If you could have starred in any Michael Jackson video.......


Michael has created so many amazing videos, each with their own story and all very unique. If you could have starred in any video of his, which one would it have been and why?

I am still picking mine, how about yours? :)
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I dunno...if I had a body like Tatiana, I woulda wanted to star in that TWYMMF video...but I woulda been the one runnin after Michael!! LOL!! OR I would have been the girl in the YRMW video...and still I woulda been the one gyrating to Michael...that was one sexy video...
KOPV - are you male? If so, I could see you as some Egyptian Prince-like dude fighting over IMan in that Remember The Time video....
I would have been the girl in the thriller video, 'cause then I would have been Michaels girl:wub:
Awesome!! I am still thinking about mine LOL :lol::unsure:
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I would have liked to have been in the Smooth Criminal video, I love the whole 1930's theme.
I would have wanted to be in "Ghosts" the longer version. I think it would be so cool to live in a neighborhood that had a haunted castle.lol And a magical neighbor would make life a lot more interesting.:lol:
i would love to be the girl in the you rock my world video...cause that song is hot
I meant to post when I was in here earlier but I'd have to say In the Closet - I mean damn Michael and grinding *sigh*
I meant to post when I was in here earlier but I'd have to say In the Closet - I mean damn Michael and grinding *sigh*

Ooh, momma and her naughty mind :p :lol:

I think I'd go with Scream... and that silver outfit Michael wore has nothing to do with my decision :rolleyes: :p
"The Way You Make Me Feel" for sure! When I was younger I wanted to be Tataina Thumbtzen so badly because I wanted MJ to chase me around like that lol.

I would have also loved to have been in "Who Is It", "Thriller" and "Smooth Criminal".
I'd go with Scream too. The idea of flying through space aboard MJ's spaceship, screaming, singing and dancing with MJ in 0 gravity... well, I just find it appealing... :lol:

And also Remember The Time. Just because it's my other fav vid. Not for any other reason..... :p
I would have been the rabbit in Speed Demon! :kickass: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: "It's just a stupid rabbit!" :huh: :lmao: "But me and my friend Spike....we were just....Spike....she was just here...." :lmao:

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i would like to be in bad. i want to be the character that wesley snipes was.
"It's just a stupid rabbit!" :huh: :lmao: "But me and my friend Spike....we were just....Spike....she was just here...." :lmao:


LOL!!!!! I say that line about Spike just being there all the time and my sister gets so exasperated!! LOL

But ummmmmm, I'd have to say 'thriller'

then if he liked me, I would have stuck around for TWYMMF and ITC(*sigh*)

but i was thinking in regards to 'thriller', ok, so he gave her his 'school ring' or whatever, but I'm SURE he knew it was gonna be a full moon that night.Not a good boyfriend. If he wanted to tell me he was a werewolf, I'd probably want to know during the day, and not when he could potentially murder me, but that's just me. Another thing, if you are inside during a full moon, do you still transform, cause if they wouldn't have left the movie theater early........man.
Whatever, the brilliance of John Landis.......btw, I'd still do the Thriller vid!