I love Michael so much that it scares me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?
Well we don't know if God exists...but we know that MJ does.

And MJ has some God-like features about him...I think it's understandable.
I personally dont feel this way. But if you arent overly religious and you actually feel uplifted by watching and listening to Michael and you feel that his music brings hope and reason to you then I dont see a problem. Everyone has an idol who they look up to, who they turn to for advice when the need it and yours is Michael.

Michael was such an inspiration, changing music, fashion, peace and the environment all for the better. For some, he is more 'real' then God so you could naturally feel like he has had such an impact on your life.
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

It's not appropriate no.He was (I hate past tense) an amazingly talented singer and dancer,but not a God.
Some people will tell you it's not right, some people will tell you you do what you want cause it's your life, I'm on that second part.

Just feel good with the way you love him. How you do it is not important.
It scares me because I deify him and adore him the way people do a god. Is that appropriate? I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help. He is my inspiration and role model; he gives me reason a truth in living. I don't think it's safe that I rely on Michael this much...

Does anyone else feel this way?

love i feel the exact same way!!
It's not appropriate no.He was (I hate past tense) an amazingly talented singer and dancer,but not a God.

Maybe not to you, and also not to me (even though I'm an atheist). People look for idols to follow, and Michael was big enough to be one. Not literally a 'God', more of a 'Leader', in that sense.
I am going through a spiritual crisis right now... I was raised to be a faithful Christian but I am seriously doubting the INSTITUTION of the church as a whole. I guess everyone goes through that once in our lives.

There are times when I realized that I deify Michael too... and in the past that will really make me feel awkward but not anymore. I turn to him for comfort as well. I love him so much... When I say my prayers at night, it's often about Michael.

And sometimes, when I watch him perform, my heart race and I feel such connection with him. I can understand why so many faints at his presence. I am just in awe of him. I know that Michael is just a human being with extraordinary gifts but I cant help but put him in a pedestal above others. He's so special to me...I cant even explain it.
I do believe that God exists.....so for me I would tell you ...no it is not good to think of Michael as a God...however I LOVE Michael with all my heart...I do have to stop and remind myself that Michael is human.....of course he was a musical genius and a heart bigger than any other...he has also helped me through MANY hard times for the last 40 years....but God has always had priority....he has to be my go to guy....This is my opinion...I hope it helped.
I respect everyone's view but I believe in the same God that Michael believed in so.... No, I don't see Michael in that sense.

I love Michael, there really isn't a true word to adequately express the love, affection, respect, admiration, etc... I feel when describing Michael.

I think seeing Michael's humanity whether in the pain he suffered or the joy he gave is what I relate to. His gift of music has gotten me through a lot of tough times. And from a distance I have always been there for him (i never got a chance to meet him). As most of us have.

just my humble opinion and we can respectfully agree to disagree but i almost feel like he would be mortified to find people deify him.
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I can identify myself with you.
Don't know if I really deify Michael but I turn to him so many times a day with how I feel and everything.
I just love him so much I can't describe it.

I believe in the after life although I don't know if there is any god...
I feel the same. I must admit that sometimes I wish that I didin"t love him this much....it breaks my heart. People tell me that it"s not healthy, but I don"t care.
I love him like noone else.I can"t imagine a single day without his music, his dance...and all the things he represents.
Yes....he is human....but not a ordinary human.He is so much more.
He is loved like no one before.
Maybe not to you, and also not to me (even though I'm an atheist). People look for idols to follow, and Michael was big enough to be one. Not literally a 'God', more of a 'Leader', in that sense.

*edited by moderator* If you are looking for a leader in the area of music you need help.Singers can be inspiring but are they the next Gandhi? NO.

Michael was and is a great entertainer,he rocked the world,but he's just that.

An entertainer.

*edited* we were entertained.

But when the guy preaching heal the world is spunking millions on a massive carbon footprint like neverland I'll draw inspiration from elsewhere.

He is not,never was,and never will be a God.
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*edited by moderator* If you are looking for a leader in the area of music you need help.Singers can be inspiring but are they the next Gandhi? NO.

Michael was and is a great entertainer,he rocked the world,but he's just that.

An entertainer.

*edited* we were entertained.

But when the guy preaching heal the world is spunking millions on a massive carbon footprint like neverland I'll draw inspiration from elsewhere.

He is not,never was,and never will be a God.

Excuse me? I was the one who said he wasn't a God. Its totally believable for someone to think that however, its their own opinion and they are allowed to voice it, as am I. I dont and dont want others to be told what to believe, just because it doesnt match your belief.
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Sorry, but Michael Jackson was more than an entertainer.

Michael Jackson broke down walls blocking the way for other (BLACK) entertainers. Without him, there would be no Blackstreet, TLC and such playing on MTV.

Michael was one of the FIRST celebrities to travel the world and visit sick children in hospitals. Michael Jackson was saying "Heal the world" long before people started realizing how serious the earth's condition was. People felt HEALED after meeting Michael. He inspired millions upon millions around the globe to better their lives and to GIVE to other people.

Michael was able to rise above race and gender. It didn't matter if he were black or white, it didnt matter if he had female traits. Michael was Michael and wherever he went people were mesmerized by him.

And after all people did to him, Michael always got back on his feet. Two trials, millions of false stories. Michael was rediculed, laughed at, called names, lied about, accused, and he just kept going. Michael was strong.

When Michael died, the world stood still. Political news coverage was paused and all news channels reported on Michael.

So if some see him as a God, I can see why.
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Sorry, but Michael was more than an entertainer.

Michael Jackson broke down walls blocking the way for other (BLACK) entertainers. Without him, there would be no Blackstreet, TLC and such playing on MTV.

Michael was one of the FIRST celebrities to travel the world and visit sick children in hospitals. Michael Jackson was saying "Heal the world" long before people started realizing how serious the earth's condition was. People felt HEALED after meeting Michael. He inspired millions upon millions around the globe to better their lives and to GIVE to other people.

Michael was able to rise above race and gender. It didn't matter if he were black or white, it didnt matter if he had female traits. Michael was Michael and wherever he went people were mesmerized by him.

So if some see him as a God, I can see why.

100% agree.

Things i do for you: no one has the right to tell others how they think or feel. especialy when it comes to matters of the heart and spirituality.. those are personal things and beliefs..and people can express themselves how they want its a public forum.. as long as it follow the rules.. being rude to people does not follow those rule..
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I don't think it's right because of my beliefs and due to the fact that I think he wanted people to see him for how human he really is/was. He once said that he was just like everyone else. He cut and bled and embarrassed eaisly.

I have to disagree on the just a entertainer part. He donated...he even helped sick children by getting them livers, paid for sick childrens medical bills etc.
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Leave Tom alone he has a right to say what he thinks
there is no right or wrong
free speech. it works

everyone is entitled to a opion and that happens to be Tom

like it or lump it
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My opinion on this matter is the following:

I don't believe in a god. I only believe that we, as individual human beings - inhabitants of the EARTH - can make every change we want. In our life, our invironment, in our society, in the world.

Michael did sent out THAT message.

He wasn't a god, a messias. He only was a man that inspired so many around the world.

It really bothered me during the memorial that they really kept talking about how much Michael helped the black community. OK. He really did do a lot for it, but he was much MORE then that. He did so much more.
He wasn't an african-american, he was a man from this planet. Not bound to a single race. Or perhaps bound to ALL races (which on a side note, do not exist).

To see him as a god, a man that can control all living beings, is - in my humble opinion - too far fetched.

BUT he does come close to a Gandi, or a Martin Luther King Jr. Why? Because everything he did, was about lightening the suffering of all people.
A lot of songs he wrote, were autobiographical, others were to bring awareness to the world.

He indeed did everything in his power to spread his message. And his message, isn't that different from Gandhi or King.

The point is, he did it. He spread his message. And yes, he was able (and luckily still is) to connect to people. To make people smile that were in the deepest hell of their lives. You should try that, you wouldn't be able to.

In the following way he was more god then most 'regular' people. He had a heart as big as the earth. He ate, breathed and lived the life of love. He gave all of his love to his fans and everybody that would listen. Sadly, most of the times, it only were his FANS that listened. Since the rest of the world was focussed on what kind of freak he was.

But he was no freak. He was Michael Jackson. With - for regular peoples understanding - a different way of living, of showing his love. He always showed it. And most people, rarely do that.
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I find that when times are hard, I draw strength from Michael and not God. Michael is my go-to person when I need help.

I'm this same way. However, I do not see Michael a "god" because I'm not sure whether or not I believe in God myself (although I do believe in the afterlife). But Michael is an amazing inspiration and I will say that he changed my life in so many ways. I do not blame you at all for feeling this way. We look at Michael completely differently than most of the world does. To many, he is just an entertainer but us as fans know that he's much more than that. He tried so hard to help people and the world in general. I also do look at him as a "Christ-like" figure.

I know how you feel though. I even caught myself praying to Michael like I pray to Jesus (sorry Christians). I'm not at all worshipping Michael as a holy god or anything but speaking to him brings me comfort. I think it's mostly because I'm back and forth on my beliefs about gods/God and such. So instead of asking "God" to deliver my message to Michael, I just tell Michael instead. ha.
Leave Tom alone he has a right to say what he thinks
there is no right or wrong
free speech. it works

everyone is entitled to a opion and that happens to be Tom

like it or lump it
Ah, so he can express his opinion but we can't express ours?

i werent saying you carnt and i werent amiing at you or anyone else for that matter!!
of course everyone is entitled to a opion !
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Anyway, to the original poster, I'd like to say that through my personal experience, this is just a phase. Some of the stuff I used to do back then makes me giggle a bit now. :) But (and is it safe for me to assume that you're a recent fan?) later on you'll 'calm down' more, which doesn't mean you'll love Michael less of course. If you're a new fan, you'll become 'more rounded' as time goes on.
Ah, so he can express his opinion but we can't express ours?


Im sure they meant that as a quote...

i werent saying you carnt and i werent amiing at you or anyone else for that matter!!
of course everyone is entitled to a opion !.

Im sorry everyone for my post causing so much hate :no:
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Leave Tom alone he has a right to say what he thinks
there is no right or wrong
free speech. it works

everyone is entitled to a opion and that happens to be Tom

like it or lump it
Oh, alright. Then Michael should have never complained anyone saying crap about him, right? After all, "free speech" as you say.

Come on, there's appropriateness and inappropriateness. We can't just blurt out whatever we say or feel without consideration for other people.
well i wouldn't say i was ignorant
i just dont need someone pointing out my mistakes.

i may have worded what i said was wrong yes and i new that before you
said it.