I'm flying home to Ireland tomorrow to say goodye to my Dad.

Oh Cass.....please take care of yourself. Are you getting any rest at all? Those breaths - the shallow ones - were like the ones I described above. Bless your dad. And bless you. May God see you through this difficult time..
Cass my dear friend, I admire you courage and strengh so much.
I think i am begining to understand what you mean when you say that you dad is fighting to stay with you,because my mother is doing the same.
Please know that i am always available foryou anytime.
God bless you,your father,and everyone surronding him and you in this awfull moment.
Lean on me my friend.HUGS
Mariajosilva AND Cass....My thoughts and prayers go out to each of you....BIG HUGS to both of you....take care ok?
Cass, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

For those who are not aware, what Cass and her family are doing for her father in his last hours is very much a tradional and very old custume in rural Ireland. The family watch over the person night and day and when the time comes, its the family who would take care of everthing when they lose their loved one.

Irish wakes are a mixture of heartbreaking loss and celebrating the ife of their loved one and often last for many days. The old costumes and traditons are described here

Cass this one is for you and your family
Cass, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

For those who are not aware, what Cass and her family are doing for her father in his last hours is very much a tradional and very old custume in rural Ireland. The family watch over the person night and day and when the time comes, its the family who would take care of everthing when they lose their loved one.

Irish wakes are a mixture of heartbreaking loss and celebrating the ife of their loved one and often last for many days. The old costumes and traditons are described here

Cass this one is for you and your family

moonstreet...not wanting to desagree or upset you somehow,i think that what Cass is doing,is caring for the one she loves because she wants it,and not because of the tradition.
I'm sure she respects the tradition,but i truly think that what she has in mind right now,is to make sure that her father is doing as well as possible,and that she loves him unconditionaly.
I am portuguese and we don't have those kind of traditions,and i am doing the same thing to my mother,and already did to my grandmother too.I could have choosen not help or be here because i'm not only child,but i could never imagine leaving behind someone i love so much,specially when they most need.
Hope i didn't hurt you somehow,and i was able to make you understand my point of view.
Hi everyone, my Dad is still with us. He is shrinking in to himself and now his stomach is swelling. His pulse is faster. He has proved everyone wrong when it come to doctors and nurses giving opinons to how long this will last. I am sceduled to fly back home to sthe states on Monday morning.

Moonstreet, you are right. My Dad wanted to come home to die and most people here do exactly what we are doing. We are by his side 2 of us if not 4 of us 24/7. We are turning him, bathing him and changing him. We do everything but deal with the morphine pump. We have a candle and a cross beside his bed. My mothers friend will be laying him out after he passes and we will keep him here after for a few hours but if he passes late in the day he will be staying with us overnight. We are not having a wake (where people come to the house to view the body). He will be going to the funeral home. He was known all over Ireland because of his business. The funeral would be to large to have here.

Maria, You are right also *smile. We are doing this because we love him and we all want to be here with him thru to the end.

My Dad has a great heart and a strong spirit. These last 10 days have been like one long day but I'm in no hurry for him to go as he is in pain. That is our only comfort right now that he is pain-free.

Thanks again to everyone for all your kinds words and especially your prayers. I appreciate everyone one of you. K. I'm heading back to Dad now. Love you all.
Hi everyone, my Dad is still with us. He is shrinking in to himself and now his stomach is swelling. His pulse is faster. He has proved everyone wrong when it come to doctors and nurses giving opinons to how long this will last. I am sceduled to fly back home to sthe states on Monday morning.

Moonstreet, you are right. My Dad wanted to come home to die and most people here do exactly what we are doing. We are by his side 2 of us if not 4 of us 24/7. We are turning him, bathing him and changing him. We do everything but deal with the morphine pump. We have a candle and a cross beside his bed. My mothers friend will be laying him out after he passes and we will keep him here after for a few hours but if he passes late in the day he will be staying with us overnight. We are not having a wake (where people come to the house to view the body). He will be going to the funeral home. He was known all over Ireland because of his business. The funeral would be to large to have here.

Maria, You are right also *smile. We are doing this because we love him and we all want to be here with him thru to the end.

My Dad has a great heart and a strong spirit. These last 10 days have been like one long day but I'm in no hurry for him to go as he is in pain. That is our only comfort right now that he is pain-free.

Thanks again to everyone for all your kinds words and especially your prayers. I appreciate everyone one of you. K. I'm heading back to Dad now. Love you all.

Cass, I know you love your dad so much. Your whole family does. What you are doing for him right now is so important. Take care, and know we are all here for you....
Cass sweetie,please promise me you are taking care of you properly as this is very exausting physically and emotionally too.

I love you and admire you very very much and there's not one a time when i pray,that i don't remember you,your family and friends.

Hang in there my friend.I'm here for you ANYTIME.

lots of love and hugs
We all told him on Wednesday that it was ok to go.. He was not expected to make it thru the weekend. Yesterday morning, he told us again he had to go now.. Stuck up his lips and we all kissed him again and told him it was ok.. He closed his eyes and hasn't woken up since. That was 28hrs ago. I stayed with him all night last night. We turned him a few times and the nurse has been clearing out his lungs with a pump so the rattle isn't so bad. My Dad has a strong heart. Even though he is in a deep deep sleep now, that he won't wake up from. His heart is very strong for his age. God isn't ready for him yet. The doc was shocked he made it thru the night and it's now after 1pm. I just got out of the shower, going back to him now. All his family is right here with him, lots of friends stopping by also. He is surrounded by love...

aww hun
We were called in at 2am this morning.. The night nurse said his pulse was weakening and he was slipping..He is still here and it's after 7pm the same day.. I'm leaving for the airport 8hrs..
Aw Cass....our thoughts are with you through this horrible time....May your Dad rest in peace. No more pain, no more hurting....just peace. Eternal peace.
My Dad passed away at 10pm last night 11/16. It was 5 hrs before I was due to leave for the airport. I had my shower and had packed my case... I was with him when he passed.. His breathing had become more shallow, then all of a sudden he got really pale. We lit a candle for him to hold. He opened his eyes and looked right into my Mom's eyes and slowly closed them as the last breath left him. His passing could not have been more peaceful.

He was a kind, gentle, genorous man and am so privilaged to have him in my life and be loved unconditionally by him. I'm staying here in Ireland now for a few more days, til Thursday . We are keeping him with us at the house again tonight, removal will be tomorrow (tues) and burial wednesday morning. I'll be able to fly back home now happy that my Dad is in no pain and so fulfilled that I was with him right up to the end. May the Lord have mercy on him and may he rest in peace.
RIP to your dad Cass. He passed the way he wanted to, steeped in glorious Irish tradition and surrounded by all of his family who he loved so dearly. I am glad you didn't have to board a plane before this - that this chapter in his life and yours are now eternally intertwined. I am saddened that he had to pass, but grateful that you could extend your stay there to be with your family. May God Bless YOU and YOUR family. Take care Cass....

In other words....you did good by him Cass...don't ever forget that...
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My Dad passed away at 10pm last night 11/16. It was 5 hrs before I was due to leave for the airport. I had my shower and had packed my case... I was with him when he passed.. His breathing had become more shallow, then all of a sudden he got really pale. We lit a candle for him to hold. He opened his eyes and looked right into my Mom's eyes and slowly closed them as the last breath left him. His passing could not have been more peaceful.

He was a kind, gentle, genorous man and am so privilaged to have him in my life and be loved unconditionally by him. I'm staying here in Ireland now for a few more days, til Thursday . We are keeping him with us at the house again tonight, removal will be tomorrow (tues) and burial wednesday morning. I'll be able to fly back home now happy that my Dad is in no pain and so fulfilled that I was with him right up to the end. May the Lord have mercy on him and may he rest in peace.

OMG! :( I don't even know you, I didn't know your father still this touched me deeply. I have tears in my eyes... May he rest in peace and God bless you and your family. Take care... :( :better:
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Cass. I'm sure you made your father very proud. Please take care my friend.
OMG! :( I don't even know you, I didn't know your father still this touched me deeply. I have tears in my eyes... May he rest in peace and God bless you and your family. Take care... :( :better:

you took the words out my mouth..I truely think he's in a better place now..God be with you and your family. :(
((((((((((((((((Cass))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))...I'm very sorry for your lost sweetie.

But in another way,i am happy that you were able to be with him till the last minute.(i was worried with you,how would you feel and react if yoyu had to fly home and get the news by phone...I can't even imagine how that must be or feel).

Never forget that now your father is in a much better place,and he is able to help you much more,cause he is near God.
As long as you have him in your heart and thoughts,he will never die

I'm here for you now more than ever my sweetheart.
God bless you and all your family.
Love you and always will.
tight hugs
Im so sorry to hear of your sad loss, Cass. It is heartbreaking when a loved one passes on but I am also happy that you where able to be with him right to the end.
Your father sounds like he was a wonderful man and he knew that he was dearly loved. His pain and suffering are over now and he will rest in peace.
God bless you Cass and your family at this time of sorrow, xx
My condolences to you and your family. Your dad is no longer suffering and is now with the Lord. He now can rest in peace and no longer worry about suffering. May the Lord be with you and your family through the hard times. May God Bless you.
My Dad was buried today. The church service was really nice. The priest gave a lovely speech as did his best friend. A very sad day but now he is at peace with the Lord. I'm leaving for Ireland at 3am in the morning. My Mom and brother are taking me to the airport. Thanks again everyone for all the kind messages.
Oh honey :( I may be new here and you don't know me, but my thoughts are with you. i am also glad you got to be with him right til the end. he is in a good place right now :hugs: xx
My Dad was buried today. The church service was really nice. The priest gave a lovely speech as did his best friend. A very sad day but now he is at peace with the Lord. I'm leaving for Ireland at 3am in the morning. My Mom and brother are taking me to the airport. Thanks again everyone for all the kind messages.

aww are you okay Cass take care sweetie and take ur time xxxx we are all thinkin of you
My Dad passed away at 10pm last night 11/16. It was 5 hrs before I was due to leave for the airport. I had my shower and had packed my case... I was with him when he passed.. His breathing had become more shallow, then all of a sudden he got really pale. We lit a candle for him to hold. He opened his eyes and looked right into my Mom's eyes and slowly closed them as the last breath left him. His passing could not have been more peaceful.

He was a kind, gentle, genorous man and am so privilaged to have him in my life and be loved unconditionally by him. I'm staying here in Ireland now for a few more days, til Thursday . We are keeping him with us at the house again tonight, removal will be tomorrow (tues) and burial wednesday morning. I'll be able to fly back home now happy that my Dad is in no pain and so fulfilled that I was with him right up to the end. May the Lord have mercy on him and may he rest in peace.

Cass, I don't know you but I want to wish you all the best. Stay strong and positive. Big hug!!!

A friend of mine lost her mother a few months ago. She had cancer. It is very difficult, but you will make it through. I wish you all the best in the world. Stay strong and loving.