How old were you/what year were u born,when Thriller came out?

I was born in 1976. My mom introduced me to Michael's music in 1982 when I was 6 years old and Thriller came out.
I was born in June 1987, i discovered Michael in 1995. So i was about 8 years old. I remember clearly, i was watching MTV awards and then BAM i saw his performance. That was the first time i saw Michael performing. I heard his songs before, but i had never seen his music videos. And when i first saw thriller, i was in complete denial that he was Michael. Because the Michael i knew was "hhhwhite". Considering my age i didnt understand, and often argued with my older bro that he wasnt Michael.
April 1986 so my first MJ era was Bad! It was the first album that I ever danced too! When I was 5 and Dangerous came out I told my family at the dinner table that I was going to marry Michael Jackson!
i was born in 1990, and my first MJ memory was Black or white too
I was born in Jan of '82 so I was about 11 months old when Thriller came out!! My mom had bought the album on vinyl, and I still have it today....My funny story is that my boyfriend says that when he was little, he always used to notice the veins on Michael's hand on the Thriller cover...AND, he also thinks that Michael has a fantastic smile, but it also freaks him out because it reminds him of right before he turns into the
:lol: That's cute how you did the minus 9. heheh.
:) Oh well ,You could still share Your memories if you like.

Well, I never REALLY got into Michael until after June 25, BUT my first memory is from watching an Alvin and the Chipmunks video and a preview before it started for the Rockin' with the Chipmunks video. It had a clip from "Beat It" with Alvin put in it along with Michael.
That's my first memory. :)
I was born in 1984 but I do have memories of Thriller.
I loved the album but was scared of the Thriller song :lol: I remember plugging my ears everytime the end came near
I was born in 1972, and its my birthday today, so that make me 37 lol.
Post how old you were & year you were born.. Dec 1982 I was 14, because I was born in 1968.

Post a memory(s) about that time with MJ and the Thriller album. in Dec 1983, I was 15, I remember going to a THRILLER party at my friends house to watch the Thriller video release on MTV. I also remember being a freshman in HS and I loved the song PYT and LADY IN MY LIFE. They meant alot to me and today, they are still my favorite MJ songs.

Did you buy it on wax (vinyl) or tape (cassette) [CD or Download] for those born at that time period. I had the cassette and I remember this because I bought my first car in 1985 and I had the cassette playing.