Information about Michael's previous wills / Scandalously Boring Truth About Michael Jackson's Will


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
Thanks to marc_vivien for heads up. I believe this deserves a separate thread as it contains crucial information about Michael's will.

The Scandalously Boring Truth About Michael Jackson's Will

Will Power: Despite recent controversy, The King of Pop's will is in no real danger of being overturned.

More than three years after his untimely death, Michael Jackson continues to make headlines—most recently as a result of a controversy over his will this summer. A few of his siblings labeled the document “false” and “fraudulent”; representatives for his estate countered by saying, “We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael’s family whom he chose to leave out of his will.”

Unfortunately for news hounds, the scandalous truth about Michael Jackson’s will is that there isn’t really much of a scandal, from a legal perspective. Last week FORBES obtained a copy of the latest will from the Los Angeles Superior Court (as others have before) and separately viewed three previous versions of the will, all of which are remarkably consistent and serve to confirm the boring reality: The will is in no real danger of being overturned, and even if it were, it would be replaced by a virtually identical previous version.

“If a later will is found to be invalid … the last will prior would be given full force and effect,” confirms Andrew Katzenstein, a partner at law firm Proskauer, who teaches the Estate and Gift Tax class at the University of Southern California.

Michael Jackson’s postmortem plans haven’t changed much over the years. His 1995 will names John Branca, Bert Mitchell and Marshall Gelfand as co-executors.Like all subsequent versions of the will, it specifies that the King of Pop’s interests be placed in an entity known as the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which stipulates the following distribution: 20% to charity, and the remainder split between a living will for Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, and a trust for any children Michael might have. Upon Katherine’s death, any remaining funds would revert to the children.

The second will, dated December 10th, 1997, also names Branca and Mitchell as co-executors of Michael Jackson’s estate, but replaces Marshall Gelfand with banker Jane Heller. The distribution under the trust remains the same. Michael’s first child—Prince Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., born on in February—is mentioned by name, but the will still stipulates that half of what’s left after distributions to charities and Katherine Jackson be split between all children he might have.

The third, signed in March 2002, after the birth of Michael’s second and third children—Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Joseph Jackson, II (better known by his nickname, “Blanket”)—identifies only the first two children by name, but still indicates that the trust would benefit all his children evenly. Perhaps just to be safe, a fourth will that names all three children was filed the following July.

Jackson’s siblings have said that the singer was in New York on July 7th, the day the fourth will was dated and marked as signed in Los Angeles. Others have confirmed that the King of Pop was in the Big Apple that day. But under California law, this isn’t something that would render the will invalid, as it’s possible the document was simply misdated.

“If you accidentally write the wrong date on a document, does it matter? No,” says Katzenstein. “There’s no dating requirement.”

The will was admitted to probate in 2009, and Katzenstein points out that California Probate Code Section 8270 stipulates a period of 120 days to file a petition with the court to revoke the probate of the will. That period has long since passed. The will’s witnesses have all confirmed the document’s validity–according to estate attorney Paul Gordon Hoffman, the individuals were contacted in the days after Michael Jackson’s death, and none indicated that their signatures were false.

Even if the most recent will–or the three most recent wills–was somehow overturned, the outcome would be the same: John Branca, who is named as an executor on all four, would still be one of the executors; 20% of all proceeds from the estate would go to charity, with the remainder split between Katherine Jackson and a trust for Michael’s children. If all four wills were invalidated, the children would inherit the estate at age 18, with Katherine Jackson and the charities left out. In theory, a more recent will could supersede the current will if discovered, but it seems highly unlikely that someone would have waited so long to come forward.

“It isn’t like someone who knew Michael, and thus would be in possession of his will, didn’t know about Michael’s death and thus is still holding it,” says Hoffman, who points out that none of Jackson’s many former lawyers or business managers knows of a more recent will. “No one has ever indicated that a later will was signed.”

But this is all essentially old news. Michael’s father Joseph, who was left out of the most recent will (and the three preceding wills), unsuccessfully challenged the will in the months following his son’s death. “Joe Jackson takes none of this estate,” declared Judge Mitchell Beckloff in 2009. “This is a decision his son made.” Beckloff formally appointed Branca and McClain as co-executors of the estate shortly thereafter, when Katherine Jackson dropped her initial objections and announced her support for their appointment.

In hindsight, that seems to have been a wise decision. The estate has generated roughly half a billion dollars in the three years since the King of Pop’s death, thanks to a slew of deals including a $60 million advance for the film This Is It, a new recording contract worth up to $250 million and the Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour, a joint venture with Cirque du Soleil that has already grossed over $75 million in the first half of 2012 according to Pollstar, more than any other North American concert tour.

In total, Michael Jackson has earned more in the past three years than any single living artist–yet another reason it would be hard to imagine the structure of his estate changing anytime soon.
ivy;3691985 said:
Michael Jackson’s postmortem plans haven’t changed much over the years. His 1995 will names John Branca, Bert Mitchell and Marshall Gelfand as co-executors.Like all subsequent versions of the will, it specifies that the King of Pop’s interests be placed in an entity known as the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which stipulates the following distribution: 20% to charity, and the remainder split between a living will for Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, and a trust for any children Michael might have. Upon Katherine’s death, any remaining funds would revert to the children.

Thanks Ivy and Marc_vivien for this article!

I do have a question though re the will from 1995. What would have happened with Katherines share when she died if MJ never had any children? It says her share would have been gone back to the kids but what if he didnt have any? Have there been any reports that his cousins/nephews were named in the previous wills as well?? If they weren't named as well, what would have happened with the remaining 80% (Katherines share)?
If he didn't have kids (or if none of them survived him) an 80% share would be put in a trust for Mrs. Jackson. When she passes, everything would be held in a trust to benefit Levon Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Anthony Jackson, Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson and TJ Jackson. There were no other beneficiaries mentioned in the will, however they were mentioned in the Michael Jackson Family Trust that was created in 1995 and amended in 2002. So I would think that the nephews were mentioned in the 1995 trust as well.

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I agree with Nadia. Michael was close with his cousins and I would think that they would have been included as a contingent beneficiary from the start.
Thank you marc_vivien and Ivy :flowers:
Its nice to have this information validated
majka @majka__ @zogblog were his cousins/nephews named in the previous wills as well?

Zack O. Greenburg @zogblog @majka__
They're named as contingent beneficiaries of the trust.
Are the previous wills published? Can we see copies? And what about the trust????

Thanks in advance for this info.:flowers:
jrsfan;3692097 said:
Are the previous wills published? Can we see copies? And what about the trust????

Thanks in advance for this info.:flowers:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236550395059646464"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>loakim45</b></a> They're not publicly available as far as I can tell...but I was given a chance to read through them by an inside source :)</p>&mdash; Zack O. Greenburg (@zogblog) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T19:51:14+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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the 2002 trust has been leaked -

according to the forbes article the older versions are the same
This is the reality that certain members in the family cannot accept or refuse to see the truth. All the wills that Michael did over the years are practically identical. Professionals that deal with the wills say it is valid. The supreme court says it's valid. The more certain people in that family cannot let it go the more they will alienate themselves from others including Michael's children.
Unfortunately, the family members that still go around screaming that the will is fake are under the firm impression that some time after 2002, Michael decided that he didn't need a will and would much rather spend his time doodling "I hate Branca on his walls". This will not change their minds.
Zack O. Greenburg @zogblog
@loakim45 They're not publicly available as far as I can tell...but I was given a chance to read through them by an inside source :)

17 Aug 12

the 2002 trust has been leaked -

according to the forbes article the older versions are the same

I knew the 2002 trust had been leaked, I was wondering about previous trusts if there were any?

I hope we get to see all these previous wills. Why not??????

They believe Peter Lopez had an update will.

But Who's they , Not the Jackson's. they contend MJ didnt have a will. That the Will is a fraud.
Peter's Lopez death was well past the time for a will to be submitted . He never once mentioned a Will and neither did ANYONE (3 people) who would have witnessed a new will or ANYONE who was Executors to a new will come forward... It a huge stretch. "stale internet conspiracy" Someone would have come forward. That's as far fetched as as the Jackson's saying Michael didnt want or have a Will.
But Who's they , Not the Jackson's. they contend MJ didnt have a will. That the Will is a fraud.
Peter's Lopez death was well past the time for a will to be submitted . He never once mentioned a Will and neither did ANYONE (3 people) who would have witnessed a new will or ANYONE who was Executors to a new will come forward... It a huge stretch. "stale internet conspiracy" Someone would have come forward. That's as far fetched as as the Jackson's saying Michael didnt want or have a Will.

Latoya sait he updated his will every 5years and wanted to die inestate.
Latoya sait he updated his will every 5years and wanted to die inestate.

So, she says he wanted to die intestate, but apparently she also beliefs he has a will since he updated it every 5 years. :doh: Does she know the meaning of dying intestate? lol
LaToya is so full of BS.
I don't believe that Michael would want that. He might as well selled the catalogue with that thinking. Michael wasn't stupid and I am sure he knew what it mean if he died without a will. Latoya has no credibility to me.
Jen Heger (editor of Radar Online) tweeted to say that Randy Jackson and Howard Mann - who wasn't in Michael's life at all - believe that Michael did another will after the 2005 trial

see the tweets

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236551912957292544"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> absolutely dead on. Tho, Randy Jackson &amp; Howard Mann believe MJ drafted new will after molestation trial in 05.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:06:16+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> even tho there has been no proof any wills after 02.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:07:09+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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original author has also participated to the discussion

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236585842829824000"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>andjustice4some</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>jenheger</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> I've heard talk of that, but seems to me if someone had an '05 will, they'd have come out with it, no?</p>&mdash; Zack O. Greenburg (@zogblog) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T22:20:03+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="236592759266500608"><p><a href=""><s>@</s><b>shellywebstere</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>andjustice4some</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>coleen4mj</b></a> <a href=""><s>@</s><b>zogblog</b></a> agree &amp; that is y no other will &amp; trust has been found.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-08-17T23:34:16+00:00">August 17, 2012</a></blockquote>
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So I'm guessing the theory is that Michael was so happy with Randy's help during the 2005 trial, he did another will putting Randy at the control and at the Executor position.

However the reality is that Michael refused to sign Sony/ATV financing deal Randy + his friends brought to him and in 2006 he was accusing them of trying to make him to sell his catalog.
Finally a lawyer said what we have been saying all the time. Maybe this information should also go to the thread on why the will is fake. How about sending it to all the granny snatchers and their attorney who is also Janet's attorney. Also send this letter to all Jackson fans.
He, I'm pretty sure the "inside source" who showed Zack three previous versions of the will got them from John Branca. Branca's probably had enough of being accused.
I wonder why they think noone has come with a newer will.
Do they think all executers and witnesses are dead,in coma since 25/6 2009,or believe Michael still is alive?
Maybe that all executors and witnesses lost theit memories since several years?
It's interesting to notice that Michael's first will here dated 1995, and December 1995 was when Debbie first got pregnant (and suffered subsequent miscarriage). It may very well be that there were no prior wills and Michael began to care about where his money would go only after he decided to have children.
He, I'm pretty sure the "inside source" who showed Zack three previous versions of the will got them from John Branca. Branca's probably had enough of being accused.

I thought so too. It is understandable that he didn't go on tabloids and give an interview, too tacky (take a note Jackson family), so he might have been source to Zack's post in Forbes (not tabloid, take a note Jackson family).
Interesting that Branca is the only executor in all 4 Wills that stayed, other names changed.
To me actions speaks louder than any words, Randy in his infamous letter said that Michael hated him, and LaToya says his walls were covered with "I hate Branca" post-it notes, yet Michael named him all of his 4 wills :hysterical:

Did Randy receive the article yet and any comments from him?

All in all, Jackson's should stop listening internet conspirators, and start using common sense.