How Did You Spend, MICHAEL's 51st Birthday?

OMG 3.500 ppl at the tribute yesterday here in holland and nobody in this thread went there...

Well I did.
My day began with going to the market buying flowers and a candle.
When I came home I listened to his music preparing for the tribute that afternoon/night.
I had a white shirt, white blouse with a black band around my arm sewn on it and of course black pants.
That afternoon I went to my parents and sister and we would go to Best for the tribute at the MJ statue.
It was very nice we sang and danced I had a pretty good time, there were some short sad moments but I managed not to cry.
We sang Happy birthday, there was a video message of Karen Faye and we should have had contact with Latoya and Joe but the connection failed.
There was a lottery for charity I "donated" € 25,- ($36) and at the end of the night they raised € 2631,05 ($3779,24).

Some pics of the day.








Was ment to go to london and meet with other boards memebers,i got ready put on my home made michael armband and my michael top and hat and i just broke down,couldnt leave my flat i was in bits,so instead my partner toke me out for a while and came home and just broke down again listening to michael,i tried my best not to brakedown but it didnt happen :( and today is the same,i had sky laterns and everything and now its just all sitting in a bag,i feel like a failura fan,but i just cant handle it all :cry: xxxx
Thanks for all the pics and stories, you guys!

Earlier I wrote about our trip to Cologne for flash mobs/etc and our trip to the Cologne KFC for Michael's b-day, lol :) Now, you have to understand that I haven't been in a KFC since like 2003 in America. We don't even have one anywhere near us here. So, anyway, we ate outside, so we were only inside for a couple of minutes to order. And here's what was playing on the television by the ordering counter in those few coincidental minutes...


:lmao: I had to discreetly film this because this guy next to me kept looking at my little camcorder suspiciously, lol. But I couldn't NOT record it. It was too cute and funny to go unnoticed. So Michael was there with us. How sweet :wub:
I am ill at the mo, so I lay on the couch, watched the michael jackson story on ITV, listened to some of his music, cried and lit a candle as the sun went down
Re: How Did You Spend, MICHAEL's 51st Birthday?

I watched a documentary on MJ's career, on 4 Music from 11am-1.30pm on the day of his birthday.

I went to the Asda store to buy some party supplies, as i was gonna have a small birthday celebration at my house, but i thought i'd be celebrating on my own (i did post a thread to invite fans to my party). So i celebrated MJ's birthday with another fan, which was nice. I bought a cake and decorated it in red iciing, with glittery glove on top and added 2 birthday candles in shape of the no 51. It looked nice. I also had M&M's, KFC style chicken, bubble gum, nachos and cranberry & blueberry juice. Myself and Melanie (the other MJ fan), listened to some MJ songs and watched the Bad tour live in Japan.

I will post a pic of the cake i designed on here very soon.
Listening alot to his music (like I do everyday), looking for music channels he was on and they did marathons of his music so I watched that and I ate some cake in honor of his birthday and I said in my prayer happy birthday to him, also I was dancing to his music alot doing some moves he did and stuff, it was a great day :D But also a sad day this was his first birthday not being in this earth, but it was his first birthday in heaven and I hope he saw us celebrating his birthday all over the world!
I built my MJ shrine in my room and just listened to his music,
I tried not to think about it as it would just make me sad :( :cry:
OMG 3.500 ppl at the tribute yesterday here in holland and nobody in this thread went there...

Well I did.
My day began with going to the market buying flowers and a candle.
When I came home I listened to his music preparing for the tribute that afternoon/night.
I had a white shirt, white blouse with a black band around my arm sewn on it and of course black pants.
That afternoon I went to my parents and sister and we would go to Best for the tribute at the MJ statue.
It was very nice we sang and danced I had a pretty good time, there were some short sad moments but I managed not to cry.
We sang Happy birthday, there was a video message of Karen Faye and we should have had contact with Latoya and Joe but the connection failed.
There was a lottery for charity I "donated" € 25,- ($36) and at the end of the night they raised € 2631,05 ($3779,24).

Some pics of the day.









thsy looked amazing I wish there was somthing like that around here :( :(
Thanks for sharing your photos..looks like evryone enjoyed themselves and paid tribute to our Michael. I went to Trafalgar Square with my boyfriend and joined in singing and dancing to MJ. We sang MITM, YANA..and Blame It on the Boogie!! It was fun and lots of people took photos etc. There were some press around but I just ignored them (esecially after they jumped on me when I was crying at the O2 on June 26th). Then we went over to the O2 and I finally wrote on Michael's wall (as barriers were infront of it before) and I chatted to a couple of fans there (I think they are on MJNI). When I went home I felt sad the hwole way home. I'm not sure what I was expecting to get out of the day, I think I wanted to celebrate his life but it felt upsetting being at the O2 again. In the evening I listened to Michael and felt better. It was a great day but also another emotional one. I will try to get my photos on here...
I stayed up on the 28th till it hit 00.00am for the 29th.. Spend about 2 hours after watching interviews, videos and of course listening to him. Then went to sleep. Woke up around 10am and had to go play soccer. Promised myself that when I went on I would play for Michael and run my hardest. He was on my mind the whole time. Then had a nice afternoon with my girlfie. Then the evening came.. and one of my best friends is leaving for a holiday for six months - travelling around the world. So we went out to the city to celebrate. He's a Michael fan too. We had a shot of vodka dedicated to Michael. Several of my best friends are Michael fans as well and I confided a bit in them and was a lil upset :( Then went to a club.. waited ages to get in.. the whole time I was thinking please please please play Michael tonight. For the two hours we were in there he wasn't played. The music just kept frustrating me and I didn't really have a good time.. Just had Michael on my mind.. However something really scary happened when I was there. I saw this guy there who looked almost exactly like Michael during his OTW days.. Was scary and my heart jumped every time I saw him. I was dancing near him on the dance floor and I kept imagining him to be Michael. It felt very surreal.. Maybe I'm just looking too much for signs.. But yeah. That was my day.. Love you Michael
OMG 3.500 ppl at the tribute yesterday here in holland and nobody in this thread went there...

Well I did.
My day began with going to the market buying flowers and a candle.
When I came home I listened to his music preparing for the tribute that afternoon/night.
I had a white shirt, white blouse with a black band around my arm sewn on it and of course black pants.
That afternoon I went to my parents and sister and we would go to Best for the tribute at the MJ statue.
It was very nice we sang and danced I had a pretty good time, there were some short sad moments but I managed not to cry.
We sang Happy birthday, there was a video message of Karen Faye and we should have had contact with Latoya and Joe but the connection failed.
There was a lottery for charity I "donated" € 25,- ($36) and at the end of the night they raised € 2631,05 ($3779,24).

Some pics of the day.









Where's the video message from Karen Faye? Is it on youtube?
Can you tell us what she said?

I spent Michael's Birthday watching and recording all the specials on tv. I didn't record the constant mentions about the accusations just the good stuff.

At 10:30 pm I lit a candle and listen to CRY and donated $10 to Heal the World Foundation.

Where's the reports from the McDonald Tribute?
I went out with my very best mate into Leamington (UK) and bought some glowsticks and then I went back to his house and we cracked the glowsticks on and listened to part of MJ's Oprah interview and watched Michael performing Billie Jean in Bucharest on the dangerous tour and tried to make MJ on the Sims 3 :D WOOOP!


And TODAY I got a really amazing huge poster of MJ!!! yay!

Once again, Happy Birthday Mikey :)
I was on a MJ tribute and it was very nice, we danced, we sang.After it I went to Madonna concert, there was an MJ impresonator and at the end of the concert Madonna wore white rhinestone glove and the concert ended with Don't stop'till you get enough.
I woke up at 4 in the morning went on the net sent a lil message to Michael, went outside and looked up at the sky for the star i named from him, and said happy birthday and goodnight, went back to bed then got back up again about 8, played invincible and danced around a lil bit, then went out and bought a lovely sequin waste coat that i know he would approve of, got ready in the evening and met up with some other Michael Jackson fans, and a very new but very good friend of mine, who i believe Michael had a hand in putting us together, cos she is just as mad as me when it comes to Mr Jackson lol, danced the night away, and got the DJs to play his music,then went bk to hers and watched the dangerous tour, Sunday it was my sons birthday and we went to watch the Mathew st festival in Liverpool Motown show, were they did a tribute to the Jackson five, now this made me cry and filled me with sadness, hearing those words this is in tribute to the late Michael Jackson.... it hit home to me. Then i went home and carried on my sons birthday, how special is he, i was having him on Michael birthday even tho he didn't turn up till early hours of the next morning, awwww.
At midnight I wished Michael happy birthday, wrote it on my fridge, wrote it on MJJC forum and went to sleep.
Woke up on 29th, wished happy birthday again, started cleaning the appart (Saturday is the cleaning day!) Watched 'The Jacksons, an american dream' entirely, then my friends who lives with me brought 'Adventureland' with Kristen Stewart and we watched it, then I listened to MJ's music, lid a candle listening to Cry 4 times thinking about Michael and his kids, then from 23h15 to midnight even if it was raining, I went in a park under a huge tree and listenened to MJ songs watching the sky. Then went to bed wishing again Happy birthday to Michael.
i watched videos all afternoon til 2am in the morning,my sister came to stay over,she was never a fan before all this happened but i think seeing all the footage with me she is beginning to become one,she even defended michael to my parents,which made me happy,my sister has discovered michael,
Well I went on a vaction just last week but on sat my family we was listening to mj songs in the car. Just a good taste to remeber his legacy & you kown that almost everyday I payed to mj that he's in hevan & no one will even notice him that he's gone forever.

:cheers: Happy Belated 51st Birthday MJ :birthday::holiday:
At midnight I posted a happy Birthday message to Michael, went to bed. Got up at 8 and logged on to watch MJ Starlight's Birthday video which was beautiful, it made me cry.

Went for a walk in Regents Park with my ipod and sat by the boating pond, was a lovely day, I think London pinched all the good weather - sorry to all peeps in Barca, Brooklyn, Holland,etc for that.

That evening had tickets for a Birthday Tribute show at the Jazz Cafe in Camden which was really good. Phonte Coleman led a great tribute and had us all chanting "my hero ain't molest them bitch ass kids" and sang Billie Jean with all the gear on - said he had to traipse all over Camden to get an MJ glove.

Made my way back to tube station at 10.30 and had a chat with Michael and wished him Happy Birthday again - there was 1 really bright star in the sky that night and the white feather that I talked about in another post. But I did cry several times that day. Very sad day but tried to focus on the good things more.