I'm worried... Are you any of you...?

Supriisingly, I thought about this aswel

As worrying as the current situation is I doubt that it's going to have the potential of halting everyones everyday activities. W/experiements on-going w/those affected I think that as time passes they'll be able to effectively treat this flu w/little difficulty.

I think the amount of media attention and hype this story is getting it's w/out doubt it's creating alot of hysteria amoung the masses. I'm not disputing the severity of this illness as unfortuntaely people have died but I believe that we'lll get a better understanding as to how to sustain the level of infection w/out spreading further.

As much as it's natural to be worry I don't think it's going to effect Michael concerts all that much and if they do they'll most certainly be re-scheduled.
Michaholic, here's some info that may put you at ease a little bit.

But even so, during the bird flu, they did NOT shut down travel, they did NOT shut down public events, and they did NOT close the borders... So I really wouldn't worry.

So relax... It will be fine! You will be fine, Michael will be fine, and the concerts will be experiences of a LIFETIME. Should you get a bad flu, seek medical attention and if you worry that any sign of illness may be the swine flu, call your doctor and speak to him. But don't panic, don't drive yourself into a state of panic and don't worry.

As a matter of fact, the more you worry, the weaker your immune system becomes, and well, that makes you more voulnarable.

Thank you, Minnie... You actually did ease my worries some! You've always been a sweetie as long as I've known you. ^_^

It's good that all strings are pulled, and things are watched carefully worldwide. People are now aware, will perhaps take better care of themselves, anti viral drugs are in store just in case...

So, just look after yourselves, take your vitamines, eat healthy.... and don't worry too much. Because that's bad for your health too :)

I'm no more aware of this than any other illness. I'm only worried because most others seem to think we should be more aware.

You worry waaaay too much, LOL. The swine flu is media hype, plain and simple. Michael will be fine, the show will go on, and one month from now no one will be talking about this new "pandemic".

This whole thing is blown out of preportion.

Yes, I do worry way too much and as funny as it sounds, it's good to hear you say that!

I was about to create exactly the same post as you a few days ago Michaholic. I was following the news, and thinking 'what if Michael has to cancel?' Then I thought of all the people who are truly suffering with this, and thought that to be honest if it gets to that stage no-one's going to be worrying about the concerts - there are much more important things to think about at this point. If you want to worry, think about your on friends and family, and Michael and his children, not whether the concerts will take place or not.

Belle, that's why I have taken so long to create it. You make it seem like I only care about myself and those concerts. I AM worried about all affected, as previously stated in my first post in this thread. Especially people like my Mom, who have almost no immune system. But I think I also share the same right to worry about my dreams I've had for so long. I've spent my life dreaming and months planning for it... Please don't make it seem like I don't have a right to worry about the dreams I've so badly wanted to come true for so long...

I would say I am not worried but concerned...

Fair enough! I think I like that saying better. I'm very concerned. Now I need to change the title of this threadagain!

I think this flu is overhyped. Actually, did you know that annual flu deaths (not H1N1) are associated with 36,000 deaths in the United States - world-wide this number is 1 to 3 million? I don't think we should panic - I believe the CDC and other Worldwide organizations are working on a new vaccine. I believe it will be ready soon.


Yes, I've always been aware. But it's still interesting to hear.

I'm not worried at all, I think if Michaels concerts were canceled for some reason, they would simply move the dates to anthor day

But that wouldn't help us people who already have our tickets. Ticketmaster doesn't allow us to get new tickets, I don't think. I believe they would just refund us or give us a credit and in some cases, they don't do anything but let you sit there with invalid tickets, should the shows get canceled. So, people like me would have to fight and worry once again if we'd get tickets. But, at the same time, it wouldn't be just me, it'd be like it was originally with no one having tickets and awaiting presale and general sale.

I must say, after reading some of these responses, I'm not so worried anymore. I've still got that concern in the back of my mind, but I suppose all of us who are going would, right?
And check out this article... http://bouncewith.me.uk/europe/8027043.htm

Do you believe that?

LOL! :rofl: Oh no! It's 28 Days Later all over again! He could at least use real zombies this time for Thriller, though ;)

But seriously, even with that article about him afraid to fly to the UK... ummm... there are more cases in California right now than in the UK, aren't there?

Overall, though, this is worrying to me as well in the back of my mind. I'm afraid it will get worse and the concerts will end up cancelled. Personally, I haven't seen Michael for 21 years, I've got 7th row and then if it all gets cancelled... agh! Or what if some of us won't be able to fly or enter the UK due to country-specific quarantines and then we wouldn't even get refunds for tickets (if the concerts still proceeded, I mean). Now THAT would suck. But in the end, if you were MJ, would you perform in an arena with 20,000 people breathing at you during a deadly pandemic (if it turns out to be)? Uh, no.

We just have to hope and pray that this turns out to be overblown, or, at the very, very least, that it dies down during summer like flu usually does, letting concerts proceed and giving them more time to get a vaccine made (although I question whether supplies would be enough for anyone but high risk folks, but 'lucky' for me, that includes me). They're expecting transmission rates and cases to drop significantly over the summer and then probably flare up again in the fall to winter. (So if someone were to freak out, I'd worry more about the Jan/Feb concerts than this summer, sorry.... )

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But that wouldn't help us people who already have our tickets. Ticketmaster doesn't allow us to get new tickets, I don't think. I believe they would just refund us or give us a credit and in some cases, they don't do anything but let you sit there with invalid tickets, should the shows get canceled.
if a show is postponed the tickets from original date remain valid for the new date. if the show is cancelled altogether u get a refund

I have re-read my post, and apologise if it seemed like i was having a go at you - I don't mean to sound like that. I've been talking to several people on this forum over the last few days who are suffering with many difficulties in their own lives. Some are caused by things that are affecting or could affect all of us, ie swine flu, illnesses in family or themselves, and financial problems due to the 'credit crisis'. It is due to this that I have come to the conclusion that swine flu is one of many things that are wrong in this world at the moment, but we cannot change it. My true response to your rightly posed question was yes, it does worry me. If Michael has to cancel I would be truly heartbroken, as would many of fans on here. However, if he does it will be for a good reason and I don't see any reason why he wouldn't re-schedule them. We have heard that he has plans in the pipeline for the next few years, and this is a big event for him, so i'm not going to panic about it :)

Sorry if I upset you - I know what you meant by your question and didn't mean to sound insulting :(
The company who makes the swine flu vaccine predicted a 531% growth in the vaccine in 2009. they predicted this in 2008. the same year that same drug's profits fell 80%. WTF??
Linda, the 'conspiracy' idea was my first thought anyway, without knowing about what you just wrote, when I first saw the news about this. But maybe I've just been listening to Coast to Coast too much over the years...? Nah. I would say more, but it's not really so much MJ-related...

I really expect it to slow way down over the summer, though. It would be even weirder than the vaccine growth prediction if it turned into a pandemic over the summer. It should slow down and let us see Michael!
I am really worried...
:( why does this have to happen now?
2 months to go :(
i'm praying it won't get any worse
i wonder what Michael thinks of all this...
Personally, I haven't seen Michael for 21 years, I've got 7th row and then if it all gets cancelled... agh! Or what if some of us won't be able to fly or enter the UK due to country-specific quarantines and then we wouldn't even get refunds for tickets (if the concerts still proceeded, I mean). Now THAT would suck. But in the end, if you were MJ, would you perform in an arena with 20,000 people breathing at you during a deadly pandemic (if it turns out to be)? Uh, no.

We just have to hope and pray that this turns out to be overblown, or, at the very, very least, that it dies down during summer like flu usually does, letting concerts proceed and giving them more time to get a vaccine made (although I question whether supplies would be enough for anyone but high risk folks, but 'lucky' for me, that includes me). They're expecting transmission rates and cases to drop significantly over the summer and then probably flare up again in the fall to winter. (So if someone were to freak out, I'd worry more about the Jan/Feb concerts than this summer, sorry.... )

Hmm. Well, I have never seen Michael and I will be seeing him on July 8th, 10th and 12th. July 12th, I will be Thriller VIP section A2 row D... So close, I bet I could feel his sweat slap across my face! LOL!

I'm praying and will continue to pray for all of this madness to just stop.

if a show is postponed the tickets from original date remain valid for the new date. if the show is cancelled altogether u get a refund

Are you 100% sure about that? Has that happened to you before? If so, how would they allow the old tickets to work when they all have the wrong dates? Would they tell us through e-mail?


I have re-read my post, and apologise if it seemed like i was having a go at you - I don't mean to sound like that. I've been talking to several people on this forum over the last few days who are suffering with many difficulties in their own lives. Some are caused by things that are affecting or could affect all of us, ie swine flu, illnesses in family or themselves, and financial problems due to the 'credit crisis'. It is due to this that I have come to the conclusion that swine flu is one of many things that are wrong in this world at the moment, but we cannot change it. My true response to your rightly posed question was yes, it does worry me. If Michael has to cancel I would be truly heartbroken, as would many of fans on here. However, if he does it will be for a good reason and I don't see any reason why he wouldn't re-schedule them. We have heard that he has plans in the pipeline for the next few years, and this is a big event for him, so i'm not going to panic about it :)

Sorry if I upset you - I know what you meant by your question and didn't mean to sound insulting :(


Thanks for clarifying. It was offensive at first, but I'm not upset anymore. You're a doll.

If you've been reading Maria's thread in General Discussion V.3, you'll understand the hardships I'm suffering through right now, as well.

I really expect it to slow way down over the summer, though. It would be even weirder than the vaccine growth prediction if it turned into a pandemic over the summer. It should slow down and let us see Michael!
Amen to that!
f a show is postponed the tickets from original date remain valid for the new date. if the show is cancelled altogether u get a refund Are you 100% sure about that? Has that happened to you before? If so, how would they allow the old tickets to work when they all have the wrong dates? Would they tell us through e-mail?
its pretty much standard practice across the industry of course sometimes theres different rules depending on promoters etc.but ive worked at concerts as security for the last 10 years and its pretty much a standard rule,. they allow the old tickets to work just as normal. all that happens is security it told that tickets from x date are still valid and u let them in doesnt matter if they have the wrong dates.they know the show on the original dates was cancelled and this is the rescheduled one.. if theres electronic issues interms of them being scanned they may send out new tickets to you or allow for box office collection. but all tickets will remain valid u dont lose your ticket because the show was postponed everything stays the same. if u cant attend the new date u get a refund. if the shows posponed u get told of the new date and u turn up and thats about it.
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fighting the bird flu which - IMO - was VASTLY more dangerous than the swine flu, because not only was the bird flu contageous from person to person, but also from animal to people.
I watch the news closely too and what you write that the bird flu was contageous from person to person is wrong, I've learned the opposite watching a documentation.

But yes it is contageous from animal to human.

However, I share your opinion regarding the swine flu and the concerts and everything. We live in a developed country and are not in danger, though we have to take precautions and act sensible.
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its pretty much standard practice across the industry of course sometimes theres different rules depending on promoters etc.but ive worked at concerts as security for the last 10 years and its pretty much a standard rule,. they allow the old tickets to work just as normal. all that happens is security it told that tickets from x date are still valid and u let them in doesnt matter if they have the wrong dates.they know the show on the original dates was cancelled and this is the rescheduled one.. if theres electronic issues interms of them being scanned they may send out new tickets to you or allow for box office collection. but all tickets will remain valid u dont lose your ticket because the show was postponed everything stays the same. if u cant attend the new date u get a refund. if the shows posponed u get told of the new date and u turn up and thats about it.
Interesting. Thanks for your advice.

I just hope that's the case IF (God Forbid) it does get postponed.
It's not only about changed show dates, it's about flights, hotels and vacation. I already paid for my flights, hotel, scheduled my holidays. And it's not about whether WE are afraid of the flu, it's about what Michael thinks, and the most important what UK goverment will decide.
The only hope is that there are fewer flu cases in Mexico already. :angel:
The company who makes the swine flu vaccine predicted a 531% growth in the vaccine in 2009. they predicted this in 2008. the same year that same drug's profits fell 80%. WTF?? This alone makes me unable to sleep at night...??!! How is it possible that a company could predict a 450% growth during a global economic crisis? The government voted down an addendum to the stimulus package that would have allotted a few hundred million dollars to flu vaccinesthat was what? a month and a half before the swine flu outbreak? Other interesting tidbits...the company was recently acquired by a larger pharmaceutical company, which also recently acquired a huge biotech firm out in california

I know that often times when someone mentions a conspiracy others think that is too outrageous and some get labeled as crazy for thinking it, but when there truly is a conspiracy, that is just what those who are behind it want others to think. Not saying this is the case here but it certainly seems fishy. At the very least they could be "advertising" for their product by spreading needless hype.

That so called zombie strain is pretty freaky actually. We all know what that reminds us of

I wonder if they can be helped after their hearts get started again by the virus. Scary to think that can happen.
I must admit I did think of it when I saw that empty football stadium in Mexico. But I'm pretty sure it's all media hype. If you look at the numbers of people who actually have this flu, it's not a pandemic at all. Yet.
Until it gets drastically worse, I'm not going to worry.
The company who makes the swine flu vaccine predicted a 531% growth in the vaccine in 2009. they predicted this in 2008. the same year that same drug's profits fell 80%. WTF?? This alone makes me unable to sleep at night...??!! How is it possible that a company could predict a 450% growth during a global economic crisis? The government voted down an addendum to the stimulus package that would have allotted a few hundred million dollars to flu vaccinesthat was what? a month and a half before the swine flu outbreak? Other interesting tidbits...the company was recently acquired by a larger pharmaceutical company, which also recently acquired a huge biotech firm out in california


There's a lot of money involved in these things.....direct words from the doctors at our hospital after I asked them what they think about the Swine Flu "threat". I can't say I'm too worried at the moment. I'm a registered nurse and work in a hospital and we get new patients every day who are all coughing and sneezing and throwing up and what not and we have not been instructed to wear masks or anything. If there was a real threat, you'd think the hospital staff would be the first ones to be asked to wear masks at all times because you don't really know what all a patient could have when they are admitted to the hospital. So...can't say I'd be really worried.

I don't think countries would close their boarders...Can't remember them doing that during SARS either?! :scratch:The only thing how this could effect the concerts would be Michael's decision not to travel. If he is concerned and doesn't feel comfortable travelling or is scared of catching it, he could cancel....but other than that, I doubt the concerts would get cancelled because of the Swine Flu. Unless things would get really out of hands and we'd all of the sudden all be in real danger...but like some others said...in that case the concert cancellations would be our least concern.

Just use common sense and keep an eye on the situation... but there is NO NEED to panic.
Michaholic, here's some info that may put you at ease a little bit.

I LIVE in Europe. I am watching the news right now, and I am following this flu-thing pretty closely because I watch the news regularly.

So far, there have only been VERY few diagnosed people with this flu in Europe. I think less than 50 (though the numbers might've jumped a bit since last they mentioned the numbers yesterday night). 50 people out of over a billion people is not a major threat.

A few years back, Denmark was - along with the rest of the world - fighting the bird flu which - IMO - was VASTLY more dangerous than the swine flu, because not only was the bird flu contageous from person to person, but also from animal to people. We are talking THOUSANDS of people contracting the bird flu.

The airport authorities set up scanners in all airports that meassured the temperature of all passengers, so that anybody with even the slightest fever was not allowed to travel (The confined space in an airplane is not exactly helpful LOL). They were blocking wild birds from getting anywhere NEAR livestock such as chickens etc, and every day more and more people got hospitalized. The swine flu is NOWHERE NEAR that level.

But even so, during the bird flu, they did NOT shut down travel, they did NOT shut down public events, and they did NOT close the borders... So I really wouldn't worry.

YES, it is something to be concerned about for your own health. Take the necessary precautions (like wash your hands often, don't travel to Mexico etc), and I am 100% sure that Michael is doing the same thing.

Both Michael and you are from western and wealthy countries, where medication is readily available. And so far? NO DEATHS have been reported outside of Mexico except for the 23-month-old toddler from Mexico. And ALL have been poor and without access to medication.

I am right now watching an expert from WHO giving an interview who also said "This is not a deadly flu to most... this is not the bird flu which was deadly, this is a regular flu". Only those who are already weakened because of heart-problems, age etc are at any risk. It is no more dangerous than any other flu.

So relax... It will be fine! You will be fine, Michael will be fine, and the concerts will be experiences of a LIFETIME. Should you get a bad flu, seek medical attention and if you worry that any sign of illness may be the swine flu, call your doctor and speak to him. But don't panic, don't drive yourself into a state of panic and don't worry.

As a matter of fact, the more you worry, the weaker your immune system becomes, and well, that makes you more voulnarable.


Fingers crossed it should be fine, I dont think the problem is as bad as the media make out. Just an ideal way to keep the focus off the economy
I was thinking at the concerts we will be so close to each other. Pray nobody has it and passes it on to other people.
t's not only about changed show dates, it's about flights, hotels and vacation. I already paid for my flights, hotel, scheduled my holidays. And it's not about whether WE are afraid of the flu, it's about what Michael thinks, and the most important what UK goverment will decide.
thats why its important to get travel insurance. whether it will cover it though i dont know
It's not only about changed show dates, it's about flights, hotels and vacation. I already paid for my flights, hotel, scheduled my holidays. And it's not about whether WE are afraid of the flu, it's about what Michael thinks, and the most important what UK goverment will decide.
The only hope is that there are fewer flu cases in Mexico already. :angel:

I'm aware of this and Michael's health as well as everyone else's comes before any concert.

Just use common sense and keep an eye on the situation... but there is NO NEED to panic.

I'm not panicking, I'm just living in the reality of today. That reality is: These concerts COULD be in jeopardy, if this flu gets much worse (Pandemic stage).

Worrying about it will worsen your health.

I heard if you worry and/or stress about something, your body reacts negatively to it.

I hear ya there. My worrying is different, though. I'm not letting it get me down and I'm STILL planning for my trip. There's just that "What if..." But there's always that "What if..."
Michaholic your getting your knickers in a knot!

"He emphasized that the phase levels used by WHO are not a measurement of the epidemiology of the disease. "They are really a warning to countries and the global population to make preparations to reduce the health impact of the virus," he said"

"The WHO has issued no travel restrictions, "because we do not believe that will slow the transmission down," Dr. Fukuda said. "If you are feeling ill, you should consider delaying travel and staying at home. If you are traveling and you become sick during that travel, it is important to seek medical attention while there," he said."

"WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities."


Stop stressing others out.
You need to chill the heck out. I was sharing MY worries. Did I say the concerts WILL be canceled? Nope!

If you don't like this thread, buh-bye!
I am still concerned.....there is not much use of worrying....

but guys on the Northern hemisphere....dont overlook the threath....summer might be on your doorstep but in other places it is winter - flu season.......and if this virus mutates (as flu does very often) it will only take 12hrs to get to Northern Hemisphere on a flight....even less than that in some cases.....unfortunately the level of hygenie standards varies accross the globe and the threat is a combination of speed of travel and difference in hgyenie standards....

I am saying what Schwarzie said "be alert but not alarmed"...
Yes, I found that, too. We are being patient. We're just not going to pretend that things can't happen, though. ;)
It's not really that bad. Besides from one death in the U.S. (and this was after he came from Mexico) and maybe another in Spain, everybody that got some of it was VERY mild and they're being treated and they're acting well to it. Yeah be concerned but just be careful just in case. And Michael's gonna be alright. The tour won't be interfered by something like this. :)
Thanks, Troubleman. :) I just feel so bad for all the families who have had loved ones die from this... I just hope Michael decides what is best, as he always does. :)
AHH, I was thinking of that and I basically almost cried :| But like a lot of people said, I think the media is blowing it out of proportion, which they're really good at.