I love Michael so much that it scares me

It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?
I dont think is bad, the man is someone who inspires that, it does help me too, dont be scared at all, you should if theone that inpires you was someone like britney spears ahaha:D, that would be a problem, but Michael was a musical God, he was not God, but if you believe in God, God created him...so.
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Im sure they meant that as a quote...

Im sorry everyone for my post causing so much hate :no:

Don't apologize for sharing your opinion. It's your opinion. If other's disagree they can share their opinion in a civil and respectful manner.

No matter how adamantly they disagree or agree no one should be disrespectful.

As far as to MJ... what I wrote earlier I stand by.

What I realize about MJ fans since I was ten years old is that we have this passion for MJ. Passion even doesn't come close to it.

MJ isn't just an entertainer..... he isn't just a great person.... 5000 people just doesn't faint at a concert because he has great vocals, dance really well, or looks good.

There are many of us that absolutely love MJ as if he is apart of our family, a first love, a best friend, a mentor, an inspiration, etc.

Those that doesn't view MJ that way... that's cool. You have less passion. Great.

Why can't people disagree in a respectful way... if you find something down right offensive.... PM the person... have a civil discussion.

It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

I don't deify him, because I know that Jesus is God. I will say this, I have never loved any celebrity like I do MJ. To me, he wasn't just a brilliant musician, he was a brilliant, kind, loving person. That is why we all L.O.V.E. him, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'll love him FOREVER.
Its understandable because I feel the same way!!!! :) Michael has alot of God like qualities about him. Honestly in my lifetime I've never seen another human being so pure, with a heart of gold
and he saved my life!!
I'm this same way. However, I do not see Michael a "god" because I'm not sure whether or not I believe in God myself (although I do believe in the afterlife). But Michael is an amazing inspiration and I will say that he changed my life in so many ways. I do not blame you at all for feeling this way. We look at Michael completely differently than most of the world does. To many, he is just an entertainer but us as fans know that he's much more than that. He tried so hard to help people and the world in general. I also do look at him as a "Christ-like" figure.

I know how you feel though. I even caught myself praying to Michael like I pray to Jesus (sorry Christians). I'm not at all worshipping Michael as a holy god or anything but speaking to him brings me comfort. I think it's mostly because I'm back and forth on my beliefs about gods/God and such. So instead of asking "God" to deliver my message to Michael, I just tell Michael instead. ha.

:clapping: I do that too.. Its the only thing that comforts me sometimes
Maybe not to you, and also not to me (even though I'm an atheist). People look for idols to follow, and Michael was big enough to be one. Not literally a 'God', more of a 'Leader', in that sense.

yes I think more of a leader of sorts for want of a good word to describe him.

I personally have always looked to Michael for inspiration 'cause like me he had an appalling childhood & suchlike so I have always looked to him to help me get through that I come from a violent broken home & family & had no friends to turn to no one at all, so yeah I looked up to Michael a lot still do

do i deify him no not really but i look up to him a lot for sure!

i always thought if he can get through what he's been through I can get through what I'm going through!

look admire him how you will as long as you don't go overboard that's the main thing

to each is own imho
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I personally find the use of the word "God" unnecessary...and I'm talking about in general, not specifically to SJK.
Instead of focusing on what Michael (or anyone) means or does for you, it moves the focus towards religious and political debates. A person can be an inspiration/motivation/light/comfort without being described as a "God". Maybe that's one reason why I've moved away from religion. All these arguments take the focus away from what matters. So I personally find the word "God" rather impractical, to be honest...
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

Yes, I do feel the same way. And I feel no guilt in it. I completely understand what you are saying...

I believe in God, but have I seen/heard/felt God? No, not really..

I believe in and LOVE Michael. Have seen, heard, watched and felt him? :yes:

So when I need inspiration, guidance, upliftment, hope, joy or just pure entertainment...I acquire all that and more from Michael Jackson.

In that sense, Michael is my God. I also believe that God is a living energy which exists in equal proportion in every human being. It's just more visible and active in certain individuals. Some people experience their divinity while others are still looking for it.

There was never a moment when I decided to put Michael on a pedastal and make him my deity and worship him.....but the connection and love that I feel, is stronger than anything else I've ever had in my life. It's on another plane and connects me to another world.

Isn't a connection with God meant to make you stronger and a better person? Isn't this what a connection with Michael does? Assuming you answered 'yes' to the last two questions then Michael is practically 'your God'.

I'm really glad you started this thread, because I knew I couldn't be the only one living this experience!

I know what you mean about relying on him too much...I feel I do too sometimes :scratch: but then I think that MJ is making me a better person, so why should I worry about my level of devotion?

P.S I know he's a human being, or rather was physically embodied, but that doesn't mean he's not divine.

I haven't seen God, but I've seen Michael, and I think that's more than enough for me! :angel:
I personally find the use of the word "God" unnecessary.Instead of focusing on what Michael (or anyone) means or does for you, it moves the focus towards religious and political debates. A person can be an inspiration/motivation/light/comfort without being described as a "God". I personally find the word "God" rather impractical, to be honest...

I completley agree with you. The word 'God' is just way too pre-loaded.

Maybe all these qualities that people have been told to associate with God, e.g. giver of strength, there in times of need, loves unconditionally, forgives, etc. people find these qualities in MJ and then you have a dillemma such as 'I love mj as a 'God'. But that's only because of definitons that have been given to God. You find that Michael is the closest thing that has come to that definiton so automatically you believe that you love him like God. The whole thing is quite circular and unneccessary if you think about it.
What,like he was the second coming? come on!

I'm Catholic and practising,but....come on!!!!!

I certainly wasn't saying that and I'm not too sure how I feel about this "Jesus" guy either. I do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. I believe that's a title that Christians gave him because to them he SEEMED like God. Jesus didn't proclaim anything of the sort. Many people do this, not just with Michael Jackson, but with any celebrity that they feel strongly for. Michael Jackson is an idol but he's not your average everyday person. The man donated more money and time to charities than anybody in the world. Need I say more? His impact on the world is huge. Seriously, he almost broke the internet when he died. The world, especially America, didn't deserve somebody like Michael (and Jesus for that matter).

Sorry I got a but OT but I felt I needed to say that to prove my point. I already stated in my other post that I don't worship Michael as a God. I don't worship any "God."

All Court.ney.x said was that she thinks Michael's purpose is/was bigger than alot of people realize that doesn't mean she thought it was like THAT. (Maybe but that's not how it seemed to me)

Lets all try and be respectful everyone.

Thank you. :flowers:
I personally find the use of the word "God" unnecessary...and I'm talking about in general, not specifically to SJK.
Instead of focusing on what Michael (or anyone) means or does for you, it moves the focus towards religious and political debates. A person can be an inspiration/motivation/light/comfort without being described as a "God". Maybe that's one reason why I've moved away from religion. All these arguments take the focus away from what matters. So I personally find the word "God" rather impractical, to be honest...

I totally agree. God is just a derivative of the word 'good'. I do believe there is some higher force at work, but as humans, we felt the need to personify that. Thus, "God" as we know "him" was born. Sorry, OT - kind of...
What,like he was the second coming? come on!

I'm Catholic and practising,but....come on!!!!!

I wonder if you read my post/found time to watch the youtube link I posted.

I too feel that Michael was not 'just' another human being here on earth. He was blessed with an amazing talent, but also with an incredibly big and caring heart and a burning desire to make the world a better place. In my eyes, he was like an Angel, but in human form.

Michael was quiet, humble and shy, yet when he walked into a room everyone would stop and stare. Michael was graceful and charming and when he spoke, people listened. Yes, people judged him and yes, people thought he was weird. But I don't know of ANYONE who met Michael and said he wasn't a great person. People who met him were in AWE.

I've met Michael. And the first thing you feel is calmness, you feel a little shocked at how innocent and pure he comes across, and you litterally feel all of your guards coming down. Michael radiates love. You know you don't need to be afraid when you're with him, and you don't need to pretend. Michael looked at you with those big brown eyes and you felt that for that short amount of time, you were the absolute center of his attention. You mattered.

If you look at Michael, if you look at the things he has done, I can't help but conclude that the was here on earth to teach us valuable lessons. I believe sometimes people are brought into this world with a purpose. These people have gained incredible talents or traits and use these to help the world. Look at Martin Luther King. Look at Thomas Edison. Look at Barack Obama. Look at Mother Theresa. Look at Nelson Mandela. These people have made a significant change in the world and Michael certainly belongs on the list.

I don't believe Michael is a god. In fact, I don't think that's what this thread is about. What the thread is about, is whether someone can LOVE Michael so much, that it can be compared to what religious people feel about "God". Someone or something they dedicate their lives to, and live by. And to that, I would have to answer YES, I believe that is possible and NO, I don't think it's unhealthy. "God" is just something people believe in, Michael was actually here on earth. Michael existed, Michael lived, Michael breathed. Michael inspired, Michael healed. So if you want to love Michael that way, go right ahead.
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I do believe that God exists.....so for me I would tell you ...no it is not good to think of Michael as a God...however I LOVE Michael with all my heart...I do have to stop and remind myself that Michael is human.....of course he was a musical genius and a heart bigger than any other...he has also helped me through MANY hard times for the last 40 years....but God has always had priority....he has to be my go to guy....This is my opinion...I hope it helped.

Yes. Thank you for saying this.
I don't feel it's healthy to put Michael on par with God especially since Michael himself was a true believer in God, he said that his talents and gift to the world was God-given. I don't think Michael would ever want to be compared to God in that way, he was a very humble person. Michael was god-like in his ways but he wasn't God. No one is.
He was the closest that a human ever come to be godlike like he was.
he also said he was trying to be like jesus.
I think he did a great job.

The scary part of the love you talking about is very recognizable.
I thought i loved him very much before he died.
But that love is so big right now after his passing that i feel like i could jump over the mount everest.
It,s a huge energy of love that,s surrounding me.
And yeah, it makes me wonder myself....and it can be scarry that my love for someone is that big.
He was the closest that a human ever come to be godlike like he was.

You haven't heard of Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa then?

he also said he was trying to be like jesus.

He didn't say he was trying to be like Jesus he said he tried to "imitate jesus" because Jesus said "to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children" (Oprah Winfrey Interview)
Bare in mind that Michael spent a lot of money on plastic surgeries, this is quite a contradictory behaviour if you think about it and not very "god-like" as some people are suggesting. Michael was a beautiful guy, he really was but he had his flaws and demons just like any of us. He was a human being with extraordinary talents, his passing served as a reminder of this.
Instead of trying to convince people of WHY they're wrong or WHY they shouldn't think like this, I feel that it needs to be discussed with reason and tact. Everyone doesn't believe in the same God if they believe in a god at all. People end up finding their god in different manners. My personal belief is that Michael was an entity that God worked through. In time, everyone will find what works for them. However, if we are to admit truths, it is true that Michael succeeded in bringing millions together, it is true that he often gave above and beyond himself without thinking about his personal well being first, it is true that he showed love in the face of despair, when he could have given up and given in he stood strong, it is also true that he was man, but a man with a purpose who sought to fulfill it to the fullest. Michael saved many lives, turned a lot of people around, brightened many days, and brought billions of smiles to faces. If we are truly heeding the message then one should stop to think, bashing is not God-like, bashing is not Michael-like, let's accept one another's beliefs and feelings and discuss it in a manner that will be eye-opening for some. In the end, if we cannot do that then it is best to agree to disagree. Peace.Love.Michael.
Instead of trying to convince people of WHY they're wrong or WHY they shouldn't think like this, I feel that it needs to be discussed with reason and tact. Everyone doesn't believe in the same God if they believe in a god at all. People end up finding their god in different manners. My personal belief is that Michael was an entity that God worked through. In time, everyone will find what works for them.

I feel its a very sweet post and a very sweet feeling from a very sweet fan.

My feeling is, when you think about WHY you love Michael so much, and look at Michael very carefully to see what makes Michael, MICHAEL - you will notice that it is GOD - it is Michael's consciousness of GOD and most importantly, Michael's willingness to seek GOD in everything and in every place where GOD can be found -

- nature, children, animals, creation and creating, Michael's own obedience to Michael's own inner spirit - and it seems to me that Michael would rather we have that same consciousness in us. I believe that's why he did songs like Keep the Faith, Heart on the Line, Man in the Mirror - its about our God consciousness.

With that in mind, imho, its not exactly Michael that you are SO "in love with" when you think of it this way -

- it is the GOD WITHIN Michael

Michael emits that "God-Essence" because MICHAEL HIMSELF worships GOD.

Does that make sense? :)

There is no more important message to me than that. Its certainly the thing that attracted me to Michael when I was 19 - 20 years old in the early 80s and he hasn't changed.

If you'll notice also, (I don't recall who said this I didn't scroll back up to check) how can you say you don't know if there is a God, then say Michael has God-like qualities?

How would you know God-like qualities if you don't know God? ;)

My point isn't to trip you up at all, its just to get you to notice that GOD is within not just Michael, but YOU TOO.

That's imho how you can say Michael has God-like qualities - that's how you know God-like qualities when you see them. Because its the GOD in YOU that loves the GOD in Michael, you just haven't been consciously aware of it. I feel that really goes for every fan.

I could be wrong about this, but I feel that its because of that very thing that Michael would rather that peoples' "worshipful" attention on him be focused on the GOD that is in him, and in them - and in all of us - and not so much Michael himself. I believe that is Michael's main reason for letting us know he sees God in the face of children, I believe that's why he wrote a poem about God in Dancing the Dream, I believe that's why he uses so many bible references in his music, and why he always says the music comes from Above THROUGH him, because he wants people to know that its not about him but the GOD that made him.

If you're not very attuned with the God in you as Michael is with the God in him, then maybe that's the feeling you don't understand (i'm just trying to help u sort this). That its just the God in you (which is LOVE) loves the God in him (which is LOVE) ...and which is why he's such an inspiration. Its one reason anyway, including the fact that he's so focused and committed to his art. to him, a gift from GOD. I get the feeling that Michael doesn't want us to forget that.

Sweet post of yours as I said. This is all jmho. Hope u don't mind and it helped me to read what I just wrote because we all need to be reminded of the God in us.
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Here's my opinion: I think there is a divide in the forum for two reasons: 1) MJ fans themselves can be divided between those who love MJ's music and dance or those who love MJ as a person - (these can be combined as I'm both but to some its all about the music) and 2) because matters of spirituality and of the heart are sensitive and sometimes contradictory (even to ourselves as it is the unknown).

My belief is that Michael inspired so many not just through his music but through his humanitarian actions and in the way he showed kindness and gave his very soul to all those who were prepared not to judge him and to love him. He was generous and kind, sweet and loving as well as extremely talented beyond "genius". So I can understand why people may look up to Michael as God. We should NEVER criticise others beliefs, we can comment on them and disagree but to be offensive about someone's personal matters of the heart is cruel - especially after what us fans have gone through since Michael's passing. I must say that I have always looked up to Michael and felt a spiritual conncetion and it is even stronger now because I believe that he is free from all the pain he suffered, his sense of presence is still strong/stronger because he meant/means so so much to me - perhaps this is why some may see him as a God, because we connected with him and truly loved him and still love him now.
"When I see children, I see the face of God. That's why I love them so much. That's what I see." -MJ

The original poster of the thread said they "draw strength from Michael and not God." You might want think about the fact that without realising it you're drawing strength from God because it's clear God worked through Michael. I feel in the 21st century the media and younger generations may feel God is this restrictive entity they're unable to relate to. But just look at all the good things Michael did, he was such a great example to mankind and no doubt he had God inside him as each and every one of us do.

Religion is not a bad thing, don't believe the media hype. Michael didn't. He firmly believed in God and the divine.
You haven't heard of Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa then?

He didn't say he was trying to be like Jesus he said he tried to "imitate jesus" because Jesus said "to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children" (Oprah Winfrey Interview)

*1: yes i heard about them off course.
Am i saying he was the only godlike human being?

*2: Trying to be like someone and imitate someone is the same in my opinion. in my own language it is.

Thank you and have a nice day tho.
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

Yes, Michael Jackson was definitely god-shaped figure in the 80s.

But I think the magic ended in 1993, it is not the same Michael as a public figure, completely clean Michael, of the 80s, and the Suspect Michael after 1993 when everybody insuted and made fun of him after 1993

Unfortunately is not the same at least knowing who was him before 1993

But if someone feel he is god-shaped, it is OK ,ITs Michael Jackson!! The last great mega star, no matter the acusations.

I believe in God as Michael did, and yes: He didn't say he was trying to be like Jesus he said he tried to "imitate jesus" because Jesus said "to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children"

Jesus said we must be like children thats an important thing to mention about Michael Jackson.
Sorry, but Michael Jackson was more than an entertainer.

Michael Jackson broke down walls blocking the way for other (BLACK) entertainers. Without him, there would be no Blackstreet, TLC and such playing on MTV.

Michael was one of the FIRST celebrities to travel the world and visit sick children in hospitals. Michael Jackson was saying "Heal the world" long before people started realizing how serious the earth's condition was. People felt HEALED after meeting Michael. He inspired millions upon millions around the globe to better their lives and to GIVE to other people.

Michael was able to rise above race and gender. It didn't matter if he were black or white, it didnt matter if he had female traits. Michael was Michael and wherever he went people were mesmerized by him.

And after all people did to him, Michael always got back on his feet. Two trials, millions of false stories. Michael was rediculed, laughed at, called names, lied about, accused, and he just kept going. Michael was strong.

When Michael died, the world stood still. Political news coverage was paused and all news channels reported on Michael.

So if some see him as a God, I can see why.

I couldnt have said it better myself dutchie!!!!
I 100% agree:yes: