Information about Michael's previous wills / Scandalously Boring Truth About Michael Jackson's Will

I thought that this thread was about mj's scandalously boring will, but it seems to be choc full of mysterious suicides, fraud and wiretapping, explosives, 9/11 conspiracies and dead fish. It's like walking into the twilight zone.

I have one question, what dead fish?
I will be brutally honest here. It doesn't hurt their reputation because all of these conspiracy theories are limited to the minds of a small number of MJ fans. Both Branca and Weitzman has been on top lawyers list for multiple years, just this year Branca got 2 awards, Estate is getting glowing reviews. So as far as the public and the industry concerned these are the highly respected people that does wonderful job.

Branca and his firm did and still do represent superstars of music and entertainment industry. They aren't losing any clients.

Meanwhile a bunch of people think Branca is the reincarnation of devil, write and repeat "stale" conspiracy theories and imagine that they are scaring Branca or having an effect on his life or executor position. They don't, not even a little bit. As Roger Friedman put it the media sees such as "crazy conspiracy theorists" and ignores them as well.

With no "hurt" of their reputation there's no need to even address such claims. Just look to the latest saga, between the Jacksons and MJ Estate. Who got hurt out of it? It surely wasn't the executors.

I second that. Great posting!
I have one question, what dead fish?

You unfortunately must have missed the post about the dead fish. It's now deleted, either because the POWERS THAT BE have censored it and are involved in a sinister cover up, or because it was felt a post about someone sending a dead fish to someone else didn't shed a whole of light on mj's will. You decide. :D
I will be brutally honest here. It doesn't hurt their reputation because all of these conspiracy theories are limited to the minds of a small number of MJ fans. Both Branca and Weitzman has been on top lawyers list for multiple years, just this year Branca got 2 awards, Estate is getting glowing reviews. So as far as the public and the industry concerned these are the highly respected people that does wonderful job.

Branca and his firm did and still do represent superstars of music and entertainment industry. They aren't losing any clients.

Meanwhile a bunch of people think Branca is the reincarnation of devil, write and repeat "stale" conspiracy theories and imagine that they are scaring Branca or having an effect on his life or executor position. They don't, not even a little bit. As Roger Friedman put it the media sees such as "crazy conspiracy theorists" and ignores them as well.

With no "hurt" of their reputation there's no need to even address such claims. Just look to the latest saga, between the Jacksons and MJ Estate. Who got hurt out of it? It surely wasn't the executors.

I must be the only one not to totally agree with this. Although these people's reputations are not affected on a practical level by these claims, i just can't imagine that anyone in public life would be completely impervious to the constant defamation and slander that the executors have been subjected to for thepast 3 years by the jacksons and their minions on twitter. It doesn't matter that the perpetrators are seen as nutcases by the majority of people and that the media haven't weighed in and joined the witchhunt as with mj, it must be incredibly frustrating and probably hurtful. They're being accused of being involved in the murder of mj, of fraud, of denying mj's mother and chlldren any money - they are disgusting claims to make and they're made on tv, in newspapers, internet, all media. Branca obviously felt compelled enough to get mrs j to issue a statemnt after latoya's claims on tv during her book tour that he and mcclain were involved in mj's death, where she denounced the accusations and compared them to the false claims against mj. The executors were forced to set the record straight about handing over money to the beneficiaries after latoya claimed everywehre that the family hadn't received a penny.

It might be easy for us to ignore this bile of hate, but i can't imagine it's pleasant to be on the receiving end of it and i think the jacksons who so casually throw these accusations around designed to harm and destroy people's hardearned reputations without any evidence and in some cases are just boldface lying, are shameful.
Originally Posted by la_cienega
Whereas the Jackson's reputation... as Spike Lee said something like, "Who wants to deal with them?" recently when asked.

Not surprise. When even Steven wonder can see the Jackson's true color and refused to work with them, you know the Jacksons are really something else.
You unfortunately must have missed the post about the dead fish. It's now deleted, either because the POWERS THAT BE have censored it and are involved in a sinister cover up, or because it was felt a post about someone sending a dead fish to someone else didn't shed a whole of light on mj's will. You decide. :D

Oh no, I missed it:bugeyed I thought there were a talk about sleeping with the fishes, proper mafia style

It might be easy for us to ignore this bile of hate, but i can't imagine it's pleasant to be on the receiving end of it and i think the jacksons who so casually throw these accusations around designed to harm and destroy people's hardearned reputations without any evidence and in some cases are just boldface lying, are shameful.

Yet, they the very same Jackson's are all hell bent against tabloids and other sources, if they feel that they print untrue information, and there is no end for their whinging. How many times Jermaine cries about "untrue" article in his twitter and Janet is threatening the sue TMZ for defaming her.When they are on the other side of the fence, they have no problem throwing accusations, insults etc on someone else, like they did/still doing with executors. Hypocrites, starting with Man In The Mirror should do world of good for them.

Not surprise. When even Steven wonder can see the Jackson's true color and refused to work with them, you know the Jacksons are really something else.

What SW said about working with Jacksons?
I know somebody wrote that he refused to participate to Cardiff concert unless Katherine personally asks, but she never did, what is that all about?
Thanks la_cienega. But ugh at that other guy and his comments about the kids and understanding why the family's upset. :doh:

"Do you talk to members of the family now [about the doc]?"
Spike: "This is nothing to do with the family... [...]
Other guy: "As Spike said, 'I don't want nothing to do with them, I don't want nothing to do with that mess.'" (Spike laughs)
Other guy: "It's too difficult dealing with the Jacksons right now."

So, Spike actually saying that the doc has nothing to do with the family. The rest is the "other guy" who is actually not very nice to day the least.

Not that I have much love to approximately half of the Jacksons right now, but I still wish that we would be more carefully with the quotes.
So, Spike actually saying that the doc has nothing to do with the family. The rest is the "other guy" who is actually not very nice to day the least.

Not that I have much love to approximately half of the Jacksons right now, but I still wish that we would be more carefully with the quotes.
Spike was saying how the doc had nothing to do with them and was with Sony/the estate, and then the other guy said right after in response, "As Spike said, 'I don't want nothing to do with them, I don't want nothing to do with that mess.'" (Spike laughs) It sounded like he was quoting something Spike had told him, perhaps before the show. At least to me it sounded like he was quoting what Spike had said.
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At least to me it sounded like he was quoting what Spike had said.

That's my point. "It sounded like he was quoting Spike" does not equal "Spike said".
I am just trying to be careful. That's it. We all know how words can be easily twisted. \Just my opinion, of course.
I must be the only one not to totally agree with this. Although these people's reputations are not affected on a practical level by these claims, i just can't imagine that anyone in public life would be completely impervious to the constant defamation and slander that the executors have been subjected to for thepast 3 years by the jacksons and their minions on twitter. It doesn't matter that the perpetrators are seen as nutcases by the majority of people and that the media haven't weighed in and joined the witchhunt as with mj, it must be incredibly frustrating and probably hurtful.

They're being accused of being involved in the murder of mj, of fraud, of denying mj's mother and chlldren any money - they are disgusting claims to make and they're made on tv, in newspapers, internet, all media. Branca obviously felt compelled enough to get mrs j to issue a statemnt after latoya's claims on tv during her book tour that he and mcclain were involved in mj's death, where she denounced the accusations and compared them to the false claims against mj. The executors were forced to set the record straight about handing over money to the beneficiaries after latoya claimed everywehre that the family hadn't received a penny.

It might be easy for us to ignore this bile of hate, but i can't imagine it's pleasant to be on the receiving end of it and i think the jacksons who so casually throw these accusations around designed to harm and destroy people's hardearned reputations without any evidence and in some cases are just boldface lying, are shameful.

excuse me, but who created and started these accusations, allegations, conspiracy theories, silly gossip...?
And who proved that and demonstrated truth??

After the years we can not only assume.... but well define.
The Rogue 3 all agree they can't take the money from Michael's beneficiaries, the money would go to the children if the Will was fraudulent. Don't get it twisted: They waited until the Estate was almost completely solvent to make this public claim because they (at least Randy) want to be the Executors without having done the hard work of resolving the debts and claims. Almost all debts will be paid soon and the 10 percent working fee looks great to them. They know that the Executors can claim even more than 10% (which they would if per se Randy were the Executor). It has been suggested that they believe that if they can't badger/humiliate the current Executors to resign, they can force some kind of settlement to stop their threatened litigation.

The primary goal of the Rogue 3 is for them (one or some) to become Executors of the Estate and collect the administration fees. I don't think any of them are qualified because I don't believe they would administer it properly. I think they would exploit Michael's legacy and dilute it's marketing potential with endless and tacky promotions and products. They want to have control of Michael's Intellectual Property.

pug, it's like you went inside my head and wrote down all of the things I have been thinking since this all began. And you made it so clear and didn't miss a single point imo. Who cannot understand this? Thanks.
What is this bout dead fishies ? 0_0

:rofl: Obviously the other night (or day depending the timezone your are in) there were some talk about conspiracy involving fish, poor fish was too much so the post got deleted.:rollin:

Thanks for posting, I had never seen that before.

Mad props to Ms. Lodise and to the Judge for appointing her. She definitely has the children's best interest at heart, and by the looks of her comments in that document, she's a straight shooter, who doesn't bite her tongue, tell's it like it is. Good for her!
It's good that kids have their own legal representation, otherwise K & Co would have drained the estate dry from money long time ago.
Oh I remember that information came out when they were asking for payment for services. Katherine knew about the will, but retained attorneys to create a mess, and then wanted the estate to pay the attorneys. Typical Katherine behavior--creating actions that cause more expense to the estate. Remember Mann case.