Is "This Is It" movie trying to cover up Michael's state of health?

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I agree. When the TINI people say Karen saw MJ on the morticians table and he weighted 108 lbs, I am thinking isn't this after 2 autopsies. If anyone ever watches the autopsy show on TV (I cannot think of the name now but it come on discovery health) you will see you lose so much weight in body fluids alone. They really cut you up.

When you die, they remove all your blood and water from your body. So your weight DOES naturally go down. Our body is mostly made of water and of course blood. What Karen claims to have seen (I don't believe much of anything she says...anyway) was Mike in the funeral home morticians slab weighing in at 108 pounds. So of course Micheal could have been thinner after all those fluids were removed from him but not as thin as Karen exaggerated.

If Micheal was really 108 pounds at the time of rehearsals, he wouldn't have been able to walk, much less dance the way he did.

i stopped following karen cause well alot seems abit OTT but she said she had been told by someone there or something like that, she never claimed to have seen him there.:

Actually she claimed to have been there on her facebook TWICE saying "I saw it with my own eyes".

TWICE. Perhaps you missed it when she said it. But she said it. Go look at her entries from August and September.
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Can you guys please link us to all the TINI threads that are in the GD and News please so we can merge them?
To be honest, those testimonies are kinda stalkerish, they aren't proving anything. In order to accuse someone, you need real proof. Four fans claiming they've talked to Michael and he told them that & that & that is not real proof. Neither are those photos.

"Dancers that are living their dream, Kenny Ortega who is producing his best show ever, technicians, Michael security, Michael Bush.. and KAren Faye.
No family, no friends, no one.
Karen is the only one to have love for Michael."

LOL! what's with this fanclub statement, really?!

Karen Faye has been talking BS on her Facebook page.. about Michael, about his children, about Kenny Ortega. That's what she does. And when fans post her comments on a forum, she goes all crazy and demands that they delete them, otherwise she'll sue. That woman doesn't have the guts to speak her mind on a forum, she's probably terrified by the idea of MJ fans realizing she's talking nonsense and telling her to STFU. She'll never say the things TINI claims in front of the judges/cops. To me, she's mentally unstable. She's not the only one who worked in the This Is It project. There were many many other people involved in the project, who worked with Michael and were with him almost daily. They can all say what they saw - a Michael Jackson who smiled, sang and danced just like the 20 year-old dancers did. A Michael Jackson who wanted to share his music with his fans and his children.

I don't trust that woman and I never will. And those claims she made about Kenny.. please! Kenny is an honorable man and simply denied them. He could've told her many things, but he didn't, he chose the civilized, respectful way; he probably knows she's a bit.. different. :D

I still can't believe you guys are handing out leaflets and accusing people, without having any proof. This will not end good for TINI.
Kenny Ortega seemed to love MJ very much.

And I believe everything he has said thus far.
I can not believe that Kenny Ortega or Travis Payne would sit back and lie for AEG just for the sake of money.

These 2 people knew him much better than the follower fans who feel that AEG worked him to death just to make money and because they figured out he's worth more dead than alive. They also loved Michael and wouldn't be associated with this type of cover up.
To be honest, those testimonies are kinda stalkerish, they aren't proving anything. In order to accuse someone, you need real proof. Four fans claiming they've talked to Michael and he told them that & that & that is not real proof. Neither are those photos.

"Dancers that are living their dream, Kenny Ortega who is producing his best show ever, technicians, Michael security, Michael Bush.. and KAren Faye.
No family, no friends, no one.
Karen is the only one to have love for Michael."

LOL! what's with this fanclub statement, really?!

Karen Faye has been talking BS on her Facebook page.. about Michael, about his children, about Kenny Ortega. That's what she does. And when fans post her comments on a forum, she goes all crazy and demands that they delete them, otherwise she'll sue. That woman doesn't have the guts to speak her mind on a forum, she's probably terrified by the idea of MJ fans realizing she's talking nonsense and telling her to STFU. She'll never say the things TINI claims in front of the judges/cops. To me, she's mentally unstable. She's not the only one who worked in the This Is It project. There were many many other people involved in the project, who worked with Michael and were with him almost daily. They can all say what they saw - a Michael Jackson who smiled, sang and danced just like the 20 year-old dancers did. A Michael Jackson who wanted to share his music with his fans and his children.

I don't trust that woman and I never will. And those claims she made about Kenny.. please! Kenny is an honorable man and simply denied them. He could've told her many things, but he didn't, he chose the civilized, respectful way; he probably knows she's a bit.. different. :D

I still can't believe you guys are handing out leaflets and accusing people, without having any proof. This will not end good for TINI.

Karen Faye said that she choose to use facebook to share her thoughs with the MJ fans because she don't go to the media for interview. She doesn't like people to twist her words and she don't like it being shared in the forum because she thinks media will get hold of it. Would Twitter be more appropriate? Anyway, I think she is much better than those around MJ that gave interviews to the media. I always thought she is very loyal to MJ. It must be very painful to do make up for him for the final time. She have the chance to go to the media and sell her stories but she didn't.

Yes, it's hard to believe that Kenny would be involve with any cover up. His recent interviews explains pretty much why he is into the project and does show his concern to MJ's health.
You don't understand - so please try to follow my logic here:

The LAPD is building a case against Murray for homicide.

The LA District Attorney needs to know whether there was complete involvement of Murray to intentionally murder Michael (or lack of), pre-existing conditions that may have hastened MJs death, accessories, or maybe Dr. Murray's being framed, etc.

If TINI get the court to think that AEG worked MJ to the grave - then Murray's lawyers have a sheild to hold up against the LA District Attorney. It takes away the DAs power of indicting Murray on a heavier charge instead of "medical malpractice."

ALSO: TINI helps the Jacksons in a wrongful death suit claim if their intentions come through - and doing that also strengthens Murray's defense.

Basically, TINI gives Murray an Ace card because Murray will claim, "oh, it wasn't MY misconduct that killed MJ, it was AEG with working MJ to death" - and will just muddle EVERYTHING, the investigation will be null, because the DA won't have a strong case to prosecute Murray for murder/reckless manslaughter.

And instead of doing 25 to life as he should, Murray will pay a fine & get his medical license suspended for some time. basically a slap in the wrist - thanks to TINI's efforts in blaming AEG and not Murray's negligence.

And TINI is helping to achieve this.

But why would the DA not have a strong case against Murray...he is the one who gave Michael the propofol...right?
i got yelled at and called names last night on Karens facebook because i wasnt calling michael a drug was very weird.. then i got deleted. I was just asking questions and pointing out the other side of things, and they all were stating as fact that he was a drug addict and using....we know nothing as fact, so far.
But why would the DA not have a strong case against Murray...he is the one who gave Michael the propofol...right?

Yes - Murray was the one that gave MJ propofol.

But if Murray's defense can establish & corroborate that MJs over-exhaustion due to working with AEG caused or contributed to his death, Murray walks away a free man OR with a slap on the wrist.
i got yelled at and called names last night on Karens facebook because i wasnt calling michael a drug was very weird.. then i got deleted. I was just asking questions and pointing out the other side of things, and they all were stating as fact that he was a drug addict and using....we know nothing as fact, so far.


To be honest, those testimonies are kinda stalkerish, they aren't proving anything. In order to accuse someone, you need real proof. Four fans claiming they've talked to Michael and he told them that & that & that is not real proof. Neither are those photos.

"Dancers that are living their dream, Kenny Ortega who is producing his best show ever, technicians, Michael security, Michael Bush.. and KAren Faye.
No family, no friends, no one.
Karen is the only one to have love for Michael."

LOL! what's with this fanclub statement, really?!

Karen Faye has been talking BS on her Facebook page.. about Michael, about his children, about Kenny Ortega. That's what she does. And when fans post her comments on a forum, she goes all crazy and demands that they delete them, otherwise she'll sue. That woman doesn't have the guts to speak her mind on a forum, she's probably terrified by the idea of MJ fans realizing she's talking nonsense and telling her to STFU. She'll never say the things TINI claims in front of the judges/cops. To me, she's mentally unstable. She's not the only one who worked in the This Is It project. There were many many other people involved in the project, who worked with Michael and were with him almost daily. They can all say what they saw - a Michael Jackson who smiled, sang and danced just like the 20 year-old dancers did. A Michael Jackson who wanted to share his music with his fans and his children.

I don't trust that woman and I never will. And those claims she made about Kenny.. please! Kenny is an honorable man and simply denied them. He could've told her many things, but he didn't, he chose the civilized, respectful way; he probably knows she's a bit.. different. :D

I still can't believe you guys are handing out leaflets and accusing people, without having any proof. This will not end good for TINI.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.


yea they were saying Michael was using and when i said that maybe since the autopsy said he had two sedative and propofol, that he needed to sedative to sleep or else he would have died from sleep derivation and the without knowing he was given the propofol while he was already out and it killed him.They screamed at me and said he relapsed and was using again, but since there were no painkillers in his system how could that be a relapse? and then they started calling me names... and i was deleted. I dont understand i was just stating and opinion
Yes - Murray was the one that gave MJ propofol.

But if Murray's defense can establish & corroborate that MJs over-exhaustion due to working with AEG caused or contributed to his death, Murray walks away a free man OR with a slap on the wrist.

thank you for your opinion..My statement being...I dont really believe that Murray will get any less charges because of TINI FF ...meaning...I have never heard of someone dyeing of exhaustion...has anyone ever though that maybe Micheal's was so exhausted because ...a body under constant use of propofol is a tired body....Plus Michael not eating ...this is a recipe for disaster.....not enough sufficient rest and not nearly enough food...when a person wakes up from propofol their bodies are not rested....their body was just sudated...and we all know sudation makes you groggy when you wake up..if Michael was being given propofol the way the report says he was and in the doses....then his body would of been very tired all the time..NOT well I dont possibility see how the DA could hold Murray any less responsible...his defense team may try this as a defense but any good prosecutor can see through this.....again i am not saying your way of thinking is wrong..this is MHO
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Don't go there. Let the idiotic fans ramble away themselves. They don't know what to do with themselves now that the object of their obsession is gone. They are being totally disrespectful to Michael by trying to help those who were irresponsible. They are in denial to autospy results. Whatever the investigation brings, then that's when you can discuss. But cannot understand why they want to brand Michael as some major drug addict. Quite sad. The man had depression/insomnia. But the actions of a doctor is what killed him regardless of anything else. It is still the cause of his death.
thanks 'Irish Flower' thats exactly what I think. I just dont understand why they are so mean there, I often wonder if they learned anything about how to be kind and respectful from Michael. I guess not. Its sad that 'fans' are so relentless to prove him to be a drug addict that they call other names...sad.
And you are being disrespectful to other fans by calling them idiotic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions without being called names.
i got yelled at and called names last night on Karens facebook because i wasnt calling michael a drug was very weird.. then i got deleted. I was just asking questions and pointing out the other side of things, and they all were stating as fact that he was a drug addict and using....we know nothing as fact, so far.

They are so ignorant...we all know that Michael was not a drug addict.....I wonder why karen would allow that kind of stuff on her facebook?.....This is very upsetting.....but ya know what as some have stated here..people will judge Michael as they always have..their judgment is not the Gospel you got kicked off that sight is their loss....obviously you are too Much of a loyal fan to Michael fan for them
i got yelled at and called names last night on Karens facebook because i wasnt calling michael a drug was very weird.. then i got deleted. I was just asking questions and pointing out the other side of things, and they all were stating as fact that he was a drug addict and using....we know nothing as fact, so far.

Don't worry, you are not the only one.
As far as I knew he was very healthy. He had his diseases but it doesnt mean anything life-threatening. People dont understand that. You can have many diseases and still able to perform. He also was depressed from time to time and had drugs for that but its so usual with celebrities. But, now he wasnt depressed. I dont know years before but as far as I heard he was kinda sick during the trial. I still dont believe it had nothing to do with him anymore. He was really happy. Why would have been if sick and hardly able to perform? This project was for him almost larger than his life and this is what happened. He took some risks with that doctor he shouldnt have taken. But he was not a doctor himself so imo the doctor was very much responsible what happened. We have very much different lives here on earth and this was his. It was very hard for him when he wasnt on the stage.
And what really bugs me is that there are pictures of these people posing with Michael during the time they say they were so concerned about his weight. One question. You were physically standing right next to him having your picture taken with him. I cannot comprehend why, when you were with him and so concerned about him, you didn't just talk to him about it. If you really thought he was in danger. Why would you stand there with him and pose for pictures and not express you concerns? You say you care about him more than anyone else. More than his friends, more than his family. I would say based on your actions, that you did the same thing that you are blaming everyone else for doing. You stood by and did nothing when you had the chance. You have proof on your own web site that you were standing right next to him. Before you throw stones, you ought to evaluate your own motives and actions.

I DO NOT get it either. How in the world ppl were taking those freaking pictures with him knowing that a man is in danger? Why it was THAT important to take pictures but not to go to the police and leave a record, to speak to Mike personally, to worn a family?

Yes, Mike was very thin, I looked up so many pictures posted on TINI FB page. He looks really thin and not healthy. I wonder if in TII movie they adjusted his look and image using modern technologies? In the movie he doesn't look that bad like on those pictures.
No matter how we look at autopsy results (he was healthy and he was not healthy), in the end it comes that he was killed.
I may not agree with them but I like their style. They are on major news networks. We should do this to vindicate Michael of those stupid allegations. The only problem is This is Not it is negative news that is why it may be getting airplay.
The reason why TINI is getting so much media attention, is because it basically backs all those things that the media have been trying to push onto us and the public forever. He was addicted to this, he was addicted to that, he was a walking zombie, barely capable of carrying out everyday routines by himself.

This is sickening, it really is, when you think of the impact that this is having legally, and by legally I mean the investigation. This is giving Murray his defense, this is leading those to believe, that maybe there were doubles used in the film, "heck if the fans are saying these things are wrong with him, then that must've been the case." Thats probably what authorities and the media are thinking.

TINI combined with the cooks that are LaToya and Joe Jackson, will be the reason Dr. Murray remains a free man at the end of this.

For the sake of Michael and Justice, I just want them to stop.
For those in NY, it just aired a few min's ago a small news bits on spanish Univision *again* about the new movie, body doubles, TINI as well as PIX news now reporting this. So I guess the media is going to run with this story now. What a shame.
I do not know what TINI campaign is about but I am not going to watch TII movie. At this point I agree with them. Till a justice won’t be prevailed I am not going to see this movie.
I do not know what TINI campaign is about but I am not going to watch TII movie. At this point I agree with them. Till a justice won’t be prevailed I am not going to see this movie.

How do you not know what TINI campaign is about? It's all over this website lol :laugh:
Did you get to see Inside Edition today? That excuse is already being used by the family. According to what was aired on Inside Edition today, Joe DID say that stuff about body doubles. The show went on to talk about the TINI campaign and even showed the Facebook Homepage frontpage with that logo where they show Michael dancing and blood dripping from the logo.

The body double that was used (as they claim on that show) is one of Micheal dancer's who appears on stage at the memorial. He was also interviewed with other dancer on Larry King.

On spanish TV Azteca and Univision, they said the same thing but added that CGI might have been used with body doubles.

This is all spreading already. This will be the defense used to let Murray go. Watch, you'll see.

What I'm going to say is very sad.

It's more advantageous for the Jacksons to spread lies & manipulate us the fans so they can do their wrongful lawsuit against AEG....

....while Michael's killer is still a free man.

And by claiming that MJ was this sick starving weakling (WHICH HE WASN'T), helps Murray.

Ack. I can't read this thread anymore. I need some spiritual cleansing.
I won't be seeing the film tomorrow and it has nothing to do with this is not it.I feel people involve in the film are opportunist , the man wasn't even buried yet and they was already promoting it, they rush that movie out too fast for me .Just a money grab
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