I'm flying home to Ireland tomorrow to say goodye to my Dad.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
North Carolina
My Dad is dying from cancer. He was put on a morphine pump today and it is now only a matter of time. Please keep him and my family in your prayers.

Thank you. :(
I'm so Sorry to hear that, God Bless You & your family. And thank you for your well wishes for my Grandma :flowers: You're in my prayers :heart:
Thinking of you cass! Please take care!
Your dad, you and all your family are in my prayers!
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family :flowers:

God bless.
Oh, it's really sad. :( My prayers are with you and your family...:(
Stay strong,Cass!I'm so sorry about that... :(

I know what is this cause my mom die in 2004.

Just my faith in God,prayers,carees of my friends,the love of my daughter,Natasha, save me!

Think only that you was a wonderful daughter.The time of God will come for all of us.

You and your family are in my prayers. :hug:

God bless you,Cass! :flowers:
So sad to hear of your fathers illness Cass, its good that you will be there to see him and say your goodbyes. God Bless you, your father and all your family. Take care and stay strong, xx
Very sad to hear that :(
My thoughts are with you and your family.
My Dad is dying from cancer. He was put on a morphine pump today and it is now only a matter of time. Please keep him and my family in your prayers.

Thank you. :(

My goodness gracious, our thougths and prayers will be thru this difficult time. :angel:
Cass,my dear friend,

I know i told you this before,but i think it's never enough to read it or listen.YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Lean on me,and ANYTIME you need to talk,you know how to reach me.

Saying be strong it's easy,but i know you are strong girl,because i have the joy to meet you for almost 10 years.

As always,but more hard now that you are on your way home,i will go on praying for you,your mother and father,that for sure will be very happy,and give you this hudge smile and hug,when he sees his baby.

God Bless you and your family my sweet one.
Have a safe trip and try to rest while going home.

Tight hugs
Oh my ... I am so sorry to hear this for you. What can one say? I don't even know you but my heart goes out to you. I really don't know what else to say but I'll pray for you and your family in this difficult time.
Im so sorry to hear about your Dad
Ill be praying for you and your family
and may God give you his peace that
passes all understanding at this time (hugs)
Im so sorry cass
My condolcences and thoughts are with you and your family.
And you and your family are in my prayers

take care hun
Thank you so much for all your kind words. I got here Wednes morning. My Dad smiled when he saw me but was unable to speak to me. The doctor told us that night that we need to say our Goodbyes because she didn't expect him to live thru the weekend. He slept all day Thurs. I stayed by him on Thursday night and he woke up at 8am Friday morning and stayed awake all day. It was wonderful cause he actually talked quiet alot. He keeps looking into the corner and said he saw a lady. Another time, he siad he was looking at a picture and it was beautiful.

At about 6pm Friday evening. He siad that he had to go.. He kissed me on the lips and I told him I loved him and that he was the best Dad in the world. It was great to have a chance to talk to him and to have him repsond to me.. I called all my family in.. It was terrible. We really thought he was slipping away. He spoke to all of us one by one and we all told him it was ok go to..He closed his eyes and then we heard footsteps coming down the hallway. It was his doctor. She listened to his chest and siad that he wasn't going but could get another "turn" at any time.

He is not as alert today (sat) but he has gone down abit. He is at home in his own bed. He is not in any pain. The morphine pump has been doubled and he is also getting 2 shots a day. He is very thin now and hasn't eaten in 4 days. Hasn't eaten properly in weeks. He takes a few sips of water a day. There are 2 of us in the room with him 24/7. It's so hard on all of us. We love him SO much but we don't want to see him linger like this. (79) They say he is finding it heart to go because his heart is so strong for his age. The doc is now saying it may be Monday. Nobody knows when God is ready for him though.

I won't be back online for a few days. Thanks again and everyone PLEASE pray that God will just take him gently without any struggle. The doctor assured us there will be no pain but I'm scared. I'm going to sit with him now.
Cass...My hands are holding yours right now.My heart is with you,my prayers and thoughts.
Be strong!!God is with you and family.We are with you!
God bless you,my dear!Your dad must be so proud to have a sun like you.I can bet that yes!:)
I'm sorry,Cass!