In your opinion - What is Michael's Worst Song?

I don't think many fans of anybody likes everything they ever put out. Unless the artist has a very small catalog, like they only released 3 or 4 albums. Like it's common for Beatles fans to say they don't like Revolution 9. But I like it. How many Stevie Wonder fans actually listen to the Little Stevie era records?
I don’t necessarily mean that we have to love everything he did, just that we can appreciate it at the least. Even if we don’t necessarily like it. I’m sure Stevie fans can still appreciate those Little Stevie records for what they are. Nothing wrong with being critical, but there’s a way to do it that I would imagine most hardcore life long fans would understand what I’m getting at. Also, my message is born out of a certain amount of frustration from a lot of the tone on here and a certain amount of trolling across this board at the moment.
I don’t necessarily mean that we have to love everything he did, just that we can appreciate it at the least. Even if we don’t necessarily like it. I’m sure Stevie fans can still appreciate those Little Stevie records for what they are. Nothing wrong with being critical, but there’s a way to do it that I would imagine most hardcore life long fans would understand what I’m getting at. Also, my message is born out of a certain amount of frustration from a lot of the tone on here and a certain amount of trolling across this board at the moment.
What if the singer or band themselves doesn't appreciate it? I've read lots of interviews where artists have said they didn't like certain songs (and even entire albums) they've released. I know several members of Styx do not like Mr. Roboto. 😄 And if the song happened to become popular or a radio hit, they have to go out there and perform it in concert, which they don't want to do. Some artists have said that their labels forced them to record albums with whatever the popular trend was and it was not a sound they personally liked.
I wouldn’t even describe you as a luckwarm fan, more a fan of a handful of songs. You list the best part of 80 tracks here that you don’t like. Nobody who describes themselves as a Michael fan dislikes the best part of 80 songs. You seem to have zero emotional ties to MJ. Why are you even here? You’re just trolling because you’re bored right?
Excuse me. He's literally my wallpaper...I have a different taste from you because I'm a completely different, unique individual from you. I know of Michael Jackson but I don't know Michael Jackson.

I appreciate, value and am awestruck by him, his artistry and his legacy but then again, he isn't God or perfection. He's a normal human like me and you, who made the most out of his need to act as if I need to have a shrine to him. I'M GRATEFUL FOR HIM. He made everything more colorful. I understand I sound critical but I do love MJ.

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⢿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠈⠏⠀⠀⠀ MJ FOREVER
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Excuse me. He's literally my wallpaper...I have a different taste from you because I'm a completely different, unique individual from you. I know of Michael Jackson but I don't know Michael Jackson.

I appreciate, value and am awestruck by him, his artistry and his legacy but then again, he isn't God or perfection. He's a normal human like me and you, who made the most out of his need to act as if I need to have a shrine to him. I'M GRATEFUL FOR HIM. He made everything more colorful. I understand I sound critical but I do love MJ.

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⢿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠈⠏⠀⠀⠀ MJ FOREVER
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It‘s miraculous! You’ve completely changed your tune! Yeah I’m not buying your act. You had 19 posts and a good 17 of them were either insulting, condescending or just downright rude.

NOBODY here equated Michael to a God, so don’t use that argument as an excuse to be nasty or insulting towards him. That type of example doesn’t give you a license to be an A-hole.
What if the singer or band themselves doesn't appreciate it? I've read lots of interviews where artists have said they didn't like certain songs (and even entire albums) they've released. I know several members of Styx do not like Mr. Roboto. 😄 And if the song happened to become popular or a radio hit, they have to go out there and perform it in concert, which they don't want to do. Some artists have said that their labels forced them to record albums with whatever the popular trend was and it was not a sound they personally liked.
You may have a point, but I’ve never heard Michael Jackson say he didn’t appreciate his own work. In fact in 2001 he was asked what his favourite song to perform live was and his answer was Heal The World. A good example of his character was his response to when Eminem mocked him in a music video. MJ’s response, “Great artists don’t do that to other artists“ MJ was always diplomatic out of respect for himself or others. I’ve only ever heard him speak positively about Invincible also.
I really don't like "Girlfriend", from the Off the Wall album. Lyrics like "Boyfriend, I'm gonna tell your girlfriend exactly what we're doing" - it just leaves me thinking, "Dude, that's really messed up." I don't care that it was co-created by a Beatle, or had anything else happen - the clear message spells out blatant emotional manipulation. Anything which tries to justify that truly disgusts me.
Paul actually really liked writing or being on songs about cucking other men. Then MJ cucked him in the business world lol.
Everything MJ did, whether it was equal quality or not. Mostly fit his canon and his persona. They all slot in, almost like a movie. Like Star Wars. I enjoy deciphering it all.
Don't Matter to Me is the worst MJ song. An interesting slice of something from the archives pastiched into the C Side of an egotistical grifter groomer from Canada. Terrible artifact from a bad time that will forever be an asterisk stain in MJs career.

I wish Kendrick had gotten the unreleased song. Maybe his next album? 👉🏼👈🏼
Paul actually really liked writing or being on songs about cucking other men. Then MJ cucked him in the business world lol.
The loss of that catalog was Paul's own fault. The owners came to him first out of respect, and it was only after he refused that Michael bought it. He should've been more mature afterward, instead of being bitter over the whole thing.
I like to think I talk ridiculously enough that it's hard to take me seriously sometimes.
I've always been very literal-minded, struggling to comprehend the reverse...and in 2013, I learned why. I was speaking with a caseworker while looking for a job, and they said I should go through a psychological exam. So I went, and after several grueling hours of testing plus a week of waiting for the results, they diagnosed me with a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome. A good fictional reference is the character of Data in "Star Trek", who's locked into a personal quest to understand those around him, still feeling a separation he can't control. That's generally been what my mental and emotional nature has been like, for most of my life...and I recently celebrated my 44th birthday.
The loss of that catalog was Paul's own fault. The owners came to him first out of respect, and it was only after he refused that Michael bought it. He should've been more mature afterward, instead of being bitter over the whole thing.
Paul McCartney did not like in particular the fact that Michael Jackson (after the purchase) started to use the Beatles songs extensively for commercial purposes (TV ads for cookies, etc).

As Paul McCartney stated, the artistic value of the Beatles songs began to decrease when being played so often for such purposes.
Paul McCartney did not like in particular the fact that Michael Jackson started to use the Beatles songs extensively for commercial purposes (TV ads for cookies, etc).

As Paul McCartney stated, the artistic value of the Beatles songs began to decrease when being played so often for such purposes.
Paul should've quit complaining when he passed on the catalog. He could keep bitching whenever he wanted, but it was still his own fault. I'm not saying Michael was correct to treat those songs more commercially, but as the rightful owner he could do what he wanted. Paul was offered that chance, and turned it down - its high past time he accepted responsibility for that.
And one more thing, at Piek, do you even get why Michael performed Heal The World at the super bowl, made an absolutely beautiful speech and had all those people hold up those boards with drawings of children from different walks of life joining hands?

Please! Think before you post!

I presented it as my opinion about the song; not as a fact. I even said: feel free to disagree. The topic of this thread is In your opinion - What is Michael's Worst Song? It literally says "in your opinion". So I gave my opinion. Don't get mad at me for that. It wouldn't be of any use if only opinions favorable to you are allowed.
Heal The World was written specifically for children and for them to be able to tap into it. That is the whole point of its simplistic lyrics.

Is there a source for this? I am curious to know. If Michael really said he wrote this specifically for children, that would change my mind about the song a bit. I would still argue that a song specifically for children is out of place on an album with sexually charged tracks like In The Closet though.
I do!

Good point, though.
Well there's also those super hardcore fans who buy anything their favorites were a part of. Like when Madonna was the drummer in a band when she was young & unknown. The ones who paid lots of money for bootlegs.

Most of the Little Stevie stuff wasn't that popular when it was originally released, the live version of Fingertips is the most known song. I don't think most people have even heard the studio version or is aware it exists. Stevie started to get more popularity after his voice changed.
I've always been very literal-minded, struggling to comprehend the reverse...and in 2013, I learned why. I was speaking with a caseworker while looking for a job, and they said I should go through a psychological exam. So I went, and after several grueling hours of testing plus a week of waiting for the results, they diagnosed me with a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome. A good fictional reference is the character of Data in "Star Trek", who's locked into a personal quest to understand those around him, still feeling a separation he can't control. That's generally been what my mental and emotional nature has been like, for most of my life...and I recently celebrated my 44th birthday.
Well you seem to be doing alright to me. It's not easy to understand people anyway so I get you.
Is there a source for this? I am curious to know. If Michael really said he wrote this specifically for children, that would change my mind about the song a bit. I would still argue that a song specifically for children is out of place on an album with sexually charged tracks like In The Closet though.
I got news for you, people listened to Michael Jackson albums. Whether they were "supposed" to or not. In fact they're the most voracious consumers of his work really.

Anyway, Dangerous is an album that ebbs and flows, it's supposed to go wild and then cool down. Can't Let Her Get Away is the lead in to Heal The World. Then Black or White. Then it ramps back up before Will You Be There, Keep The Faith, and Gone Too Soon. Then Dangerous plunges us back into that emotional ferver..that's the arc.
I presented it as my opinion about the song; not as a fact. I even said: feel free to disagree. The topic of this thread is In your opinion - What is Michael's Worst Song? It literally says "in your opinion". So I gave my opinion. Don't get mad at me for that. It wouldn't be of any use if only opinions favorable to you are allowed.
I don’t have a problem with you not liking the song. That’s absolutely fine. It was your interpretation that had me aghast! It reminded me of a review of a song I read years ago in Rolling Stone magazine by a snob who was so far up his own backside he completely misunderstood what he was reviewing. I don’t think you were malicious or anything, just that you misunderstood it.
Is there a source for this? I am curious to know. If Michael really said he wrote this specifically for children, that would change my mind about the song a bit. I would still argue that a song specifically for children is out of place on an album with sexually charged tracks like In The Closet though.
Yup! The source is Michael Jackson. It can be accessed by opening your ears and eyes.

As for a children’s song being included on an album of adult themes, I didn’t see any five year olds walking into the store and slamming their pay check on the counter for the new Michael Jackson album.

Don’t project that kind of shit onto Michael Jackson. It was 1991! Long before the type of explicit material kids are exposed to in this day and age.

I’m not even sure if the song was originally intended to be on the album as it was specifically for the Heal The World Foundation, but he tied the song in with the album and used the album to tour for the foundation to benefit and for him to do his humanitarian work.

Don’t twist it into something it wasn’t. There’s plenty of rock bands out there who sang about banging young girls.
I mean, at the end of the day, he don't like the song. That's not a crime. His justification for the "objectively it's bad" is poor but it's still, just his opinion. Maybe one day he'll appreciate the song for what it is and not for what it ain't.