I'm flying home to Ireland tomorrow to say goodye to my Dad.

My Dad was buried today. The church service was really nice. The priest gave a lovely speech as did his best friend. A very sad day but now he is at peace with the Lord. I'm leaving for Ireland at 3am in the morning. My Mom and brother are taking me to the airport. Thanks again everyone for all the kind messages.


Be strong and remember that know your dad is in a better place where there's no more pain.
I'm here for you.Praying and if there's anything i can do to help you,just let me know.
Hope you can get some rest in the flight to USA.
God Bless you and all your family.
Dear Cass,

I am so sorry for your loss!

Its good that you were able to say your last goodbyes and that he went peacefully (without pain) but it must be hard on all of you.

Please take careduring this rough time.
I've also sent you my condolences on Yahoo, hope to catch you on there sometime soon.

Be strong girl....
Cass, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Thankyou for keeping us updated in your time of need so that we too can send you our thoughts and prayers. May your father rest in peace :flowers:

May your trip back be a safe one :hug:
Thanks Janena. We have got to get together and have a nice chat sometime soon. Hope the boys are doing well.

Thanks LJ. I am home safe and sound Thursday evening. Went back to work yesterday.

Thank you all for your love, prayers and support over the last 3 weeks. U are all so thoughtful, amazing and kind.

Love Cass
Thanks Janena. We have got to get together and have a nice chat sometime soon. Hope the boys are doing well.

Thanks LJ. I am home safe and sound Thursday evening. Went back to work yesterday.

Thank you all for your love, prayers and support over the last 3 weeks. U are all so thoughtful, amazing and kind.

Love Cass

Cass sweetheart,Thank God you are safe home.
No need to thank for anything,as when i pray for someone,i do it because i believe i can help and most of all because of love.
Feel free to reach me anytime,and be sure you will go on being my prayers because you and your family need it,and also because i think it is the best way i have to help you and support you.HUGS
I was saddened to hear of your fathers passing, may he rest in peace.
It was wonderful that in his last days he had his loved ones close by.
Im glad to hear that you got home safely
Take care cass, xx
.................My sincere condolences and thoughts! *hug* Takke Care!