Is this real? Did 12 people commit sucide from mjjcommunity?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I saw this news on Turkish website!? Did 12 persons killed himself from our members?
idk if any were members here,but i am worried about some member who were active and our now just...gone. i hope they are doing well
There have been a few Im afraid. All of this is a complete disaster and none of us in our online MJ family will ever be the same again. This has hit us all very very hard. This board is so cold now.
I hope it's false. The people here are some of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of encountering on the internet.
I still haven't seen the girl with the glasses who was over-obsessive....where has she gone?
Sadly there are probably too many who have ended their life, so many people project their life into a celebrity and nothing else and with Michael now with the angels they feed they have no hope, i hope there are no others who continue to do this.
How could they? Any fan knows that Michael loved life and he loved people. The best thing we can do in the name of our Michael Jackson in MAKE A CHANGE! Make this world a better place for you and me, carry on his legacy.
There are never any positives from suicide.
Unfortunately everything in life comes to an end; even Michael Jackson, the old lady working in the supermarket, the middle-aged man walking down the street, the child with cancer.
To happen at such a young age doesn't seem fair, but we can't do anything about that now.
Now is the time to stick together and remember M.J. in a positive way :) .
It truly breaks my heat soo much that many mj fans ( maybe even mjjc members) have done the unthinkable. U guys have been apart of me nearly my whole life, you all have been my "second family" the family i can turn to when im down and out. You all know the way 2 make me smile again, and if i lose that i dont know what i'll do :cry:.

But there somethin some ppl that dont understand why some fans have done this, let me just say this: Most of us have loved & cared for mike nearly our whole lives and the thought of losing him is so unbearable for some of us, that is just too heartbreaking to know & realise he'll never ever come back. And i think that is why some fans have committed suicuide, they feel if they do, they will be with mike again and i guess the thought of that kinda brings them peace.
actually this was posted on this morning

The president of one of Michael Jackson's fan clubs has revealed that at least 12 people have committed suicide because of the King of Pop's passing. Or so he claims.
Gary Taylor, the owner of, believes 12 fans of Jackson have made the decision to take their own lives after hearing the devastating news.
"I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12," said Taylor on Monday. "It is a serious situation that these people are going through but Michael Jackson would never want this. He would want them to live."
Rev. Jesse Jackson has also reached out to fans via YouTube, "urging them not to 'self destruct.'"
Said Rev. Jackson: "We fall down sometimes, we get back up. That's the right thing to do. In Michael's name let's live together as brothers and sisters and not die apart as fools."
Remember that no matter how depressing and earth-shattering the death of a loved one feels, suicide is never the answer.
Talk to loved ones, professionals, help lines; there is always someone there to listen.
actually this was posted on this morning

The president of one of Michael Jackson's fan clubs has revealed that at least 12 people have committed suicide because of the King of Pop's passing. Or so he claims.
Gary Taylor, the owner of, believes 12 fans of Jackson have made the decision to take their own lives after hearing the devastating news.
"I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12," said Taylor on Monday. "It is a serious situation that these people are going through but Michael Jackson would never want this. He would want them to live."
Rev. Jesse Jackson has also reached out to fans via YouTube, "urging them not to 'self destruct.'"
Said Rev. Jackson: "We fall down sometimes, we get back up. That's the right thing to do. In Michael's name let's live together as brothers and sisters and not die apart as fools."
Remember that no matter how depressing and earth-shattering the death of a loved one feels, suicide is never the answer.
Talk to loved ones, professionals, help lines; there is always someone there to listen.

Is it true did Gary contact the media and say that ?
how does he know ?? :(
or is this more tabloid crap ...
Do not call people who are seriously depressed for idiots. That is in direct conflict with everything Michael stood for.
One do not kick people that are down.
In cases like this, people who have gone through a lot in life may feel that this is the final blow. Its not just about loosing their idol, its about their whole life situation.
I think the number 12 came from cnn don't necessarily think they were MJJC members. There has been at least one MJJC member but I don't have information to give out.

Others need to be less critical of members who are stressed and confussed. Be helpful and direct members who are in this state to the suicide hotlines and our support threads. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything.
Michael Jackson fans are the most loyal fans you will ever see on earth, we stuck by him through thick and thin, some fans were fortunate to get closer to him and visit him at his home, he influenced the whole generation, it comes no surprise to me that some of the fans wants to commit suicide, which is wrong but expected. I wish all fans to be safe and may Allah help them in their grief.
Sorry to bring this up.. I know there is no need to speculate or even think like this, im soo sorry, But has anyone heard from Mysterious Phoenix?? I liked talking to that poster and also reading their posts. I hope the person is ok.
Is it true did Gary contact the media and say that ?
how does he know ?? :(
or is this more tabloid crap ...

Sky news contacted Gary and Gary simply reported what is already out there. Raffles van Exel is the one with the most information. He (Raffles) is working with all fanclubs to come up with a plan to help fans who are on the brink of doing something harmful to themselves.
Has anyone herd from Sammichael at all? usually he posts quite alot but recently i aint seen him online
This is devastating, Im so sad right now.. Its hard enough to lose Michael but to lose fans and friends of the community makes it so much harder. Im worried about a few members on here too. Im glad you stickied the suicidal hotline.
This is so heartbreaking. Please keep trying to contact those you know who have disappeared.

I don't think we can ever know for sure how many MJJC members are gone, because it's so hard to track. And, I don't think we will ever completely know how many fans, in general, passed on. This is so very terrible, because you KNOW that is the last thing Michael would have wanted.

I strongly caution you to NOT say anything horrible about those who may have ended their lives. You were NOT in their shoes, and did NOT know what other circumstances in their lives may have led them to suicide. To be critical of people who may have ended their lives over this is beyond insensitive.

Please keep trying to contact people and have them check in.
anyone heard from Leeane Jackson

that is one person I am very worried about. I've tried txt'in her, MSN and such but no response in the wake of his passing my thoughts immediately went to her. For I know the huge love she had for this man. If anyone can shed some light on whether she is ok would be appreicated.

Now more than ever we all have to come together and spread love and support
for this man, his family and for his fans x x x
Guys, we cannot commit suicide, seriously.

If Michael's most loyal fans do this...then how the hell is his legacy supposed to live on???