If Michael were reading this forum, what would HE say??

^^ Naw...he'd come home from a long day of rehearsing, kick up his feet onto the desk, turn on the ole laptop and say "Oh? So you like my curls after all? And some of you who don't can just STFU - they're here to stay baby. I am sick and tired of that goddamned straightener"
ok. duly noted. and MJ, i know the subject of this thread, so...i guess ur watching and learning along with me...

let me ask you, Linda. cus i don't wanna get slapped. if i go out to a club. lol

since u see this as looking at u as a piece of meat, why do u feel comfy giving those kinds of compliments to MJ?. wouldn't u, specifically, think MJ would feel the same way, since he seems different from most guys? i just wanna know how the minds and the processes work..:)

(though i might add, most guys are being complimentary like that, but are looking for a woman with humor, personality and a mind of her own that's smart. so i don't think it's a piece of meat thing with men, either. just admiration of everything about her)

Ya got me there vncwilliam. Nope, I don't believe all guys like to be thought of as a piece of meat either.
^^ Naw...he'd come home from a long day of rehearsing, kick up his feet onto the desk, turn on the ole laptop and say "Oh? So you like my curls after all? And some of you who don't can just STFU - they're here to stay baby. I am sick and tired of that goddamned straightener"

^^ I think I know MJ. Behind that calm, polite "Heal The World" exterior, there is the STFU guy just wanting to be heard...LOL!
^^ I think I know MJ. Behind that calm, polite "Heal The World" exterior, there is the STFU guy just wanting to be heard...LOL!

I bet so.. I think he feels a little "stfu" sometimes when he's being followed around.. :lol:
I think he blushes and giggles while reading what girls say about his sexyness lol :lol:

And he probably says "There are some crazy a$$ people in here!"

or while looking at some member's collections "wow I dont even remember releasing that!"

and "This Telha girl looks cute and interesting, I wish she'd post her phone number so I can call her" :p Just teasing lol
I saw him flash the middle finger at a photog once...why not a good "STFU" every once in a while?? LOL!
I saw him flash the middle finger at a photog once...why not a good "STFU" every once in a while?? LOL!

lol did he do that :lol: understandable I guess..
But I think a combination of "your so kind" and "stfu" would be my guess to what he would be saying while lurking these forums..

Hopefully most of the good vibrations ofcourse :yes:
No one can be 100% nice and kind....he gotta have at least that 1% that sometimes has to tell someone "STFU and get tha hell outta my face, fool!" :lol:
No one can be 100% nice and kind....he gotta have at least that 1% that sometimes has to tell someone "STFU and get tha hell outta my face, fool!" :lol:
of course he has it he just doesn't show it remember he's a gentleman :trish:
but sometimes it's gotta be so hard to hold it inside it's hard for anyone
I think he'd also say to himself - "Alright!! ENUF about my cute tight little tushie already!! AND THE GOLD PANTS!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!"
If he were to read the whole forum, I get the feeling he'd say something along the lines of "Trombone?! WTF?!" and leave.. :lol: