If MJ was alive and cameback to do a tour how big will it sell?

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Isn't this thread about if June 25th didn't happen and he went on to tour. Otherwise, I think he will sell out huge due to, the fact that people would want to see him at all.
I hate to talk about this, but lets just say people have done very drastic things due to his death. If he had faked his death, for that reason I think it would be unforgivable.
People are getting off topic lol.
I honestly can't think of a good answer to the original question....hmmm..
I know I'd do anything to see him again and so would millions of others...so I'm gonna say YES, the concerts would be sold out in record time. But at the same time, I can see people being drastically upset for faking his death and in response not attending the concerts...
Tough question..
To be honest with you, my life has been in self distruct mode since MJ's passing, so unless he was in the witness protection and it was a last resort thing, I don't think I would be able to love him the way I do now. After all he would have put us through, whos to say he wouldn't do it again. I probobly wouldn't be able to resist buying tickets though, it is still my lifes ambition to see life live.
But seeing as I bought TII tickets I would feel ripped off that I paid full price for a peice of paper, when he was alive and well.
I think the fans would be more devided than ever, some of us forgiving him intantly others feeling betrayed by him. I do think the tickets would still sell fast though...
Anyway MJ isn't alive in person, but he is through us and his music. He was simply too much of a loving man to do this, he couldn't and wouldn't put us and more importantly his children and family through all of this...
If MJ came back he wouldn't be able to do a tour. He would be in jail.
This is my opinion only but I think it would sell a bit, I just don't think it will sell (If he was alive and I was near him, I would hug him so tight and take pics with him), and ginvid is 100% right they would jail him for that before he set foot on a stage.

If June 25 didn't happen he would sell so f-in much with his concerts.

And In my humble opinion the people would are mad shouldn't be considered non-fans, hell some have legit reasons why they would be mad. And I also believe that he's dead sadly. :cry:
not very fast...
unless he had a seriously good explanation for faking death... :scratch:

Are you freakin kidding?

It would sell faster than TII!!! And it would depend on how many shows as whether peeps would think MJ would even complete a group of shows.

MJ is in HUGE demand.....

BTW MJ would only be arrested for faking his death in the US ONLY if he didnt have a legitimate reason for doing so. You would have to imagine that he would to do something so extravagant.
I believe that if he did come back, some kind of big chaos would end up in the world - can you imagine the amount of hatred people would have for him? I doubt anyone would ever accept for him to come back, they'd sabotage the concerts, his whole career, and his life. Because the effect his death brought to the world is bigger than we can see.
As if any of you guys would be upset that Michael faked his death and was alive. You'd all be ecstatic that the nightmare of MJs death was over!
If MJ was alive, I don't know what I would do. Run around the city scremaing like a maniac. Well, that's for sure.

I'm pretty sure the show would be big and all that, but he would be arrested.
Umm, considering the fact Michael died rehearsing for a tour, I don't think it'd be in his best interest to announce to the world he faked his own death and now wants to go on another one.
He didnt die rehearsing for a tour, he died at the hands of a negligent doctor at his home.

No shit.
It's not like I said he had a massive heart attack while moonwalking at the Staples Center last June. I know what Michael died of, the whole world does too.
Question is, why would Michael prepare for a sold-out London tour, die, comeback to life and then go on another tour?
If he did fake his death, I don't think he will ever come back. I don't know how I would react to see him back, thinking of my very serious health problem who started in June, because of the shock and pain... I love him very much, I would die to have him back but... my life became a nightmare since then...
I don't think (or I don't want to believe) that he would ever do this to his family and us!
No shit.
It's not like I said he had a massive heart attack while moonwalking at the Staples Center last June. I know what Michael died of, the whole world does too.
Question is, why would Michael prepare for a sold-out London tour, die, comeback to life and then go on another tour?

Then you should have stated what you did in this post and not what you did in the other post which is false ;)

AGE wanted MJ to do just one show in Texas. There was also the offer with AEG (which AEG turned down) to do one live show and show it at the cinemas and DVD. They could make the same amount of money (which they did with TII movie anyway).

There are lots of ways that Michael could still do a show or a series or shows. Michael was fine with 10 shows and even 30. Its 50 that MJ had a prob with.
Then you should have stated what you did in this post and not what you did in the other post which is false ;)

AGE wanted MJ to do just one show in Texas. There was also the offer with AEG (which AEG turned down) to do one live show and show it at the cinemas and DVD. They could make the same amount of money (which they did with TII movie anyway).

There are lots of ways that Michael could still do a show or a series or shows. Michael was fine with 10 shows and even 30. Its 50 that MJ had a prob with.

Uh huh. Well, this whole thread doesn't make much sense anyway. MJ died (not LITERALLY) while preparing for a tour, so it'd be dumb to suggest coming back from the dead to do another tour would go over smoothly with the entire planet who witnessed his memorial service.
I just hope he refunds everybody's money from 'This Is It' before selling tickets for his new concerts, lol.
Uh huh. Well, this whole thread doesn't make much sense anyway. MJ died (not LITERALLY) while preparing for a tour, so it'd be dumb to suggest coming back from the dead to do another tour would go over smoothly with the entire planet who witnessed his memorial service.
I just hope he refunds everybody's money from 'This Is It' before selling tickets for his new concerts, lol.
Well there are a lot of people (and I mean ALOT) who beLIEve that MJ is alive and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that here:

BTW everyone has been refunded for TII.
Untrue. But I believe if he comes back, he would not tour. I believe hes alive, by the way.

Sorry to tell you, but it is true. People even committed suicide because of his death. If he were to come back, he would be accused of depraved indifference for all of the harm people have done to themselves that he should have forseen since he was/ is still the biggest star in the world.

I know you believe he is alive. But if he is, he will not be coming back to do a live show. He will not be coming back at all to be a public figure.
I don't care If he does a concert or not, As long as he's alive somewhere outthere,It will take time to get use to the fact that He's alive and then when the smoke clears,then we can talk projects.The Concerts will be soldout.I'm sure of it. His Movies will be block busters and His New Songs will be Hitmakers but lets come to a realization here, He's not with us.Murray took him away from us and the only concert we'll see him doing will be a heavenly one,That's if God wants to see the concert too because there are alot of Singers and Musicians upthere to listen too. If he was alive and came to my house just to let me know he's alive ,I wouldn't say anything,Not a word but give a smile and a huge hug.

^^me too and I wouldn't even be angry or upset just unbelieveably relieved that our Michael is here. I love him so much..its unbearable thinking like this but I can't help it because there really is no end to my love for Michael.
1.MJ is alive :D I can feel it :) and all the proof.
2.It would be the biggest of the biggest, and I would be there :)
Sorry to tell you, but it is true. People even committed suicide because of his death. If he were to come back, he would be accused of depraved indifference for all of the harm people have done to themselves that he should have forseen since he was/ is still the biggest star in the world.

I know you believe he is alive. But if he is, he will not be coming back to do a live show. He will not be coming back at all to be a public figure.

IF Michael is still alive, we dont even know why he would have done this. It would have to have been for a VERY good cause to do so. We know that Michael would not do anything like this so flippantly or with out a good cause. Remember MJ was saying that he was being stalked, being poisoned and thought there was a conspiracy around him. We also know what he thought about Tohme. What if the authorities know something? We wouldnt know. Its possible. Anythings possible with MJ.

Also Id like to note that its been brought to my attention that the media has not reported any suicides re MJs death. Only fans on boards have reported suicides. Is this correct?
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