Is this real? Did 12 people commit sucide from mjjcommunity?

Good post, we shouldn't underestimate what Michael has meant to people.

I remember a few years ago there was a thread to post your favourite picture of him, and a fan posted hers and said "it stopped me from committing suicide."

His impact is greater than we can imagine. Michael.mania I'm glad to see you're ok, I was worried when I didn't get a reply PM. We're all here when you need us, and I love your CD idea!

Thank you.. I am a bit better but it's still very hard for me. Thank you so much for the support. I really appreciate it!!
if l am not muslim and believing in Allah "God" l will sure suicide l feel my life cold and without sens.
How can you be sure they have passed away?! Surely all you guys (the mods) know that they've stopped posting!
Can i please just say something this is going from my point of view as i know alot about this subject,like me many ppl may have mental health problems and wat has happen may of pushed em near the edge and hearing that ppl that do it are idiots isnt really nice,cause i tell ya from where i am now i would swop places with anyone,i am right on the edge and having a mental breakdown,i am honest i have nothing to hide i have been this way since for a long time now,just be carefull wat is said as words can mean alot to people and like me and other ppl that have mental health problems or something are very very senstive and if fans are thinking that doesnt mean there selfish cause i tell you from a personal place at the mo its a scary place when all u think is that and my self am under the crisis team again,which is basically thay keep an eye on u,all i plz ask is becarefull wat u r saying as some words have truely hurt me,just wanted to let u guys now cause where i am now is wat u guys are talking about,hope no one is mad with me just felt i needed to post x
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i hope this is not true, i am on holiday but i did go apollo theatre, which made me feel close to mj.
Guys where is this checking in thread? I'd like to see it but can't find it. Sorry if it's obvious, my heads a mess right now and I can't see it.
aww why are fans committing suicide Michael wouldn't want that he will want everyone to remember him for his amazing variety of talent and personality. I know it must be so hard but guys you need to know he is with god and his spirit lives on
everybody needs to think positive,We need to be alive and well too keep MJ spirit and music and his magic alive
Its completely surreal to think that members of this board, have done the unthinkable and committed suicide. Memembers that we all know or have read their posts. I just can't comprehend that quite yet. I know its hard times for all of us, but like everyone has said, its the last thing MJ would have wanted us to do.
Keep checking the "check-in" thread in the Support Forum, to look for people you haven't heard from in awhile, ok? And encourage people to sign there, to ease others' minds?
im worried about girlygirl and michaelsgardianangel..

Im deeply worried bout them off..especially girlygirl.. shes so young :(

Has anyone heard from her? I think of her as a lil sister, i will so deeply upset if anything has happened to her :(
im worried about girlygirl and michaelsgardianangel..

Hmm... I haven't seen these two around either. I hope they are okay. If anyone has their e-mail or anyway to get in contact, might be a good idea to check to see how they're doing?!
I just want to say that I am very sad to hear that some fans have decided to take there own lives. It is not what Michael would have wanted for us. We need our time to grieve but at some point we need to go on with making sure that Michaels legacy lives on forever. That is our mission now. We have to do this for Michael. We owe him so much for all the years of joy he has given us. Its the least we can do to make sure his music and message lives on.
I know, I'm worried about this too. There are a couple of MJ fans who have gone missing, and I don't know what to think.

Guys, please don't hurt yourself. The world needs you. If you need someone to lean on for support, message me or one of the other members. But please don't kill yourselves. The world needs you.
im worried about girlygirl and michaelsgardianangel..

Im deeply worried bout them off..especially girlygirl.. shes so young :(

Has anyone heard from her? I think of her as a lil sister, i will so deeply upset if anything has happened to her :(

Hmm... I haven't seen these two around either. I hope they are okay. If anyone has their e-mail or anyway to get in contact, might be a good idea to check to see how they're doing?!

I'm very worried about GirlyGirl too! :(
I really hope she's fine! :( Don't wanna think something bad happened! :cry:
A mod already contacted her by email, but we still don't have no reply! :(
Pray for her! :pray:
I repeat, lets look at the bright side and hope that people that we miss are on vacation and have no accses to internett or what so ever :)
are there any loyal supporters on here that it's actually been confirmed they committed suicide? If so, I really think that they should be named, and they too should be remembered as casualties during this horrible time.