Is this real? Did 12 people commit sucide from mjjcommunity?

What happened to Roxanne? I know how crazy she was over Michael.
guys to take your own lives over someone elses defies any reason you were put on this earth. We have to deal with this pain and grief together, its been a matter of days, its still a very raw and rough time but please you need to turn to others and not face this pain on your own. You wont be in your right frame of mind and this leads to regretful things. Michael wouldnt want that, he would want us to live our lives thru the fantastic example he set. If im a fraction of the person he is ill grow up a good human being.
guys to take your own lives over someone elses defies any reason you were put on this earth. We have to deal with this pain and grief together, its been a matter of days, its still a very raw and rough time but please you need to turn to others and not face this pain on your own. You wont be in your right frame of mind and this leads to regretful things. Michael wouldnt want that, he would want us to live our lives thru the fantastic example he set. If im a fraction of the person he is ill grow up a good human being.
Yes excactly.

I'm just very very worried about Michael.Mania who posted a thread about it.. :no:
I wanted to post this here for people who may be thinking of taking their lives.
What would MJ think if his legacy was simply thousands of fans taking their own lives?

If you are thinking of going that far, why not give your life to something worthy. Not meaning to donate organs, but to live your life for others if you can't live it for yourself. Live it in the way that would please Michael. By helping others who need help. Reach out to those who need a friend, or a helping hand. I bet there are many seniors who live close to you who are both lonely, and unable to do all that they need to for themselves. There's probably children who may turn to drugs or a life on the streets without a good influence to help them or a friend to believe in them. This world needs help. That's what Michael has been trying to tell us all, is that we need to do something for this earth and each other. If you die now, you will miss being able to give him the greatest gift you ever could.

So maybe think about that before you decide to do something you will never be able to undo. Something that would hurt him more than you could imagine. I hope it helps you.

I know anyone feeling that their life isn't worth living anymore would probably want to do something nice for Michael. So it's either give him the greatest gift, or do something to hurt him more than you would ever know. Which is it going to be?

What a beautiful post.
take a moment to just say a prayer for all those in deep pain distress or need of love today, im sure it will make all the difference ;)
It seems there have been some of us committing suicide.

I'd like to see nobody judge them.

It's exactly all kind of judgements suicidal ppl suffer the most from. Feeling crazy cuz pain is overruling mental controll and physical, feeling losers cuz so many other ppl seem to be able to keep controll about themselves, feeling useless, hopeless and endlessly weak and not able to deal.

And believe me all of us can come to this point.
If you haven't yet be thankfull or if you need that feel proud but realize you've not walked in their shoes... and can you remind yourself please what Michael thinks about judgement about someone if you haven't walked in their mocassins.

Do I think suicide is a solution or the thing to do. No for me it's clearly not.

I have a tremendous loss to deal with at the moment. It's coming in waves but I do have moments of horrible pain and I do have moments I think that I am kind of dead already and surely I do not know what to live for anymore... but I do have understanding and loving ppl around me... and the pain I'm feeling is just a result of a love I've felt much stronger than anything ever in life. It's this love I want to keep alive... somehow much more than it's really that I want to keep myself alive.
I don't know what will follow this life.
I believe I'll see my boyfriend again and I believe if I want I'll be able to see Michael live again.
I also believe if that is possible depends on if I've done all what I'm meant for in this life.
I don't know what I'm meant for still... but as long as I don't know that... I want to keep this love alive and this long this love will keep me alive because it is clearly telling me suicide is not the way to go.

I'll say a prayer that the love for Michael will keep fans alive!
I know it's still in all of us!
But I'll also say a prayer for those who couldn't feel this love anymore. I think they couldn't because it would have kept them alive also otherwise.

Please ppl in all this pain, remember the love... it is still there... and it can keep all of us alive and together... have faith... it's strong enough.
I'm worried about her too. She really loved Michael and seemed like such a sweet, sensitive person. I know she would have a hard time dealing with MJ's passing. I really pray that she's alright (along with other members who have not been heard from).
Let's pray they'll all come back healthy and well one day.

That MichaelsGuardianAngel is not here (online) could be due to the chaos in Iran still going on also, well it doesn't worry me any less then...

I so hope they will all come back sooner or later!
I really hope people can find a way to deal with the pain somehow.
I've also been more than devastated and don't know what to do without our beloved Michael...
But then I think of his children and how strong they have to be now. So there is no way we could justify taking our lives if those poor babies have to go on without their daddy.
That doesn't mean that I judge anyone....I can understand that some people only had Michael in their lives and nobody else to confide in if they were sad or lonely, etc.
But I do hope that some people can come on this board and find true friends and people that are willing to listen!

We are all a great community and I wouldn't have been able to make it without this forum after Michael had passed away.
I am really scared when thinking of Tuesday though...But we are all in this together!
Let's stay strong not only for Michael, but also for his wonderful children!
Just because someone hasn't been online since Thursday doesn't mean they took their lives, or harmed themselves in anyway. I didn't leave the house that whole weekend.
i can imagine pple feeling really bad since there are lot of pple who are very much alone not married single and all they have is michael i ve such a friend too she always locked herself away from most things it was just her and her kid in the house with the dog she is also totally broken and wont even talk to me
but how mnuch michael loved living i dont think suicide would be a tribute quit the oposite as hard as it is there will always be light at the end of the tunel as we say here in holland