Is this real? Did 12 people commit sucide from mjjcommunity?

Hello guys.

I just want to ask if anyone has any idea where "Roxanne" is?
I normally lurk on here and I used to see her posts all the time but now nothing.

I just hope she's ok. :(
I don't know if any of our members here committed suicide. But there were several MJ fans who have taken their own lives. I would like to say to all the MJ Fans, that I know how hurt and how deeply saddened we are. But taking one's own life is not the answer. Michael would want us to live and keep spreading his message of love and peace. Cry your eyes out anytime you feel the need to. But taking your life hurts you, the ones who love you and, yes, it even hurts Michael. God Bless.
I wanted to post this here for people who may be thinking of taking their lives.
What would MJ think if his legacy was simply thousands of fans taking their own lives?

If you are thinking of going that far, why not give your life to something worthy. Not meaning to donate organs, but to live your life for others if you can't live it for yourself. Live it in the way that would please Michael. By helping others who need help. Reach out to those who need a friend, or a helping hand. I bet there are many seniors who live close to you who are both lonely, and unable to do all that they need to for themselves. There's probably children who may turn to drugs or a life on the streets without a good influence to help them or a friend to believe in them. This world needs help. That's what Michael has been trying to tell us all, is that we need to do something for this earth and each other. If you die now, you will miss being able to give him the greatest gift you ever could.

So maybe think about that before you decide to do something you will never be able to undo. Something that would hurt him more than you could imagine. I hope it helps you.

I know anyone feeling that their life isn't worth living anymore would probably want to do something nice for Michael. So it's either give him the greatest gift, or do something to hurt him more than you would ever know. Which is it going to be?
I'm worried about Dorian aka. xDecade, even though I doubt he'd commit suicide, he might just leave being a fan...

The last time he signed in was the 26th; Matt said he might be away with school friends but he hasn't appeared since the news.
Has anyone herd from Sammichael at all? usually he posts quite alot but recently i aint seen him online

I'm worried about sammichael too, I hope he is okay.

EDIT: He has posted, glad he is still here.
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anyone heard from Leeane Jackson

that is one person I am very worried about. I've tried txt'in her, MSN and such but no response in the wake of his passing my thoughts immediately went to her. For I know the huge love she had for this man. If anyone can shed some light on whether she is ok would be appreicated.

Now more than ever we all have to come together and spread love and support
for this man, his family and for his fans x x x

I talked to Leanne about 2 days ago,I hope she's alright.And I hope all MJ fans are safe and little more strong:angel:
I think timing has to something with it, because people who are suffering from the financial crises, who lost their jobs, have money problems and already have lots of trouble, now Michael is dead it is like the worst thing in the world, I’m not sure if that’s what you call ‘adding insult to injury’
Remember that people also goes to vacations, and forgot to tell :)
you gotta rmemeber a lot of the messages in michaels you are not alone - we dont know how many people were influence by michael to stay alive before.they might of felt suicidal before and found michael and he helped them now hes gone they see now point :(

but everyone please hang in their stay strong for michael he is protecting us now we have to keep his legacy going

we love you mike x
Does anyone know about Stargirl? Ive been so worried. I saw a message on MJJC about her saying goodbye. I just cant bare if she did anything to herself.. I pray she's alright!!! Please, Shannan, give me a sign!!!
I cannot lie.. I am NOT saying it is oke to commit suicide or to harm yourself in any way!! But I was en so now and than still are on the edge. Last week I tried to commit suicide but deep inside me I didn't wanted to die. Because if I really wanted to die I could have been succesfull ofcourse. Why I tried..? I don't know, maybe to feel another pain so I wouldn't feel this incredible incredible pain just for a moment. I try not to think too much and not to read too much about it. I tell myself he isn't dead. Because if I truely realise that he is gone, I am capable of doing very very bad things to myself. I am so very ashamed of myself being so weak. This is NOT me, and I have never been like this. But his death has done something to me, something very bad. So now and than I am affraid of myself. I am seeing a professional once a week but for now it doesn't help. I am so damned devestated, I want to show the world how much I loved Michael. If I die because of Michael's death everybody will see what people are capable of because of him. I love him.

I know it is not right to think that way but I just want to express my feelings here.. It is too hard for me, honestly......................
That's why I started the check-in thread. I want EVERYONE to check in. It will make it easier to search for people, rather than combing through the threads. Eventually MJJC staff can compare the list to our membership list, so it's important for EVERYONE to sign it.

So go check in, and also look for your friends on the list. The thread is not for back-and-forth conversations, at ALL, just a list of who is still with us.


I cannot lie.. I am NOT saying it is oke to commit suicide or to harm yourself in any way!! But I was en so now and than still are on the edge. Last week I tried to commit suicide but deep inside me I didn't wanted to die. Because if I really wanted to die I could have been succesfull ofcourse. Why I tried..? I don't know, maybe to feel another pain so I wouldn't feel this incredible incredible pain just for a moment. I try not to think too much and not to read too much about it. I tell myself he isn't dead. Because if I truely realise that he is gone, I am capable of doing very very bad things to myself. I am so very ashamed of myself being so weak. This is NOT me, and I have never been like this. But his death has done something to me, something very bad. So now and than I am affraid of myself. I am seeing a professional once a week but for now it doesn't help. I am so damned devestated, I want to show the world how much I loved Michael. If I die because of Michael's death everybody will see what people are capable of because of him. I love him.

I know it is not right to think that way but I just want to express my feelings here.. It is too hard for me, honestly......................

There is NO WAY you will prove anything by taking your life, please stop thinking about. You have NO ONE to prove anything, just yourself, remember that! You KNOW how much you loved Michael and by hurting yourself you will only hurt your family and friends, and that will only cause great pain to them and they'll blame Michael for this. Please, don't do that, please, please, please don't hurt yourself!
I know the funeral will hit me very, very, very hard as well, but I WILL keep myself together. Please, let someone close to you know how you are feeling, do not stay alone with your thoughts. Do whatever you need, go, kick a wall, scream your lungs out, whatever, but do not hurt yourself!
There is NO WAY you will prove anything by taking your life, please stop thinking about. You have NO ONE to prove anything, just yourself, remember that! You KNOW how much you loved Michael and by hurting yourself you will only hurt your family and friends, and that will only cause great pain to them and they'll blame Michael for this. Please, don't do that, please, please, please don't hurt yourself!
I know the funeral will hit me very, very, very hard as well, but I WILL keep myself together. Please, let someone close to you know how you are feeling, do not stay alone with your thoughts. Do whatever you need, go, kick a wall, scream your lungs out, whatever, but do not hurt yourself!

Thank you for your reaction. I won't harm myself.. It's just that sometimes I a so desperate and things pass my mind. I think it is okey now.. I hope that the funeral won't make things more bad for me.

Today I bought a bunch of MJ cd's to give them away to people who are not thinking of buying or listening to his music. By spreading his message (music) I felt I did something good. By that way it's good for the charts and I do something good. It felt really very good. Everyone I give the cd's to first had and have to PROMISE that they will read the lyrics and listen to EVERY song on the album.
Thank you for your reaction. I won't harm myself.. It's just that sometimes I a so desperate and things pass my mind. I think it is okey now.. I hope that the funeral won't make things more bad for me.

Today I bought a bunch of MJ cd's to give them away to people who are not thinking of buying or listening to his music. By spreading his message (music) I felt I did something good. By that way it's good for the charts and I do something good. It felt really very good. Everyone I give the cd's to first had and have to PROMISE that they will read the lyrics and listen to EVERY song on the album.

good! :better:
Hello guys.

I just want to ask if anyone has any idea where "Roxanne" is?
I normally lurk on here and I used to see her posts all the time but now nothing.

I just hope she's ok. :(

yes, she is ok :)

she is just a little sad and depressed from Michael's death, but she copes so far

she just needs to take a small break from online

she can't handle reading all these news about his death etc

she lives quite near me, and I visit her often

I also visited her today afternoon :flowers:
she made a "goodbye everyone" thread on MJJboard :(
I feared something like that would happen. She used to be on msn daily and the boards aswell. I havent spoken to her for several weeks because I'm so busy at work lately, but the few times I checked in after friday she wasn't online, didn't answer emails and pm's. Im really getting worried.
yes, she is ok :)

she is just a little sad and depressed from Michael's death, but she copes so far

she just needs to take a small break from online

she can't handle reading all these news about his death etc

she lives quite near me, and I visit her often

I also visited her today afternoon :flowers:

Thank you for that Phantom. I was wondering about her also..

I'm worried about Girlygirl... she hasn't been active on the board at all since. :no:
“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.” – Michael Jackson

Listen to your king, please don't harm yourselves, mjjcommunity has the love and support here for you.

We will get through this together, as one.
you gotta rmemeber a lot of the messages in michaels you are not alone - we dont know how many people were influence by michael to stay alive before.they might of felt suicidal before and found michael and he helped them now hes gone they see now point :(

but everyone please hang in their stay strong for michael he is protecting us now we have to keep his legacy going

we love you mike x

Good post, we shouldn't underestimate what Michael has meant to people.

I remember a few years ago there was a thread to post your favourite picture of him, and a fan posted hers and said "it stopped me from committing suicide."

His impact is greater than we can imagine. Michael.mania I'm glad to see you're ok, I was worried when I didn't get a reply PM. We're all here when you need us, and I love your CD idea!
This does not suprise me if true, its sad, I can understand the pain but we all must be strong, Michael is strong.
Please dont say things like this. When someone is in a suicidal mind frame, something like this can push them over the edge. We really have to be careful and stick together during this trying times.

Being made to feel dumb for considering suicide can also prevent it, although it should also come with reasoning behind it rather than simply saying "you're an idiot." A sharp kick in the ass of reality is what some people really need. But I do feel for those who are severely emotionally damaged over this, and certainly for those who are already no longer with us.