that he would take Propofol for sleeping, I mean there are a number of powerful pills out there that will make you sleep, you really don't need an anesthetic for it and you have to administer it continuously in order to keep the patient under... so I really don't see that as being plausible. Unless they just put an IV in and left him which is :no:.

On the other hand, I wonder about the half hot half cold thing... I dunno what might cause it, aside from infection and arthritis ( the joints get red, inflamed and hot, which happens with Lupus) but it wouldn't be generalized to a big area of the body... And assuming it was the first time it happened ( since the nurse said they called her in a panic) arthritis wouldn't really fit here.... Soo.. I dunno.

Waiting for something official.:timer:
I know we don't like TMZ but they have posted the following:

Sources tell TMZ an extremely dangerous and potent drug used for surgical anesthesia was found at Michael Jackson's house after he died.

We're told the drug Propofol was discovered at the residence. The drug is used to put people under anesthesia before surgery. It is an extremely powerful drug that is only available to medical personnel. As one source said, "There is no conceivable way this drug can be properly prescribed for home use."

The drug can only be administered with an IV. Interestingly, Propofol burns and the drug Lidocaine is used to reduce the pain associated with the Propofol injection. As we first reported, Lidocaine was found near Jackson's body.

One of the major side-effects of Propofol is cardiac arrest if it's taken in combination with narcotic painkillers, however, Propofol is so powerful it can stop someone's heart on its own.

A registered nurse has come out and said Jackson begged her for the drug Diprivan -- the brand name for Propofol. She says he needed it for insomnia but she declined to supply it.

Sources say the drug is so inappropriate and reckless for home use, if a doctor facilitated it for Jackson, he or she could be prosecuted for manslaughter.

I'm not saying I believe this is true, but if it IS true then the 20-30 minutes delay in calling 911 finally makes sense - time to hide the evidence of using the drug. But I do think it would show up in autopsy if they look for it. Wondering if they might not look for it not knowing???

Heartbreaking if true. As someone else said there are lots of strong meds for insomnia, but I do believe that most, if not all, can make you still sleepy/groggy when you wake up, and I think this nurse or whatever mentioned that the reason Michael wanted this particular drug was that it didn't do that. Regardless, no ethical doctor would have done this...guess it's more wait and see.
Whatever happened to Michael in terms of drugs will eventually come out, we just have to wait. What she says sounds plausible, something took him from healthy and entergetic to dead and it had to be something introduced into his body.

I can totally believe that if a doctor told him he needed a certain drug and that it would be safe, he would believe them. I believe that Murrey is in this up to his neck, it would be so easy for a doctor to get Michael dependant on them, deliberatly giving him drugs that eventually he felt he needed.
Don't know what to say. He wasn't trying to abuse. He just wanted a good sleep :(
to think I was so happy to know he's safe because he's under doctor's supervision...and look what they did to him...and Michael had trust in them too
yeah this is starting to make sense.....mj was found on the bed..conrad money murray over there came in to check on him only to find he wasn't breathing.........then ran away and hired a lawyer like he had somthng to hide.

Our angel just wanted some sleep...............:(
I only posted the T.abloid M.edia Z.oo *giggle* report because it coincides with what the nurse was saying. It pains me to think that he couldn't sleep. I suffer from insomnia and I bum rush the chamomile tea (with the teddy bear on the front of the tea box) and it usually works. I just don't know what to think anymore. All of these reports and different doctors doing lord knows what and... I just dunno.

I'm just worried. *sigh*

I do and suffer from the same Trish and I feel for Michael on this! If anyone has suffered insomnia then they know how it feels. It's so horrible. It's like you get 2-3 hours sleep per night and up the next day. It also causes panic sometimes as well and other things cause your body is out of whack. No one should have gave MJ this. A real caring Doctor would have sent MJ to a treatment center for this.

And of course he's gonna request this (if it's true) because it helped him sleep. But Docs knew it was why get him hocked on it and keep giving it to him when you know this is basically illegal outside a hospital for this sort of thing? :(

I don't care if people say he was a grown man and he should know better. But how can you? When Doctor's gave you meds that they said were safe. In some regards I do believe MJ has good sense but also too dang trusting. That's why he had people watch him sleep. Which means he really did not want to die but knew some risk were involved. The Doctors should have told him no. Then he would have got the help he needed it :( If this is true it (And I think it is..maybe) then they need to go and get all those doctors.

No one was able to give this to MJ but a Doctors cause he can't do it himself. That's why the Doctor was there with him in the room. Now maybe the Doctor stepped away from the room and came back to find him not breathing. Got Scared, did CPR for 30 min incorrectly then decided to call police when he got scared. People had called MJ with no problems getting a phone line that week. I don't buy the doc's story.:no:
^Sleep deprivation causes stress to the body this is why a person should get an ample amount of sleep (at least 8 hours for adults and more for children and teens). It's really sad to see that he could not sleep but what's even sadder was the means to getting the rest. What the nutritionist sounds plausible but we have to wait for the toxicology results to come back. I heard the news this morning and his nutritionist said that she could hear him in the background saying that one side of his body is hot and one side is cold. She told the person to get him to the hospital. But he never went and ended up dead. This was 4 days before he collapsed and died in his home. But there are photos showing Michael rehearsing just 2 days before he died. And he looks great during the rehearsals. But I believe that his nurtritionist, who btw is a nurse, warned him as best she could and was really concerned about him. I can't say the same thing for the doctor.
True or not, she is an RN. She needs to learn to respect HIPAA. All it does is fan speculation, and that is not fair to anybody.
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Yes, Wok - as with all things in this 'saga' we need wait for official word.
Yes, Wok - as with all things in this 'saga' we need wait for official word.

She should know better:

Q: Question of the Week: Do all of HIPAA's privacy protections and requirements extend to deceased individuals?

A: Yes. You must comply with the regulations for protected health information (PHI) of a deceased person the same way you would for living persons. The rules are in effect for as long as you maintain the information.
So many stories. I do not know what to believe in more. I'm sure Michael was not vitiated. In the past when he hooked the situation was different: Michael had no children. Now he has 3 children and I'm sure they always have priority in his life. Michael would not do anything wrong and that was prejudicial to him without thinking of their children. Michael loves his children. But I also believe that doctors really should have prescribed many drugs for Michael and there was a mixture of substance and perhaps these drugs could not be mixed, and Michael was not warned about it. And Michael trusted their doctors that it would not hurt him. If that actually happened, it serves as a great warning for those who take many drugs. It is responsibility of the doctor warn the patient about the use of many drugs at the same time.​