How old were you/what year were u born,when Thriller came out?


Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009
I am just curious about how old people here were when Thriller album came out/in it's hayday so to speak..? I remember that album was so great that as a new album at the time lasted into 1986. that's amazing for that time. then became a classic largest seller.

for some fun and relief of bad news let's reflect on happy memories..

Post how old you were & year you were born..
a memory(s) about that time with MJ and the Thriller album.
Did you buy it on wax (vinyl) or tape (cassette) [CD or Download] for those born at that time period

We have to include everyone. No matter your year still post your details and experinces as it was fresh to you no matter if you wasn't born yet in '82

I'll start...

I was born in 1977

I remember watching MTV and just waiting for a MJ video to come on.
I also remember getting my MJ t-shirts badges and a thriller purse & doll.
One of many memories in the video 'Beat It'...I thought (the part where Michael is in the bed) "wow he's in bed..he's soo sexy and cool"

I had the Thriller album. vinyl
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wasn't born yet lol =)i was born 8 years after that in '91
wasn't born yet lol =)i was born 8 years after that in '91

okay..well to include everyone. No matter your year still post your details and experinces as it was fresh to you no matter if you wasn't born yet.
I was born on January 4th 1980. So I was only 2 years old when the Thriller album came out. I so wish I was born in 1970 instead of 1980. That way I would have been 12 years old when the Thriller album came out. That way I would have remember it. As well as Michael Jackson mania. I really didn't experience any of the songs off the Thriller album until sometime in the early 90s. I was in my early teens when I finally saw the Thriller video. And I thought it was just so very awesome. Its no wonder why the Thriller album sold like it did.
Thank you for a positive thread.......and the memory of happier times.

i'm old ;)

I was 12 turning 13 when it came out. (born 1969) and I rode my bike to the record store (as in vinyl!!) and bought it the day it came out :)

I also remember all the 'stuff' about his videos being played on MTV, and was so happy the first time they played Billie Jean!

A very special memory is watching Motown 25 on TV the night it aired. I was transfixed. His dancing has always held a special place in my heart, because I was a dancer (for 14 years, but not professionally). His body could do things that were just astounding.
ummm ok, well the first time i saw the thriller video (from what i can remember) or any of MJ's videos was when i was 5 years old at my grandmother's house. I was in her room with my sister watching mtv and they were giving a marathon. And actually, i remember almost everytime we went mtv always had MJ playing. Me and my sister were so intrigued by thriller that the first time we just sat there and watched it, trying to figure out what the outcome was going to be. After that we spend weeks trying to learn the dance lol
another memory I have during the 'Thriller Mania' was... going to my local 'flee market' (Like an out door mall)..and watching the b-boys/b-girls break dancers,dancing along with MJ songs.
ummm ok, well the first time i saw the thriller video (from what i can remember) or any of MJ's videos was when i was 5 years old at my grandmother's house. I was in her room with my sister watching mtv and they were giving a marathon. And actually, i remember almost everytime we went mtv always had MJ playing. Me and my sister were so intrigued by thriller that the first time we just sat there and watched it, trying to figure out what the outcome was going to be. After that we spend weeks trying to learn the dance lol

yes. that is always something everyone,I think, to learn Michaels dance moves!!
Did you guys learn them?
I didn't exist. haha. I wish I did though!
I was born in 1993, so Thriller was a good 10/11 years before my time. My parents were Juniors in high school. Although, I remember Michael when I was little. My parents constantly had VH1 on when I was growing up and I remember seeing Thriller all the time. I remember Beat It and Bad too. But Thriller...scared me and I hated the part where he'd look back at the camera with the yellow eyes. haha. I also remember for "Beat It" I always used to sing the part, "Showin' how funky, strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right." I always loved the Beat It video though, since forever. lol. I grew up with his music. I'm kind of pissed that my parents didn't own the Thriller album from the 80's. lol.
i was 1, i didnt do anything except be a baby when it came out, i didn't realize who michael was until late 80s. this is probably why i feel more nostalgia for the bad album with my age.
Thank you for a positive thread.......and the memory of happier times.

i'm old ;)

I was 12 turning 13 when it came out. (born 1969) and I rode my bike to the record store (as in vinyl!!) and bought it the day it came out :)

I also remember all the 'stuff' about his videos being played on MTV, and was so happy the first time they played Billie Jean!

A very special memory is watching Motown 25 on TV the night it aired. I was transfixed. His dancing has always held a special place in my heart, because I was a dancer (for 14 years, but not professionally). His body could do things that were just astounding.

You're very Welcome. :) and you're only as old as youo feel! I remeber all the things you mentioned. those days was soo amazing.
I was 15 when Thriller came out, and what a wonderful time for my sister and I. We loved that LP!! Still do!!
I was born in 1985 so I kinda missed the whole thriller craze thing of the early 80's. The first songs/video clips I remember would have been from the dangerous Black and White. I had the thriller song but had not seen the video clip till the late 90's! I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen the clip till then!
yes. that is always something everyone,I think, to learn Michaels dance moves!!
Did you guys learn them?

LMFAO we actually did! lol it was a cute 5 and 3 year old dance thing lol it wasn't great like his was, obviously, but it had alot of effort from our part into it. LOL.
LMFAO we actually did! lol it was a cute 5 and 3 year old dance thing lol it wasn't great like his was, obviously, but it had alot of effort from our part into it. LOL.

so you really taught yourselves at that truely amazing :) I still give you props for it That is just what kind of impact I think, Michael has on any age group of people.
I wasn't conceived of yet (born in between Thriller and Bad era) but I do remember seeing the Thriller video when I was little. I'm sure MTV played it a lot over the years. I don't know when I first saw it, but I think I can remember being scared when he turned into a werewolf, but I also thought it was really cool. I didn't know what music videos were either. I thought I was watching movies when I was actually watching Michael Jackson music videos, but they are still like movies anyway.

I wish I had been a kid in the early 80s.
You make me feel sooo old ... :swoon: ... I was about sweet 20 back then ... *sigh* I loved the crazy colorful 80s.

(Hmmm, I fear I'm waxing sentimental :scratch:. Sorry :blush:.)
well I was born in 1993 but the first music video I ever saw was thriller omg I would get so scared of it I couldn't even sleep I always thought that Michael jackson would come and eat me lol I hated him but as I grew up I got over it and I always saw my older brothers trying to dress like him dance like him so I did that too(but it I always looked weird coz I was a girl lol) and I always remember me and my brothers doing the thriller dance together lol
Born in 1973, I was 9 when Thriller was released but didn't really know about it til Billie Jean was released in March 1983, it was no.1 on my 10th birthday. I remember sitting infront of the TV watching Top of the Pops eating birthday cake and this video came on and I was so tranfixed by it a mouthful went down the wrong way and I almost choked. Anyway I was hooked from that moment on. The premiere of Thriller in the UK was at midnight on Channel 4 on HALLOWEEN. Me and my brother stayed up for it, we couldn't wait and it was fantastic - it was all anyone could talk about the next day. A few days before we got our VCR player (toploader) , and were able to record it . Kids from all over town were coming around to watch it, wonderful memories. Thanks for this thread.
Born in 1973, I was 9 when Thriller was released but didn't really know about it til Billie Jean was released in March 1983, it was no.1 on my 10th birthday. I remember sitting infront of the TV watching Top of the Pops eating birthday cake and this video came on and I was so tranfixed by it a mouthful went down the wrong way and I almost choked. Anyway I was hooked from that moment on. The premiere of Thriller in the UK was at midnight on Channel 4 on HALLOWEEN. Me and my brother stayed up for it, we couldn't wait and it was fantastic - it was all anyone could talk about the next day. A few days before we got our VCR player (toploader) , and were able to record it . Kids from all over town were coming around to watch it, wonderful memories. Thanks for this thread.

yes..I remember when it was a big deal to own a VCR. and just waiting for MTV to play a MJ video. cool it hit no.1 on your b-day. :)
I was born in 1971, and was 11 when Thriller was released. We didn't have MTV in my country at that time, but I remember hearing the songs on the radio and later watching the videos on VCR. The music magazines were also filled with Michael. So I remember the Thriller mania very well :)

I really miss the 80's.
I was born 8 years later, in 1991, but my mom has the Thriller LP. She had just graduated from college when it came out.
I myself bought the Thriller CD about 3 years ago, and from the moment I popped it in, I loved it! I also am teaching myself the Thriller dance, so I hope to be in high demand around Halloween time!!! :)
I was almost 16 when Thriller came Mom bought me the album which I pretty well wore out! It got ruined (along with all my other albums) in the late 80's during a water leak in our home at the time. But, I also got a Thriller picture disc as a gift from a friend back then and that was stored safely somewhere else. It is hanging on my office wall at home right now!

A memory I have of that time is the Michael Jackson Thriller Party at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington. The Dome had just been built and they were trying to get Michael to come there. So they had this big "Thriller Party." It was packed with fans listening to Thriller, Dancing...watching impersonators etc too! LaToya was there too...although she would not appear on the stage they had setup. She was way up in like a box seat/balcony and talked to us from up there---telling us how much Michael loved us, and thanking us for being there. I still have my ticket stubs for it. They are dated February 25, 1984, 8pm. And they say "Say Yes Michael Jackson" on them. It was a great time. Great memories!
I was born on December 12, 1994. My first real discovery of MJ's music was when he was found to have composed, at least partially, the soundtrack to Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
I wasn't born until '87 so I missed out on "Thriller mania". If only I had a time machine........
Well thriller came out a good 6 or 7 years before i was born and i didnt even like it a first :lol:, you see when i was about 2 or 3 my cousin (who was around during thriller mania) had a thriler Lp and he would never play the entire thing for me he would just wait until the end of thriller when VP is laughing, turn off all the lights in his room, shove me in there and shut the door and wouldnt let me out until i stopped screaming and crying (nice guy huh? :smilerolleyes:) But any way after that experince my dad got a thriller cassette and let me listen to the entire thing(except thriller cause i was still tramatized :lol:) and dont even get me started on the video i couldnt even watch that until was at least 7 or 8