How Did You Spend, MICHAEL's 51st Birthday?


Proud Member
Jan 27, 2008
London, United Kingdom
I thought I would make this topic, to let us here on MJJC share our stories or just little Michael moments we may have had to celebrate Michaels Birthday, on now what is a indescribably devastating time.

Well to start, I had to work today anyway, but, I woke up this morning, did what i usually do, then said Happy Birthday to Michael several times. Then I listened to I Want You Back (as its where it all began, and very appropriate for what we are feeling:weeping: ), then I came on here to the Birthday Thread and sent Michael my message:), and then I went off to work.

It was around lunch time at work and I was planning to go out and get some KFC, but then my boss said that she would buy us a Bucket of KFC to share, with most of us.
I thought, as I sat down, that a little meal was not good enough to honour Michaels KFC love, so I'm glad we got a Bucket, just like Michael Loved, so that felt special, that was a fun little Michael Moment:D

After work, when I got home, (and after watching the football on TV), I came on here to see the goings on as usual. I then sat on my bedroom floor, stuck in Michael Jackson: Bucharest, Dangerous Tour, as loud as my ears could take it, and watched the full 2 hours. At some points i felt suddenly empty and i have never got that before whilst watching Michael, even since what happened, i just felt like crying out for Michael, but I just took one look at him on the stage and just smiled and carried on watching Michael doing what only he can do, and i didn't miss a second of it.:)

I'm now as I Promised Michael, have donated only a small amount of, $51 (as I don't have $51,000, to spend) as it is a significant number for today, to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, for Michael and for the children :)

And as I type this now I'm listening to Man In The Mirror, holding back the tears:weeping:..... ok I'm not now:cry::cry::cry:
As I'm looking out my bedroom window typing this and it is dark out side the window, but I don't see any stars :(
But, I know for sure, that up there somewhere, although I can't see him, is the Brightest Star of them All... ...MICHAEL.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Happy Birthday Michael:wub:

I Miss You Soooo Much More Than Anything Ever Before:heart:

Michael, I Will Always Love You the Most Forever.:heart:

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After waking up I put on the music channels and had Michael's music blasting for ages.
Then my little sister came in and asked me to put on Come together for her (she's two aha) She sang and danced to it with one of my MJ t-shirts on :'D
Then we took pictures in the shirts doing the peacesign aaha

After she went home a watched Bucharest, Dangerous Tour too :) and listened to off the wall and History :D
I did the united thought thingy at 5 and have been listening to MJ all day :)

Love you Mike x
Listening to his music and watching the Victory and Bad Tour, of course! :)
Would say it was one of the worst days since the day he died.

Everything went wrong.

Everything is still wrong.Can't wait for my day to end.
I posted some of my favorite MJ videos on my FB page and no replies :smilerolleyes:. But I expected that since I have only 2 fans friended :(

I hope I spammed their page enough so that they'll dream about MJ :evil:

Other than that it was a sad day. :(
One of the first things I did was get on the internet and make a tribute post to him on my blog. You can read it here Just trying to show the world how special he was. :)

Then I went and watched all his music videos on YouTube from Off the Wall era to Invincible era.

Also later I'm going to sing Happy Birthday to him and go out and look at the stars, or if there isn't any I will look at the moon. :)
I sat down for 5 hours and watched Foxtel.. A top 50 music videos tribute through channel Max.
Afterwards, I sang happy birthday to him & told him how much he meant to us all & then posted on the Happy Birthday thread here.
It was an emotional day.
i ate cake for him, and listened to music.
i sat all alone ....vigils were too far for me to reach fans around in my city .... so all alone and his music and my heart bleeding to death ....and my eyes getting dry of the many tears i cry ....went to the danube's my special place and lit a few candles for mike
the saddest day ever ....
I have an "ancestor" shrine in my house.

My grandmother/fathers, my greatgrandfathers' photos are there with a candle. Michael's picture joins them & with a 7-day candle as well.

My daughter and I sang him Happy birthday - gave him cupcakes & she blew out the candle for him & then we danced to James Brown Live at the Apollo Vol. 2 .

See, Michael is alive - the body disintegrates but not the soul, which is FOREVER.
i lid a candle ... am fasting today... prayed from MJ..... went for a long hike..... just down right sad, lonely, depressed, angry, bitter..... its raining again... watched one of the BET tributes.... but the end.... I was boo hooing ... they are showing other mj stuff but i can't bear to watch it....

i had hoped to celebrate today.... but wishful thinking on my end.
i put on michael's music as soon as i got up and then around 5ish i put on peter pan movie which i watched with my kids, it was a sad day,i'll give anything to hv u back michael my peter pan Happy Birthday my darling
Watching his vids played all over on tv, then went to see a flash mob, which was very touching, lit a candle, cried a lot, mostly cried :(
I said Happy Birthday to him a few times. I talked to him, too. I had a feeling he was listening.
Just now I was walking my my bed, and I have a fedora on one of my bedposts. When I walked by, it fell down. I stopped, stared at it for a minute, then smiled and put it on. "Thanks, Michael." I said after I adjusted it to my liking.
We went to Cologne for 3 Thriller flash mobs and to spend some time with other fans. It was nice because I rarely felt sad then. In between we went to KFC :) And the amazing thing is that while we were standing in line there in KFC the Akon tribute song video was playing on the television screen! It was like a sign. Crazy! Here we were in line, only having chosen KFC for lunch because of Michael's birthday, for him in some funny way, and there he was! :wub: What are the chances???

Later a good 150 or so fans gathered in front of the amazing cathedral in Cologne. We sang Heal the World and Happy Birthday for Michael. Also made a giant circle of people around the entire square for We Are the World, holding hands and walking around the circle. My husband and I stayed up late last night making posters for today, including 'Happy Birthday, Michael - We love you forever'. It turned out we were the only ones who brought any signs/posters, so we handed them out to other fans and let them take them home (except I greedily kept my Heal the World poster because it was close to my heart -- I really made it for Michael -- to remind people of why we were there and it was inspired by a dream I had about him in April).

At one point, right after we sang Happy Birthday for the second time I almost cried. I looked at all the fans there in a circle, the amazing spires of the cathedral towering over us and the mostly-blue sky and I felt like Michael was watching and feeling us.

I'm uploading some videos from today if you're interested in seeing some of it (right side bar shows most recent uploads):

Happy Birthday, Michael. I love you, love you, love you!
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Me 3 :cry: I should have been in London today, recovering from a wonderful and joyful night at the O2 and waiting for another wonderful night with MJ tomorrow. But I would give that up in a heartbeat if only I could give that beat and many more to Michael.
Went to work kind of dreading the day. Some of my coworkers played MJ songs for me, which cheered me right up. :) Bought a couple red balloons on the way home, attached a little message for Michael and just let them fly a little while ago.

It's still Michael's birthday in the U.S., so I will probably be listening to more music and watching the tributes/shows on my DVR. Anyway, at midnight I said happy birthday to Michael and twittered happy b'day of course. :) I listened to my MJ playlist until I went to sleep.

This afternoon I made a donation to Make A Wish in Michael's memory.
well first I spent some time of the forum..then I baked a cake and lit the candles and my daughter and I sang Happy Birthday to Michael....Then I watched to Dangerous DVD....then I went and bought a red helium balloon and wrote" Happy Birthday Michael....I Love you Most.".... Kissed that balloon....Then I let it go up to heaven, my daughter who is 16 said, "there now don't you feel better you did that?? I said yes, had a little cry...:cry:
listened to his music, watched top 40 countdown of his videos on vh1 and pretty much cried all the time ( i still am)! very sad day!:(
Spent some time with fellow fans in a London park, singing, dancing, reading poems, kids doing pass the parcel - it was a lovely and touching day. Love you Michael x