If Michael announced a tour today....

How do you think "haters" will recieve his comeback?

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We can be our own worst enemies at times :lol: That's okay, Michael gon' rock da boat no matter what.
I listened to a news bulletin the other day about 'Take That' selling out their new tour faster than anyone else in history, 'beating the likes of Michael Jackson'. What you all have to remember is that Michael sold tickets out super fast, WITHOUT the use of the internet, which today runs a probable 95% of ticket sales..

Every other Michael tour would have been sold via telephone, queueing up at ticket booths and writing off with coupons etc.. Michael has never toured with the use of the internet at his disposal.. The demand will be absolutely unimaginable.. When he does shows again, he will sell out in seconds, it will be damn near impossible to get a ticket..

People are saying he has a smaller fanbase now than ever? Excuse my French but that is the biggest pile of ISH I have ever heard.. Have you not heard of Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Interactive TV, Thriller 25, King Of Pop.. THE INTERNET in general? The internet in 2001 when Invincible was released was still reletavely new to the domestic household.. the album relied on radio and television advertisement.. now look what Michael has at his disposal.. Itunes.. HELLO? Michael TODAY has a hell of alot of new fans that would have never got into him if it wasn't for the above things ^^.. His career is bigger now than it ever has been.
I can understand people not liking lip syncing - I myself would prefer live singing (at least with regards to some songs). But just the opportunity to see Michael on stage will be enough for me. I really enjoyed the HIStory concerts (watching them on TV that is) and if that's what we end up getting, I'm still getting my ticket! But if you don't want that, then simply don't go. Miss what could be the very last opportunity to see MJ perform on a stage. It's a personal choice - weigh the pro's and con's and do what you want. I'm not going to be missing out though!

As for this issue about Michael's supposedly dwindling fanbase - I don't see it. There's no reason to believe Michael's fanbase is smaller now then after the trial. A lot of people that normally go to his concerts aren't fans anyway. If a new album comes out and a tour (or performances) are announced there will probably be a lot of hype. A lot of non-fans will be swept up in this and will go to the concerts - even many of the ones who now would claim that they won't go. In this whole process there will also no doubt be new fans.
MJ has now a smaller fans base than ever, right? smaller than before the trail, and smaller that just after the trial.
and your evidence of that is? there isnt any.
I can't believe no one has thought of it yet.. Michael is always on the forefront of technology with his concerts ..etc but has said that he is too old/tired of touring on a big scale.

What if Michael is planning a world tour via hologram? (using a bigger version of Musion Eyeliner 3d hologram technology). Google it for more information. He could perform LIVE in Las Vegas, and have the hologram projected live to stages all around the world for his millions of fans. No traveling or paparazzi and a close to the real thing experience. And holograms are so hot right now!!!
lol....that could be possible!
That would be awesome!
Yeah but he won't tour in the flesh because its too much hassle.. so hologram or nothing? :) I choose hologram
Well he said he's planning concerts, so that's enough. He never said he was too old or tired to tour, he said he didn't want to end up like James Brown. I wouldn't want to see a hologram. I want to see the real deal.
I choose halogram too
Cuz ( and i dont mean to offened fans) but im doubting all this "tour talk"
Untill i see action, then i'll belive it
And it's not just that people want to see Michael, Michaels wants to see people too... that's part of the magic for him being on stage, feeling the love from the audience. He couldn't do that through hologram.

And no, he never said he was too old to tour. He did say when he got older, he may play instruments on stage, piano, guitar... something I'd love to see him do, too.
^^^where and when did he say he'll play instruments on stage?

Everyone wants to see MJ in flesh, not some hologram. :D
im sure hologram has not been done before?
id rather see him in the flesh :agree: but one thing is for sure i ay paying more than £50 for a ticket mr!! :tease:

i ay rich!! :D and r u joking? london would be awesome of course!

You guys are kidding right? Hologram vs The Real Deal.. Surely there is no contest..


Obviously I would prefer to see a hologram... :ermm: *ahem*
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I choose halogram too
Cuz ( and i dont mean to offened fans) but im doubting all this "tour talk"
Untill i see action, then i'll belive it

hallogram is a good idea, but Idon't know if people will pay for a ticket to see a hologram of Michael .
The proof he has a smaller fan base is that there are not hundrends of people following him around like it used to be before 2003, and then personally I knew many fans who drop him after the trial, and I say many cause there are many, but of course I don't know if they will change mind if MJ will ever come back. About a live show I think it's obiouvs people want to see the real thing and not a lipsyncing concert, when MJ used to do it he was the only one proposing fantastic coreographies and special effects, now everyone does it, and who does it by lip syncing is just considered crap. And If someone pays a ticket to see a live concert, then it should be live, and should not be a cd playing in the back.
Then of course I just gave my opinion, and since it is just an opinion everyone should take it as a personal opinion and not has an insult or as a real official statement.
I can't believe no one has thought of it yet.. Michael is always on the forefront of technology with his concerts ..etc but has said that he is too old/tired of touring on a big scale.

What if Michael is planning a world tour via hologram? (using a bigger version of Musion Eyeliner 3d hologram technology). Google it for more information. He could perform LIVE in Las Vegas, and have the hologram projected live to stages all around the world for his millions of fans. No traveling or paparazzi and a close to the real thing experience. And holograms are so hot right now!!!

That's nothing better than watching it live on TV.
The proof he has a smaller fan base is that there are not hundreds of people following him around like it used to be before 2003, and then personally I knew many fans who drop him after the trial, and I say many cause there are many, but of course I don't know if they will change mind if MJ will ever come back.

My experience is actually the opposite... of the fans I know who have followed him around over the years, most are still there. The only ones who haven't been there lately, are because when growing older, either their carreers have really taken off or they have small children at home, so naturally this would keep them from travelling around as much as before. But most if not all of them would definately be there if there's gonna be a show, anywhere, anytime. Plus, there's a whole new generation of fans, at least I know there is in Europe, 16 to 20+ year olds, who were too young to follow the last tours, and who are not just dying to see Michael on stage, they're preparing for it as well - saving up, working things out how to take the time out from the rest of their lives to travel to wherever Michael will perform, if he really does.

But actually this is beside the point of this thread. Because to fill stadiums, what Michael needs is not this group of followers, but the general audience. I have no doubts that there's enough 'ordinary' people (non-fans) who want to see Michael perform, as well, so IMO he will sell out easily. But time will tell. :fortuneteller:
My experience is actually the opposite... of the fans I know who have followed him around over the years, most are still there. The only ones who haven't been there lately, are because when growing older, either their carreers have really taken off or they have small children at home, so naturally this would keep them from travelling around as much as before. But most if not all of them would definately be there if there's gonna be a show, anywhere, anytime. Plus, there's a whole new generation of fans, at least I know there is in Europe, 16 to 20+ year olds, who were too young to follow the last tours, and who are not just dying to see Michael on stage, they're preparing for it as well - saving up, working things out how to take the time out from the rest of their lives to travel to wherever Michael will perform, if he really does.
agree. from 1997-2005 from what i saw at hotels it was pretty much the same faces. after 05 that totally changed and there were/are a whole new generation of fans from around 17 years of age and upwards who now follow him/go to hotels etc. ontop of those who have been around for the last 10 years and more
even people who are not fans will go to see him..i´m sure..i know a couple of them and they´d go just because it´s Michael Jackson..
a radio announcer woman was so excited she could barely contain herself the other day. She said she had a concert announcement to make on Tuesday and said she was so happy and excited about it. That she can't say who it is, but that the person is bigger than Madonna. She wouldn't give any other clue but said, "just imagine, who is bigger than Madonna? I can't believe it, I think I might cry." or something. So now I am waiting for Tuesday to see who this person is that is bigger than Madonna. Personally, at least in the pop world, I cannot think of any other than Michael Jackson at the moment. There might be others. She never said bigger than Madonna in the pop world though so hard to say. I'm not even sure I should post this because it seems like whenever someone thinks something could be about him, it is jinxed. Actually.. I am going to wait till Tuesday to post this just in case.

So I waited and guess what? It's Brittany. How can someone think that Brittany Spears is bigger than Madonna? Ah well. It wasn't who came to mind for me. Still I thought I'd post it anyways.
a radio announcer woman was so excited she could barely contain herself the other day. She said she had a concert announcement to make on Tuesday and said she was so happy and excited about it. That she can't say who it is, but that the person is bigger than Madonna. She wouldn't give any other clue but said, "just imagine, who is bigger than Madonna? I can't believe it, I think I might cry." or something. So now I am waiting for Tuesday to see who this person is that is bigger than Madonna. Personally, at least in the pop world, I cannot think of any other than Michael Jackson at the moment. There might be others. She never said bigger than Madonna in the pop world though so hard to say. I'm not even sure I should post this because it seems like whenever someone thinks something could be about him, it is jinxed. Actually.. I am going to wait till Tuesday to post this just in case.

So I waited and guess what? It's Brittany. How can someone think that Brittany Spears is bigger than Madonna? Ah well. It wasn't who came to mind for me. Still I thought I'd post it anyways.

I could truly care less how haters feel and if they'd go to see him or not. I just wish to God I had my chance to see him. I have always wanted to meet him or a least see him in person and have never got the chance. I've never even been to a concert, I really wish he would perform again, but I can understand if he doesn't want to anymore.
A MICHAEL JACKSON tour would do so great..


Well aside from the millions of people that would naturally want to see the greatest entertainer perform..

Seeing MJ in itself is such a rarity. Over the years the more recluse he became the more of a myth like being he became. THE BUZZ would be huge, those who don't even like Michael would want to go because it's a once in a lifetime chance to see him..

There is no doubt that where MJ goes a circus fallows.. Just the headlines itself would sell the tour out... "MIchael Jacksons Comeback Tour." People from all ages, would want to see this. Not only that since Michael has not gone on tour for over a decade you better believe many people will HIGHLY believe this will be his last and only tour.. That if it's not THIS time it's NEVER.. There will be people not taking the chance on seeing him while this rare oportunity presents himself..

Even hater radio hosts will boost sales by the basic talk about it.. Even HATERS cannot deny his ablility to entertain and dance.. Radio hosts would take advantage of the opportunity to get high volume of listeners by giving out tickets to winners... the talk, the histeria.. EVERYTHING will sell itself BEFORE promotion...

People try to mention that MJ did a madison Square Garden event, which holds less than 20,000 people.. they use that as an example of "Not being able to sell out." Well they are also forgetting the fact that it sold out within hours.. And that tickets ranged all the way up to around $3000... You add that up with travel costs etc.. Not too many people can afford that.. But that's also why we can see all these celebs in the audience aswell..

Now if MJ does a tour and sells the tickets for an average price, or even slightly high price.. It would sell out..

The question is not IF it will sell, it's if all us REAL fans can get our hands on tickets fast enough to make sure we get ours..

It was hard enough to get tickets to MJ fan events.. I remember MJ's45th Bday party. Which was only promoted by online fans etc.. it sold out within hours.. That same day it was sold out.. Yes the place held only 3000 people.. But for a FAN party to get that attention... AND to have Access Hollywood to make TV specials surrounding it.. COME ON!!

And does anyone remember WMA 2006?? MJ trying to get to and from hotel?? The only reason why MJ has not been swarmed recently is because he's been able to keep a low profile.. but when MJ goes out.. and ppl KNOW ahead of time.. HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS show up..

People get confused cuz they see the older clips of MJ arriving places and leaving with people swarming him.. Well news flash.. Those were public events.. As in the press and media were waiting for his arrival.. They knew in advanced where he would be and why.. Even through out the 80's and 90's Mike went to places without being swampt with media.. It's the matter of keeping it low profile or not..
I think it will be well received but having said that, it's not going to be completely fine and dandy. There is always going to be at the least one mofo trying to put him down or saying something negative. From there, it will just spiderweb out and things will snowball. Either way, Michael's fanbase is most certainly going to keep on growing rather than shrinking and at the end of the day, that's what really matters.