Is "This Is It" movie trying to cover up Michael's state of health?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne Australia

I have come to an understanding that everyone have different oppinions and believes but we need to respect each other. Thread like this may cause confusions but This-Is-Not-It (TINI) campaign is getting media attention and it is only fair that we discuss the event with an open mind.
If anyone is againts this campaign, please give contructive oppinions and not be rude or threaten those who support it. I believe most of us stand in between but we all know that we deserve the truth for the sake of his family and fans.

I believe that the media has given wrong information about the real purpose of TINI, they are Not trying to boycott the movie or is againts it. I'm sure we are all aware the media cannot be accurate all the time. As far as I know,

Fans from TINI knows that Jackson's death was homicide, Dr. Murray is yet to be arrested. They want him to be arrested and make sure he wouldn’t walk away with lesser charges.

They also want the case to go trial, they will take the stand to tell what they saw. In that case, AEG staff will be called to testify to see if they had contributed towards Michael’s failing health and towards his sudden death.

TINI wants to make sure LAPD does their job while bringing this to public’s attention and fight for justice.

I hope and pray that this thread will not cause arguements but as a way for the fans to gather information on what this group of fans are tying to do and also seek out for justice at every level.
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I believe everyone who worked with Mike said they didn't see any major problems. Most people say he seemed a little thin, maybe a little tired, but not near death. I don't think anyone has flatly denied that there was ANYTHING wrong, but almost all takes of him flat-out being unable to do the shows or his condition being totally ignored comes from people who weren't working directly with him, or fans or people on the outside.

Of course the movie is going to paint him in the best light possible, but I'm not sure it's outwardly trying to cover up his state of health. Everyone knows he wasn't 100% perfectly healthy now anyways, I think the movie is mostly trying to project this wasn't a dead man walking.
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Not another Pro 'TINI' thread please!?

How many more are going to be allowed? Can't we just have one thread where all the 'Followers' can go?
The autopsy said what was wrong. That is all I need to hear unless someone can prove that autopsy to be wrong (which I doubt).
I think that the Jacksons will use the TINI testimonial evidence & media momentum to file a wrongful death suit against AEG.

And Murray's still walking around in his PJs in his luxury cul-de-sac.
I also thought that the TINI fans are a bit exaggerating when commenting on Jackson's weight but we are not around Michael during his last few days so we really don't know what was going on. However, I think it's evident that Jackson shown some signs that he may not be fit enought for the concerts and those people around him didn't care at all.
glad that its been picked up and reported. always good to make ppl aware

he autopsy said what was wrong. That is all I need to hear unless someone can prove that autopsy to be wrong (which I doubt).
and the campaign does not debate that. i wish ppl would actually bother to read up on what this group is doing instead of critizing them
I believe everyone who worked with Mike said they didn't see any major problems. Most people say he seemed a little thin, maybe a little tired, but not near death. I don't think anyone has flatly denied that there was ANYTHING wrong, but almost all takes of him flat-out being unable to do the shows or his condition being totally ignored comes from people who weren't working directly with him, or fans or people on the outside.

Of course the movie is going to paint him in the best light possible, but I'm not sure it's outwardly trying to cover up his state of health. Everyone knows he wasn't 100% perfectly healthy now anyways, I think the movie is mostly trying to project this wasn't a dead man walking.
Exactly. Right now, Prince need two hip replacments YET he is still performing and doing well. And if he died all of sudden, his hips would not be the cause of death.
I'm sorry, I just don't feel that everyone around him was totally indifferent to him and his well being. And as said above until I get further information to the contrary, I am going to believe the information that came out in the autopsy over what others say. And, do we not have a thousand threads about this already? I am not convinced that Michael showed any evidence at all that he was not fit enough for the concerts.

However, as Shimar noted, when is Murray going to get what's coming?
How many thread are we gonna have about this is not it?

They are getting attention because right now everything little thing about MJ is big news.

Tomorrow, it will all be yesterday's news. Rightfully so.

The LAPD is still investigating...and I hear TINI talk about MJ's weight...but not about Propofol...or Murray...or the Jacksons family not intervening. Janet said she say her Brother at the end of May and he seemed fine.

So these people are getting a side eye from me. Because they are not looking to solve MJ's death..because they are barking at the worng tree.

I think that the Jacksons will use the TINI testimonial evidence & media momentum to file a wrongful death suit against AEG.

Not gonna happen because of TINI. They want to file, but they don't have the evidence to. That is why they are now going after the estate. The need money regardless where it is coming from.

I think that the Jacksons will use the TINI testimonial evidence & media momentum to file a wrongful death suit against AEG.

And Murray's still walking around in his PJs in his luxury cul-de-sac.

I hope that the campaign will not divert people to blame AEG and forget that Dr. Murray is the main one to blame. But why is he not arrested yet??? Is the investigation still going on? However, this kind of campaign drive the investigations as well.

Btw, is there a true autopsy report? As far as I know there had been two! One was released just a few weeks after MJ left us (sob...sob) but another one was released a few weeks ago. The details from the first and second one is very different. The first one said that he is 51 kg and 178 cm and they found nothing in his stomach except for a few undigested pills. Thes econd one said that he is 62 kg and 175 cm and despite some imflamed lungs he is fairly heathy.

..Sigh....I still feel uncomfortable taking about autopsy.... :-(
Exactly. Right now, Prince need two hip replacments YET he is still performing and doing well. And if he died all of sudden, his hips would not be the cause of death.

:( poor Prince!!! I'm also a fan of his, and heck yeah he's still out there doing his thing!!!

But Prince won't get operated though because with a double hip replacement means a blood transfusion and that is against JW rules.
I am with you. Why, why, why does TINI have to infultrate every single thread!
I hope that the campaign will not divert people to blame AEG and forget that Dr. Murray is the main one to blame. But why is he not arrested yet??? Is the investigation still going on? However, this kind of campaign drive the investigations as well.

Btw, is there a true autopsy report? As far as I know there had been two! One was released just a few weeks after MJ left us (sob...sob) but another one was released a few weeks ago. The details from the first and second one is very different. The first one said that he is 51 kg and 178 cm and they found nothing in his stomach except for a few undigested pills. Thes econd one said that he is 62 kg and 175 cm and despite some imflamed lungs he is fairly heathy.

..Sigh....I still feel uncomfortable taking about autopsy.... :-(

The second one was the private one. Naturally, the body loses liquids & weight after death and since the first one was done, um yeah, the body will weigh less, period.

I believe the LA Coroner's report, which is the first one.
Who told you that? I have two sisters in my hall who have had hip replacements. (Not doubles though). Bloodless surgeery is making so many advances and we champion new ways of doing things so that the members have choices.
ut Prince won't get operated though because with a double hip replacement means a blood transfusion and that is against JW rules.
u can still have the op they just use your own blood. basically recycle it. which is what health services should have always done
I agree. When the TINI people say Karen saw MJ on the morticians table and he weighted 108 lbs, I am thinking isn't this after 2 autopsies. If anyone ever watches the autopsy show on TV (I cannot think of the name now but it come on discovery health) you will see you lose so much weight in body fluids alone. They really cut you up.
u can still have the op they just use your own blood. basically recycle it. which is what health services should have always done

Which is a plausible and valid argument. I have to ask my JW cousins about how they feel about using their own blood for transfusions. One of them was recently operated for breast cancer & thankfully she's emerging well.
Sorry, but I also think that TINI is being discussed in other threads on the forum and another new one in GD1 (MJ News & Happenings) is not necessary.

I agree. When the TINI people say Karen saw MJ on the morticians table and he weighted 108 lbs, I am thinking isn't this after 2 autopsies. If anyone ever watches the autopsy show on TV (I cannot think of the name now but it come on discovery health) you will see you lose so much weight in body fluids alone. They really cut you up.

i stopped following karen cause well alot seems abit OTT but she said she had been told by someone there or something like that, she never claimed to have seen him there.they obviously weigh you b4 it starts. anyway lets got off this subject its not even worth thinking about:no:
In that youtube video, the woman near the end...talking about how you can't please everyone. If they had made something negative about him, fans would be mad too. Now stupid simply can't make anything negative about him, when all of the 'negative' things were completely proven to be utter bullshit. They simply can never stay on the subject....can they.
You can't really use your own blood in terms of storing it and using it later. But, if someone's conscience lets them they can use something where it filters the blood through so it goes out the body, into a tube -where it is cleaned- and then returns back to the body without being exposed to the air.
I'm sorry, but is there already another thread?


Sorry to be rude but, there is a search button.

And You must have known, posting news link from last week, most likely than not, there was a thread already open.

Anyway...moving right along.

conspiracy theorist...enjoy!

Should Michael Jackson Fans Boycott This Is It?

By Katey Rich: 2009-10-27 10:39:21

It's definitely up for debate as to just how creepy and exploitative This Is It will be. On one hand, Jackson was enthusiastically preparing for a concert
, and much of the footage shown in the film was intended to be shown on the Jumobtrons during the concerts themselves. On the other hand, these are the last moments of Jackson's life we're watching, and it's still unclear just how much the strain of the concert rehearsals contributed to his June 25 death.

A small group of Jackson fans have decided things for themselves, apparently. According to Digital Spy they've set up a website urging people not to see This Is It when it opens tomorrow, claiming that "In the weeks leading up to Michael Jackson's death, while this footage was being shot, people around him knew that he looked like he might have died. Those who stood to make a profit chose to ignore it." Then they get into claims of a cover-up, which is where logic ends and conspiracy theory stuff starts to take over.

I'm still not 100% convinced that strenuous rehearsals were the right thing for a man in Jackson's condition, but I've also seen 12 minutes of the film in question (and will see the whole thing tonight-- stay tuned!), and have to admit, he looked great. His voice was clear and strong, his moves were as good as they've ever been, and he didn't look like a man on his deathbed. I guess the boycotting fans won't get to see for themselves when the film opens tomorrow, but the rest of us can.
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TINI have exaggerated so much that that they have destroyed any credibility.

Example: "I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top." This is laughable.

Example: He weighed 108 pounds.
To put this in perspective. Paris Hilton is the same height as Michael and weighs 110 pounds. SO , they are claiming that Michael weighed 2 ppounds less than Paris Hilton! Given the fact that Paris is not really what I would call athletic and that Michael had been dancing his whole life and in the past even when he was really thin, he was very strong and the fact that muscle is much more dense than fat (sorry Paris) this seem impossible to me.

And what really bugs me is that there are pictures of these people posing with Michael during the time they say they were so concerned about his weight. One question. You were physically standing right next to him having your picture taken with him. I cannot comprehend why, when you were with him and so concerned about him, you didn't just talk to him about it. If you really thought he was in danger. Why would you stand there with him and pose for pictures and not express you concerns? You say you care about him more than anyone else. More than his friends, more than his family. I would say based on your actions, that you did the same thing that you are blaming everyone else for doing. You stood by and did nothing when you had the chance. You have proof on your own web site that you were standing right next to him. Before you throw stones, you ought to evaluate your own motives and actions.
I believe everyone who worked with Mike said they didn't see any major problems.

Not strictly true. Karen Faye has repeatedly expressed her views on Michaels condition leading up to his death and both she and Michael Bush are both supporters of TINI.
:( poor Prince!!! I'm also a fan of his, and heck yeah he's still out there doing his thing!!!

But Prince won't get operated though because with a double hip replacement means a blood transfusion and that is against JW rules.
Yes, I heard. Prince should do it if it is going to help.
Quite simply, many fans are so wrapped up in new releases this week (album, film and exhibition) that they see the TINI campaigners as ruining their fun. Thats the truth. It dulls the pain of Michaels death to become consumed by all the MJ activity this week. By all means, enjoy what you see, I have no beef with fans revelling in all the hype.

But TINI campaigners are being villified by fans who havent bothered to take the time to research exactly what they are about and its not fair to simply label them, and its especially abhorent to insinuate that they shouldve done more. If you can concede that the fans saw something wrong, then that has to be true of Ortega/AEG too. But I suppose that spoils the enjoyment of this week to ask questions.

It's all about keeping perspective. Im not overly enthusiastic about the movie, I cant claim to feel excited about it cause I dont yet know what I'll see. Some of the clips look amazing, other parts concern me. It will be hard to watch, but I will keep an open mind.
Even if all of this true, Michael is a GROWN MAN. Michael is the star. He does not have to be force to do nothing he does not want to do (look his brother Jermaine was going around saying MJ was going to tour with them until MJ came out in May and say no he was not). Also, Mj should know what is good for him or not. Kenny said Michael wanted a "dancer's body". I will not hold these people for what Michael CHOOSE to do. Still, none of this had nothing to do with his death. IT WAS MURRAY. SO even if Michael wanted to do something, this doctor should have told him if it was good for MJ or not IF he was are true a doctor.
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