I'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Michael's eternal legacy is just that: eternal. Hoax videos, blogs or quotes from early 20th century poets such as the Kahlil Gibran quote I used will not diminish
this man's legacy one ounce. Sometimes we understand more with silence than we do with words. Michael didn't always illuminate his vision with words, rhythm, dance, mystery, magic and the simple act of kissing a child's forehead in an orphanage spoke volumes of who this man was. With those unspoken acts of kindness and charity, he beckoned us to be emissaries of change alongside him, to be cheerleaders for the human spirit.
So, yes to understand him, we need to look past the words and really listen - he's there hiding in plain sight.

Music is love in search of a word ~
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I don't really see it as fair to say "that's their opinion." If (God forbid) a sibling, spose, parent or close friend to me died, and a bunch of people began claiming it's a hoax, that person is really alive and the grief experienced is false, I'd be pretty pissed to say the least. Opinion doesn't make sense here really; like saying: "In my opinion, bowls of jelly fly aeroplanes or spoons control the free world, you can't argue with that, it's my opinion..."
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I don't really see it as fair to say "that's their opinion."

If (God forbid) a sibling, spose, parent or close friend to me died, and a bunch of people began claiming it's a hoax, that person is really alive and the grief experienced is false, I'd be pretty pissed to say the least. Opinion doesn't make sense here really; like saying: "In my opinion, bowls of jelly fly aeroplanes or spoons control the free world, you can't argue with that, it's my opinion..."

if your loved one died in suspicious circumstances (the most suspicious of all time), a year later noone had still been punished, the autopsy death certificate and all legal documents that were released were fake...you may feel different.

these people are angry and they are asking questions. they want answers, they want the truth more than anything.

if somebody can sort out this huge MESS that is called an "investigation" then these people could move on with their lives. its the LAPD or whoever is making a mockery of the situation that is causing these people confusion.

until the case is resolved, people are confused.

ps. these are beautiful loving people like us who see michael the same way as we. trust me, because ive browsed the forums a bit, these people ARE michael fans. many have been for 10-30 years. this is FACT. the person who STARTED the site wasnt a fan, but the participators are.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

like i said..the media doesn't need to interfere. the fan community might do a good job of splitting itself. i knew this thread would be a breeding ground for people who would decide who was a fan of Michael Jackson, and who was not.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

if your loved one died in suspicious circumstances (the most suspicious of all time), a year later noone had still been punished, the autopsy death certificate and all legal documents that were released were fake...you may feel different.

these people are angry and they are asking questions. they want answers, they want the truth more than anything.

if somebody can sort out this huge MESS that is called an "investigation" then these people could move on with their lives. its the LAPD or whoever is making a mockery of the situation that is causing these people confusion.

until the case is resolved, people are confused.

ps. these are beautiful loving people like us who see michael the same way as we. trust me, because ive browsed the forums a bit, these people ARE michael fans. many have been for 10-30 years. this is FACT. the person who STARTED the site wasnt a fan, but the participators are.

I never said these people weren't loving, or that they weren't MJ fans. The videos that I've seen on Youtube are absolutely NOT asking questions, instead, telling people that Michael is alive, it's all a hoax and some even claim that we're awful for giving up on him... I don't think this is anywhere close to the most suspicious of all time, we know how and when Michael passed, the bigger picture seems blurred yes, and a year later there is a trial being prepared against the doctor that administered the lethal injection...

Just because someone is a fan and has been for many years, they should be allowed to make up hurtful and totally false fantasies? Sorry, but Michael's children are on Youtube a lot, I for one want nothing more than these kinds of videos removed.

I stand by what I said, peddling lies under the label of "my opinion" makes no sense at all.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

yall have no control over the internet. you can't worry about Michael's kids. that's the family's responsibility. this is the real world. instead of going to war with each other, the practice will have to be avoiding things that upset you, or one might as well leave the internet, altogether.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I never said these people weren't loving, or that they weren't MJ fans. The videos that I've seen on Youtube are absolutely NOT asking questions, instead, telling people that Michael is alive, it's all a hoax and some even claim that we're awful for giving up on him... I don't think this is anywhere close to the most suspicious of all time, we know how and when Michael passed, the bigger picture seems blurred yes, and a year later there is a trial being prepared against the doctor that administered the lethal injection...

Just because someone is a fan and has been for many years, they should be allowed to make up hurtful and totally false fantasies? Sorry, but Michael's children are on Youtube a lot, I for one want nothing more than these kinds of videos removed.

I stand by what I said, peddling lies under the label of "my opinion" makes no sense at all.

and what makes you so special that you are the only person on the planet who knows what a lie and what is the truth?
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

The videos that I've seen on Youtube are absolutely NOT asking questions, instead, telling people that Michael is alive, it's all a hoax and some even claim that we're awful for giving up on him...

You're definitely watching the wrong hoax videos...Just sayin' :mello:
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

and what makes you so special that you are the only person on the planet who knows what a lie and what is the truth?

Stop making this personal to me. Michael is dead, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who knows that.

You're definitely watching the wrong hoax videos...Just sayin' :mello:

I've seen two, both of which blatantly said Michael is alive, one saying he's in Europe somewhere, the other said that people who chose to believe he's gone have given up on him. I wouldn't dare post them here...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I visited a hoax forum once... They see clues in every little picture and are driving each other crazy. A few months ago I even found an article in our newspaper about Michael still being alive and the clues that were found. But if people want to believe in this kind of things and it gives them hope, well.. just let them. They will eventually find out their hope is for nothing. I won't think anything bad about this guys, because they are fans just as us, they only want to believe Michael is still alive. And yes, maybe sometimes in a wrong way.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

WHAT??????????? :bugeyed 5 pages?????? :eek: I do not believe this thread is moving sooooooooooooo fast..... :doh:



yep. don't want to be a part of it, but keep talking about it. lol. worried about a legacy that has survived even some fans who came and went.

for me, if i thought a house was haunted, i just stayed away from it, and forgot about it. lol. that way, it would fade from my memory, whether it was still there, or not. but if i want it to remain in my memory, i just keep talking about it.

and we have proven that we are desensitized to just how badly someone can be treated, unless it's us. we should just leave this alone.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I've seen two, both of which blatantly said Michael is alive, one saying he's in Europe somewhere, the other said that people who chose to believe he's gone have given up on him. I wouldn't dare post them here...

Yeah, I mean, the first time I watched a hoax video, it was something along those lines....Blatantly saying he's alive....so I never watched them again....but when you find the right ones, that give the impression that there is a POSSIBILITY...well, then they seem a little more believable...

That's all I'm gonna say....I don't dare state any other type of opinion on that matter in this thread.....:bugeyed...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Okay, for the sake taboo, I'm going to withdraw totally from posting in this thread...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

no matter how bad things are, it is truly a tragic tragic thing, but, it is a horrible thing to blame one person for another person's suicide.

it's truly a thing of great despair, and perhaps great misunderstanding, but it is not the kind of thing where you can assign blame.

and this term, L.O.V.E. a lot of us use it, but i don't know if we truly understand it. so perhaps, none of us should try to define it.

I'm actually not sure of the tone in which your answer was. So I'm sure if you're blaming me for something or just commenting... but.<

Believe me, I know it takes more than one thing usually to commit suicide, or at least think or try to do it. I also know that Michael's death can be, for some people who always had a not so nice life, the event that can make you think it's the end of hope for a better life now that Michael is gone.

I'm not blaming Michael (???) I'm blaming Michael's death, which is an event, not a person.

And believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Anyway...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I don't really think Michael is alive although if anyone could pull it off it would be him and I think he would only do it if he had no other choice. His brothers have admitted that Michael said someone was trying to kill him and he admitted on tape that he was being kept away from people he loved by Tohme. Michael was strong but noone could go up against the power of those people. They wanted the catalogue. I don't think he is alive but if he is he had every reason to do whatever he had to to get free of these people and I would forgive him. I don't feel that he is here on earth with us but I hope he is. There are some unanswered questions. Either way I love you Michael and always will.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Guys this is veering on actual conspiracy discussion which is not allowed.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I wonder what people who think he is alive are gonna be like in 20yrs time.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Those videos are annoying and disturbing and I dont believe a word of it.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I know how you feel, it's really annoying to me too. michael would never to this to his family. he would not leave his kids behind like that. he's with us in spirit though. just ignore it. they can't accept that he's gone.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Well I like the idea that Michael would still be alive somewhere but I can't get on board with the clues they are leaving and the reasons they give for Michael doing this. Its very apparent they know very little about Michael or are not real fans.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Wow! Part of me wishes I had not stumbled upon this thread... I have read almost every single post if not all.

There are a lot of things I want to say and express but I honestly don't even know where to begin...

I guess a good starting point as is in writing is to verify my qualifications to be able to speak on the subject(s) at hand... Might I do this by saying firstly that I have appreciated Michael Jackson and his music from the time I was a child, I have followed his career, speculations and other assertions made by media, his family, associates and other friends and fans, and I am prayer warrior who is filled with faith and inspiration from above...

My decision to post here was a difficult one and I have wrestled inside myself and sought God extensively on whether or not to do so... I believe it is His will, which is why I am posting!

I want to do a few things by writing whoever the Lord guides to read this and the most important one is to encourage you to have love in your hearts... I can't stress that enough on how important it is for us to love ESPECIALLY in difficult times!!!

There are people who believe is gone and those who believe he is here and those who are uncertain what is you believe but wherever it is that you stand then I encourage you stand strong!

I want to encourage all who knew love for Michael to remember the heart he exhibited so full of vibrant, youthful, expressionate love- to hold onto that memory so tightly that it becomes a part of you and you a part of him!

I want to express my sorrow amidst so much hurt and heartache and words I could never express to you concerning my anguish in my heart for the devistation and the separation that has fans at odds. Michael would NEVER want that! He wanted us to love eachother and others... He wanted us to be even like he was trying so hard to be like Christ Jesus. I am not here trying now to disciple others to Christianity but sharing what Michael said so beautifully when he said "I try to be like Jesus, I'm not saying that I am Jesus but I try to be like Him." He clarified that he was not Jesus because he knew how some would wind up twisting his words.

He was like Jesus in so many way... The bible tells us all to be followers of Christ and one of the disciples who was teaching others had said "follow me, even as I follow Christ." In many ways I think Michael said this inwardly... He wanted us to follow his expressions of love.

I say that to say this: He wanted us to love, not hate, be together, not divided, change the world notgive into it's devices.

My heart stretches to the heavens in efforts of knowing what happened with Michael, what was going on and what all he went through... I don't know.

I do know this, my heart wants to believe that he is still here, that God is taking care of him and that everything will be alright. My heart believes everything will be alright. If he is gone, he is with God and if he is here, then God is with him, therefore he will be alright...

So many speculations and conspiracies encircle the globe. What if? Why not? Did he?... The list is so vast I could not recount them all if I tried. In the possibility that for some reason Michael felt a need that he could no longer be with us, then I know it would be just that - a need, a neccesity... I have listened to much since his departure that have caused many, many tears to flow from my eyes... I, I would understand if he chose to leave... I can't even begin to imagine all that he went through... Thelies from the media, distrust from the public, accusations from liars and decievers, and then there were his friends- oh did I call them that? That's what he thought so many people were who were not... I have heard tapes of him speaking of the mafia, of his being of fear even of those who were in his employ overseeing the people who were to be protecting him and all of his finances, personal and business matters??? Yes, I would understand!

Michael loved his fans, his family, those he thought were his friends and even the people of the world he'd not even known... Would he ever want to hurt anyone - no! Are we hurting? Yes! Is it his fault? How can it be? How can we place blame on him or God for him not being in our lives for whatever reasons there may be to cause him to no longer be amongst us? We had him for as long as God allowed his light to shine on us and sometimes even the sun sets or goes behind the clouds... We are not to be angry with the sun or God for it's departure but to appreciate the light and warmth it sheds on us...

Please, I'm begging you all to show love, rather to know love for eachother! People may disagree which is to be expected- please be loving and accepting!!!

People will look for reasons to make anything evil concerning Michael so whatever the people are saying when they use the word hoax, conspiracy or whatever term they use if they are trying to portray Michael as a selfish person, than pitty them because they never knew his heart! he suffered so long giving his all, walked with his held high amidst more persucution than any godly man should have to stand. A warrior! A soldier! A king! A hero! An army of one yet we were his allies and he will never be forgotten...

Please don't let people place thoughts in your hearts to think he wasn't strong enough because no matter what choices Michael made in life he was strong. He may have expressed fear but he did so in courage where others would cower and hold it all inside...

Michael went through more than we or anyone could ever imagine! That is a fact... So whether he, his children, his fans, family, public or others were in danger for whatever reason and he chose to as some say "fake his death" then I trust he did it in love, protecting those whom he loved. Would that cowardly? Who here has the courage to give up everyone and all they know to protect others?

If he is gone, then he left a legacy of love that will never be forgotten... We will miss him until we reach heaven and join him there in our heavenly Father's arms.

Anyone who has thought of, or is thinking about suicide, or has known someone who has taken their life then I beg you to turn to God, to know the Lord Jesus for your very self, to know that He is yours and you are His and that His love for you is greater than anything this world or death can offer... God wants you to live! God wants you to love and have hope in Him! Please don't give up!

I love you all, even as if you were my children, brothers, sisters, or known friends... I don't know you but I do love you and I thank you for your fellow love for Michael and others... Please be his light, don't spread darkness- shine light!

God bless you all!!!

Sharon B. Sidney
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Wow! Part of me wishes I had not stumbled upon this thread... I have read almost every single post if not all.

There are a lot of things I want to say and express but I honestly don't even know where to begin...

I guess a good starting point as is in writing is to verify my qualifications to be able to speak on the subject(s) at hand... Might I do this by saying firstly that I have appreciated Michael Jackson and his music from the time I was a child, I have followed his career, speculations and other assertions made by media, his family, associates and other friends and fans, and I am prayer warrior who is filled with faith and inspiration from above...

My decision to post here was a difficult one and I have wrestled inside myself and sought God extensively on whether or not to do so... I believe it is His will, which is why I am posting!

I want to do a few things by writing whoever the Lord guides to read this and the most important one is to encourage you to have love in your hearts... I can't stress that enough on how important it is for us to love ESPECIALLY in difficult times!!!

There are people who believe is gone and those who believe he is here and those who are uncertain what is you believe but wherever it is that you stand then I encourage you stand strong!

I want to encourage all who knew love for Michael to remember the heart he exhibited so full of vibrant, youthful, expressionate love- to hold onto that memory so tightly that it becomes a part of you and you a part of him!

I want to express my sorrow amidst so much hurt and heartache and words I could never express to you concerning my anguish in my heart for the devistation and the separation that has fans at odds. Michael would NEVER want that! He wanted us to love eachother and others... He wanted us to be even like he was trying so hard to be like Christ Jesus. I am not here trying now to disciple others to Christianity but sharing what Michael said so beautifully when he said "I try to be like Jesus, I'm not saying that I am Jesus but I try to be like Him." He clarified that he was not Jesus because he knew how some would wind up twisting his words.

He was like Jesus in so many way... The bible tells us all to be followers of Christ and one of the disciples who was teaching others had said "follow me, even as I follow Christ." In many ways I think Michael said this inwardly... He wanted us to follow his expressions of love.

I say that to say this: He wanted us to love, not hate, be together, not divided, change the world notgive into it's devices.

My heart stretches to the heavens in efforts of knowing what happened with Michael, what was going on and what all he went through... I don't know.

I do know this, my heart wants to believe that he is still here, that God is taking care of him and that everything will be alright. My heart believes everything will be alright. If he is gone, he is with God and if he is here, then God is with him, therefore he will be alright...

So many speculations and conspiracies encircle the globe. What if? Why not? Did he?... The list is so vast I could not recount them all if I tried. In the possibility that for some reason Michael felt a need that he could no longer be with us, then I know it would be just that - a need, a neccesity... I have listened to much since his departure that have caused many, many tears to flow from my eyes... I, I would understand if he chose to leave... I can't even begin to imagine all that he went through... Thelies from the media, distrust from the public, accusations from liars and decievers, and then there were his friends- oh did I call them that? That's what he thought so many people were who were not... I have heard tapes of him speaking of the mafia, of his being of fear even of those who were in his employ overseeing the people who were to be protecting him and all of his finances, personal and business matters??? Yes, I would understand!

Michael loved his fans, his family, those he thought were his friends and even the people of the world he'd not even known... Would he ever want to hurt anyone - no! Are we hurting? Yes! Is it his fault? How can it be? How can we place blame on him or God for him not being in our lives for whatever reasons there may be to cause him to no longer be amongst us? We had him for as long as God allowed his light to shine on us and sometimes even the sun sets or goes behind the clouds... We are not to be angry with the sun or God for it's departure but to appreciate the light and warmth it sheds on us...

Please, I'm begging you all to show love, rather to know love for eachother! People may disagree which is to be expected- please be loving and accepting!!!

People will look for reasons to make anything evil concerning Michael so whatever the people are saying when they use the word hoax, conspiracy or whatever term they use if they are trying to portray Michael as a selfish person, than pitty them because they never knew his heart! he suffered so long giving his all, walked with his held high amidst more persucution than any godly man should have to stand. A warrior! A soldier! A king! A hero! An army of one yet we were his allies and he will never be forgotten...

Please don't let people place thoughts in your hearts to think he wasn't strong enough because no matter what choices Michael made in life he was strong. He may have expressed fear but he did so in courage where others would cower and hold it all inside...

Michael went through more than we or anyone could ever imagine! That is a fact... So whether he, his children, his fans, family, public or others were in danger for whatever reason and he chose to as some say "fake his death" then I trust he did it in love, protecting those whom he loved. Would that cowardly? Who here has the courage to give up everyone and all they know to protect others?

If he is gone, then he left a legacy of love that will never be forgotten... We will miss him until we reach heaven and join him there in our heavenly Father's arms.

Anyone who has thought of, or is thinking about suicide, or has known someone who has taken their life then I beg you to turn to God, to know the Lord Jesus for your very self, to know that He is yours and you are His and that His love for you is greater than anything this world or death can offer... God wants you to live! God wants you to love and have hope in Him! Please don't give up!

I love you all, even as if you were my children, brothers, sisters, or known friends... I don't know you but I do love you and I thank you for your fellow love for Michael and others... Please be his light, don't spread darkness- shine light!

God bless you all!!!

Sharon B. Sidney

good post. no matter what people believe.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Every time you see those ignorant comments give them a thumbs down or click the report button beside their comment. I had those people spreading lies.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Yes so true,they are lying and believing thier own lies
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Every time you see those ignorant comments give them a thumbs down or click the report button beside their comment. I had those people spreading lies.
if you're talking about clicking a report button in the conspiracy section, that section was put there, so people can think what they like. so you can't report that. all you have to do, is stay out of that password protected section.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I believe in Michael. He is not kind of a guy who would do such a thing. He loved us and he tried to be genuine. The longer the denial stage goes, the more severe the pain will be. They need to see what the truth is. We are the ones who keep his legacy alive, instead of living in the sad fantasy
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Everytime I go on youtube and search Michael I go through a numerous number of videos, and there always has to be a suggestion video saying Mike is alive. I know this is bad, but I can't help but click on them, I know it's all garbage and Michael is with us all in spirit..but these videos are seriously bringing me down...:(

im not sure what to say
the first video i see of that michael posible fake his death is
was on august 2009 the one where you can see michael comeout the amblice in his purle jacket
and taken to a backdoor somewhere in a underground carpark
i think that video was made up in june27/28 2009 shown on youtue a few days after michael died
my advice? just watch this video clips
and listen to your heart and think of this video as a strange tribute to michael
i know the feeling of losing someone and not have good/bad memberies of this person to help you
deal with the pain you feel while you lost loved one
i know this mite not help you with your pain you are going through?
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There is a problem here; a man has been killed, he didn´t kill himself, it´s been over 1 year and noone is in jail for killing him.
How can someone kill the world´s most famous man and nothing happens?
I hope Michael finally get justice in the trial, maybe then they start to believe he´s dead and can go on with their lifes.
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