If you could have starred in any Michael Jackson video.......

which ever video he spent the most one on one time with dancers :)

because that is what I would LOVE to be, a dancer in his films..

smooth criminal would be a good one to be in, but too many people.. I would get less one on one time.. :) ummm! Jam had some special moments, but they were short..

IDK.. just want to dance with Mike, and spend a lot of time with him.. :)
In Black or white, and then in the part when he sings this:
They Print My Message
In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them
I Ain't Second To None

oh good heavens! the way he smiles at her right before they scene switch. AHH!! i'd do anything for him to smile at me like that....gah!!!

oh... so..if i were in a video...

that would be hard..as a girl i envy the girls in his lustful videos...but seeing as i would get way to bashful to do anything like any of those girls then i dunno...i'd almost say TWYMMF just because i think it would be fun to play miss attitude (but that could just be the actress coming out of me). i would love to have been in Childhood though. though in MY PERSONAL OPINION i think the video could have been done a little better...lol..but that's possibly because it wasn't little girly enough for me....no fairies darn it!! AH!! what am i talkin about! i'm not made for music videos! i'm made for the big films!! lol.
oh good heavens! the way he smiles at her right before they scene switch. AHH!! i'd do anything for him to smile at me like that....gah!!!

oh... so..if i were in a video...

that would be hard..as a girl i envy the girls in his lustful videos...but seeing as i would get way to bashful to do anything like any of those girls then i dunno...i'd almost say TWYMMF just because i think it would be fun to play miss attitude (but that could just be the actress coming out of me). i would love to have been in Childhood though. though in MY PERSONAL OPINION i think the video could have been done a little better...lol..but that's possibly because it wasn't little girly enough for me....no fairies darn it!! AH!! what am i talkin about! i'm not made for music videos! i'm made for the big films!! lol.

GAHHH I never met anyone that thought the same way as I do about the 'Chilehood' (hehe) video!!! :blink: I agree with you, I love fairies and stuff and I woulda expected at least SOME kind of Tinkerbell-ish fairy in there :lol:
HEHE!! SWEET!!!! yeahhh. i love michael to death and i don't want to bash something he did..but i just didn't like the video enough. i mean it was good at first, but the video was the same throughout the whole thing! there wasn't enough to show that "childhood magic". they were flying in ships across the sky! but what about battling pirates! landing in neverland! knights saving a lady in destress from the big dragon! cowboys and indians. Girls playing princesses. i mean, in my mind it could have been done so much better!!....no offence micheal :(
HEHE!! SWEET!!!! yeahhh. i love michael to death and i don't want to bash something he did..but i just didn't like the video enough. i mean it was good at first, but the video was the same throughout the whole thing! there wasn't enough to show that "childhood magic". they were flying in ships across the sky! but what about battling pirates! landing in neverland! knights saving a lady in destress from the big dragon! cowboys and indians. Girls playing princesses. i mean, in my mind it could have been done so much better!!....no offence micheal :(

Michael has created so many amazing videos, each with their own story and all very unique. If you could have starred in any video of his, which one would it have been and why?

I am still picking mine, how about yours? :)

Well, I know which one I'd be GOOD in and not even need a whole heck of a lot of makeup!

I'd be a SHOE IN for a Thriller zombie! I look just like some of them when I climb outa bed in the morning:D:D:D

Of course it would have to be a dragging along zombie and not a dancing one:D
Well, I know which one I'd be GOOD in and not even need a whole heck of a lot of makeup!

I'd be a SHOE IN for a Thriller zombie! I look just like some of them when I climb outa bed in the morning:D:D:D

Of course it would have to be a dragging along zombie and not a dancing one:D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :toofunny: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :toofunny: man i dang near peed my pants! lol
BOTDF - cause it's h o t & I'd love to dance with Michael
Thriller - I'd get to be a Zombie
Dirty Diana - I could just stand in the crowd and stare at him, or else I could play the guitar instead of Jennifer...same goes for Come Together
Scream - Janet's part
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i always wanted to be this crazyeyed mofo


there's something about him, no!? that was the first Western movie i saw as a 6 year-old and the dude left an impression... he left a God-damn impression lol
BOTDF - cause it's h o t & I'd love to dance with Michael
Thriller - I'd get to be a Zombie
Dirty Diana - I could just stad in the crowd and stare at him, or else I could play the guitar instead of Jennifer...same goes for Come Together
Scream - Janet's part

Ay ay! :yes:

Ah I would also play Michael Jordan´s part in "Jam", cause I also love basketball :D . I love that video it´s sooo cool!!!
i wudda replaced Macully n BOw lol ummm i wudda jammed wit mj n janet n scream..wudda been a zombie n thriller..wudda played as a lil egyptian kid in RTT..wudda replaced zeke n badder lmao...the list goes on
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I'd be Iman in RTT--I love that video, and she gets to kiss him :D!

But I'd also have to be one of those chicks dancing in the background because I LOVE the dances in this video--and the Nubian/Egyptian-like costumes too.

Oh shoot--wait--I'd be Naiomi in 'In the Closet' too lol--did you see how he was groping her?!
oh i also wudda replace that kid that mj pulled off in the JAm video