Info regarding tomorrow night's seance


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
It's been confirmed that Derek Acorah's seance will be held in Ballinacurra House in Kinsale, Co Cork, Ireland. This is the house where Michael stayed when he visited Ireland before.
:'( :'(
wish there was something we could do!!
I can just imagine the look on Acorah's face when he finds out there was only about 12 viewers! :lol:
Just read on SKY that there's going to be two shows "Michael Jackson: The Live Seance and Michael Jackson: The Search For His Spirit."...
is there nothing we can do? phone calls to OFCOM?
found this on their website

Making a complaint

If you want to make a complaint then try to submit it as quickly as possible after the programme has aired. This is because broadcasters are only required to keep recordings for a certain period of time.
You can complain in one of two ways.
Firstly, you can fill in an online complaints form.
You will be asked to provide your name and contact details, together with details about the programme concerned. These include the name and date of the programme, the time and channel on which it was broadcast, as well as the nature of the complaint.
You can also complain by phone by calling 020 7981 3040, 0300 123 3333, or if you want to complain in Welsh 020 7981 3042.
Every complaint is acknowledged and you will be given a reference number.
Each Wednesday we publish a list of programmes that have attracted more than 10 complaints in the last week. Click here for the list from last week. (We do not include fairness and privacy complaints in this list.)

maybe we could all try that number? and complain?
well i glad i aint got Sky tv... then again even if i did i would not watch this. its sick, the guy is a fake anyway. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I am very sorry but I don't believe in this stuff.

Not at all.

But for those who does, have fun and enjoy yourself.
im taking this with a pinch of salt and im quite intrigued tbh lol

i know its not meant to be serious because derek accorah has been outed as a fake already, but none the less i think ill tune in
oh please! what a joke! who's gonna take this seriously anyway? no use getting worked up about it really.
If he starts Moonwalking and "Hee Hee" ing, I'm going to bomb Sky's head office.

Can some fans in Ireland protest or something? Disrupt that sh*t, lol.
I believe that some people have gifts and can channel..etc. But Derek Acorah is just a drama queen trying to make money and if he starts getting all dramatic..or "posessed" help me God!:angry:

I don't want to watch it, but a little part of me just has to see it. I just wanna see Derek make an idiot outta himself.:doh:
How sick is this guy, there are no depths to which these people will not sink. What happened to respecting the dead.

If Michael did come through I hope it would be to say bugger off!

His religion forbade any dabbling with the occult, that should be respected. I won't add to the viewing figures by watching, we will hear about it tomorrow.
this is career suicide, i'd laugh if it wasnt so arse-wrenchingly disgusting.
Look at this way, there will not be a single thing that he can say whilst 'channeling michael' that we the fans dont already know and if he tries it on with some fake bull**** then we'll jump on his ass straight away.

I can't beleive he actually thought he could get away with this, how do people become so pathetic?

I hate fakers, more than hataz cos they just two-faced low-lifes
What's going on? Are they doing a seance to try and contact Michael's spirit?

Blah, as if Michael's going to 'answer' and go: "yeaaaah, I would LOVE to be on international television communicating from the afterlife".

Please. :doh:
Does Derek really think he's good enough to call Michael's spirit? Come on! Michael wouldn't waste his time on you! Derek is going to make an arse of himself, any wrong info & the fans will be on him like a fly on shite! If his spirit does wander this earth, is it going to be in a castle in Ireland or with his kids? I've seen Derek in my local Tescos & if I see him he's going to get a right mouthful off me!
:no: Will he pull another one of his over-the-top "fake possession" stunts again? Is he gonna make lights flicker, music play, tables shake to really drive home the false belief that Michael's actually hanging out with him? What a sick, exploitative :censored:...