is this what really happened to mike.Nutritionist speaks

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elusive moonwalker

Nutritionist: Michael Jackson begged for sedative

By LYNN ELBER – 7 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson was so distraught over persistent insomnia in recent months that he pleaded for a powerful sedative despite warnings it could be harmful, says a nutritionist who was working with the singer as he prepared his comeback bid.

Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse whose specialty includes nutritional counseling, said Tuesday that she repeatedly rejected his demands for the drug, Diprivan, which is given intravenously.

But a frantic phone call she received from Jackson four days before his death made her fear that he somehow obtained Diprivan or another drug to induce sleep, Lee said.

While in Florida on June 21, Lee was contacted by a member of Jackson's staff.

"He called and was very frantic and said, `Michael needs to see you right away.' I said, 'What's wrong?' And I could hear Michael in the background ..., 'One side of my body is hot, it's hot, and one side of my body is cold. It's very cold,'" Lee said.

"I said, `Tell him he needs to go the hospital. I don't know what's going on, but he needs to go to the hospital ... right away."

"At that point I knew that somebody had given him something that hit the central nervous system," she said, adding, "He was in trouble Sunday and he was crying out."

Jackson did not go to the hospital. He died June 25 after suffering cardiac arrest, his family said. Autopsies have been conducted, but an official cause of death is not expected for several weeks.

"I don't know what happened there. The only thing I can say is he was adamant about this drug," Lee said.

Following Jackson's death, allegations emerged that the 50-year-old King of Pop had been consuming painkillers, sedatives and antidepressants. But Lee said she encountered a man tortured by sleep deprivation and one who expressed opposition to recreational drug use.

"He wasn't looking to get high or feel good and sedated from drugs," she said. "This was a person who was not on drugs. This was a person who was seeking help, desperately, to get some sleep, to get some rest."

Jackson was rehearsing hard for what would have been his big comeback — his "This Is It" tour, a series of performances that would have strained his aging dancer's body. Also, pain had been a part of his life since 1984, when his scalp was severely burned during a Pepsi commercial shoot.

Several months ago, Jackson had begun badgering Lee about Diprivan, also known as Propofol, Lee said. It is an intravenous anesthetic drug widely used in operating rooms to induce unconsciousness. It is generally given through an IV needle in the hand.

Patients given Propofol take less time to regain consciousness than those administered certain other drugs, and they report waking up more clear-headed and refreshed, said University of Chicago psychopharmacologist James Zacny.

It has also been implicated in drug abuse, with people using it to "chill out" or to commit suicide, Zacny said. Accidental deaths linked to abuse have been reported. The powerful drug has a very narrow therapeutic window, meaning it doesn't take doses much larger than the medically recommended amount to stop a person's breathing.

An overdose that stops breathing can result in a buildup of carbon dioxide, causing the heart to beat erratically and leading to cardiac arrest, said Dr. John Dombrowski, a member of the board of directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Because it is given intravenously and is not the kind of prescription drug typically available from pharmacists, abuse cases have involved anesthesiologists, nurses and other hospital staffers with easy access to the drug, Zacny said.

In recent months, Lee said, Jackson waved away her warnings about it.

"I had an IV and when it hit my vein, I was sleeping. That's what I want," Lee said Jackson told her.

"I said, 'Michael, the only problem with you taking this medication' — and I had a chill in my body and tears in my eyes three months ago — 'the only problem is you're going to take it and you're not going to wake up," she recalled.

According to Lee, Jackson said it had been given to him before but he didn't want to discuss the circumstances or identify the doctor involved.

The singer also drew his own distinctions when it came to drugs versus prescription medicine.

"He said, `I don't like drugs. I don't want any drugs. My doctor told me this is a safe medicine,'" Lee said. The next day, she said she brought a copy of the Physician's Desk Reference to show him the section on Diprivan.

"He said, 'No, my doctor said it's safe. It works quick and it's safe as long as somebody's here to monitor me and wake me up. It's going be OK,'" Lee said. She said he did not give the doctor's name.

Lee said at one point, she spent the night with Jackson to monitor him while he slept. She said she gave him herbal remedies and stayed in a corner chair in his vast bedroom.

After he settled in bed, Lee told Jackson to turn down the lights and music — he had classical music playing in the house. "He also had a computer on the bed because he loved Walt Disney," she said. "He was watching Donald Duck and it was ongoing. I said, `Maybe if we put on softer music,' and he said, `No, this is how I go to sleep.'"

Three and a half hours later, Jackson jumped up and looked at Lee, eyes wide open, according to Lee. "This is what happens to me," she quoted him as saying. "All I want is to be able to sleep. I want to be able to sleep eight hours. I know I'll feel better the next day."

Lee, 56, is licensed as a registered nurse and nurse practitioner in California, according to the state Board of Registered Nursing's Web site. She attended Los Angeles Southwest College and the Charles Drew University of Medicine and Sciences in Los Angeles.

Comedian Dick Gregory, who knows Lee and her work, said he believes Jackson's insomnia had its roots in the pop star's 2005 trial on child molestation charges. Jackson's health had deteriorated so much that his parents called Gregory, a natural foods proponent, for help.

Gregory said Jackson wasn't eating or drinking at the time, and after he was persuaded by Gregory to undergo testing, ended up hospitalized for severe dehydration.

But Jackson obviously was healthy enough to withstand the level of medical scrutiny needed to insure him for the upcoming high-stakes London concerts, Gregory said. "That you don't trick," he said of the exams.

Lee, who has also worked with Stevie Wonder, Marla Gibbs, Reynaldo Rey and other celebrities, said she was introduced to Jackson by the mother of one of his staff members. Jackson's three children had minor cold symptoms and their pediatrician was out of town.

Lee said she went to the house in January, the first of about 10 visits there through April, and treated the children with vitamins. Michael, intrigued, asked what else she did and took her up on her claim she could boost his energy.

After running blood tests, she devised protein shakes for him and gave him an intravenous vitamin and mineral mixture — known as a "Myers cocktail," after Dr. John Myers — which Lee said she uses routinely in her practice.

"It wasn't that he felt sick," she said. "He just wanted more energy."

Lee said she decided to speak out to protect Jackson's reputation from what she considers unfounded allegations of drug abuse or shortcomings as a parent.

"I think it's so wrong for people to say these things about him," she said. "He was a wonderful, loving father who wanted the best for his children."

AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner in Chicago and AP Television Writer David Bauder in New York contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

and u can all bet who the doctor was that told him it was ok to take. his lawyer said this morning that mj had asked the doc to stay by his bed same as this nurse
yeh I saw this article. I don't know what to think, it just seems like another after the fact article. It makes TOO much sense now. I mean, it could very well have taken all the innuendo that we've heard so far, and build a story around it. Why would this person go to the press, and not the police? I'm sure they'd be interested in this.
This WOULD make sense a lot, what with the doctor being there to monitor his sleep and then maybe just not being able to wake him up (yet trying to, for some half an hour)...... but I'm just not going to believe anything that isn't concrete.
I really wouldnt be surprised if Michael was sleep deprived and just wanted to rest and was given too many or the wrong kind of meds. Sleeping meds are dangerous..
Three and a half hours later, Jackson jumped up and looked at Lee, eyes wide open, according to Lee. "This is what happens to me," she quoted him as saying. "All I want is to be able to sleep. I want to be able to sleep eight hours. I know I'll feel better the next day."

Jesus! that right there just gutted me! 'cause now our baby has truly gotten that final sleep:(
i think we shouldnt believe anything for right now. Far to much stuff going around and its really starting to piss me off. Just for now lets all try to take everything with a tractor trailer full of salt.
Sounds completely plausible to me. And wanting the doctor to stay by and monitor his sleep might be what he asked Dr. Murray to do. The problem is this...Where the hell did Dr. Murray go for so long that he missed when Michael stopped breathing? Why didn't he stay in the room like this doctor did? And if MJ was concerned about his own breathing during the night, wouldn't it have made sense for someone to at least hook him up to a monitor so in case he did stop breathing, an alarm would go off? I don't doubt anyone watching him sleep might fall asleep themselves at some point. Just sitting there watching him, how would they ever know when he actually stopped breathing unless his body reacted in some way?

Another thing... IF Michael was given this Diprivan the night before he died, if Dr. Murray didn't give it to him, then who did? It's been said MJ didn't like needles so he couldn't have injected himself. And did Dr. Murray give him anything at all to help him sleep? I'm sure in one of the earlier reports, it was mentioned that MJ didn't feel well, called the doctor over and may have been given something to help him sleep. The "sleep" rumor never repeated itself so I kept it in the back of my mind. I figured if he did take a sleeping pill it would turn up in the tox reports.

What struck me as odd about all this is that last night, I was watching one of the tv talk shows, think it was CNN and heard about MJ sometimes asking doctors to stay by his side while he slept. Or in the case of Dr. Murray, his attorney claimed MJ asked the doctor to stay overnight in the house as a housegues...which struck me as odd considering the doctor was supposed to be living there. Why ask someone to stay overnight if they already live there? Didn't make sense to me. However, it would make more sense if MJ asked him to stay in his room and watch him sleep. It shows MJ was concerned about meds he was taking and did take precautions for his own safety. I never bought that bs that he was simply asking doctors to watch over him while he slept for no reason. THere HAD to be a reason for that. I'm glad this doctor spoke out becuz this may be the key to why MJ passed away...and why Dr. Murray didnt call paramadics right away. If he was supposed to stay in the room, then why was it he just happened to "come into the room" and find MJ not breathing? It would make sense now for him to panic if he failed to do what he was supposed to do in the first place..which was to stay his ass in the room. My guess is we will never know.

Anyway, this weekend it dawned on my how the night before MJ passed away I couldn't sleep either. I just couldn't sleep. I even complained on my twitter page that I was wide awake. And just this morning I had a nightmare that I won't share with you guys and freak you out...that was identical to what Dr. Lee said happened to her the night she watched MJ sleep. Except in my dream, it happened in the morgue. Scared the ish outta me. I couldn't even go to work this morning becuz of it. Reading this article gave me the chills. THE.CHILLS!!

Btw..right now Doctor Lee is on CNN talking about this.
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gonna wait for final results before I actually believe ANYTHING. But, I do know that as long as I've been a fan, Michael has always seemed to have problems with insomnia. So that, at least, makes sense. And if it IS true, it seems that he was seriously misled by whatever "doctor" was involved who was probably just telling him what he wanted to hear - always a problem in MJ land. Still, need to wait and see. Tired of too damn much bullshit flying around.
I hate to say it....but several things that Ian Halperin clown said in his article...that i posted in the tabloid section are becoming true....IF this is true. That Ian said Tohme wasn't really that good for Michael at all, that he had trouble sleeping alot....

It's just a few things...but still....:(
she was just on cnn talking about this. the reporter asked if she went to the auuthorities about this and she said she hasn't. she went straight to the news instead. she did seem really upset while she was talking, though.
It could be possible that Michael did take something to induce sleep. Insomnia is a really common problem, and for michael with all the rehearsing adrenaline and nerves would have been high. Try exercising for hours then see if you can to sleep after it, it's difficult. Michael said in the "Michael jackso private home movies" that after a show it was difficult for him to sleep.

Still best to wait for results, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was the cause. :(
she was just on cnn talking about this. the reporter asked if she went to the auuthorities about this and she said she hasn't. she went straight to the news instead. she did seem really upset while she was talking, though.

She didn't go to the authorities but I'm glad she spoke out. Maybe now this will be something they put on the list to check for in the tox tests. Becuz if some other doctor didn't have the scrupples she had and gave him something he shouldn't have been taking, that doctor surely isn't going to raise their hand and alert anyone.

I hadn't posted on here all day. Thought I needed a break after dreaming what I did, but something told me to check on here tonight to see if anything new came out and first thing I saw was this thread. Don't think Imma get any sleep tonight now. :(
I haven't read it all..i saw the part about him not sleeping well. Can someone sum this up? I really don't feel like reading that much....kinda through with all the 'stories' man :(.
There is a lot of stuff going around. But, this reminded of Michael saying how after a concert there was that adrenaline pumping that didn't just go away because he walked off the stage. I could see this happening, especially if rehearsals went into the night. Bless him. I have had simple periods of this but nowhere near the described degree. But, it can be the worst feeling where you even dread just trying to go to sleep.
She didn't go to the authorities but I'm glad she spoke out. Maybe now this will be something they put on the list to check for in the tox tests. Becuz if some other doctor didn't have the scrupples she had and gave him something he shouldn't have been taking, that doctor surely isn't going to raise their hand and alert anyone.

I hadn't posted on here all day. Thought I needed a break after dreaming what I did, but something told me to check on here tonight to see if anything new came out and first thing I saw was this thread. Don't think Imma get any sleep tonight now. :(

I will say that if anything like this came back from toxicology, they would be very concerned and know that something isn't right immediately. Dr. Gupta on CNN said this is really used only in hospitals.

And I can buy this moreso than all the other painkiller addiction rumors. That just doesn't square with what truly close friends have been saying about him concerning the hear and now versus 5 to 10 years ago.
what? Why isn't there any info...concrete info of the times and how this F will go?
Thats what I waited for
Also, let me correct myself. I called the lady Dr. Lee, but she's a nurse. And the thing about his body being cold on one side and hot on the other? wtf? I wonder who she spoke to on the phone that day while MJ was talking in the background? She definitely needs to go to the police and tell them everything she knows. If that happened as recently as the Sunday before his death, then something may have been going on that whole week which may have contributed to his death in some way. It may not have been a matter of what happened to him the night before but a cummulative effect of what he was taking all week...or rather the result of NOT taking him to the hospital that Sunday. Whatever was in his system on that Sunday may have had a delayed impact. So many questions and so long to go until we get any answers.
This makes perfect sense to me. MJ hired this quack (the other guy, not this girl in the article) because he was having trouble sleeping. The Dr. was a "yes man," probably attracted to MJ's money and fame, and he just ignored the clear and obvious risks involved. I'm sure MJ told him to inject it regardless, but I'm starting to believe this Dr. just ignored his Hippocratic Oath and gave in.
Anderson ask the nurse haven't seen him in 3 mos but he calls you out of the blue on Sun..why

Good question
I hope to God he didn't use Diprivan....:cry: I work as a nurse anesthetist sometimes in the OR and other facilities when a patient needs anesthesia and we use Diprivan (aka Propofol) most of the times...The patients fall asleep pretty much within seconds the drug is injected. And I wouldn't dream of leaving a patient who got Propofol unattended. Those who are in the OR and will get operations and who will be under the influence longer will get intubated, but kids who just get it to be still for a while won't be intubated...but will be monitored, and usually get oxygen via a mask. And we have all the drugs that we might need and intubation gear ready next to the patient if there is any kind of problem/complication/reaction. I really pray to God Michael didn't get Propofol and was left unattended. :cry:
I'ma wait for the T reports.

I just said the same thing I am so sick of all this crap being reported. I also am just waiting for toxicology report. Rest In peace Michael may your light shine ever brighter
i had some diprivan for my last opertaion.
It didnt take me long until i was completly out.
It was for a operation
It could be possible that Michael did take something to induce sleep. Insomnia is a really common problem, and for michael with all the rehearsing adrenaline and nerves would have been high. Try exercising for hours then see if you can to sleep after it, it's difficult. Michael said in the "Michael jackso private home movies" that after a show it was difficult for him to sleep.

Still best to wait for results, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was the cause. :(

That's what I tell people all the time. If the man was hurting he is gonna take med's and do you know how many of my Fellow Dance Aerobic Instructors have told me to take benadryl or sleeping pills for sleep after I teach my class? Too many! but I don't that's why I'm up all the time and then get to late work in the morning..but anyways..Just wanted to make a point.

I'm a regular person only teaching 2 hours per night with chest wall pain. Imagine MJ dancing..or him having problems with his back. He can't take Advil and that be the end of it..but Doctor's also should not be giving him Med's stonger than what they should. They should also take him to the real hospital when he has complaints! He can't beat you just take him to the hospital. He does not know how much of what to take.

He just honestly want some sleep and relief. So he ask! Don't try to make it like he's begging for med's for "getting High" purposes; they got other things for that. Like any of us..when we go to the doctor we ask for relief. It's up to the doctor to take care of patients. Not give the patients what they want.:no: