Information about Michael's previous wills / Scandalously Boring Truth About Michael Jackson's Will

ivy;3692181 said:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236592759266500608"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>shellywebstere</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>andjustice4some</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> agree & that is y no other will & trust has been found.</p>&#8212; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T23:34:16+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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So I'm guessing the theory is that Michael was so happy with Randy's help during the 2005 trial, he did another will putting Randy at the control and at the Executor position.

Shellywebstere posted a valid question, if Randy and Mann (wtf he's got to do with the will?) really believe that Michael did a new will 2005, why Randy said in his letter that they contacted on Branca regarding the will?
Makes no sense to me but maybe it makes sense to Randy:ermm:

Also, all of 4 will's have 3 executors, if Michael had a newer will, wouldn't we have heard of other 2 or 3 executors by now?
All in all, Jackson's should stop listening internet conspirators, and start using common sense.

I´m not sure everyone has common sense :smilerolleyes:
MIST;3692306 said:
I´m not sure everyone has common sense :smilerolleyes:

There is a saying: If common sense were so common, everyone would have it:)
Jen Heger (editor of Radar Online) tweeted to say that Randy Jackson and Howard Mann - who wasn't in Michael's life at all - believe that Michael did another will after the 2005 trial

Shellywebstere posted a valid question, if Randy and Mann (wtf he's got to do with the will?)

Exactly, because Howard Mann would DEF know MJ had another will.... he needs to sit down
ivy;3692181 said:
Jen Heger (editor of Radar Online) tweeted to say that Randy Jackson and Howard Mann - who wasn't in Michael's life at all - believe that Michael did another will after the 2005 trial

see the tweets

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236551912957292544"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> absolutely dead on. Tho, Randy Jackson &amp; Howard Mann believe MJ drafted new will after molestation trial in 05.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:06:16+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> even tho there has been no proof any wills after 02.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:07:09+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236585842829824000"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>andjustice4some</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>jenheger</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> I've heard talk of that, but seems to me if someone had an '05 will, they'd have come out with it, no?</p>&mdash; Zack O. Greenburg (@zogblog) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:20:03+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236592759266500608"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>shellywebstere</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>andjustice4some</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> agree &amp; that is y no other will &amp; trust has been found.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T23:34:16+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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So I'm guessing the theory is that Michael was so happy with Randy's help during the 2005 trial, he did another will putting Randy at the control and at the Executor position.

However the reality is that Michael refused to sign Sony/ATV financing deal Randy + his friends brought to him and in 2006 he was accusing them of trying to make him to sell his catalog.

I'd like to know why they believe that about Lopez and why they called Branca instead of him.
It's interesting to notice that Michael's first will here dated 1995, and December 1995 was when Debbie first got pregnant (and suffered subsequent miscarriage). It may very well be that there were no prior wills and Michael began to care about where his money would go only after he decided to have children.

Pretty sure anyone like Mike would have a prior will. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted certain people running his estate even before 1995.
Latoya sait he updated his will every 5years and wanted to die inestate.

Why wouldn't he just write that in a will which said that then so that there would be none of this confusion with his previous will left standing? How stupid are these people.

So it seems they knew Mike had a will which included John Branca on June 27th 2009, then they wanted to claim he died interstate and the will is a forgery, and now it seems I guess the will isn't a forgery (I assume because now there's a new post-2002 one around which means we won't be going back to the 1997 and 1995 wills, which don't include them either) because there's a new mysterious 2005 one which is conveniently when Randy was working for him. It's embarrassing to see them so greedy and hungry for his estate they have to keep coming up with these silly new theories which just show them up.

I'm also wondering why they want to brag about having spoken to Mike so much about his wills. Mike seems to have barely confided anything worth a penny to them in the last 10 years, but every time they were in contact they made sure to ask about how he was planning on leaving his estate at the time of his death... according to them anyway. If they really had been asking him if he was dying interstate and if Randy was checking he was included in some 2005 will, if I were Mike I would've been paranoid they were trying to kill me off. Why would they think this makes them seem credible and rational and decent?

And the way some people want to involve another man's suicide in this stupid will conspiracy is really gross and tacky to me.
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After the passing of Peter Lopez there was a lot of talks about why and if he did it himself. On Shana Mangatals facebook they talked about it too and Shana hinted too that Lopez was in possession of Michael´s will. And she said how she had talked to him not long ago (back then) about Michael and how Lopez was one of the few Michael could trust. She didn´t think he committed suicide either.
Latoya sait he updated his will every 5years and wanted to die inestate.

@ivy: if you, at some point in your life, make a will, but dont update it/renew it.... will that will still be valid when you die, or will it be outdated?
^the will will be valid as long as it's the latest version. For instance whitney's latest will is from 2000.
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Virre;3692345 said:
After the passing of Peter Lopez there was a lot of talks about why and if he did it himself. On Shana Mangatals facebook they talked about it too and Shana hinted too that Lopez was in possession of Michael´s will. And she said how she had talked to him not long ago (back then) about Michael and how Lopez was one of the few Michael could trust. She didn´t think he committed suicide either.

Peter Lopez' tragedy happened in May 2010. Almost a full year after MJ's death, more than sufficient time for him to have produced a will if he had one. Another tragedy of Peter's death is people connecting it or hinting at it being some nefarious act related to MJ. Peter was troubled, isn't the first person to hide inner pain to the extent that he did a desperate act or surprised his family by taking that act. He left a suicide note attesting his love for his family. To allude what happened with Peter as being related to MJ in any manner is unfounded, cruel, crass and completely irresponsible.
Virre;3692345 said:
After the passing of Peter Lopez there was a lot of talks about why and if he did it himself. On Shana Mangatals facebook they talked about it too and Shana hinted too that Lopez was in possession of Michael´s will. And she said how she had talked to him not long ago (back then) about Michael and how Lopez was one of the few Michael could trust. She didn´t think he committed suicide either.

Ok, if we are to believe PL had 2005 will. Why he never said anything prior to his passing, which was nearly a year after Michael died (as gerryevens already pointed out)? If he had a newer will, why the executors mentioned in this new will never said anything? I'm sure Michael would have told them (plural, as his previous ones he has 3 executors) that he wants them to be executors after his passing. How about witnesses, nobody came out to say that they witnessed Michael's will?
Lastly, I'm curious about this, Randy in his letter said that they contacted on Branca regarding the will, not P Lopez?
The Rogue 3 all agree they can't take the money from Michael's beneficiaries, the money would go to the children if the Will was fraudulent. Don't get it twisted: They waited until the Estate was almost completely solvent to make this public claim because they (at least Randy) want to be the Executors without having done the hard work of resolving the debts and claims. Almost all debts will be paid soon and the 10 percent working fee looks great to them. They know that the Executors can claim even more than 10% (which they would if per se Randy were the Executor). It has been suggested that they believe that if they can't badger/humiliate the current Executors to resign, they can force some kind of settlement to stop their threatened litigation.

The primary goal of the Rogue 3 is for them (one or some) to become Executors of the Estate and collect the administration fees. I don't think any of them are qualified because I don't believe they would administer it properly. I think they would exploit Michael's legacy and dilute it's marketing potential with endless and tacky promotions and products. They want to have control of Michael's Intellectual Property.
The Rogue 3 all agree they can't take the money from Michael's beneficiaries, the money would go to the children if the Will was fraudulent. Don't get it twisted: They waited until the Estate was almost completely solvent to make this public claim because they (at least Randy) want to be the Executors without having done the hard work of resolving the debts and claims. Almost all debts will be paid soon and the 10 percent working fee looks great to them. They know that the Executors can claim even more than 10% (which they would if per se Randy were the Executor). It has been suggested that they believe that if they can't badger/humiliate the current Executors to resign, they can force some kind of settlement to stop their threatened litigation.

The primary goal of the Rogue 3 is for them (one or some) to become Executors of the Estate and collect the administration fees. I don't think any of them are qualified because I don't believe they would administer it properly. I think they would exploit Michael's legacy and dilute it's marketing potential with endless and tacky promotions and products. They want to have control of Michael's Intellectual Property.
Pug, you have put down in written form my thoughts on this MJ Will matter, exactly.

I have left instructions with family and my solicitor as to where my will can be found, surely this is what most people do? Some family members are clutching at straws.
Some people keep their wills at safe deposit boxes and some people leave their wills with the Executors or the lawyers

Assuming that Branca became the executor in 1995 he might have access to (at least to the copies of) those 4 wills (1995 - 1997 - 2002 March - 2002 July) or whomever had access to them might have sent them to him - which is according to the law.

"Peter Lopez had a newer will and that's why he has been killed" is nothing but a fantasy which is not even logical. Law says you have 30 days to file a will and 120 days to challenge a will, after this time period nothing matters. Peter Lopez's death was almost a year later and was out of these deadlines. So alive or dead , he could have had no effect on challenging the wills. Furthermore as many people said the wills also required to have 3 witnesses and at least a couple executors. No one came forward with a knowledge of the will.

Now we know that June 27, Randy was going around saying he would be the executor of the Estate, Latoya was saying Michael updated his will every 5 years - hinting a newer will and we know that Randy thought Michael had updated his will after the trial.

So I'm guessing Randy who took over Michael's business and financial affairs and had power of attorney in 2005 had expected to be named an executor. However as we learned from Prescient lawsuit Randy was pushing meetings on Michael, Michael was telling them to leave if they don't want violence and Michael was believing that the loan deal Randy and his friends brought him wanted to sell his catalog. So regardless of how fine and dandy Michael and Randy's relationship was before the trial, it seems midway he wasn't happy with Randy. So even though there might have been talks of updating the will and making Randy an executor, it seems Michael did not carry on with that.

So now as they could not find the alleged newer will, the goal might have been to change it to say Michael died intestate which puts the Jacksons first in line to be the Executors and gives the kids access to everything at 18. Which would give the Jacksons control and access to the assets / money and even manipulation of MJ's kids. Michael's wills keeps the control at the Executors up until the kids are 30 years old at least.
Bubs;3692367 said:
Ok, if we are to believe PL had 2005 will. Why he never said anything prior to his passing, which was nearly a year after Michael died (as gerryevens already pointed out)? If he had a newer will, why the executors mentioned in this new will never said anything? I'm sure Michael would have told them (plural, as his previous ones he has 3 executors) that he wants them to be executors after his passing. How about witnesses, nobody came out to say that they witnessed Michael's will?
Lastly, I'm curious about this, Randy in his letter said that they contacted on Branca regarding the will, not P Lopez?

Perhaps he was threatened by someone. In this interview Catherine Bach says someone was stalking her, police thought the gunshot was "for me" - very odd. She mentions things being privileged information.

As far as Randy saying in the letter they contacted Branca- Dileo said on June 26th lawyers were meeting about the will, I believe at one time he said it in a vid, but not there anymore-
published June 26

&#8220;There&#8217;s so much speculation as to a will &#8211; there is a will. A team of lawyers are gathering today and we&#8217;ll sort through all the stuff for the children,&#8221; Dileo explained. &#8220;[Michael] talked about making sure that his finances were taken care of &#8211; to clean up this mess so his children would be protected, so that&#8217;s what I&#8217;m going to do&#8230; That&#8217;s what was important to Michael.&#8221;
Some people keep their wills at safe deposit boxes and some people leave their wills with the Executors or the lawyers

Assuming that Branca became the executor in 1995 he might have access to (at least to the copies of) those 4 wills (1995 - 1997 - 2002 March - 2002 July) or whomever had access to them might have sent them to him - which is according to the law.

"Peter Lopez had a newer will and that's why he has been killed" is nothing but a fantasy which is not even logical. Law says you have 30 days to file a will and 120 days to challenge a will, after this time period nothing matters. Peter Lopez's death was almost a year later and was out of these deadlines. So alive or dead , he could have had no effect on challenging the wills. Furthermore as many people said the wills also required to have 3 witnesses and at least a couple executors. No one came forward with a knowledge of the will.

Now we know that June 27, Randy was going around saying he would be the executor of the Estate, Latoya was saying Michael updated his will every 5 years - hinting a newer will and we know that Randy thought Michael had updated his will after the trial.

So I'm guessing Randy who took over Michael's business and financial affairs and had power of attorney in 2005 had expected to be named an executor. However as we learned from Prescient lawsuit Randy was pushing meetings on Michael, Michael was telling them to leave if they don't want violence and Michael was believing that the loan deal Randy and his friends brought him wanted to sell his catalog. So regardless of how fine and dandy Michael and Randy's relationship was before the trial, it seems midway he wasn't happy with Randy. So even though there might have been talks of updating the will and making Randy an executor, it seems Michael did not carry on with that.

So now as they could not find the alleged newer will, the goal might have been to change it to say Michael died intestate which puts the Jacksons first in line to be the Executors and gives the kids access to everything at 18. Which would give the Jacksons control and access to the assets / money and even manipulation of MJ's kids. Michael's wills keeps the control at the Executors up until the kids are 30 years old at least.

I think Branca should publish those wills- it would stop alot of conspiracy theories.
That speculation about Lopez still doesnt explain why the 2-3 Witnesses or executors of a new will never came forward EVER , even to this day and that's what makes that conspiracy theory highly implausable and far fetched.
That speculation about Lopez still doesnt explain why the 2-3 Witnesses or executors of a new will never came forward EVER , even to this day and that's what makes that conspiracy theory highly implausable and far fetched.

I think it would be easy to intimidate 1-2 people or pay them off so I don't find it farfetched at all. If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????

I think it would be easy to intimidate 1-2 people or pay them off so I don't find it farfetched at all. If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????


I think this along with your other recent post shows a new leval of reaching and desperation
I think it would be easy to intimidate 1-2 people or pay them off so I don't find it farfetched at all. If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????


You are making very serious allegations (conspiracy theories) here based on nothing. This is getting desperate.
jrsfan;3692734 said:
I think it would be easy to intimidate 1-2 people or pay them off so I don't find it farfetched at all. If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????

How do you explain that Jacksons didn´t challenge the will sooner,when it was possible to do it?
I think Branca should publish those wills- it would stop alot of conspiracy theories.

JB should not. The current will that has been probated by the court and is already available online. That's sufficient enough.

Those conspiracy theories are stale, irrational and solely driven by vendetta and greed.

The Jack$ons and their supporters hate JB because the great old John is not sharing MJ fortune with them. It's got nothing to do with the authenticity of the will.
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I think it would be easy to intimidate 1-2 people or pay them off so I don't find it farfetched at all. If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????


It amazes me to what extent people will cook up some hallucinating scenarios to justify their fantasies.

kidnapping your own mother so you can WRONGFULLY attack the executors of your sibling's Estate is just dreadful, not to mention forbidding her to get in touch with the children she's be assigned guardianship to. Nothing can justify this.
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I was aware of 2 Wills that Branca was named as executor, but I wasn't aware of all 4 of them.
I wonder if Randy was aware of all 4 or just 2 of them? Is his only concern about the place, NY-LA in the will or what else he has? I cannot believe, even Randy to start this mess without having other info to back up his claim.
What is he planning to do next, what will TM is going to tell him to do:)

Anyway, Branca should ask for bigger salary, or at least sue Randy & Co. As man of his track record and level of expertise in his field, Jackson's claims must be hurtful and damaging.

Note, to jrsfan, I used to think Branca was baddie, but I cannot/couldn't twist the facts to suit my theories.
I was aware of 2 Wills that Branca was named as executor, but I wasn't aware of all 4 of them.
I wonder if Randy was aware of all 4 or just 2 of them? Is his only concern about the place, NY-LA in the will or what else he has? I cannot believe, even Randy to start this mess without having other info to back up his claim.
What is he planning to do next, what will TM is going to tell him to do:)

Anyway, Branca should ask for bigger salary, or at least sue Randy & Co. As man of his track record and level of expertise in his field, Jackson's claims must be hurtful and damaging.

Note, to jrsfan, I used to think Branca was baddie, but I cannot/couldn't twist the facts to suit my theories.

I did not know there was 4 of them either & I want to see them. If Branca has nothing to hide, he should produce them.
MIST;3692767 said:
How do you explain that Jacksons didn´t challenge the will sooner,when it was possible to do it?

1) The Jacksons have no legal standing.
2) KJ tried and eventually drop the challenge probably because she realized that MJ had another will (1997) almost identical to the 2002 will that was being challenged. In the 1997 will, JB was still named as executor and none of the Jacksons siblings were named as beneficiaries or executors. so from her legal counsel, it was a pointless exercise to try and invalidate the 2002 will.
I did not know there was 4 of them either & I want to see them. If Branca has nothing to hide, he should produce them.

Produce to whom? you're not an interested party, let alone a beneficiary of the Estate.
Like kidnapping your own mother so you can wrongfully attack the executors of your sibling's Estate. Even forbidding her to get in touch with the children she's be assigned guardianship to.

If we go by conspiracy theorist, wouldn't Jacksons too, have a lot to gain?
Jackson's are blaming "invisible" people for murdering Michael, but I can believe that some of the Jackson's themselves are capable for such a desperate action. Last 3 years has been very interesting in regards of what can they do for the money, it could be just a one step further.

jrsfan posted this:
"If you have ever watched American Greed, people do all kinds of complicated things to steal money. I have even read of cases where people are murdered for small sums of $80,000- so what would a person do for managing the estate of owner of Sony/ATV catalog???????????? Not to mention the other players who are making tons of money: Sony, AEG???????"

This could apply to Jackson's too, don't you think? By their actions last 3 years, I see no love or respect towards Michael, just greed, how far would they go?
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