'Invincible' is Incredible.

the album was too long and it was incomplete (vids, preformances, etc.) but at it's peak i really think it's a great album. At it's lowest i think it's an okay album. It's definitely underrated.
I absolutely LOVE Invincible...It's what made my sister actually become obsessed with him...Speechless will always remind me of her...

The only problem I have with Invincible is that most of the songs have WAY too many writers on them, and I prefer Michael when he writes his songs solo, or maybe with ONE other person...That's my only complaint...

I love all the songs...My least favourite would probably be Privacy ...but even then I had listened to that song a little while ago and I have a newfound respect for it...I blasted it in my car and I'm really starting to like it more
yep. i loved it at first listen, in 2001. and i bought 13 copies. nuff said. Sony didn't destroy it, though they tried hard to. and i third what K.O.S. said, earlier, in this thread.
I absolutely LOVE Invincible...It's what made my sister actually become obsessed with him...Speechless will always remind me of her...

The only problem I have with Invincible is that most of the songs have WAY too many writers on them, and I prefer Michael when he writes his songs solo, or maybe with ONE other person...That's my only complaint...

I love all the songs...My least favourite would probably be Privacy ...but even then I had listened to that song a little while ago and I have a newfound respect for it...I blasted it in my car and I'm really starting to like it more
Privacy is a brilliant song! :) Glad you're learning to appreciate it more. I was at first put off first listen. To be honest I thought it sounded a bit 'Britney':no: I was very wrong though haha. It's brilliant. Also Michael makes some of his trademark 'hehes' in there and other familar noises!

yep. i loved it at first listen, in 2001. and i bought 13 copies. nuff said. Sony didn't destroy it, though they tried hard to. and i third what K.O.S. said, earlier, in this thread.
13 copies :agree:
There are a lot of people who think that Michael peaked in the 80's, but I've never thought this. I think starting with Dangerous, Michael grew up some, and so did his music. Indeed it seemed to get darker, more serious, probably as the world kept getting meaner to him. He vented through his craft... his music.

For me personally I think Michael was on one giant peak/plateau from Dangerous through Invincible. I think all the albums in from 91 on are so much more mature and emotional and creative... than anything he did before that time.

Invincible has SO many great songs on it that a lot of people never even heard - and I think that is really unfortunate. Maybe now with people buying up his stuff, they will discover songs like Privacy (my favorite on the album...), Unbreakable (my second favorite on the album), Speechless, Break Of Dawn, Whatever Happens, You Are My Life, Cry... etc etc.

This album is chock full of variety, different sounds, beats, emotions, etc. All around it really is incredible!! :clapping:

It helped me get through the '05 trial... especially songs like Privacy and Unbreakeable. :)
There are a lot of people who think that Michael peaked in the 80's, but I've never thought this. I think starting with Dangerous, Michael grew up some, and so did his music. Indeed it seemed to get darker, more serious, probably as the world kept getting meaner to him. He vented through his craft... his music.

For me personally I think Michael was on one giant peak/plateau from Dangerous through Invincible. I think all the albums in from 91 on are so much more mature and emotional and creative... than anything he did before that time.

Invincible has SO many great songs on it that a lot of people never even heard - and I think that is really unfortunate. Maybe now with people buying up his stuff, they will discover songs like Privacy (my favorite on the album...), Unbreakable (my second favorite on the album), Speechless, Break Of Dawn, Whatever Happens, You Are My Life, Cry... etc etc.

This album is chock full of variety, different sounds, beats, emotions, etc. All around it really is incredible!! :clapping:

It helped me get through the '05 trial... especially songs like Privacy and Unbreakeable. :)

Great post babe :clapping:
So true. And tops on Privacy as your favourite ;)
i was lucky enough to hear it before any comments on it ...as i was offline at that time ... and i loved it at since i first heard it ... it really has everything ... it's the best if you ask me ... (also probably cause it was my first album bought out of my very first salary )
Threatened is also getting some major love as it was in TII. A lot of my friends said to me 'that song when he's on the ramp after Thriller, its awesome.' After I told them what it was they went and listened to the whole thing on YT and are now in love with it.
Threatened is also getting some major love as it was in TII. A lot of my friends said to me 'that song when he's on the ramp after Thriller, its awesome.' After I told them what it was they went and listened to the whole thing on YT and are now in love with it.
That's great that they are enjoying it :)
When I first got Invincible back in 2001 my favorite songs on it were Threatened, Butterflies, You Rock My World, Speechless, and 2000 Watts. I like the album cause I can listen to it without skipping songs.
Every time i listen to Vince it grows on me.

I love it more each time.

One of his best albums ever. a pioneer album.