Info for next-release?

WTF?? Any fan could do it better. Not just MJ fan, but music fan in general. I'll go that far and say that everyone with good ears could do it better. John is great (lawyer and businessman) but he sucks in music decisions, maybe he's deaf, who knows. The point is that anyone here would do it better because none of us would release fake tracks and lose half of the fanbase!

Your entire rant on John Branca is completely rude and unnecessary. The only thing that he can be blamed for is going against the guidance of the family by pushing for the Cascios to be released; he cannot be chastised for genuinely believing that they are Michael.

All music is a matter of opinion - people interpret vocals and songwriting and production in different ways. Songs that you may find outstanding others may find awful and vice versa. Does that make you right or wrong? No. The same rings with the Cascios - Branca seemingly believes that the three tracks are real. We cannot judge him for that and that alone.

One of my closest friends who is an ardent Michael follower genuinely believes that Monster is Michael. Does that make him any less of a fan? No; he hears things on a different level than I do. The same applies to Branca.
Your entire rant on John Branca is completely rude and unnecessary. The only thing that he can be blamed for is going against the guidance of the family by pushing for the Cascios to be released; he cannot be chastised for genuinely believing that they are Michael.

All music is a matter of opinion - people interpret vocals and songwriting and production in different ways. Songs that you may find outstanding others may find awful and vice versa. Does that make you right or wrong? No. The same rings with the Cascios - Branca seemingly believes that the three tracks are real. We cannot judge him for that and that alone.

One of my closest friends who is an ardent Michael follower genuinely believes that Monster is Michael. Does that make him any less of a fan? No; he hears things on a different level than I do. The same applies to Branca.

Shall we agree to disagree?
I mainly want a proper full Dangerous concert. I'm tired of the Bucharest DVD with the contant quick cuts to the audience. Horrible.
I mainly want a proper full Dangerous concert. I'm tired of the Bucharest DVD with the contant quick cuts to the audience. Horrible.

Agreed !!

A new Dangerous Tour concert is needed !! - Not that many and fast clips. - Not so much audience shots!

A better concert would be nice to have - preferable on Blu-Ray !
Agreed !!

A new Dangerous Tour concert is needed !! - Not that many and fast clips. - Not so much audience shots!

A better concert would be nice to have - preferable on Blu-Ray !

Dangerous Tour is second best behind BAD, i think a montage Blu-Ray should be released for the Triumph/Bad & Dangerous Tours!
I mainly want a proper full Dangerous concert. I'm tired of the Bucharest DVD with the contant quick cuts to the audience. Horrible.

The prevelance of the audience shots is crazy. I love the girl during the Smooth Criminal 'I don't know/Dad gone it baby' bit though, she really sums the feeling up for me.

Would like to see the lean in a different angle as well.
I hate audience shots too. Sometimes they might be great but there is just too much in Bucharest dvd. Many times they just cut away when Michael is dancing. Really annoying.

i think a montage Blu-Ray should be released for the Triumph/Bad & Dangerous Tours!
That would be great but only if full concert releases on Blu-Ray are not possible. It would be awesome to see any full Bad Tour concert in HD.
I hate audience shots too. Sometimes they might be great but there is just too much in Bucharest dvd. Many times they just cut away when Michael is dancing. Really annoying.

That would be great but only if full concert releases on Blu-Ray are not possible. It would be awesome to see any full Bad Tour concert in HD.

You should check out the fanmade mixed edition DVD, it's great! and i agree that if there are full shows, then it would be better left unedited.. but compilation Blu-Rays are more realistic
Just wanted to add. Family is irrelevant. He went against the fans.

This is a touchy subject. I'm inclined to agree, yet at the same time I can see their motivation for going along with it.

At the time the scandal broke loose, as I recall it most fans were on the side of Sony. The entire idea of fraudulent songs being released didn't seem possible - I recall many simply assuming that the family members were irritated that they weren't involved with the production. You are right in that the fans rallied together when the sh*t hit the fan and demanded that the songs be revoked.

And this is where I can slightly see Sony's/the estate's point of view. Assuming that Branca legitimately believes the songs are real, removing them from the album would (a) imply that they knew the tracks were unauthentic and were only taking them away because their conscience was catching up to them; and (b) force the powers that be to spend more money to completely destroy any final copies of the album we have now, take three other songs, send the entire record back to the mastering company and have an entirely new copy put together. Considering Breaking News only dropped a month before the album, they surely didn't have the time.

Do I believe that justifies their decision? Not at all. But at the very least I guess I can see why they took the chance and just threw the songs out there for us to get. A bad chance, but a chance nonetheless.
Don't forget: Michael want his music and talent live forever. As we can see with Estate "work" Michael will finish like Elvis. MJ was in the future and they are blocked in the past. They have to stop with there bad stuffs. In 2012 for Bad25 they released Wembley but not in HQ, not HD, not BluRay, not 4k, not 999k.. in VHS quality. This generation want to see high def videos. Even all of us are like that on YouTube, we prefer watching video in 720/1080p and not in 240p.

For the music: They've to stop to release leaked tracks or if they want, put them in a Bonus CD. The Xscape idea (new versions/original versions) was good. Songs like Chicago should definitely be remixed. How do you want to catch new peoples if it's not something fresh. I'm not saying they have to do shitty songs like the current generation but something who kept Michael's style and be new at the same time.

I'm pretty sure we can do 10x better than them. Because it would be a pleasure for us to do something "for MJ".
For the music: They've to stop to release leaked tracks or if they want, put them in a Bonus CD.

No no no no no. Many of the best songs on Xscape had already been leaked. Why shouldn't the general public be able to hear some of these amazing tunes simply because a very minuscule percentage of the fanbase happened to listen to a leaked version? If you're going to put all the leaked songs on a bonus CD, you might as well just include it with the rest of the album.

If you don't like leaked songs being on future releases then don't listen to them before release.
No no no no no. Many of the best songs on Xscape had already been leaked. Why shouldn't the general public be able to hear some of these amazing tunes simply because a very minuscule percentage of the fanbase happened to listen to a leaked version? If you're going to put all the leaked songs on a bonus CD, you might as well just include it with the rest of the album.

If you don't like leaked songs being on future releases then don't listen to them before release.

AMEN !!! :bow: :agree:
No no no no no. Many of the best songs on Xscape had already been leaked. Why shouldn't the general public be able to hear some of these amazing tunes simply because a very minuscule percentage of the fanbase happened to listen to a leaked version? If you're going to put all the leaked songs on a bonus CD, you might as well just include it with the rest of the album.

If you don't like leaked songs being on future releases then don't listen to them before release.

Scream was leaked to radio before HIStory was released, but that didn't stop Michael from putting it on the album. And with the age of the internet it's extremely hard for something to not get leaked
Scream was leaked to radio before HIStory was released, but that didn't stop Michael from putting it on the album. And with the age of the internet it's extremely hard for something to not get leaked

Scream is a single... It's normal that was "leaked"/released before HIStory. If you want heard a new MJ's song when you're 70, it's your problem.
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Yeah..Scream wasn't leaked. It was released as a single a month before the album came out.
Sony sent early radio edits of "Scream" out to various large-audience radio stations across the United States a week or so before the official release date. Each copy was closed with a seal instructing them not to even open the disc until the official date. As you might have guessed, some stations just didn't care and played the song immediately.

So in a sense, the song did "leak" early.
For the music: They've to stop to release leaked tracks or if they want, put them in a Bonus CD.

For the millionth time, it's not their fault that the songs leaked. It's not Michael's fault. And it's not songs' fault. They deserve to be heard by the whole world and not just by a small percentage of fans. You should blame thieves, Michael's "friends" like Frank Cascio or Stuart Brawley and "collectors" for the leaks, not Sony and not Estate.
No no no no no. Many of the best songs on Xscape had already been leaked. Why shouldn't the general public be able to hear some of these amazing tunes simply because a very minuscule percentage of the fanbase happened to listen to a leaked version? If you're going to put all the leaked songs on a bonus CD, you might as well just include it with the rest of the album.

If you don't like leaked songs being on future releases then don't listen to them before release.

Sony sent early radio edits of "Scream" out to various large-audience radio stations across the United States a week or so before the official release date. Each copy was closed with a seal instructing them not to even open the disc until the official date. As you might have guessed, some stations just didn't care and played the song immediately.

So in a sense, the song did "leak" early.

Xscape leaked, Scream didn't. It's a fact man ! I don't remember who but someone said leaked trackS had to be on new release, did you agree with this bullshit ?
Xscape leaked, Scream didn't. It's a fact man !

Yes. Yes it did:
Michael Jackson got an unexpected jolt when he tuned in to a Los Angeles radio station earlier this month. He heard his new single, "Scream," a duet with his sister Janet, on KKBT-FM, said people working on the recording. Normally, Mr. Jackson would be pleased to hear one of his new songs on the air. But this was 13 days before "Scream" was supposed to be released to radio stations.

The single, which was officially given to radio programmers on Friday and will be in record stores on Wednesday, was a highly guarded item at Epic Records. Not even the majority of Epic employees promoting the single and the two-CD set it was taken from, "HIStory: Past, Present and Future -- Book I" (due in stores on June 20), had a copy. How, then, did KKBT get the song? That's what Mr. Jackson's office wanted to know when it called and asked Epic to plug the leak.

KKBT and its sister station, KMEL-FM in San Francisco, aren't saying how they obtained the single except to specify that it wasn't from anyone at the record company. The stations played "Scream" once an hour until they were served with a cease-and-desist order courtesy of Epic. (Two other stations, in Philadelphia, also jumped the gun and received similar orders.)

A leak is an unauthorised distribution of unreleased material. Scream wasn't released at the time and the radio stations did not have permission to play the song over it's airwaves therefore yes, Scream was leaked.

I don't remember who but someone said leaked trackS had to be on new release, did you agree with this bullshit ?
Haven't heard anything like that but I really don't see how it is a problem. The songs on Xscape were excellent and if anything, there's less leaked songs to be released on the next album. As someone who had the opportunity to hear all the leaked songs before release, it didn't bother me at all in the slightest (they were like new songs to me anyway with the awesome new instrumentals).
Scream being played early wasn't a leak, it was a marketing ploy.

Leaking is illegal but a radio station breaching a request isn't.
Forgive me, I am not trying to go off topic, but I cannot see the controversy or KJ vs AEG sections. They are marked "private". Is it because I'm new?
Yes. Yes it did:

A leak is an unauthorised distribution of unreleased material. Scream wasn't released at the time and the radio stations did not have permission to play the song over it's airwaves therefore yes, Scream was leaked.

I knew that story about leakage of Scream but now you got me thinking. Maybe if the song didn't leak it would have been #1 hit instaed of #5. Damn you leaks!
The songs on Xscape were excellent and if anything, there's less leaked songs to be released on the next album.

I doubt that. Because by then "collectors" will probably leak more unreleased songs (like Seeing Voices). I'm glad to see that leakage of unreleased material stopped in the last few months. Maybe Sony intervened and threatened those people with lawsuits. Nice to see that something is being done about that huge problem.