I'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

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Jul 25, 2011
Everytime I go on youtube and search Michael I go through a numerous number of videos, and there always has to be a suggestion video saying Mike is alive. I know this is bad, but I can't help but click on them, I know it's all garbage and Michael is with us all in spirit..but these videos are seriously bringing me down...:(
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

yeah got the same thing here also its really annoying!
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

these people are lying and believing thier own lies... they tell their followers more lies to gain their support and get more attention !

i could not beleive that some MJ fans can be so naive like this .they allow their minds to be hijacked by any poser on the internet to give them fake dates and face pics just to keep their dilusions alive !

they even become very friendly with TMZ and call them their friends and they love Murray and think that he is the savouir who try to keep MJ away from the bad guys...they went to the extent to beleive that MJ is now hiding with Elvis...cazy!
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Ignore them. People just can't believe michael is gone so they find any excuse to make themselves feel better. I admot there are alot of sketchy things surrounding his passing but i know michael would never do something like this to his faamily or fans. You have some people saying the family is onvolved but michael wouldn't expose his kids like this by pushing them into the spotlight for selfish reasons(having them speak on his behalf if he was really alive or having them speak at his fake memorial). You also have people saying the city of los angeles is involved because they believe the coroner lied, a doctor was prosecuted for no reason, and Forest Lawn is keeping an empty casket an etc. I've heard michael is stage a comeback and the date keeps changing, it's really sad and i hope these people can accept michael is gone because the longer they avoid the issue the harder it will hit them if they actually even care because this is entertainment for alot of people.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I try to stay away from all those hoax theories. I know they'll end up messing me up one way or another. Too much on my mind to be divulging into them. For those who believe them, I don't know what to say. I guess it's fine if it helps them get through this, but I think it definitely isn't the best way to deal. Just accepting it will save one from a lot more hurt and pain. Just my two cents.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Michael is NOT Elvis, lol. I would shoot my big toe off before attempting to believe this nonsense. Actually, I would let somebody else shoot my big toe off, so that they could promptly snap me the fuck out of it. :p
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I know what you mean. It's very annoying and frustrating.
I even got a very rude PM on youtube from somebody I've never even associated with on there about how they know for a fact Michael is alive. They were replying to a comment I made on a video, it was so rude what they said to me. I cannot believe how stubborn people are.

Just ignore them though. Some are just fans who can't accept his death and others are just the usual hoax theorists and speculators you get with every Hollywood death. I'm sick of it but they are so stubborn and firm with their belief in this. It surprises me that a fan would believe in that though. If they know what kind of person Michael was, how could they ever think he'd do something like this?
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

yes I agree, u are looking for something legit and u have to wade tough all this cap, and if u comment with a differing point of view u r crap
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

people who think he's alive have no idea what kind of person Michael was.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

These people KNOW he is dead deep down. They are just trying to kid themselves he is not. They are afraid to admit it openly, to themselves, and so they go along with this lie.

It's sad, selfish, and, because of Michael's poor children possibly hearing this trash, it is sick.

Some people need to get a grip of reality - however much they might not like it.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I'm usually open for theories but this specific one alloys and hurts me too...

While i do believe something shady is going on i am sure he is not among us (well, in spirit but thats different).
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I appreciate this thread...and I am glad that someone started it. I had a small hope inside me at one time that Michael was still alive...but thats all it was ..was a small hope. But I dont have that hope anymore. I just feel bad for those who still think he is alive...and wont be told any different. There are many people who are feeding into this hoax theory...for lack of I dont know maybe having nothing better to do???.....Its the mind of the people that are eating the theory up that bothers me. Their mental state is more important to me than anything else. I just hope that one day they will be able to admit to themselves that Michael is truly gone..:(
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

Noone could believe it was true when we heard Michael had died, some people are very long time in denial.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

You're right, it is very annoying and that's why I ignore and try to avoid them. If it makes people feel better to believe that he's alive then fine by me just don't try to convince me with your theories because I don't want to live in denial.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

i have to agree. the michael jackson is alive theories are just plane sad. i want more then anything for them to be true and i know we all wish they were but they arent. Michael is gone and as painful as its been to cope with and accept its true. Michael loved us all so much and he would never ever do anything like this to us or his family and children. iif it helps people who are in denial to think michael is alive then fine. thats them and if thats how they wanna live their lives then who cares. IF and just IF Michael did fake his death for ANY reason i would forgive him bc i just wouldnt be able to find it in my heart to ever be angry with him i would be hurt yes but i would forgive.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I too know that Michael is gone...and it's sad that some cannot accept the truth. But I must say, I do find the Hoax stuff fascinating--in a psychological-social-study-sort-of-way. It really amazes me how desperately some people believe this. One of my good friends is an avid follower of the hoax sites and she's always telling me stuff, hoping it will convince me Michael is still alive. But all it does is just make me scratch my head most of the time. It really does fascinate me, the depth of some fans' belief. I do peek in the Hoax thread here at MJJC now and again for that very reason. Plus, a lot of stuff they post seems more akin to the murder conspiracy than anything else...though they don't seem to realize it.

At any rate...when I see stuff that irritates me, I just find my way out of there. Same thing when I am on YouTube looking at MJ videos and tributes, and happen to come across a hoax one.. I just can't tolerate wading through their denial. So I don't. I feel sorry for them really, because acceptance is an important part of the healing process. They'll never be able to move forward until they do that. :(
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I think a lot of people want to believe it because they're in denial and they desperately want it to be true so they can feel peace, but I just can't understand how they could think that Michael could be so selfish and cruel to put so many people through misery. He'd never want people to feel as horrible as they did when he passed away. It doesn't make any sense to me, even if I wanted to believe it I couldn't. I hope they eventually find a way to accept the truth and move on. But the hoax videos and pages all over the internet are annoying at times.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I am 50/50 on the hoax stuff. Hoax or murder. IMO it wasn't an accident.

The whole thing is sad. The folks who have accepted his death throw barbs at those who haven't...and those who believe he is alive throw barbs at those who don't.

I don't find the youtube vids annoying, I get it,I actually find some of them healing. But understand grief is a process, nothing to be calling anyone selfish or "not a fan" you can't rush someone out of their grief. If making wild connections and videos helps people then let them have that. I feel that most people are not making these vids to mock Michael or hurt his children. I do feel sad for fans who believe 100% MJ is alive.

Truthfully I would rather believe the hoax then any other outcome. Just be wary of saying Michael would 'Never' do something. I dont want to close my mind off to possibilities. MJ shared with us an aspect of his personality..his love,kindness, giving and we connected and we loved him back purely, its not fake. Yet...is it possible there were things we as fans didn't know about? that we did not know all of MJ in his complexity? What situation he was in?

I can totally understand how people find the vids hurtful especially if you have accepted MJs death. It's like a slap in the face.

Also please understand that its hurtful to those who have not accepted when you call them non-fans or deluded or sick. Give them you patience your endurance :)

We're all MJ family we got to help each other through this
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

btw, the people who believe in the hoax dont think that michael did this in a nasty way to his fans.

they believe that he did it BECAUSE HE HAD TO or he would be KILLED.

they believe it was the only way to save his life, and that he left clues here for us to know he's ok. some think he will come back in a couple of years.

dont hate these fans, because they love michael just as much as us. they just have their own opinions about what happened. having an opinion isnt a sin.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

simply don,t watch them,thats how simple the answer is,i,m sick of threads like this,don,t watch them,nobody forces anyone to watch or believe anything,
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

btw, the people who believe in the hoax dont think that michael did this in a nasty way to his fans.

they believe that he did it BECAUSE HE HAD TO or he would be KILLED.

they believe it was the only way to save his life, and that he left clues here for us to know he's ok. some think he will come back in a couple of years.

dont hate these fans, because they love michael just as much as us. they just have their own opinions about what happened. having an opinion isnt a sin.

If Michael knew he was going to be killed, he would've let them kill him, instead of purposely faking a death that would've crushed his family and fans even more. Michael was a lot more brave and strong than some people would like to think. He would've never "copped-out." Period. I don't hate on these fans, but they make the rest of us look like Elvis fans. It's craziness. Sorry, just my opinion there.
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Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

If Michael knew he was going to be killed, he would've let them kill him, instead of purposely faking a death that would've crushed his family and fans even more. Michael was a lot more brave and strong than some people would like to think. He would've never "copped-out." Period. I don't hate on these fans, but they make the rest of us look like Elvis fans. It's craziness. Sorry, just my opinion there.
That's why they believe that the family is also in on the "hoax" and is also dropping hints.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

They thought the same thing about Elvis and Tupac. Guess what. They're dead.
I'm not a 100% believer but I like to keep an open mind about anything. Trust me, "he's dead" isn't a good reason to them. Check any hoax forum, they'll present you with lots of evidence that isn't just zooming in on low-resolution video.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

"There is something rotten in the state of Denmark" to quote Hamlet sums up the curious phenomenon of the YT Hoax videos and blogs. To understand the motivation of these videos is to learn a little of the human experience. There are so many unanswered questions, so many what ifs, so many suppositions it only makes sense in this web-connected society that people will naturally question that which is not easily answered. This jigsaw puzzle has more than a few missing pieces and it was Michael himself that spoke of "parasites in black & white" and "Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on the TV screen - don't make it factual" - so who is right? Do you believe corporate-owned media, do you believe the swill offered up by the TMZ's of the world or do you investigate on your own to find some semblance of a truth you can live with?

There is so much investigation going on within these videos and blogs - that a new generation of people are discovering through the hiSTORY of the supernova we know as Michael Jackson the cause & effect of tabloid fodder, of injustices in the legal system and the plight of the disenfranchised. How arrogant for people to assume they know what Michael would/wouldn't do, we never know how strong we need to be until being strong is the only choice we have....
And really, what's wrong with faith, trust and little pixie dust??

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off"
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

If Michael knew he was going to be killed, he would've let them kill him, instead of purposely faking a death that would've crushed his family and fans even more. Michael was a lot more brave and strong than some people would like to think. He would've never "copped-out." Period. I don't hate on these fans, but they make the rest of us look like Elvis fans. It's craziness. Sorry, just my opinion there.

I agree with this.
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I do not watch those videos. But I think I get their purpose - they're kinda healing for those, who're putting them together. As well I do understand you guys being hurt with what you may see.
I mean, I myself still cannot cope with him being gone. But I wouldn't consider myself as a hoax believer. If I were one, I wouldn't send flowers and cards to FL, I wouldn't cry out the ocean of tears. I mean, everyone needs to find his own way to deal with it and that's why I do respect everyone - including hoaxers. It's hard enough for every one of us, there's no need to making it even worse by throwing stones at others.
Just love and respect each other.
Sometimes, I think if Michael knew what'd be like after him being gone, he wouldn't mind those who need it to believe he's somewhere safe and well. All he ever wanted is to comfort, pleased and put smile on everyone's face. It's just my thought, with no offense to anyone thinking the opposite. :flowers:
Re: i'm so fed up with these 'michael jackson IS still alive' videos on youtube..

I feel for the fans who need this to ease their pain, I really do. I just have a terrible habit of not "sugar-coating shit." :p Carry on...
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