How old were you/what year were u born,when Thriller came out?

I was born in 1977

I remember watching MTV and just waiting for a MJ video to come on.
I also remember getting my MJ t-shirts badges and a thriller purse & doll.
One of many memories in the video 'Beat It'...I thought (the part where Michael is in the bed) "wow he's in bed..he's soo sexy and cool"

I had the Thriller album. vinyl

I was born the same year you were. I had OTW and Thriller on vinyl. They were my dad's actually, but they were played quite a bit in my house. I used to play them sometimes when he wasn't home and he'd get mad at me for not putting them back in their sleeves correctly. :lol: He'd pull it off the shelf and the record would fall out into the floor. I was playing with fire messing with his Thriller album.
I was born in 1968. I was 14, almost 15 in 1982 when the album came out although I think I bought a cassette of Thriller. I know I had the Off the Wall vinyl. I saw the Motown 25 show live on TV too. I lived in Atlanta. I was 15 when the Thriller "video" came out. I was in 9th grade and I remember going over to my friends house for a Thriller video party to watch the video as it was broadcasted on MTV. I started working at Six Flags and we would have employee parties and Michael Jackson was well represented for us to dance to back then. I miss those days. I love reminscing though. I don't like getting old, but glad I have these memories.

I loved the song PYT and I thought that I was one, that's for sure.
I wasnt born either.. but wow it must have been amazing for those that experienced it
I'm old! I was 18. :)

and yeah, we tried to learn the moonwalk but I was really bad at it. I did do his robot moves pretty well though. I still can!
I was 3. I missed out on the hoopla; by the time I became conscious of him, it was pretty much universally accepted that he was the biggest star in the world. I didn't pay much attention to Bad for some reason, but I remember keeping track of Dangerous; staying glued to the television when new videos were going to premiere and so on.
I wasn't born yet. I was born in 29th March 1983. I wish I could have born earlier, so I could listen and see more of Michael.
I was 5 months old. I was born in the same year as the album Thriller was released, 1982! I like that fact. It makes up a little for not being able to experience Michael in the Thriller era. My brother (7 at the time) told me a little while back he practised the dance moves with a friend. He watched at his house, because my parents didn't have a tv at the time.
I was born the same year you were. I had OTW and Thriller on vinyl. They were my dad's actually, but they were played quite a bit in my house. I used to play them sometimes when he wasn't home and he'd get mad at me for not putting them back in their sleeves correctly. :lol: He'd pull it off the shelf and the record would fall out into the floor. I was playing with fire messing with his Thriller album.

I feel you! I had my albums but I also had my older brother and sisters too,so i know what you mean :)
I was 1 :) I don't remember anything from the Thriller era at all, I became a fan sometime around 1990. I had just got a cassette player and I remember nagging my mom and my grandma and anyone who would listen to buy me "The Michael Jackson cassette" :lol: I must have nagged for a long time cause when I finally got one, it was Dangerous and I was so dissapointed, cause I LOVED Dirty Diana! I didn't know English back then so it can't have been the lyrics that drew me in :lol:
I finally got both Bad, Thriller and OTW and didn't listen to anyone else until 1993 :ph34r:
Born 1969, fantastic times in the 1980's, loved watching Thriller on Channel 4 and Motown 25, these are the times that I'll treasure for the rest of my life. Michael was at his best, just so privleged to have lived during these times, just like my parents watched Elvis and The Beatles.
Wasnt born till 95, mist it all, but then got invincible so im happy! I got in to him when i was quite tiny, mum used to play his albums and i'd used to dance away on the living room floor!
I like to tell people my first words were Im Bad, but sadly it's a total lie!
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I was born in 82... so I was born the same year, I actually have the memory of being REALLY little, about 3 or 4 the first time I saw the Thriller video. I was TERRIFIED and would watch it peering out from behind the couch :(
when Thriller came out I was 21 :wub:

I can't write the year I was born, it'll make it seem like we're in an ancient history class :lol:
l was born in 08/11/1983 l am 25 years old like thriller my name Mehdi from Morocco ,my brother likes Michael since 1983 and he influence me since my childhood.
I was born in 1993...which sucks cause I wish I was old enough to enjoy the album in the 80's but my dad bought the vinyl record, which he still has today. I remember I was about 4 or 5 when I first watched Thriller and boy did it scare the sh*t out of me! The only part which scared me was when Michael morphs into the after that I found the zombies dancing pretty cool. I also remember my cousin, who was about 10, dancing exactly like Michael and I'd try and imitate him but it didn't work >< still cute though :)
I was born when Wanna be Startin' Somethin' was #1. Yeah, I was ready to start something ;)
my parents were still dating. lol hahha was born in 1991, I hate to be a 90s kid I wanna live the 80s I think it's such a cool-wild era ;)
I WISH I was around in the '80s to experience the "Thriller" era in all it's glory, but, alas, I was just an egg and a sperm waiting to be fused together, haha. I wasn't born 'til '91, but if there were two artists my family were fans of and I've always listened to since I was a kid, it was Bob Marley and Michael Jackson. I'll always remember that one of the first music videos I ever saw in my life was a MJ music video from his "Thriller" era in the mid/late '90s. It was either "Billie Jean", "Beat It" or "Thriller". I remember the first time I ever saw "Thriller". It was on VH1 (when they used to play music videos) and I thought, even though it was creepy, it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life. I've been fascinated by MJ and been trying to do the "Thriller" dance since then.
Oh wow...first of all; amazing to see what a wide range of ages we got here! Love it! And the stories are cool! :D

I wasn't born unfortunately, I'm from '89....I so wish I was born earlier! But I actually remember growing up with it since my parents were a sort of fans. They got the vinyl for Thriller, and now it is mine.
Oh, and I got a vid of me dancing to Thriller in my diapers! LOL!:hysterical: