I love Michael so much that it scares me

I think the question has been asked by more than one person here, is this sort of thing healthy, so I'll respond with my opinion: no.

It crosses the line into something personally harmful if it detracts from spending enough time cultivating real, healthy relationships with real people and/or with nature, or if it prevents you from making your own positive contribution to the world. If this is happening, you may be depressed, and should make an effort to reach out and make real-world connections. Good luck!:)
I couldn't tell anyone what to believe, but I could never rely on MJ as I do God. It would be too much of a burden for him! Cuz I lean on God lots.

But whatever gets you through your life spiritually and makes you stronger can't be a bad thing.
I do feel the same way. I am in fear that I am obsessed with him. And some religious people may not like this, but I doubt in God more than ever... And MJ is something divine to me..
I no longer believe in God, which was a painful decision, but now feels right. I could be wrong, of course.

But what I do know for a fact, in any case, with or without God, we humans are social creatures that until very recently lived close to nature. An increasing number of scientists, sociologists, psychologists and doctors are saying that we naturally will be unhappy or unfulfilled without a real-life human support network, time outdoors, exercise, and a sense of purpose that comes from doing things for others.

While an interest in MJ can fill various niches in our lives, none of these absolutely fundamental human needs can be MET by him. If you're inspired by him to achieve any of these things in the real world, that's very cool.
I think the question has been asked by more than one person here, is this sort of thing healthy, so I'll respond with my opinion: no.

It crosses the line into something personally harmful if it detracts from spending enough time cultivating real, healthy relationships with real people and/or with nature, or if it prevents you from making your own positive contribution to the world. If this is happening, you may be depressed, and should make an effort to reach out and make real-world connections. Good luck!:)

This is just what I wanted to say here.

I can sympathize with many of you, but I think this is where the line should be drawn. If anything, MJ has inspired me to DO a lot more out in the real world.

I've put in a lot of volunteer hours, worked with underprivileged kids, helped teach english to elderly immigrants, and I'm traveling to S. America in the winter to study with indigenous people about the environmental crisis and deforestation there.
And I can say a lot of that has been because I've been inspired by Michael to try to do something meaningful in the world.

Personally, I don't think of him as a god at all. I am always adamant that he was (hate to say 'was') a human being, and longed to be treated as such.

That said, I admire him more than anyone else I have known, and I think he's a wonderful role model and a mesmerizing person.

I've often felt self-conscious about my love for him, because I've felt like it's bordered on obsession, but I think that's okay as long as it doesn't become unhealthy and begin to interfere with your ability to lead a normal, healthy, social life. :)

I WILL say, however, I am definitely obsessed with his music.
WOW. I was away for a while and was not aware of the reaction to my post! I think you all have said really interesting things, and I respect all the opinions.

I agree that maybe "god" is too strong of a word. I definitely do think that Michael is a special being. I think he an extension of God because he is so god-like. I would even go so far as to say that Michael was an angel, but clearly everyone has different ways of calling things and we could debate about how to define Michael for decades.

I only wrote this post because of the personal guilt and confusion I was feeling; I do believe in God and I want to worship him but find myself going to Michael instead. I think Michael had led me to God recently. I think Michael has been making God real in my life by showing me how goodness exists. That is all.
I love Michael so much and it scares me, too! I cannot express how much i love and feel for him.

I feel that Michael is a prophet. I found myself praying to Michael, I did it in the car with a friend. Like Michael take care of us on our drive home. Actually we both did and we laughed, but agreed that is was okay. I found myself praying to my great grandma at times too, its more like watch over me. I guess i see my great grandma and Michael as my angels.

I believe in God, i think God understands the way i feel about Michael. I'm not practicing religion and to be honest i don't like going to church. But I do believe and i do pray. I'm surprised some people aren't sure or don't believe in god. as michael fans its surprising. He was touched by god, maybe thats why he comes off as god-like. I love how Michael spoke so openly about god and gave him praise. So humble to say all his music and talent came from god.

(i hope nobody takes my comments as judgement. i believe everyone is free to believe whatever they want and entitled to their own opinions)
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I understand what your saying. Sometimes i wonder if its healthy how i feel about him also, then i decide just to accept that he makes me happy :)