I'm worried... Are you any of you...?

So far in the UK, there are 28 confirmed cases of swine flu (24 in England and 4 in Scotland) and they're not serious. Tamiflu is being given to anybody that has come into contact with somebody with swine flu, people are being quarantined and schools are being closed to prevent the spread of the virus.
Every year approximately 12,000 people die in the UK from normal human flu, so this really isn't going to be a big deal unless swine flu mutates into something really nasty. The Mexicans exaggerated the severity of the flu in their country (the number confirmed cases and deaths there has been significantly reduced!) and the media are jumping all over this making people worried that this is a big deal. It isn't.

Don't worry, unless something major goes wrong in the next few weeks, the concerts will go ahead as normal and everything will be fine. after all, concerts at large arenas haven't been cancelled so far because of Swine flu, so I don't see why that should change. (Even though somebody did catch swine flu from somebody at a 'Doves' gig in Scotland, the Scottish government does not consider this to be "close contact" and says it does not yet represent "sustained human-to-human transmission" This was the first confirmed case of human to human swine flu transmission in the UK, and there are now 2 confirmed cases).

If MJ has chosen to delay his trip to the UK due because of this then I think it was a wise decision for him. He can't afford to risk getting ill so close to the start of his concert series as it would be disastrous for him. But anybody getting on a long haul flight should be concerned about the possibility of getting ill. Not because the flu is serious, but simply because being stuck in a confined space with an ill person for hours on end is the easiest way to get ill. I think if MJ really wanted to come here, he would be able to charter a private jet just for this trip - he's not so broke he can't do that once in a while, surely. the fact he hasn't done that suggests it was never in his plan to come here yet.
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bob, very interesting post. I know it ISN'T a "big deal," but for people traveling to London from different countries, it is.

If Michael DOES choose to postpone or cancel shows, I support him fully and will eat the cost of my flights. At this point, I'm confident it will still go on as scheduled. However, I'm not about to turn a cheek to reality.