HIStory Tour Discussion - Should it be released? [Merged]

Should HIStory Tour be offically released?

  • Yes, in cinema

    Votes: 13 18.3%
  • Yes, in DVD

    Votes: 44 62.0%
  • Yes, in DVD and cinema

    Votes: 7 9.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 9.9%

  • Total voters
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Not if they have a little sense and are listening to what fans say.

Not fans, but hardcore fans on few MJ forums. Those hardcore fans make 1% of all people who will go to see that show in theatres. I think they can live without that 1% of the audience. General public who love MJ and good music and casual MJ fans who are not obsessed with lip syncing will all go to see that show in 3D.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Not fans, but hardcore fans on few MJ forums. Those hardcore fans make 1% of all people who will go to see that show in theatres. I think they can live without that 1% of the audience. General public who love MJ and good music and casual MJ fans who are not obsessed with lip syncing will all go to see that show in 3D.

480 active members and only 30 voters? i think you're right, i'll appreciate anything that's released. Course i'm most excited for high def BAD Tour, but anything is a treat. I'll certainly be attending the screening, and buying the Blu-Ray. It's part of Michael's legacy, and will work very well in a theatrical environment.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

We're against HIStory Tour being released to cinemas because we believe it doesn't represent Michael fairly as the greatest entertainer of all time

Exactly. It's something you believe. It isn't a fact like some people here are stating. It's just your very subjective opinion.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

No, they can't. That was the power of MJ. No one ever had that much money and power do to it. And never will. I'm not talking just about the tank and the rocket, but the full production, stage, costumes, special effects...

There are lot more spectacular stage shows than MJ's in terms of costumes, special effects, stage etc. Ever seen a Pink Floyd show? They were always groundbreaking in terms of elaborate laser shows and special effects. The strenght of MJ's shows was never in that but his own talents, stage presence and charisma. The latter was surely still there during the HIStory tour but the former was not showcased properly. So why represent him on the big screen like that? The tank and the rocket do not make up for what is missing, especially when there are lot more impressive stage productions by other artists. Michael's shows were never really about that but about his talent, so pick a show where that is actually showcased.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Why poll the fans? This poll here is completely ridiculous. 30 people voted and among those 23 who voted against there are few serious haters of that Tour and that part of MJ's career. This release will not be just for the fans. Millions of regular people will want to see this spectacle. Bad 25 was aimed for the fans. This release won't be like that. It will be massive, it will be worldwide and not aimed just for small group of hardcore fans. Not every release should be aimed just for us. Michael was always thinking big, worldwide and not small. I'm sure this will be great box office success and gross more than 200 MIL $.

Sorry, but IMO this is delusional. The general public will be even more critical than fans.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

No, they can't. That was the power of MJ. No one ever had that much money and power do to it. And never will. I'm not talking just about the tank and the rocket, but the full production, stage, costumes, special effects...

Tell that to Lady Gaga... :p


A three story medieval castle that was not only mind-boggling in real life, but would also f*cking open to reveal an visually-stunning interior, with an extensive amount of space to show off the dancers and musicians. Gaga also utilised the castle as much as possible, appearing on every part of it at some point in the show. I have no idea how to describe just how awesome it was to see in real life man, my description doesn't do it anywhere near justice.


I've never seen a show have more amazing visual production value in all honesty (and Gaga's performance was excellent as well).

Keeping to MJ, personally I think Dangerous overall had the better 'spectacles'. Sure you have a tank come on stage for Earth Song, but I've never really found the spaceship idea that amazing. I found that simple was more effective for the opening of his shows, just a solid minute of MJ standing there as you start to take in how wild people were going over just seeing the man. Only to be topped off by 'Michael Jackson' exiting by flying out on a f**king jetpack? People need to that concert instead of HIStory :p
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Dancing AND live singing

so you'd rather be content with them releasing VHS & impersonator hologram, and tribute show by Cirque?
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

so you'd rather be content with them releasing VHS & impersonator hologram, and tribute show by Cirque?

...What does that have to do with his reply? Clearly if they were going to release it to theaters they wouldn't source it from a bloody videotape.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

...what does that have to do with his reply? Clearly if they were going to release it to theaters they wouldn't source it from a bloody videotape.

i'm just saying, it's very disappointing what we have to deal with in terms of visual content. Who'd bother seeing a hologram or a tribute show by mediocre dancers, who's only talent is swinging on ropes and having lights on there suits?
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

i'm just saying, it's very disappointing what we have to deal with in terms of visual content. Who'd bother seeing a hologram or a tribute show by mediocre dancers, who's only talent is swinging on ropes and having lights on there suits?

Well neither of you can discuss visual quality right now because none of those clips are anywhere near theatre quality. If there is going to be a theatre release, you can be pretty sure it will be of suitable visual quality for a massive screen.

As for holograms, Tupac made the news worldwide when his 'hologram' had an appearance a few years ago and I can understand how Sony and The Estate would've hoped that the 'hologram' at the Billboard awards would've elicit a similar response. I agree that the hologram has much to improve on visually.

And who'd bother seeing performers 'who's only talent is swinging on ropes and having lights on there suits?' Oh I don't know, perhaps over 3.7 MILLION people? Never mind the fact it's one of the highest grossing tours in HIStory. Speaking as someone who's actually seen the Cirque du Soleil show, it is much better in person than on a laptop screen. I wouldn't bother watching a Cirque du Soleil show on my laptop but it is far more spectacular in real life and was an excellent tribute to Michael's legacy. You also seem to understate how difficult their work and art is.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

^^ I think it's embarrassing that fans disregard a huge part of Michael's legacy, his highest grossing tour and his most visually enticing experience. I just wish people could realize how selfish they are being, if you don't like something then don't spend your money on it. But the fact is, it's not going to ruin mine or anyone else's experience if it is indeed gonna get released for the first time ever.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

^^ I think it's embarrassing that fans disregard a huge part of Michael's legacy, his highest grossing tour and his most visually enticing experience. I just wish people could realize how selfish they are being, if you don't like something then don't spend your money on it. But the fact is, it's not going to ruin mine or anyone else's experience if it is indeed gonna get released for the first time ever.

selfish |?s?lf??|
adjective(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure: I joined them for selfish reasons.

So by putting Michael's legacy as an entertainer first and seriously considering how it could affect the general public's perception of him as one of the world's best entertainers, realising it is not the show that best displays his abilities and therefore instead wanting a release that shows off Michael's talents best, I'm being selfish?

Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

selfish |?s?lf??|
adjective(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure: I joined them for selfish reasons.

So by putting Michael's legacy as an entertainer first and seriously considering how it could affect the general public's perception of him as one of the world's best entertainers, realising it is not the show that best displays his abilities and therefore instead wanting a release that shows off Michael's talents best, I'm being selfish?


It's selfish to request anything that doesn't deserve to be seen by anyone, Michael never intended to release these performances and yet they are being shown to the world by his estate. I think it's a gift, and i look forward to anything else they plan. Michael was always passionate about his performances, you can see that. Especially in the early shows of each of his tours.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I don't quite see the fuss over the HIStory Tour dancing. He popped/locked a few times. He moonwalked. Most of it was incredibly phoned in, and the so-called "theatrics" weren't anything special whatsoever. Nothing he did on the HIStory Tour compares to the Bad tour.

In addition, they did an extremely good job of covering up the lipsyncing. I didn't even realise he was lipsyncing for a large portion of it until 4-5 years after I first saw it and I still see fans/non-fans alike believe he's legit singing.

Exactly. And I saw nothing but praise for the sections in which he was actually singing live. I recall one reviewer saying that the entire theater burst out into applause right after "I Just Can't Stop Loving You".

Hahaha. You are so deluded. Your hate towards some parts of Michael's work and career is affecting your mind.

Aw Onir, you're so cute when you're angry :)
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

It's selfish to request anything that doesn't deserve to be seen by anyone, Michael never intended to release these performances and yet they are being shown to the world by his estate.

Alright then, if the Estate decide to theatrically release a show then they can just release the Dangerous Bucharest show. Michael released it on DVD during his life time so one can assume he intended it to be seen by the world.

(and going by what you said, you could consider yourself very selfish Zakk since 80% of your posts say "I wish the Estate would release unreleased this and unreleased that" ;))

Michael was always passionate about his performances, you can see that. Especially in the early shows of each of his tours.

I'm not doubting his passion but I am doubting some of his performances. When a concert (especially an historical one) goes to cinema, one usually assumes it's a highlight in that artist's career, that it is one of their best performances. If the Estate are going to release a show to the theatre, it should be one that shows The King at his peak. A show that shows WHY Michael Jackson is one of the greatest entertainers that has ever walked this earth.

That's where the definition of selfish come in. I am not putting my personal preferences first, I am thinking about Michael instead and what would be best for him and his legacy. That's not being selfish, that's being selfless.

For the record, I am not doubting that some people here want the other tours because they personally prefer those tours. However, having sat back and read most of these posts, it seems the vast majority are putting Michael, his legacy and public perception first. They are putting Michael's best intentions first, not themselves. Once again, that is being selfless, not selfish.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

This is fun
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

^^ I think it's embarrassing that fans disregard a huge part of Michael's legacy, his highest grossing tour and his most visually enticing experience.

That is not how we're approaching the situation.

The History Tour does not represent Michael at his very best. The dancing has its moments but is overall phoned-in and uninterested; the so-called 'theatrics' are much less impressive than what he accomplished during his last two tours; the entire set list (aside from two songs) have dubbed vocals; and even his live vocals are below standards. Every review I've read of the Wembley show has offered huge praise to Michael's vocals for being lively, energetic and beautiful. Some reviews even picked up on the few songs that were dubbed - one reviewer outright criticized Michael for lip-synching "Bad" and not getting back to the microphone in time for the second verse at one point.

Of course, this is all my opinion. But if a Michael Jackson tour simply had to be released theatrically, I would vote against the History Tour. It does not showcase anything that Michael is capable of, and easily damages his ability as a performer.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Aw Onir, you're so cute when you're angry :)

I'm not angry. You are. Obviously. Your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour is eating you up inside and the fact that you can't do anything to stop this wonderful release, but bitch around the internet, is making you frustrated. And that frustration is what's making you even more angrier and that anger is feeding your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour even more. So, no, I'm not angry. At all. I'm actually very happy that I'll be able to see one of the greatest shows on earth in cinemas (in 3D!) with my friends while you'll be at home still bitching about lip syncing and probably starting petitions to boycott its release that will have less than 100 signatures.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

And yet you keep posting in here

Because i'm sick of people complaining and requesting something else, just because they're not getting what you want from the HIStory Tour
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I just watched these 2 clips back to back and the BAD tour performance has absolutely no equal-the power, the energy, the dancing, the singing-by everybody on the stage. Not just Michael-although it's hard to look anywhere else.
And that History clip looked totally out of sync. Maybe because I'm on a phone??

They must have done an excellent job on TII because I never noticed any lip synching at the theatre and didn't know til I read about it here. I still can't get myself to watch my DVD.

(And the Cirque show was phenomenal. Michael's voice. Michael's image. Michael's band with with amazing performers.)
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Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

Because i'm sick of people complaining and requesting something else, just because they're not getting what you want from the HIStory Tour

Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I'm not angry. You are. Obviously. Your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour is eating you up inside and the fact that you can't do anything to stop this wonderful release, but bitch around the internet, is making you frustrated. And that frustration is what's making you even more angrier and that anger is feeding your hate towards Michael Jackson's HIStory Tour even more. So, no, I'm not angry. At all. I'm actually very happy that I'll be able to see one of the greatest shows on earth in cinemas (in 3D!) with my friends while you'll be at home still bitching about lip syncing and probably starting petitions to boycott its release that will have less than 100 signatures.

I don't think anyone here hates HIStory Tour. They just don't want it to be released in cinemas.
Re: Should HIStory Tour be released to cinemas?

I don't think anyone here hates HIStory Tour. They just don't want it to be released in cinemas.

Yeah. I've even said that I'd be happy with a low key DVD/Blu Ray release of the HIStory Tour