I'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

The thing is, people here dont seem to realise that michael would have wanted people to talk about if he faked his death. Im sure of this.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Although I agree with most of the views in this thread, I have to say that no one is forcing anyone to go into the conspiracy section. In fact it's password protected, so if you're in there and looking at those threads or on youtube watching those videos, then it's because YOU want to.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Wow, I'm surprised how this thread is moving fast. :swoon: :smilerolleyes:

I have to say that no one is forcing anyone to go into the conspiracy section. In fact it's password protected, so if you're in there and looking at those threads or on youtube watching those videos, then it's because YOU want to.
100% :agree:

You're sooooooo right. -_-

Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Although I agree with most of the views in this thread, I have to say that no one is forcing anyone to go into the conspiracy section. In fact it's password protected, so if you're in there and looking at those threads or on youtube watching those videos, then it's because YOU want to.

EXACTLY...Nuff said! lol
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

If Michael knew he was going to be killed, he would've let them kill him, instead of purposely faking a death that would've crushed his family and fans even more. Michael was a lot more brave and strong than some people would like to think. He would've never "copped-out." Period. I don't hate on these fans, but they make the rest of us look like Elvis fans. It's craziness. Sorry, just my opinion there.

Thank you. I cannot say any better than that.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

By no means should there be a separation in the fans..by who believes in the hoax theory and who doesn't...we all know I dont ...like I said already in this thread..I had a small hope at one time..but..that hope has been long since gone. we all love Michael for who he was and what it is that he has left us. He wouldn't want us fight about something as silly as a hoax theory. I would not be surprised if the people running these hoaxes are the big companies that are in-charge of everything Michael...just a thought. But anyway instead of us fighting about a haox..we should be banning together for justice for Michael...now THAT is what matters. We need to continue to do Michael proud...whether he is still here or not.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Just a quick note guys just to say thank you. This thread could have gone in such a different tone so thank you to everyone who posted here for having a discussion and not a argument so thank you.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Even in.....death....Michael is different. I can only talk about how I feel. Last year was hell for me, still is. I just can"t let him go. There are times when I strongly believe he is alive and there are times when I just feel I wanna die because he"s gone.Some of those Hoax theories are so crazy and some ppl are totaly loosing it.
But we all must admit that there are things we can"t explain...some strange stuff and a possibility. At least, my heart still has hopes. I can"t help it.
MJJC has helped me a lot. The most. And thank you for that.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

If Michael knew he was going to be killed, he would've let them kill him, instead of purposely faking a death that would've crushed his family and fans even more. Michael was a lot more brave and strong than some people would like to think. He would've never "copped-out." Period. I don't hate on these fans, but they make the rest of us look like Elvis fans. It's craziness. Sorry, just my opinion there.

I couldn't agree more! Thanks.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

wow. out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I'm searching for the right words to express the speechlessness I'm experiencing at the moment after reading some posts about how Michael would "let himself be killed" selflessly to save everyone from being emotionally crushed by a "faked death". It is arrogant to assume we know what anyone would do in any given circumstance - it is simply ignorance to say a man would sacrifice himself, especially with children in the same house just so he could what, not cop-out? It shows just how little people understand this man, and bares witness to the lack of awareness and respect for his extreme intelligence and strength of will. Michael Jackson did not achieve stratospheric success in the global arena by being a wallflower and floor mat, it is childish to think that his "media" persona is who he is as a man, a father, a son, a brother.

Yes, extraordinary bad things happened to him, they happen to us all, it's called life. Michael's courage and fortitude carried him far, the faith and love of his fans carried him further - giving up is the easiest thing in the world to do, anyone can do that, but holding it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength. Watch and learn on the trails of HIStory to understand just the mettle this man possessed, it would help you square the corner in the understanding of the man. A man who did not lie down nor surrender....

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

it annoys me too...
so much...

I can't understand that fans who say L.O.V.E. always can think that Michael is the kind of man who could prepare a revenge, and be preparing it for 20 years now, before the allegations, before he had kids, and still go on with this plan no matter the kids, the fans etc...

And they say he 'did' that to proove the media wrong, to tell the world they lied about him... Yes Michael was hurt by what the media said, but if he wanted to proove them wrong, he would have sued them, simply. But if the hoax was true, that would mean Michael also was lying to the world, his family was lying, his KIDS were lying! And for what?, Say that the media are bad people? We already know that! Raise money to help sick kids? He already did that during his life time! Then why should people believe him more than the media if everybody's lying then?

And what pisses me off the most is when they say that the fans who don't understand Michael's message and don't see the clues are NOT REAL FANS!

And they ask for respect.

it hurts

If Michael did that, he would have stopped right after the first known suicide AND YOU KNOW IT! And for those who still don't think there were suicides. Don't you remember the young Myriam, 17 years old? We got a message from her brother, couple of months ago on this forum that she did kill herself in June 2009. And that girl from Turkey? And so many other we don't know about. Some fans here on this forum tried to take their lives because Michael is everything to them, and they failed, and they still come here from time to time to get a glimpse of love from the only people that can understand them...

And to those who say that those who don't believe are just ignorant of the 'proofs' well, I've seen all videos about the hoax, and I'm not convinced at all. And second, there are no proof, there are just nonsense theories made out of hurt and despair.

Damn they are on the edge of starting a new religion! They are always coming up with a new date for his 'comeback' they even gave a name to this day! COME ON! This is already painful enough that we lost him forever, what we need is to stick together, help each other through this very VERY difficult time, not separate like Christian church into catholic and protestant!

I know many fans who think he's still alive, and even if I respect them as fans, because I know they are fans, I simply cannot respect their ideas on that subject. It,s ncredible what despair can make to some people. I only wish they'd realise Michael was so much more than that, than revenge, than a little war against media. His life can't just be reduced to this.

I can't wait for the day they will realise that, so we'll all be together again and we'll be able to grieve properly, in the love.

It's Michael's legacy we have to keep alive, not desperate hopes and theories.

It just makes the grieving process more difficult, not being able to share our pain with all fans, we never know with who we can share it wherever we go there are always people on both sides, there were even people who believe in the hoax that came to the world cry event!

I'm sorry I had to let it all out

I hope you have a nice day.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I'd like to applaud HDiva's comment--Was Michael Jackson sweet, kind, shy, compassionate and modest? Yes. Was he strong, stubborn, intelligent and savvy? Yes. He was a very complex human being, both by nature and necessity. He'd not have survived otherwise. None of us, not one of us, knows what he would or would not do, especially to protect himself and his family. Not everyone who thinks he staged his death thinks he did it to "teach the media a lesson" or as a publicity stunt--for how many years did he say he felt threatened? Maybe, just maybe, he did something about it. If anyone could pull it off, it would be the creative and technical genius Michael Jackson.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

it annoys me too...
so much...

I can't understand that fans who say L.O.V.E. always can think that Michael is the kind of man who could prepare a revenge, and be preparing it for 20 years now, before the allegations, before he had kids, and still go on with this plan no matter the kids, the fans etc...

And they say he 'did' that to proove the media wrong, to tell the world they lied about him... Yes Michael was hurt by what the media said, but if he wanted to proove them wrong, he would have sued them, simply. But if the hoax was true, that would mean Michael also was lying to the world, his family was lying, his KIDS were lying! And for what?, Say that the media are bad people? We already know that! Raise money to help sick kids? He already did that during his life time! Then why should people believe him more than the media if everybody's lying then?

And what pisses me off the most is when they say that the fans who don't understand Michael's message and don't see the clues are NOT REAL FANS!

And they ask for respect.

it hurts

If Michael did that, he would have stopped right after the first known suicide AND YOU KNOW IT! And for those who still don't think there were suicides. Don't you remember the young Myriam, 17 years old? We got a message from her brother, couple of months ago on this forum that she did kill herself in June 2009. And that girl from Turkey? And so many other we don't know about. Some fans here on this forum tried to take their lives because Michael is everything to them, and they failed, and they still come here from time to time to get a glimpse of love from the only people that can understand them...

And to those who say that those who don't believe are just ignorant of the 'proofs' well, I've seen all videos about the hoax, and I'm not convinced at all. And second, there are no proof, there are just nonsense theories made out of hurt and despair.

Damn they are on the edge of starting a new religion! They are always coming up with a new date for his 'comeback' they even gave a name to this day! COME ON! This is already painful enough that we lost him forever, what we need is to stick together, help each other through this very VERY difficult time, not separate like Christian church into catholic and protestant!

I know many fans who think he's still alive, and even if I respect them as fans, because I know they are fans, I simply cannot respect their ideas on that subject. It,s ncredible what despair can make to some people. I only wish they'd realise Michael was so much more than that, than revenge, than a little war against media. His life can't just be reduced to this.

I can't wait for the day they will realise that, so we'll all be together again and we'll be able to grieve properly, in the love.

It's Michael's legacy we have to keep alive, not desperate hopes and theories.

It just makes the grieving process more difficult, not being able to share our pain with all fans, we never know with who we can share it wherever we go there are always people on both sides, there were even people who believe in the hoax that came to the world cry event!

I'm sorry I had to let it all out

I hope you have a nice day.

no matter how bad things are, it is truly a tragic tragic thing, but, it is a horrible thing to blame one person for another person's suicide.

it's truly a thing of great despair, and perhaps great misunderstanding, but it is not the kind of thing where you can assign blame.

and this term, L.O.V.E. a lot of us use it, but i don't know if we truly understand it. so perhaps, none of us should try to define it.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I really have so much I want to say but dont want to offend the death hoax fans. There are some I have issues with but Most are very young, nieve and did not even become a fan untill after Michael died so they had no real greif or feeling of loss as those of us who were following Michael and his career for many years_ especially that last few yrs where we were anticipating his return and following his every move very closley. Many of us have a deep emotional attachments to Michael. becuase we grew so close over the years and loved him and cared about what was happening in his life. We were very protective of him - becuase we knew he was always under attack and being exploited.

When he announced his concerts_ It was such a joyful emotional time all the fans we were estatic here
When the news came in of his death it was pure devistation _ for us the world stopped : ... (
he was our sweet brother and much more than that to many of us.

Many young and new fans got caught up in the death hoax knowing NOTHING of Michael Jacksons history or character _ just what they were told by those leading the death hoax investigations and they they were happy to be excepted into the MJ family and part of all the all the hoopla _ but they really had no way to Judge what was true or not about MJ. They didnt realise how far outside the community they were sitting when they started. They didnt belong to a MJ forum or know anything that was going on up untill Michael death_ only the sensational stories they were being told by other hoax fans. who also knew nothing about Michael Jackson or his history when they started.

The people who started this were not MJ fans at all and they even admit that. They were just investigating inconsistancies they saw and were interpreting them into being reasons he might be alive _ No information on Michaels history or character that we have grown to know over the years from his own words and those who knew him .

Soon the death hoax stories grew wilder and wilder and more sensational based on fairy tails bunny trails Illunimati and even commercials .. they found a clue in every un related thing they could dig up _ I could deal with that _ UNTILL They started making Michael a puppett and saying it was himself sending them messages and he was being part of all this insanity _ he was now playing a silly game of clue with them over this. WHY would he be playing clue games when the world was devistated and over something so important??

Then they started mocking his familys greiving and saying the children were not acting sad enough or someone in the family smiled _and they started making fun of them. DR Murray is a hero and helping Michael. Thats when I became very angry over all the death hoax nonsense as that was very unfair and rude to the family in my opinion to make such comments about them and even to them _ you should see the rude comments left on the familys twitter accounts mocking them over MJs death

now Im not saying there are not inconsistancies going on becuase we dont have all the info and the media all states different things at times. BUT that is the media _ those claims are always inconsistsant when it comes to anything Michael. Also the Jackson make inconsistant claims becuase they are not all on the same page _ but none has made any claim close to Michael being alive. They twist the words of the family like a pretzel.

Here is some common statements made
read what you can not see .. the truth is there
Look behind the words .. seek the truth
believe what you can not see the truth is there
WHAT ???????????

So that means they can take any story or any statement and turn it to mean whatever
they want regarldless of context, common sense or even deceny in some cases as long as
leads ro Michael being alive _ This is the mentality of many in the death hoax community
Not all but most I have talked with. when you try and show that is ludicris or the wrong way
to seek any truth of the matter _ they ger very upset _ most are very young cant back up
thier reasons _ so they just call you names for questioning thier beliefs _

Keep the faith in Michael _ Hey I do have faith in Michael _
but they mean keep faith in the death hoax they cant seperate Michael from it Most cant even make a video to tribute Michael Its always about a NEW clue from a coke commercial or Alice and wonderland etc etc .. of the latest movie or something Jermain or Janet said _ that is taken completly out of context _ we can discuss those

The movie TII is not Michael speaking about his [etrfomances he is speaking to them about clues of what is is planning to do and clues he is alive _ when he says he is taking off his jacket and going to sizzle and come back in _ its not about his perfomance Its a bout the Big BAM _

We know Michael was planning his shows and rehearsing his shows _some where even there _ to say he was not and was lying to his fans it taking TII complety our of context of what was going on. Its a Faaaaaaaaat stretch _ they say well how do you know?? Well we know becuase we have common sense and know Michael jackson and what he was doing- Its not hard to understand or see that reality. Taking it elswhere is what is unrealistic and they know that.

We know Michael Jackson isnt the demi God they make him to be_ He isnt ruling the entertainment business into covering for him or Chris Angel the coke company or McDonalds or the new movies _ that are not even related to MJ _ they say he is personally leaving clues in all these things _ Thats when it become unrealistic and leaves reality behind _that is where it becomes a fairytale and has no realationship to reality or the the character or personality of Michael. He never had that power , No one has that power _ He was human and often taken advantage of _ but never followed by these entities _ He had Power on the statge and over his fans which he never used negativly _ he used it to sho them how to love and except one another and to help one another and to take care of the children _ The power he did have was only used for good ..

They say we cant know what MJ would or wouldnt do _ that is wrong becuase you can righteously judge a person by there known character and their past actions through out the years . I can say that many of us did know Michael and what we could ALWAYS expect from him _ YES many suprises :) in his wardrobe and his loooks and his perfomances. sometimes shy sometimes bold

BUT his character ALWAYSY remained the same through out and we could trust him and have faith that he would remain true faithful kind generous etc .. never vengeful or vindictive toward others That would never change. The death hoax fans have no concept of his character and mock us for saying we know his character _ becuase we have followed his life for years. he isnt going to do an about face and noy be Michael jackson who everyone that know him stated how he was.

That is the ONE main evidence for MOST Fans who have followed MJ for years. WE know he would never do such a thing _ and carry it on and allow all that is going on to continue _ His heart was to Big an caring to put his family friends fans and the world through all this tumoil FOR ANY REASON _ Not even life or death _ The man had scruples and was strong in
his convictions _ Its true _ That there are many thing worse then death to a man.

Im not attacking anyone in this community Just stating some opinions I have based on the things I know going on in the death hoax community. I know becuase I am a member of almost every DH board -seeking to see what it is that makes them believe. So far I have seen nothing that shows he is alive just lots of speculation and some fantasy.

I dont have anything against people who believe MJ is alive I only rail when they try and make him into an idiot. Stating he is doing such and such a thing right now that is so ridiculas and beyond his person and character, they act like they are in contact with him. SHOW me where ? There are many death hoax fans that state they are Michael on Twitter and face book and these fans rush to them ALL as if they believe them _all they have to say Is "I Love you more" and that proves it is Michael _ and they wont listen when you show them otherwise _ they dont care .. its all a fantasy game to Many and even Believers comment that it has gotten out of hand _ but they can even rail to much for fear of being ostracised from The DHC. which I have seen first hand when they question in these DH forums

there are death hoax fans who state they are in direct contact with Michael and all say the same ridiculas things and never give any thing to show the Michael Jackson we have learned to know and love _ nothing they say is even near what MJ would be stating at a time like this _ and those of you who have followed him for years know exactly what Im talking about, He would have somethign VERY IMPORTANT to say if he ever came forward after all this _ not a bunch of I love you mores and your so sweet and I love you all and blah blah blah _ anyone who belive that does NOt know anything about Michael Jackson, he was deep when it was important.

OMG Sorry I have gone on more than I thought (embarrased) didnt realise I had this much to say when i started :LOL:
but this is something that is really important to me

Mods Please dont close this thread fans need to discuss this somewhere
ITS important .. lets disagree but lets not personally attack each other
Just debate the topic and Issue ONLY _ so we can discuss this.

If you find something I said that you disagree with please quote my exact
words and state where I am wrong and Ill be happy to dicuss it with you.
but please read my whole post so you dont take anything out of context
I would love to discuss this with MJ fans
Ill either admit my mistake or prove you wrong :)
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I really have so much I want to say but dont want to offend the death hoax fans. Most are very young, nieve and did not even become a fan untill after Michael died so they had no real greif or feeling of loss as those of us who were following Michael and his caeer for many many years_ expecially that last few yrs where we were anticipating his return and follwing him very closley. Many of us have a deep emotional attachments to Michael. becuase we grew so close over the years and loved him and cared about what was happening in his life. We were very protective of him - becuase we knew he was always under attack and exploited.

Thanks for clarifying all of this. They have no idea how much pain this brings back to the true, lifelong fans. I have nothing further to say.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I really have so much I want to say but dont want to offend the death hoax fans. There are some I have issues with but Most are very young, nieve and did not even become a fan untill after Michael died so they had no real greif or feeling of loss as those of us who were following Michael and his career for many years_ especially that last few yrs where we were anticipating his return and following his every move very closley. Many of us have a deep emotional attachments to Michael. becuase we grew so close over the years and loved him and cared about what was happening in his life. We were very protective of him - becuase we knew he was always under attack and being exploited.

When he announced his concerts_ It was such a joyful emotional time all the fans we were estatic here
When the news came in of his death it was pure devistation _ for us the world stopped : ... (
he was our sweet brother and much more than that to many of us.

Many young and new fans got caught up in the death hoax knowing NOTHING of Michael Jacksons history or character _ just what they were told by those leading the death hoax investigations and they they were happy to be excepted into the MJ family and part of all the all the hoopla _ but they really had no way to Judge what was true or not about MJ. They didnt realise how far outside the community they were sitting when they started. They didnt belong to a MJ forum or know anything that was going on up untill Michael death_ only the sensational stories they were being told by other hoax fans. who also knew nothing about Michael Jackson or his history when they started.

The people who started this were not MJ fans at all and they even admit that. They were just investigating inconsistancies they saw and were interpreting them into being reasons he might be alive _ No information on Michaels history or character that we have grown to know over the years from his own words and those who knew him .

Soon the death hoax stories grew wilder and wilder and more sensational based on fairy tails bunny trails Illunimati and even commercials .. they found a clue in every un related thing they could dig up _ I could deal with that _ UNTILL They started making Michael a puppett and saying it was himself sending them messages and he was being part of all this insanity _ he was now playing a silly game of clue with them over this. WHY would he be playing clue games when the world was devistated and over something so important??

Then they started mocking his familys greiving and saying the children were not acting sad enough or someone in the family smiled _and they started making fun of them. DR Murray is a hero and helping Michael. Thats when I became very angry over all the death hoax nonsense as that was very unfair and rude to the family in my opinion to make such comments about them and even to them _ you should see the rude comments left on the familys twitter accounts mocking them over MJs death

now Im not saying there are not inconsistancies going on becuase we dont have all the info and the media all states different things at times. BUT that is the media _ those claims are always inconsistsant when it comes to anything Michael. Also the Jackson make inconsistant claims becuase they are not all on the same page _ but none has made any claim close to Michael being alive. They twist the words of the family like a pretzel.

Here is some common statements made
read what you can not see .. the truth is there
Look behind the words .. seek the truth
believe what you can not see the truth is there
WHAT ???????????

So that means they can take any story or any statement and turn it to mean whatever
they want regarldless of context, common sense or even deceny in some cases as long as
leads ro Michael being alive _ This is the mentality of many in the death hoax community
Not all but most I have talked with. when you try and show that is ludicris or the wrong way
to seek any truth of the matter _ they ger very upset _ most are very young cant back up
thier reasons _ so they just call you names for questioning thier beliefs _

Keep the faith in Michael _ Hey I do have faith in Michael _
but they mean keep faith in the death hoax they cant seperate Michael from it Most cant even make a video to tribute Michael Its always about a NEW clue from a coke commercial or Alice and wonderland etc etc .. of the latest movie or something Jermain or Janet said _ that is taken completly out of context _ we can discuss those

The movie TII is not Michael speaking about his [etrfomances he is speaking to them about clues of what is is planning to do and clues he is alive _ when he says he is taking off his jacket and going to sizzle and come back in _ its not about his perfomance Its a bout the Big BAM _

We know Michael was planning his shows and rehearsing his shows _some where even there _ to say he was not and was lying to his fans it taking TII complety our of context of what was going on. Its a Faaaaaaaaat stretch _ they say well how do you know?? Well we know becuase we have common sense and know Michael jackson and what he was doing- Its not hard to understand or see that reality. Taking it elswhere is what is unrealistic and they know that.

We know Michael Jackson isnt the demi God they make him to be_ He isnt ruling the entertainment business into covering for him or Chris Angel the coke company or McDonalds or the new movies _ that are not even related to MJ _ they say he is personally leaving clues in all these things _ Thats when it become unrealistic and leaves reality behind _that is where it becomes a fairytale and has no realationship to reality or the the character or personality of Michael. He never had that power , No one has that power _ He was human and often taken advantage of _ but never followed by these entities _ He had Power on the statge and over his fans which he never used negativly _ he used it to sho them how to love and except one another and to help one another and to take care of the children _ The power he did have was only used for good ..

They say we cant know what MJ would or wouldnt do _ that is wrong becuase you can righteously judge a person by there known character and their past actions through out the years . I can say that many of us did know Michael and what we could ALWAYS expect from him _ YES many suprises :) in his wardrobe and his loooks and his perfomances. sometimes shy sometimes bold

BUT his character ALWAYSY remained the same through out and we could trust him and have faith that he would remain true faithful kind generous etc .. never vengeful or vindictive toward others That would never change. The death hoax fans have no concept of his character and mock us for saying we know his character _ becuase we have followed his life for years. he isnt going to do an about face and noy be Michael jackson who everyone that know him stated how he was.

That is the ONE main evidence for MOST Fans who have followed MJ for years. WE know he would never do such a thing _ and carry it on and allow all that is going on to continue _ His heart was to Big an caring to put his family friends fans and the world through all this tumoil FOR ANY REASON _ Not even life or death _ The man had scruples and was strong in
his convictions _ Its true _ That there are many thing worse then death to a man.

Im not attacking anyone in this community Just stating some opinions I have based on the things I know going on in the death hoax community. I know becuase I am a member of almost every DH board -seeking to see what it is that makes them believe. So far I have seen nothing that shows he is alive just lots of speculation and some fantasy.

I dont have anything against people who believe MJ is alive I only rail when they try and make him into an idiot. Stating he is doing such and such a thing right now that is so ridiculas and beyond his person and character, they act like they are in contact with him. SHOW me where ? There are many death hoax fans that state they are Michael on Twitter and face book and these fans rush to them ALL as if they believe them _all they have to say Is "I Love you more" and that proves it is Michael _ and they wont listen when you show them otherwise _ they dont care .. its all a fantasy game to Many and even Believers comment that it has gotten out of hand _ but they can even rail to much for fear of being ostracised from The DHC. which I have seen first hand when they question in these DH forums

there are death hoax fans who state they are in direct contact with Michael and all say the same ridiculas things and never give any thing to show the Michael Jackson we have learned to know and love _ nothing they say is even near what MJ would be stating at a time like this _ and those of you who have followed him for years know exactly what Im talking about, He would have somethign VERY IMPORTANT to say if he ever came forward after all this _ not a bunch of I love you mores and your so sweet and I love you all and blah blah blah _ anyone who belive that does NOt know anything about Michael Jackson, he was deep when it was important.

OMG Sorry I have gone on more than I thought (embarrased) didnt realise I had this much to say when i started :LOL:
but this is something that is really important to me

Mods Please dont close this thread fans need to discuss this somewhere
ITS important .. lets disagree but lets not personally attack each other
Just debate the topic and Issue ONLY _ so we can discuss this.

If you find something I said that you disagree with please quote my exact
words and state where I am wrong and Ill be happy to dicuss it with you.
but please read my whole post so you dont take anything out of context
I would love to discuss this with MJ fans
Ill either admit my mistake or prove you wrong :)

personally, i disagree with the idea that this thread should keep going, because i think it can get out of hand. there's just two much division between the two camps, and you really have to make an effort to go over to that forum. and i don't see why you and other people bother yourselves with going over there, to upset yourselves even more, just for the sake of heat and argument. these are two seperate forums, miles from each other..and, personally, i think they should stay seperate. there's just too much of a desire for people to fight amongst each other for so many reasons, and so many subjects..and this one really exascerbates that trend.

people like to think they know this, and know that, and can control themselves and have a 'healthy debate', but that is the time when it gets right out of hand. fans labeling each other, and thinking they know each other, and therefore, offending each other. the first thing that offends another individual, is when one individual thinks they know everybody else, and has everything under control, and feels free to assess everybody else. some things are just better left unsaid.

this fanbase, and those other interested parties in Michael's music, are wayy too big for us to deal with everything. above all, keeping the peace is the safest thing. and there are plenty of fans to keep MJ's humanitarian legacy, and music legacy going strong
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

personally, i disagree with the idea that this thread should keep going, because i think it can get out of hand. there's just two much division between the two camps, and you really have to make an effort to go over to that forum. and i don't see why you and other people bother yourselves with going over there, to upset yourselves even more, just for the sake of heat and argument. these are two seperate forums, miles from each other..and, personally, i think they should stay seperate. there's just too much of a desire for people to fight amongst each other for so many reasons, and so many subjects..and this one really exascerbates that trend.

It doesnt have to be a fight _ it can be a discussion. Enforce NO personal attacks and mean it Discuss the topic
NOT each other. I dont know I just feel this topic need to be discussed among fans becuase it does cause such
division. Segregation does not bring understanding or peace. Fans dont alway have to agree on everything .
But a least we can try and understand each other feelings. SO far it is going OK :)

If we are not allowed to discuss it we will never come togther with an understanding. we might never agree on
all of it but at least we can understand each others feelings on the topic and where we are coming from maybe
respect each other more by expressing why we believe or feel as we do.

It helps me amd calms me to be able to discuss my thoughts on this finally
Its very healing to express my feelings here even if no one is listening :yes:

If you dont want to discuss it that fine with me. It may not be important to you and you may not see why
it bothers many of us and we need to be able to speak about it HERE at our home. SO your opinion differs
I do respect your opinion though and see why you feel that way_ I just see it differently.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

It doesnt have to be a fight _ it can be a discussion. Enforce NO personal attacks and mean it Discuss the topic
NOT each other. I dont know I just feel this topic need to be discussed among fans becuase it does cause such
division. Segregation does not bring understanding or peace. Fans dont alway have to agree on everything .
But a least we can try and understand each other feelings. SO far it is going OK :)

If we are not allowed to discuss it we will never come togther with an understanding. we might never agree on
all of it but at least we can understand each others feelings on the topic and where we are coming from maybe
respect each other more by expressing why we believe or feel as we do.

It helps me amd calms me to be able to discuss my thoughts on this finally
Its very healing to express my feelings here even if no one is listening :yes:

If you dont want to discuss it that fine with me. It may not be important to you and you may not see why
it bothers many of us and we need to be able to speak about it HERE at our home. SO your opinion differs
I do respect your opinion though and see why you feel that way_ I just see it differently.

it's not so much a matter of opinion. it's that they want to be where they are, and you want to be where you are, and sometimes, people do not want to admit, that they are trying to force themselves on each other. you are in the east, and they are in the west. why is it that the fans have to come together on every subject? it seems that both sides can come together, when it's time to discuss what they have in common. Michael's general legacy. you are not going to sway them, and they are not going to sway you. it's like two different religions, and one is trying to rule over the other. and neither wants to see that that is what is happening here. that's why Gaz put the password protection. i believe he was sending a message. if you can't handle what people are saying..stay out..i believe is that message.

i watched..and it really seems like a religious debate..the most hostile kind of atmosphere there is.

that's why i said peace is the better option...

the fact is, fans have already branded each other, so, you're wrong to say it hasn't stepped over the line.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

We know Michael Jackson isnt the demi God they make him to be

It's not a bad thing, eh? haha!


Btw, I don't mind this thread to be keep open for disscussion for a while. Like many people know over here, those who believe the death hoax are either naive, young and don't know the person MJ was. All we could do is continue to reply to their comments on youtube and explain why they are wrong such as the security/ police don't allow it, it's wrong to fake death, his children, family and friends are grieving, Paris cried etc. If we can explain the inconsistency etc as well.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

For every Yin, there is it's equal Yang. It's not important whether you believe Michael is alive or not, to demean another's thoughts or hopes because they don't coincide
with your own does a disservice to what Michael embodied as a human being. L.OV.E. has been misquoted so often the original intent has been trampled on and left in tatters: divine love aims at new life and a new community where all are free and all are affirmed and sustains the struggle for freedom, justice, and peace without being captured by the spirit of hatred, revenge and supposition.

Michael was not a Tchochke to be displayed in a curio cabinet, he wasn't a possession for only certain people to claim ownership over - a fan of 40 years is the same as a fan of 1 day. Michael had that "inner shimmer" and it resonated with people throughout the globe, they sought out and followed that illumination and we are ALL here to participate in and celebrate this unique man's spirit - - the inspiration, the creative expression, the goodness, the genius. It's the duality of the Alpha-Omega cycle repeating itself: darkness to light, from unconsciousness to illumination of truth in our hearts and minds. Subjugating another person's belief in a "little pixie dust" is saying you'd rather subscribe to the media's interpretation of what happened instead of searching for your own answers, be that through YT, blogs, or the infinite resources out there.
What could be so wrong with stepping through the open door instead of staring at the closed one because someone told you to?
When the music changes - so does the dance.

The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you.
Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say. K.G.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Happens to all the BIG stars. Just gotta ignore it.
& DAAAAMMMNNN if you get away with havin your siggy that big. My previous got deleted and was no where near that size...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I don't really see it as fair to say "that's their opinion."

If (God forbid) a sibling, spose, parent or close friend to me died, and a bunch of people began claiming it's a hoax, that person is really alive and the grief experienced is false, I'd be pretty pissed to say the least. Opinion doesn't make sense here really; like saying: "In my opinion, bowls of jelly fly aeroplanes or spoons control the free world, you can't argue with that, it's my opinion..."
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I'd like to applaud HDiva's comment--Was Michael Jackson sweet, kind, shy, compassionate and modest? Yes. Was he strong, stubborn, intelligent and savvy? Yes. He was a very complex human being, both by nature and necessity. He'd not have survived otherwise. None of us, not one of us, knows what he would or would not do, especially to protect himself and his family. Not everyone who thinks he staged his death thinks he did it to "teach the media a lesson" or as a publicity stunt--for how many years did he say he felt threatened? Maybe, just maybe, he did something about it. If anyone could pull it off, it would be the creative and technical genius Michael Jackson.

:clapping: i can agree with this...
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I'd like to applaud HDiva's comment--Was Michael Jackson sweet, kind, shy, compassionate and modest? Yes. Was he strong, stubborn, intelligent and savvy? Yes. He was a very complex human being, both by nature and necessity. He'd not have survived otherwise. None of us, not one of us, knows what he would or would not do, especially to protect himself and his family. Not everyone who thinks he staged his death thinks he did it to "teach the media a lesson" or as a publicity stunt--for how many years did he say he felt threatened? Maybe, just maybe, he did something about it. If anyone could pull it off, it would be the creative and technical genius Michael Jackson.

I agree with this.
I would say let others follow their own path even if you think Michael would never do that. Fact is we don't personally know him so we can't say a 100% that he wouldn't do something like this for serious reasons.
Why do some people feel the need to lecture others about this? Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean other people are crazy and not real or 'new' fans. Seriously what's that about. So much for L.o.v.e ...
Just let everyone be. Even if you don't agree there is no need to put others down because of it.
The whole situation with Michael is already horrible the way it is so let everyone cope with it the way they want to cop with it.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you.
Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say. K.G.

Thank you HDiva , I realise these are common quotes in the Death hoax community as I mentioned in my aobove post
but I have problems with quotes like this when it come to preserving the truth of Michael Jackson's Legacy life or death.
That sounds beautiful but if one is seeking truth and trying to preserve Michael Jackson's legacy that theory is useless
and would taint it with fantasies lies and anything anyone wants to make up about him.

We dont need to look to what he didnt say or what didnt do for answers
if he didnt say or didnt do its NOT Michael Jackson. Its also giving fans free reign to turn Michael into thier puppett and
do anything with him that they will _ saying all is exceptable. make him into whatever you want _ Imagination is the key.

That sound so romatic but is also very destrutive to the Truth
which Michael's Legacy teams are researcing and trying hard to preserve. when one can make up what is not seen it is no longer Michael Jackson just a figment of imagination. That is all an good if they want fantasy _ but dont promote it as fact or the truth of what is going on with Michael Jackson life or death. We just cant change and make what he doesnt reveal or what he doesnt say into our own interpretation and promote it a real. He is not here to approve or defend that.

We seek truth as best we can to preserve it based on what we can learn from Michael himself and those closest to him. Plus we are smart enough to NOT rely on the media for truth, while some truth can be gleened from the media. If you know Your Michael Jackson history. We dont look to media for all answers and we are not locked behind doors we have an infinity of Michael, books, speeches, videos, concerts, music lyrics, his own words _ we dont have to interpret them_ he never spoke to us in riddles. Michaels message and how he felt about life, God, fans , children, music and how to presrve our world was clear_

Its all laid out before us _ we dont need some stranger rationiong clues from who know where to get the answers
we have the answers already from Michael Jackson himsel. there are archives and archives of information past and present on this board and many others fans board who have of Michael life words thoughts acrions etc etc

Michael never make fans jump though hoops or have to solve riddles to umderstand his words or message.
He gently laid them at our feet. We have them... and more which is forthcomeong when his music is released.

I dont care if fans belive he is alive :) some fans are very sweet :wub:
but I and many others do care about preserving the truth of his legacy for the world and we can't do that with fairytales
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

without participating in any discussion, I'd like to for one second go back to the original complaint of hoax videos or hoax theories.

I personally suggest either getting used to them or finding a way of ignoring them -(of course if you don't believe to such theories). Because history in regards to other famous people has shown us that these theories do not go away.

Look to Elvis Presley. 30 + years after his death there are still people who believes that he's alive, there are still people who claim to see him etc.

So regardless of time, this july, next year, 2012, bamsday etc passing and nothing happening, still 5, 10 or even 30 years later there will be a group of people who would say that Michael is alive.

That's just my 2 cents.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

anybody who thinks MJ's great legacy can be threatened by anything, at this point, doesn't know Michael, like they think they do, or the strength of his legacy, like they think they do. after what the media tried, while he was alive, and they failed, you should know better than to think anything can destroy his legacy.
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