I'm worried... Are you any of you...?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
OK... I believe this is in the correct forum, since this pertains to This Is It, but if not, please feel free to move it!

So, as pessimistic as this thread may be, I'm trying my best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

The Swine Flu is one level below becoming a pandemic. What would a pandemic mean for Michael's scheduled performances...? Someone told me if the level of the flu reaches a pandemic, they could start shutting down country borders and limiting travel, as they've began doing with Mexico.

Well... What about the concerts? I live in the USA, one of the worst places the flu has had its outbreak... If they shut down the borders, either a) Michael will be there and perform in the UK and I won't be able to get out, or b) Michael won't be going anywhere and everyone will be stuck. I'm scared that I've spent so much time and money... And I've spent my entire life waiting for my lifelong dream to come true and here I am so close with something so serious threatening to take it away from me...

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather everyone get well and stay well before anything, but I think I have a right to worry also, right? I'm not trying to be selfish... I'm sure most, if not, all people who have been waiting their whole lives for something this special are probably worrying about the same thing.

So, if you're worried, or not... Please share your thoughts, but please be respectful. I'm not saying I'd rather people be sick if that means my dream comes true. I'm just simply saying that I'm worried about everyone's health and dreams... I hadn't even thought about this until now, as I've just been happily planning my London trip...

I'll be praying for the well being of all affected by the Swine Flu as well as all the people who are worried about their dreams being so close, but seeming even more far away now than ever... :angel:

Peace and God Bless All,


PS - I'm hoping to God I'm just being a worry wart.

PSS - I just noticed I titled this thread wrong... Can a mod please make the title "I'm worried... Are any of you...?"
I actually thought about this just a little while ago.. after reading more about the swine flu. Ahh.. =/ and the media really likes to provoke a lot of fear in the public sometimes.. *sigh* so many messed up occurrences. Some people are saying things like "149 people? That's nothing. If it's 1000+ then I would consider it blah blah"

What a year 2009 has been thus far...
I know what you mean, but even though it's only a hundred or so, it's still spreading worldwide.
idk...i hope not...but guess its time for the waiting game,we still have 2months 2go
Interesting article... Thanks for posting... So they did raise it to level 6? Because other articles still say possible pandemic. Man, these O2 Arena performances are in jeopardy and so are so many innocent lives. :( The world is a wreck right now!
Michaholic, here's some info that may put you at ease a little bit.

I LIVE in Europe. I am watching the news right now, and I am following this flu-thing pretty closely because I watch the news regularly.

So far, there have only been VERY few diagnosed people with this flu in Europe. I think less than 50 (though the numbers might've jumped a bit since last they mentioned the numbers yesterday night). 50 people out of over a billion people is not a major threat.

A few years back, Denmark was - along with the rest of the world - fighting the bird flu which - IMO - was VASTLY more dangerous than the swine flu, because not only was the bird flu contageous from person to person, but also from animal to people. We are talking THOUSANDS of people contracting the bird flu.

The airport authorities set up scanners in all airports that meassured the temperature of all passengers, so that anybody with even the slightest fever was not allowed to travel (The confined space in an airplane is not exactly helpful LOL). They were blocking wild birds from getting anywhere NEAR livestock such as chickens etc, and every day more and more people got hospitalized. The swine flu is NOWHERE NEAR that level.

But even so, during the bird flu, they did NOT shut down travel, they did NOT shut down public events, and they did NOT close the borders... So I really wouldn't worry.

YES, it is something to be concerned about for your own health. Take the necessary precautions (like wash your hands often, don't travel to Mexico etc), and I am 100% sure that Michael is doing the same thing.

Both Michael and you are from western and wealthy countries, where medication is readily available. And so far? NO DEATHS have been reported outside of Mexico except for the 23-month-old toddler from Mexico. And ALL have been poor and without access to medication.

I am right now watching an expert from WHO giving an interview who also said "This is not a deadly flu to most... this is not the bird flu which was deadly, this is a regular flu". Only those who are already weakened because of heart-problems, age etc are at any risk. It is no more dangerous than any other flu.

So relax... It will be fine! You will be fine, Michael will be fine, and the concerts will be experiences of a LIFETIME. Should you get a bad flu, seek medical attention and if you worry that any sign of illness may be the swine flu, call your doctor and speak to him. But don't panic, don't drive yourself into a state of panic and don't worry.

As a matter of fact, the more you worry, the weaker your immune system becomes, and well, that makes you more voulnarable.
I'm not concerned at all. Yes... it's a dragon of a flu. But if you look at the numbers, many people get it, not many die. It's a very bad flu, but not fatal in most cases. You have to realise that many, many, many people die from the 'regular' flu each year. But if you have a strong immune system, you will not die. It will be unpleasant for a week or so, but it's not like what you see in the movie Outbreak for example.

It's good that all strings are pulled, and things are watched carefully worldwide. People are now aware, will perhaps take better care of themselves, anti viral drugs are in store just in case...

So, just look after yourselves, take your vitamines, eat healthy.... and don't worry too much. Because that's bad for your health too :)
i believe i heard that some countries are closing the borders for people comeing from mexico..
i have also thought about this topic and i am also worried quite much since this is just the beginning. and its more likely that it will become worse than better..
My concerns exctly! I thought about swine flu impact on concerts the same day I've heard about the new virus. :(
I really hope that it all stops in time.
Fingers crossed it should be fine, I dont think the problem is as bad as the media make out. Just an ideal way to keep the focus off the economy
Very much doubt it will be raised to Level 6.... you would be talking about a worldwide epidemic! If it gets to that stage (as i say, i very much doubt it) then cancelled concerts would be the least of our worries!!
Very much doubt it will be raised to Level 6.... you would be talking about a worldwide epidemic! If it gets to that stage (as i say, i very much doubt it) then cancelled concerts would be the least of our worries!!

Exactly. :yes:
seriously, guys... As both Hoof and I said, it's a bad flu, YES, but the fatality rate is very low. It'll put you in bed for a week, make you feel like crap, get a better view of your already eaten food than you'd like, and make your tissue-budget explode, but it'll be fine.

I have not heard of the borders closing here in Europe. I know that they are warning against making unnecessary trips into Mexico, but they do that all time... There's no blockage of people travelling from Mexico... Or from the US.

Even the media are saying "Okay... not as bad as we've made it out to be this past week"...
Very much doubt it will be raised to Level 6.... you would be talking about a worldwide epidemic! If it gets to that stage (as i say, i very much doubt it) then cancelled concerts would be the least of our worries!!

I agree - it would really have to be a huge international crisis for countries to shut their borders (the consequences of which would be enormous and cost billions). The situation is being carefully monitored to ensure this doesn't happen and governments, the WHO etc have been preparing to deal with these kind of flu outbreaks.
OK... I believe this is in the correct forum, since this pertains to This Is It, but if not, please feel free to move it!

So, as pessimistic as this thread may be, I'm trying my best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

The Swine Flu is one level below becoming a pandemic. What would a pandemic mean for Michael's scheduled performances...? Someone told me if the level of the flu reaches a pandemic, they could start shutting down country borders and limiting travel, as they've began doing with Mexico.

Well... What about the concerts? I live in the USA, one of the worst places the flu has had its outbreak... If they shut down the borders, either a) Michael will be there and perform in the UK and I won't be able to get out, or b) Michael won't be going anywhere and everyone will be stuck. I'm scared that I've spent so much time and money... And I've spent my entire life waiting for my lifelong dream to come true and here I am so close with something so serious threatening to take it away from me...

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather everyone get well and stay well before anything, but I think I have a right to worry also, right? I'm not trying to be selfish... I'm sure most, if not, all people who have been waiting their whole lives for something this special are probably worrying about the same thing.

So, if you're worried, or not... Please share your thoughts, but please be respectful. I'm not saying I'd rather people be sick if that means my dream comes true. I'm just simply saying that I'm worried about everyone's health and dreams... I hadn't even thought about this until now, as I've just been happily planning my London trip...

I'll be praying for the well being of all affected by the Swine Flu as well as all the people who are worried about their dreams being so close, but seeming even more far away now than ever... :angel:

Peace and God Bless All,


PS - I'm hoping to God I'm just being a worry wart.

PSS - I just noticed I titled this thread wrong... Can a mod please make the title "I'm worried... Are any of you...?"

You worry waaaay too much, LOL. The swine flu is media hype, plain and simple. Michael will be fine, the show will go on, and one month from now no one will be talking about this new "pandemic".
Only one person has died from it since it's so called outbreak. You wanna know how many people die every year from just the regular flu in America?
Over 30,000.
Nobody's talking about that. So this new "crisis" is just a way to create a story and frighten the crap out of folks. It's got nothin' on the worldwide flu epidemic of 1918, which killed more than 20 million people, including 500,000 Americans.
That's scary.
If we approached numbers like that, I'd be worried too. But we're not, so keeping your hands clean, covering your mouth whenever you cough, and staying home from school or work if you're sick are really the only precautions necessary.
This whole thing is blown out of preportion.

well i live in New Zealand and we officially have 3 people with the flu confirmed and 109 suspected. may be more i dont know... but it's winter time here, it's normal to have flu... worrying doesnt make sense. hoping does. i think trying to stay positive can make a difference. plus remember there are always these media that like to make it seem more dangerous as it is in reality.

i also think that it's funny that Michael apparently doesnt care too much - otherwise he would have stayed home. and he is going shopping :) hee hee
Very much doubt it will be raised to Level 6.... you would be talking about a worldwide epidemic! If it gets to that stage (as i say, i very much doubt it) then cancelled concerts would be the least of our worries!!

Well said!! I was about to create exactly the same post as you a few days ago Michaholic. I was following the news, and thinking 'what if Michael has to cancel?' Then I thought of all the people who are truly suffering with this, and thought that to be honest if it gets to that stage no-one's going to be worrying about the concerts - there are much more important things to think about at this point. If you want to worry, think about your on friends and family, and Michael and his children, not whether the concerts will take place or not.
I would say I am not worried but concerned...I am concerned that in case this envolves and the threath level is raised to level 6 on the WHO scale then I might not be able to fly to the UK or events like concerts will not be allowed to take place at all....
I think we in the Southern Hemisphere have to be on alert...we have the flu season on our doorstep anyway and the last thing we need is to have this new flue spreading instead of the "standard flu"...
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I agree - it would really have to be a huge international crisis for countries to shut their borders (the consequences of which would be enormous and cost billions). The situation is being carefully monitored to ensure this doesn't happen and governments, the WHO etc have been preparing to deal with these kind of flu outbreaks.

Yep, as you say, things would have to drastically change for level 6 to be declared. At the moment there are numerous cases "suspected" to have caused death, but not confirmed...

Level 6 means that it is a global pandemic with MAJOR outbreaks in more than one region of the world. The UK civil contingency plan would probably kick in and all events (sporting, music etc) would be suspended in an attempt to limit the spread of infection.

I suspect it's a case of yet more media scaremongering.
Yep, as you say, things would have to drastically change for level 6 to be declared. At the moment there are numerous cases "suspected" to have caused death, but not confirmed...

Level 6 means that it is a global pandemic with MAJOR outbreaks in more than one region of the world. The UK civil contingency plan would probably kick in and all events (sporting, music etc) would be suspended in an attempt to limit the spread of infection.

I suspect it's a case of yet more media scaremongering.

May, June that is 2 months to go...and whilst the likelyhood of the virus spreading in big numbers in the Northern Hemipshere is limited (flu virus doesnt like warm and dry weather) ...The Southern however is just days away from winter....with the cold and wet weather the flu virus thrieves in...I think there is reason to be concerned and 2 months is a long time....heaps can change in 2 months...
I think this flu is overhyped. Actually, did you know that annual flu deaths (not H1N1) are associated with 36,000 deaths in the United States - world-wide this number is 1 to 3 million? I don't think we should panic - I believe the CDC and other Worldwide organizations are working on a new vaccine. I believe it will be ready soon.


media hype. do the maths and look at the number of ppl who have this. u know how many ppl die of regular flue each year. thousands. im sure the tabs are creating their stores now just like the express one in gen discussion.
I'm not worried about the concerts being cancelled or postponed whether it be because of the Swine flu or some other reason. On CNN Sanjay Kumpta (sp?) a Chief Health correspondent said at this time of year with Summer approaching the flu is not likely to last. I heard him say this yesterday. Obviously people should still take precautions.
The company who makes the swine flu vaccine predicted a 531% growth in the vaccine in 2009. they predicted this in 2008. the same year that same drug's profits fell 80%. WTF?? This alone makes me unable to sleep at night...??!! How is it possible that a company could predict a 450% growth during a global economic crisis? The government voted down an addendum to the stimulus package that would have allotted a few hundred million dollars to flu vaccinesthat was what? a month and a half before the swine flu outbreak? Other interesting tidbits...the company was recently acquired by a larger pharmaceutical company, which also recently acquired a huge biotech firm out in california

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I think if they stop all flights now then the flu will stop spreading then hopefully it will be died out by July 8th :(

Fingers crossed!