HIStory Tour Discussion - Should it be released? [Merged]

Should HIStory Tour be offically released?

  • Yes, in cinema

    Votes: 13 18.3%
  • Yes, in DVD

    Votes: 44 62.0%
  • Yes, in DVD and cinema

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 9.9%

  • Total voters
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

It's the clip itself, not your phone :)
Hmm. If I could see that on a little 2" phone, then imagine on a 60 ft. Screen. If they do go ahead with this, I hope they don't do this show.

Question. Can the editors resynch it to make it look live?
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Question. Can the editors resynch it to make it look live?


It's very unlikely the Estate's copy is out of sync, it'd just be something with the uploader's copy.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I'm not angry. You are. Obviously. Your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour is eating you up inside and the fact that you can't do anything to stop this wonderful release, but bitch around the internet, is making you frustrated. And that frustration is what's making you even more angrier and that anger is feeding your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour even more. So, no, I'm not angry. At all. I'm actually very happy that I'll be able to see one of the greatest shows on earth in cinemas (in 3D!) with my friends while you'll be at home still bitching about lip syncing and probably starting petitions to boycott its release that will have less than 100 signatures.

Oh, Onir...so naive, so immature. I'm losing interest in responding to you to be quite honest - I can feel my brain cells evaporating (that means 'going away') every time I trudge through one of your senseless posts. How about you just walk away? That sound like a plan?
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Folks - everybody calm down,:better: My 2-centsworth.I don't want to see any of MJ's tours in the theatre. Would rather buy Blue ray and watch in the comfort of my sitting room. lip-syncing doesn't bother me, its Michael's singing and his songs - that's all I care about.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Folks - everybody calm down,:better: My 2-centsworth.I don't want to see any of MJ's tours in the theatre. Would rather buy Blue ray and watch in the comfort of my sitting room. lip-syncing doesn't bother me, its Michael's singing and his songs - that's all I care about.

Calm down? This is war!
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I don't think anyone here hates HIStory Tour. They just don't want it to be released in cinemas.

I don't hate it, but I do believe that together with a handful of songs on Invincible, it is the worst work he's ever done.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I don't hate it, but I do believe that together with a handful of songs on Invincible, it is the worst work he's ever done.

Brace yourself. The Invincible fans are on the way
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I'll take them both on.

Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Oh, Onir...so naive, so immature. I'm losing interest in responding to you to be quite honest - I can feel my brain cells evaporating (that means 'going away') every time I trudge through one of your senseless posts. How about you just walk away? That sound like a plan?

Hahaha. As usual with you. You don't have anything to say to back up your stand (except your hate and subjective opinions) so you start attacking other posters. I won't walk away because I know I'm right - HIStory Tour will be released and it will be a giant success at the box office, because unlike you, people like seeing Michael Jackson performing his greatest hits in front of 80,000 people. Poor MJ, if he was here reading your hateful posts about his work, he would thought that it was Diane Diamond or Roger Friedman community and not Michael Jackson community.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Onir, would you please stop this? Just because people do not agree with you on artistic choices it does not mean they are haters. To compare anyone in the fan community to Dimond, Friedman and haters just because they do not agree with you is going a bit too far.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Brace yourself. The Invincible fans are on the way

We are not talking about good or bad, best or worst here. We are talking should it be released or not. I know some people don't like Invincible, but would you rather prefer that it was never released because some fans didn't like it?
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

We are not talking about good or bad, best or worst here. We are talking should it be released or not. I know some people don't like Invincible, but would you rather prefer that it was never released because some fans didn't like it?

I was joking
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I'm not saying they shouldn't release it on DVD for those that want it, but no way in cinemas.

It would play to half empty theatres and close after a week leading to negativity.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Onir, would you please stop this? Just because people do not agree with you on artistic choices it does not mean they are haters. To compare anyone in the fan community to Dimond, Friedman and haters just because they do not agree with you is going a bit too far.

What do you think MJ would say if he was reading this thread (or other similar threads)? I don't think he would feel like he's in community dedicated to him and his work. That's all I'm saying. There's been too much threads lately about how can we make his work better and what should be released to public and what should be hidden from their eyes. Are some of you ashamed of Michael? Reading this, it seems like it.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

What do you think MJ would say if he was reading this thread (or other similar threads)? I don't think he would feel like he's in community dedicated to him and his work. That's all I'm saying. There been too much threads lately about how can we make his work better and what should be released to public and what should be hidden from their eyes. Are some of you ashamed of Michael? Reading this, it seems like it.

Ridiculous. I love my Mum and Dad but if they do odd thing I don't like I'm allowed to say it.

In Michael's recording and performance career it was a near perfect as you can get but a couple of things were below par, this being one of them.

I wouldn't start a thread about things I don't like about Mike, but if a discussion thread brings it up then I'll post my opinion.

Otherwise every thread that asked a question like this would just be "yes, yes, yes."

Vive la difference!
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Poor MJ, if he was here reading your hateful posts about his work, he would thought that it was Diane Diamond or Roger Friedman community and not Michael Jackson community.
Onir, that's just crazy. People want Michael to be seen and heard at his BEST, because they love him, not hate him.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I'm not saying they shouldn't release it on DVD for those that want it, but no way in cinemas.

They will release it to blu-ray/DVD and to cinemas "for those that want it" - of course. Those who don't want it won't go to see it. Simple as that. They will not force anyone to go see it.

It would play to half empty theatres and close after a week leading to negativity.

The thing is that you can't possibly know that. You don't like it and you have preconceived subjective thoughts about it.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

What do you think MJ would say if he was reading this thread (or other similar threads)? I don't think he would feel like he's in community dedicated to him and his work. That's all I'm saying. There's been too much threads lately about how can we make his work better and what should be released to public and what should be hidden from their eyes. Are some of you ashamed of Michael? Reading this, it seems like it.

1) Michael is not here to be hurt by any of this.
2) Just because it's Michael it should not mean we are not allowed to criticize anything he did.
3) To say or suggest that in order to be a "real fan" and not a "hater" you have to like everything he did is childish and thinking in extremist terms which is not healthy.
4) Similarly we could say that you do not appreciate Michael as an artist because you always go on about how the Xscape new versions (Timbaland and Co's work, not Michael's!!) are better than the originals. And have your forgot your tirades about Love Never Felt So Good before it was released? So this is all a bit hypocritical from you. Just accept that people have different tastes and priorities and they are free express that without being called a hater.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

People want Michael to be seen and heard at his BEST, because they love him, not hate him.

Exactly. But some of you fail to realise that some of us love HIStory Tour and think that it is his BEST in some aspects (not live vocals obviously).
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

They will release it to blu-ray/DVD and to cinemas "for those that want it" - of course. Those who don't want it won't go to see it. Simple as that. They will not force anyone to go see it.

The thing is that you can't possibly know that. You don't like it and you have preconceived subjective thoughts.

Of course I know it. This thread proves it.

First of all, ask yourself who the target audience is?

Hardcore MJ fans. And it would be hardcore, would you fork out expensive cinema prices for a live show of someone who only half liked?

Secondly, look at this and other History tour threads. Of the hardcore MJJ fans on here, only half would want it.

Therefore you've halved an already small number.

There is a reason why it's already rare to release live music concerts in cinemas.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Hahaha. As usual with you. You don't have anything to say to back up your stand (except your hate and subjective opinions) so you start attacking other posters. I won't walk away because I know I'm right - HIStory Tour will be released and it will be a giant success at the box office, because unlike you, people like seeing Michael Jackson performing his greatest hits in front of 80,000 people. Poor MJ, if he was here reading your hateful posts about his work, he would thought that it was Diane Diamond or Roger Friedman community and not Michael Jackson community.

Yep, you've figured us out, and have finally seen the truth. We're all actually a massive group of Michael Jackson haters. I applaud your great detective skills

Now I'm off to worship that shrine I built to Tom Sneddon
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

3) To say or suggest that in order to be a "real fan" and not a "hater" you have to like everything he did is childish and thinking in extremist terms which is not healthy.

It's not about liking or disliking anything. You are free to dislike HIStory Tour but why trying to stop others to enjoy it. That is my point from the first page of this thread. It is childish to try to stop something from being released in theatres just because you don't like it. Let others enjoy it. No one is forcing you do go see it. It's obviously not meant for you. Leave it at that and wait for another release.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Hahaha. As usual with you. You don't have anything to say to back up your stand (except your hate and subjective opinions) so you start attacking other posters. I won't walk away because I know I'm right - HIStory Tour will be released and it will be a giant success at the box office, because unlike you, people like seeing Michael Jackson performing his greatest hits in front of 80,000 people. Poor MJ, if he was here reading your hateful posts about his work, he would thought that it was Diane Diamond or Roger Friedman community and not Michael Jackson community.
I don't think it will be a giant box office succes. I'm not sure that even Bad Tour could bring numbers like This Is It did. It wouldn't.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

It's not about liking or disliking anything. You are free to dislike HIStory Tour but why trying to stop others to enjoy it. That is my point from the first page of this thread. It is childish to try to stop something from being released in theatres just because you don't like it. Let others enjoy it. No one is forcing you do go see it. It's obviously not meant for you. Leave it at that and wait for another release.

We are looking at it two different ways.

1. Do YOU want to see History tour in theatres?

The answer to which is fully up to the individual and there is no right or wrong.

2. Do you think IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA to release the History tour in theatres?

This is where some of us think no, because we believe it was below par and would cause negativity towards Michael.

This is where I believe we have disparity causing friction. Analogue, Respect77 and myself (if you guys don't mind me speaking for you) are answering the second question. Of course we wouldn't judge anyone wanting to see it and enjoy it. We just don't think it's in the interests of MJ's legacy.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

It's not about liking or disliking anything. You are free to dislike HIStory Tour but why trying to stop others to enjoy it. That is my point from the first page of this thread. It is childish to try to stop something from being released in theatres just because you don't like it. Let others enjoy it. No one is forcing you do go see it. It's obviously not meant for you. Leave it at that and wait for another release.
But I think that's the problem. Everything released now is a reflection of Michael and his work. It's how people will remember him.
Releasing it in a theater will automatically make it reviewed by critics, who will jump on the lip synching, etc.
I'd love for it to be made in 3D bc lots of people want it, but not in a theatre.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

It's not about liking or disliking anything. You are free to dislike HIStory Tour but why trying to stop others to enjoy it. That is my point from the first page of this thread. It is childish to try to stop something from being released in theatres just because you don't like it. Let others enjoy it. No one is forcing you do go see it. It's obviously not meant for you. Leave it at that and wait for another release.

It's not about us not wanting others to be able to enjoy it. But we think such a release would harm Michael's legacy. That's why we do not want ot to be released to the cinemas. I also think Michael does not deserve anything else than any other artist, than ALL of his peers: to be represented at his best to the general public - not in a state where he is controversial even to his fans. Actually even supporters of this tour admit that it's not his best, so I'm not sure why this point is so hard to understand for you. Release it on DVD, alright and you can enjoy it all you want. Just do not make it Michael's main representation as a "live" artist to the general public because it would only harm his reputation as an artist. Believe me, no one today gets impressed by a tank or a rocket on the stage and forgets blatant lip-syncing to 20 year old studio vocals just for that.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I don't think it will be a giant box office succes. I'm not sure that even Bad Tour could bring numbers like This Is It did. It wouldn't.

I can see a lot of irrealistic expectations regarding the cinema release of this tour. It will absolutely not be anywhere near TII in terms of success. And even if it's Bad Tour or Dangerous Tour in super-duper 3D and whatnot it would not. This Is It was a one-off huge seller because of Michael's death. That hype now is gone. Concert films are generally not huge box office hits, but if something gets released to the cinemas by Michael at least I want it to be artistically great.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

We are looking at it two different ways.

1. Do YOU want to see History tour in theatres?

The answer to which is fully up to the individual and there is no right or wrong.

2. Do you think IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA to release the History tour in theatres?

This is where some of us think no, because we believe it was below par and would cause negativity towards Michael.

This is where I believe we have disparity causing friction. Analogue, Respect77 and myself (if you guys don't mind me speaking for you) are answering the second question. Of course we wouldn't judge anyone wanting to see it and enjoy it. We just don't think it's in the interests of MJ's legacy.

My answers are yes and yes.

I think that it is selfish that just because your answer is no that you think it shouldn't be released for others to enjoy it.

Some of you have this image of Michael in your heads that he was just vocalist. It's not just HIStory Tour. He lip synched a lot in other occasions too. Why hide that? It was his decision. He did that consciously because he thought that it would benefit the show, he wanted to give the public the best show possible. And now you are judging him for doing that. I said it, if I were him, I would do it differently. But he did it his way. And now we should hide his performances from the public just because critics would be critical. They were always critical about MJ's work, so it won't be anything new from them.

The fact is that you can't change history. He lip synched. He did it often. It's not something we should be ashamed of or something that should be hidden from the public. He could sing, he proved that many times before and after HIStory Tour. HIStory Tour has so much other entertaining moments to give. It's not just about vocal performance.