Help Haiti - International Donation Information HERE!

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Hi mariemarie, Thanks for posting this info.

I have donated to the following organizations so far; Red Cross, Clinton Foundation and Wyclef Jean's organization. I will also donate through work as it's possible they are setting up a program where they match our donations. I'm sure there will be others. Like someone mentioned here Doctors with Borders and UNICEF are two others that I'll probably donate to. Great points about being careful who we donate to. I am looking to donate to known organizations and to ones that I know are already in Haiti and can get the people the help they need quickly. This is very sad. My heart is crying. Haiti is in my thoughts and prayers. I know Michael would be the first to help; no doubt.

Peace, love and my prayers. :angel:

In light of the terrible Earthquake in Haiti, please all add donation information from your countries in this thread. Every little helps! In the spirit of Michael, lets do what we can to heal the world and make a difference.

I just read a message from Wyclef Jean on facebook:

Something important to think about when choosing an organisation:


You guys,

If you want to help Haiti in some way and want to do more than pray/meditate and give donations, maybe you could reach out to the Haitian diaspora in your community in some way. They are really suffering right now, many of them still don't know if their families in Haiti are alive or dead.

See if there are small pockets of Haitians in your communities and try reaching out to them. Even if only to tell them your thoughts are with them and that you are praying, and that you are sending donations. Talk with them, accompany them in this their darkest hour. Be there for them. By talking with them, you may come to realize other things you can do to help out that are just not coming to us right now.

In a way, you are helping the Haitians when you do this. You're taking care of their dispersed families around the world, and that is a help and comfort to them in a way.

L.O.V.E :heart:
I think this is an excellent idea, Billie Jean!
I don't know if there are any Haitians in Dublin, but I will look.

Plus we - me and other people - are thinking about organizing a fundraising event for Haiti
(it doesn't get a lot of airtime in Ireland...) - I will most certainly try to reach out to Haitian community for that!
For people in Finland:


Punainen Risti:

Kirkon Ulkomaanapu:

Thanks for these! More options for Finnish fans to make donations: (= World Vision) (There's a link to donate to Haiti on the upper right-hand corner. The direct link didn't work.
I did mine donation trough Canadian Red Cross. They have a special option there for Haiti.
The problem is that the airport they have there is not working properly and it took 6 hours to unload just one airplane from China. Some airplanes from other countries had to came back because there was no space for them in this airport.
There is nothing else we can do.
I also donated to Unicef and the Red Cross. I'm very proud of my country (Brazil). I just know that the Brazilian government has donated to Haiti, 34 million. The Brazilian government, Brazilian celebrities and many people are helping in every way possible. Many Brazilian doctors and army soldiers were sent to Haiti and Brazil set up a base where people are being met and is being monitored by a representing the Brazilian government there. I'm very happy about that, for this great attitude of my country. :)
Janet Jackson tweets a lot about helping Haiti. She's so caring. Anyway, I wanted to paste one of her tweets:

JanetJackson $8 can feed a child for a whole month. We can help 1-800-HELP-NOW #cnnhelphaiti
List of chairtys for Haiti

As relief efforts to aid victims of Tuesday’s earthquake gather momentum, CNN’s Larry King Live airs a two-hour special Monday night (8pm ET) on how you can help. Below are some organizations specifically helping Haiti. Full Haiti Coverage | Tips to Giving | Feeding Haiti

• More details on how you can help: Who's doing what, how you can contribute
• More aid reaching quake victims
• Watch out for scams
• Mia Farrow: What you can do for Haiti's children
• Social networks, texts fuel Haiti fundraising
• Stay informed: Follow Impact Your World on Twitter

How you can help:
In addition to providing emergency relief, these organizations are providing the following aid to those in need:

Providing Basic Needs:
• ADRA International
• Adventist Development and Relief Agency
• American Jewish World Services
• Catholic Relief Services
• Church World Service
• Concern Worldwide
• Episcopal Relief & Development
• Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
• International Relief Teams
• International Rescue Committee
• God's Littlest Angels
• Kids Alive International
• Lions Clubs International
• Love a Child
• Mercy & Sharing
• Mercy Corps
• Operation Blessing International
• Population Services International
• Project Hope
• Samaritan's Purse
• Salesian Missions
• United Way Worldwide
• World Concern
• World Neighbors
• World Vision
• World Relief
• Yéle Haiti
Providing Shelter:
• Habitat for Humanity International
• International Organization for Migration
• Pan American Relief
• Shelterbox

Providing Medical Aid:
• American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
• Americares
• Catholic Medical Mission Board
• Cure International
• Direct Relief International
• Doctors Without Borders
• Friends of the Orphans
• Haitian Health Foundation
• Healing Hands for Haiti
• Heart to Heart International
• Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti
• International Child Care
• IMA World Health
• MAP International
• Medical Teams International
• MedShare
• MerlinUSA
• Operation Smile
• Operation USA
• Project Medishare
• World Health Organization

Providing Food:
• Action Against Hunger
• Compassion International
• Food For the Hungry
• Food for the Poor
• The Salvation Army
• World Water Relief

Organizations accepting international currencies:
• The International Committee of the Red Cross
• British Red Cross
• UK: The Disasters Emergency Committee
• The French Red Cross
• UK: Merlin
• Germany Red Cross
• Italian Red Cross
• Ireland: Concern Worldwide
• Oxfam Great Britain
• Plan Canada

Sorry but I have to post this. If Michael was alive, he'd be right there helping the people in Haiti, especially the children, who seem to need it the most now anyway.
For people in France :

SMS/ Text messages donations (1 € per SMS)

send HAITI to :

80 222 for the Red Cross
80 333 for the Secours Populaire
80 444 for the Secours Catholique

Anything can help, it's a huge disaster, they have absolutely nothing left, there's a need for emergency help, but let's not forget that they also need to rebuild everything : housing, hospitals, schools, water & electricity facilities, take care of countless orphans, handicapped people...
I also donated to Unicef and the Red Cross. I'm very proud of my country (Brazil). I just know that the Brazilian government has donated to Haiti, 34 million. The Brazilian government, Brazilian celebrities and many people are helping in every way possible. Many Brazilian doctors and army soldiers were sent to Haiti and Brazil set up a base where people are being met and is being monitored by a representing the Brazilian government there. I'm very happy about that, for this great attitude of my country. :)

That's amazing, cheered me up to read that. Thankyou for posting.
There was a voting in a swedish newspaper some days ago how many had or were going to donate to Haiti and only 30% had done it or were going to.
I thought that´s too bad , but today I can read that swedish people have given 50 millions so far and it´s not the end yet.
There was a voting in a swedish newspaper some days ago how many had or were going to donate to Haiti and only 30% had done it or were going to.
I thought that´s too bad , but today I can read that swedish people have given 50 millions so far and it´s not the end yet.

That's awful, it doesn't take much and you don't need to give much. Put it into perspective. The capacity of Wembley Stadium is 100,000 people. A bomb descends on it, killing everyone. At the same time a bomb descends on Old Trafford, capacity 75,000, killing everyone. Nearly 200,000 people killed in seconds. That is the current death toll in Haiti.
Wonderful idea Billie Jean. :wub:

You guys,

If you want to help Haiti in some way and want to do more than pray/meditate and give donations, maybe you could reach out to the Haitian diaspora in your community in some way. They are really suffering right now, many of them still don't know if their families in Haiti are alive or dead.

See if there are small pockets of Haitians in your communities and try reaching out to them. Even if only to tell them your thoughts are with them and that you are praying, and that you are sending donations. Talk with them, accompany them in this their darkest hour. Be there for them. By talking with them, you may come to realize other things you can do to help out that are just not coming to us right now.

In a way, you are helping the Haitians when you do this. You're taking care of their dispersed families around the world, and that is a help and comfort to them in a way.

L.O.V.E :heart:
You guys,

If you want to help Haiti in some way and want to do more than pray/meditate and give donations, maybe you could reach out to the Haitian diaspora in your community in some way. They are really suffering right now, many of them still don't know if their families in Haiti are alive or dead.

See if there are small pockets of Haitians in your communities and try reaching out to them. Even if only to tell them your thoughts are with them and that you are praying, and that you are sending donations. Talk with them, accompany them in this their darkest hour. Be there for them. By talking with them, you may come to realize other things you can do to help out that are just not coming to us right now.

In a way, you are helping the Haitians when you do this. You're taking care of their dispersed families around the world, and that is a help and comfort to them in a way.

L.O.V.E :heart:

Such a' thoughtful idea:D:wub::D
Don't forget to tune in to the "Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief" telethon. It's going to air on multiple networks on Fri., 1/23/10 starting at 8:00 p.m. ET
As the world extends much needed hands and hearts to the people of Haiti I sit and wonder the greater meaning of why this has happened.....

Each life that was lost, or is suffering from injury, starvation, loss of home, heartbreak and each child that is orphaned sleeping lonely nights without anyone to love them, THEIR LIVES HAVE MEANING.....

Who is going to stand up and be the voice for these people? Why has this absentee government not been called out by world leaders and held accountable for the billions of dollars that have be given each year that clearly has not been spent in the right places????? Where did that money go? Vacation homes, gifts to family, sending kids off for education abroad, corruption????? When is anyone going to be held accountable for anything anymore?
Hello Everybody.This is my 1st post.
I donated to MSF,too.
I pray for the revival of Haitian people...
Thank U.