I love Michael so much that it scares me

What, do I need to wait before anyone starts to act normal and just replies without making a fuzz about it?
I have a lot to say on this topic but it's hard to have a monologue since everybody is so fixated on talking so nicely to eachother.
I'm this same way. However, I do not see Michael a "god" because I'm not sure whether or not I believe in God myself (although I do believe in the afterlife). But Michael is an amazing inspiration and I will say that he changed my life in so many ways. I do not blame you at all for feeling this way. We look at Michael completely differently than most of the world does. To many, he is just an entertainer but us as fans know that he's much more than that. He tried so hard to help people and the world in general. I also do look at him as a "Christ-like" figure.

I know how you feel though. I even caught myself praying to Michael like I pray to Jesus (sorry Christians). I'm not at all worshipping Michael as a holy god or anything but speaking to him brings me comfort. I think it's mostly because I'm back and forth on my beliefs about gods/God and such. So instead of asking "God" to deliver my message to Michael, I just tell Michael instead. ha.

loved your post. I am Catholic, but i look at Michael in a God like way. i know some say its wrong, but i don't care. He was a gift from God. X
Post, sas. It was totally my fault for causing all this, and I apologise.
Tom, your post was not offensive AT ALL. At least not to me. It's "things I do for you" that caused this whole off-topic discussion.
Sorry, but Michael Jackson was more than an entertainer.

Michael Jackson broke down walls blocking the way for other (BLACK) entertainers. Without him, there would be no Blackstreet, TLC and such playing on MTV.

Michael was one of the FIRST celebrities to travel the world and visit sick children in hospitals. Michael Jackson was saying "Heal the world" long before people started realizing how serious the earth's condition was. People felt HEALED after meeting Michael. He inspired millions upon millions around the globe to better their lives and to GIVE to other people.

Michael was able to rise above race and gender. It didn't matter if he were black or white, it didnt matter if he had female traits. Michael was Michael and wherever he went people were mesmerized by him.

And after all people did to him, Michael always got back on his feet. Two trials, millions of false stories. Michael was rediculed, laughed at, called names, lied about, accused, and he just kept going. Michael was strong.

When Michael died, the world stood still. Political news coverage was paused and all news channels reported on Michael.

So if some see him as a God, I can see why.

I'm feeling this post,and I appreciate the time you took to post it,but the man was not a God!

He blessed us by being here,no doubt.I mean,that triple spin....how does he do that let alone the moonwalk.Fuck Fred Astaire (sorry for that f-bomb again,I have a potty mouth) This man danced on air.

Did we hype him up to breaking point? Yes

Did he play the media to the point that they bit back? yes

Was (I still hate that) he the greatest? yes

Did he self implode? yes

It's selective blindness at times.
Tom, your post was not offensive AT ALL. At least not to me. It's "things I do for you" that caused this whole off-topic discussion.

But I posted the thing that annoyed him :unsure:

I'm feeling this post,and I appreciate the time you took to post it,but the man was not a God!

He blessed us by being here,no doubt.I mean,that triple spin....how does he do that let alone the moonwalk.Fuck Fred Astaire (sorry for that f-bomb again,I have a potty mouth) This man danced on air.

Did we hype him up to breaking point? Yes

Did he play the media to the point that they bit back? yes

Was (I still hate that) he the greatest? yes

Did he self implode? yes

It's selective blindness at times.

And you call yourself a Michael Jackson fan...

you are so not in the wrong .

Maybe not directly, but If I hadnt've posted none of this would have happened :unsure:
I'm feeling this post,and I appreciate the time you took to post it,but the man was not a God!

He blessed us by being here,no doubt.I mean,that triple spin....how does he do that let alone the moonwalk.Fuck Fred Astaire (sorry for that f-bomb again,I have a potty mouth) This man danced on air.

Did we hype him up to breaking point? Yes

Did he play the media to the point that they bit back? yes

Was (I still hate that) he the greatest? yes

Did he self implode? yes

It's selective blindness at times.

That's your opinion, and I respect it.
Like I said, I can see why people could see Michael as a God.

I think, instead of saying Michael is a God, let's just say he is GodLIKE. It's what he tried to be, and I think he succeeded.

Please watch the following video when you have time. I think it might provide you with insight as to what I mean:


Thank you :flowers:
loved your post. I am Catholic, but i look at Michael in a God like way. i know some say its wrong, but i don't care. He was a gift from God. X

and this I agree is the correct way to feel about Michael...A gift from God.....unfortunately I dont think the world was ready for such a gift...look at what the people did to him..:(
Some members are upset by certain comments. Please, respect the Forum Rules.

Thank you.
loved your post. I am Catholic, but i look at Michael in a God like way. i know some say its wrong, but i don't care. He was a gift from God. X

I absolutely agree with this. I believe Michael's purpose here is/was a lot larger than some people realize.
What,like he was the second coming? come on!

I'm Catholic and practising,but....come on!!!!!

you are entitled to your opinion I will say...however.....maybe people are stating what I stated earlier.....God gave Michael to the world.....the world was not ready for such a gift.....the world did Michael very wrong....maybe this is what is ment....HE wass a great Gift.
I believe Michael was a gift from God/higher power/the energy of the universe or however you want to think of it. I am continually inspired by his art and the way he lived his life, and he's made me a better person and made my life brighter. I think we can get much inspiration from things other than or in addition to God -- maybe they are just people and things that have a high concentration of that life-source/love running through them? I find inspiration in music, nature, children, animals, and peaceful loving individuals like Michael who have made this world a better place.

This topic is really interesting and I want to hear what everyone has to say... so please let's play nice and remember it's all about L.O.V.E. because we don't want feelings hurt or this thread closed down! :)
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

I just PM'ed you :)
What,like he was the second coming? come on!

I'm Catholic and practising,but....come on!!!!!

All Court.ney.x said was that she thinks Michael's purpose is/was bigger than alot of people realize that doesn't mean she thought it was like THAT. (Maybe but that's not how it seemed to me)

Lets all try and be respectful everyone.
you are entitled to your opinion I will say...however.....maybe people are stating what I stated earlier.....God gave Michael to the world.....the world was not ready for such a gift.....the world did Michael very wrong....maybe this is what is ment....HE wass a great Gift.

Maybe 2pac was the second coming? hit a 2pac fans forum and they'll say the same as you.

Your judgement is clouded.
In a sense I do. I don't worship him or anything, but I look up to him, kind of like as this great teacher, an inspiration, a sort of guardian. I do idolize him. He really is larger than life. Because he did so much for so many people, it's hard not to see him in that way. He is an angel. :angel: When he died I felt lost because he was one of the few people (maybe the only one) I ever looked up to. He's like this heroic figure that has imparted a great deal of wisdom to me.. I don't know who else to turn to really. Now I'd just want to make him proud, not let him down and keep his legacy alive. Remember what he has taught me. In my heart I know he was just human, but a really otherworldly human.
What,like he was the second coming? come on!

I'm Catholic and practising,but....come on!!!!!

Maybe 2pac was the second coming? hit a 2pac fans forum and they'll say the same as you.

Your judgement is clouded.

I know what point you are trying to get across and I respect your strong opinions but some just think differently, and insults never help.

The way you put that last sentence, it makes me think that only YOU know the right answer. Same with when you said 'selective blindness'. Maybe you should make a thread saying how everybody thinks different to you and what they can do to see things your way?

Just my 2 cents but I only posted because i think almost every post you have made in this thread has directly contrasted someone elses.
Maybe 2pac was the second coming? hit a 2pac fans forum and they'll say the same as you.

Your judgement is clouded.

2pac...:lmao:....absolutely no comparison to Michael......uuhhmmm NO...and with all due respect my judgment is not clouded....thank you...and have a nice day..:)
I can identify myself with you.
Don't know if I really deify Michael but I turn to him so many times a day with how I feel and everything.
I just love him so much I can't describe it.

I believe in the after life although I don't know if there is any god...

I absolutely agree with you, I turn to Michael and his music when I feel down or happy or any other mood you can be in, he just makes me feel better in every way possible :heart:
In a sense I do. I don't worship him or anything, but I look up to him, kind of like as this great teacher, an inspiration, a sort of guardian. I do idolize him. He really is larger than life. Because he did so much for so many people, it's hard not to see him in that way. He is an angel. :angel: When he died I felt lost because he was one of the few people (maybe the only one) I ever looked up to. He's like this heroic figure that has imparted a great deal of wisdom to me.. I don't know who else to turn to really. Now I'd just want to make him proud, not let him down and keep his legacy alive. Remember what he has taught me. In my heart I know he was just human, but a really otherworldly human.

Love this and agree!!