Is "This Is It" movie trying to cover up Michael's state of health?

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What I'm going to say is very sad.

It's more advantageous for the Jacksons to spread lies & manipulate us the fans so they can do their wrongful lawsuit against AEG....

....while Michael's killer is still a free man.

And by claiming that MJ was this sick starving weakling (WHICH HE WASN'T), helps Murray.

Ack. I can't read this thread anymore. I need some spiritual cleansing.

Me too.
I won't be seeing the film tomorrow and it has nothing to do with this is not it.I feel people involve in the film are opportunist , the man wasn't even buried yet and they was already promoting it, they rush that movie out too fast for me .Just a money grab

Then I guess we can say The Jackson's are opportunists too seeing how they are all over TV shows now doing interviews and selling Mike's kids to the press and pap's.

By not supporting the film, you are harming the estate, which belongs to Michael's kids. The kids are the one's who will profit more then anyone. Just so you know.
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please count to 10 b4 u post a reply........ to this...these comments...........from others not mine.....or maybe mine?

I feel I am treading on dangerous ground by posting a reply to this thread.......but being myself and going ahead.........

Michael looked and sounded GOOD. I did have times when I thought oh no hes not up to this in concerts..................all 50? ............BUT and this is a big BUT......Michael is looking and sounding other threads of images of him at rehearsals..........poeple have said he looks so good they thought it was a pic taken from history tour...........

combination of things caused MJ's untimely and sad passing.............?? My view is that Conrad Murray is the perpetrator.........he is the one we all pointing the finger at......omg.......please be kind to me..just saying.........I miss Michael so so much.....and love him............

I just hope that justice will prevail......and the truth come out..........

We need to know........

love u all........please know that........... I am as confused and frusrated as u xxx
Then I guess we can say The Jackson's are opportunists too seeing how they are all over TV shows now doing interviews and selling Mike's kids to the press and pap's.

By not supporting the film, you are harming the estate, which belongs to Michael's kids. The kids are the one's who will profit more then anyone. Just so you know.
I know what the estate is getting trust i'm all up in this mess know everything and i'm not harming anything you think it makes a difference because I don't see it lol i'm sure they will be getting lots of money from other people.You right some of the jacksons(jermaine) are but is what it is he's always been dollar signs to people.Just because I won't watch doesn't make me less of a fan .I prefer not to see it and that's that
I won't be seeing the film tomorrow and it has nothing to do with this is not it.I feel people involve in the film are opportunist , the man wasn't even buried yet and they was already promoting it, they rush that movie out too fast for me .Just a money grab

This is WHAT I FEEL. It is CRAZY. I do not want to be involeved in this.
A reporter name Steve Dennis wrote this about the TINI campaign. For follower fans of the campaign, I suggest you don't click. It's not positive for you guys.

I get the point your trying to make, but please keep that link to yourself for future reference. Aside from Murray weening Michael off drugs he insisted on taking, its a good article, but the comments that follow are utterly disgusting.
I get the point your trying to make, but please keep that link to yourself for future reference. Aside from Murray weening Michael off drugs he insisted on taking, its a good article, but the comments that follow are utterly disgusting.

Why should I keep it to myself? It's part of the same subject that is this thread.

As for the comments in there, ignore it. I posted the link for the article not the nasty comments underneath it.
I honestly don't know what to believe but what I do know is that every damn time there is something positive about MJ somebody has to tear it down. I truly don't understand why this moment can't be enjoyed.

Would MJ have wanted this film released if he were here no hell no!!! but this is the last creative work we have of him. People are singing his praises and recognizing him for the genius that he is and the film cements that. It shows MJ as of now being a force of nature on stage not 20 years ago.
It puts an line through all the people who said he couldn't do it. Is it late hell yeah! but sometimes its better late than never.

All of this hoopla won't bring MJ back, and AEG is not going to be held liable for MJ's death so what's the point?
The police can't even seem to bring a case against Murray espeically with stuff like this popping up, so how or who can say AEG and those involved with the project were solely to blame for MJ's death?
How can that even be proven? AEG is not going to say anything
that's why i like believing in God. there are so many mysteries about so many cases in life, and many people have been frustrated, through the years about the empty feeling of not being able to solve them. it's nice to know, that there is a way that will fill in all holes, throughout history..and dispense all justice the way it should be dispensed, in a way, that everybody would understand as making sense, when all is said and done. no more more more amazing deceptions that defy all humanity.
You know what?

If Dame Elzabeth Taylor- ... Michael Jackson's BFF and most beloved friend & pal for eternity - says that "This Is IT" is "genius" as she said.... then no fans that saw him for 5 minutes can tell me that MJ was too sick.

Cuz Queen Liz doesn't have to lie for ANYBODY. Liz would've burnt down Hollywood for Michael. She doesn't care and WE KNOW IT as MJ fans, that Dame Elizabeth does not PLAY around.

And if she says it, I truly believe that MJ was PERFECT to go to London.


The part the infuriates me the most is then: Michael was MURDERED - not "exhausted" as the TINI fans want us to think.

Sorry, I love you all, but my humble opinion.
You know what?

If Dame Elzabeth Taylor- ... Michael Jackson's BFF and most beloved friend & pal for eternity - says that "This Is IT" is "genius" as she said.... then no fans that saw him for 5 minutes can tell me that MJ was too sick.

Cuz Queen Liz doesn't have to lie for ANYBODY. Liz would've burnt down Hollywood for Michael. She doesn't care and WE KNOW IT as MJ fans, that Dame Elizabeth does not PLAY around.

And if she says it, I truly believe that MJ was PERFECT to go to London.


The part the infuriates me the most is then: Michael was MURDERED - not "exhausted" as the TINI fans want us to think.

Sorry, I love you all, but my humble opinion.

Not to mention Jackie also supports this movie.
You know what?

If Dame Elzabeth Taylor- ... Michael Jackson's BFF and most beloved friend & pal for eternity - says that "This Is IT" is "genius" as she said.... then no fans that saw him for 5 minutes can tell me that MJ was too sick.

Cuz Queen Liz doesn't have to lie for ANYBODY. Liz would've burnt down Hollywood for Michael. She doesn't care and WE KNOW IT as MJ fans, that Dame Elizabeth does not PLAY around.

And if she says it, I truly believe that MJ was PERFECT to go to London.


The part the infuriates me the most is then: Michael was MURDERED - not "exhausted" as the TINI fans want us to think.

Sorry, I love you all, but my humble opinion.

I am somewhere in the middle of theses two opposing views :

1. Of course the film is going to make Michael look good, they will have left out anything that made him look sick/groggy/spaced!! Duh people, its called media manipulation. I truly would like to see all the 100 hours uncut.

2. He may have been murdered, but in my mind there is no doubt that his health was also deteriorating. I've seen the photos of the costume fittings taken a week before - if he was that thin already, how was he going to last 3 months of concerts? The man was dangerously underweight, and nothing was being done about it. I used to mingle in the classical ballet world and so can recognise someone who is underweight, even if they do try and hide it under 3 layers of clothes whilst dancing on a summer's day.

I think TINI campaign just want to point out that people were not looking after him, and are now trying to hide that fact from everyone in order to sell the movie.

I don't think they are implying that his weight was the cause of the events of 25th June.
The movie was suppose to be a testiment of his great genious
and talent and heart for the world_ NOT an Expose of his problems
and weight issues _ If you want that go to the Tabloid productions
This Movie of course was produced to show MJ in all his Glory which
he deserves something his fans and children can be proud of for years
to come _ That was what Kenny rightly focused on _ God Bless Him

If TINI wants to show the world a grim look into Michaels
health issues and problems they should team up with the many
Tabloid producers that will be happy to show MJ as a manipulated
drugged up Junkie Robot who had insomnia and was not able to think
or make any decisions for himself_

BUT That is NOT what "This is It" is about _THANK GOD
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The autopsy had reported michael was fairly healthy, so what is the point?
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