Help Haiti - International Donation Information HERE!

Re: Help Haiti

I keep seeing the news and everytime I think I need to do more than just donate.. :( For those who can not afford to donate money your continued prayers would be helpful.
Re: Help Haiti

damm this shit is fucked up. i'm sorry and i'm Haitian american and this is to sad. i know if mike was here he have a tribute song made in no time. this makes me sad to see this. i cant speak

Yes Michael would have had a song. He was an amazing, wonderful person.
Re: With the Earthquake Happening in Haiti, I had this thought about Michael and honoring him

.................I sure will donate,in Michaels name:wub::D:wub:
Re: Help Haiti

If anyone in Norway wants to contribute to the victims of this disaster, then you can donate to the Norwegian Red Cross in either of these ways;

Account number: 8200.06.08331
Phone number: 820 44 001 (you'll instantly give kr. 200,-)

Follow this link for more information:

The people of Haiti needs your help.
Michael is gone, but it's now up to us to continue his work.
The children of Haiti needs you more than ever.
Continue to heal the world. We can make a difference.

Do it for L.O.V.E.
Re: With the Earthquake Happening in Haiti, I had this thought about Michael and honoring him

definately will donate, so awful what has happened.
My thoughts and prayers to all the people of Haiti
Re: With the Earthquake Happening in Haiti, I had this thought about Michael and honoring him

Agreed, I really felt like I had to do something. I sent a donation to
Re: Help Haiti

I just donated to British Red Cross. Please donate whatever and if you can. -->

God bless the victims and their families.
Re: With the Earthquake Happening in Haiti, I had this thought about Michael and honoring him

Yes, great initiative! I think doing these kinds of things are the best way in which we can honour Michael´s memory!
Re: With the Earthquake Happening in Haiti, I had this thought about Michael and honoring him

Yes, great initiative! I think doing these kinds of things are the best way in which we can honour Michael´s memory!

Totally agree. I definitely believe Mike made me a better person.
Re: Help Haiti

If you want to give but can´t afford to do it now, maybe you have something you can sell on ebay.Tradera is a part of ebay and when I was looking there today I saw a banner from doctors with no borders
It says just now:earthquake.Haiti.people are dying.every second
It was a coincident that I already had donated to them.
PG 900603-2 eller BG 900-60 32. Märk talongen "Akutinsatser".

I don´t know the name in english,if I translate it direct from swedish it would be SOS-childvillages.There are 2 in Haiti and they have been working there since 1979.It seems like the hildren who lives there are safe.

For those who can read swedish.
My family is originally from Haiti....It is really sad what is happening over there. Heartbreaking.

We still haven't heard from a few family members.

Doctors without borders is one of the best ngo.
I know it's been posted before, but be VERY careful of where you donate. CNN is now warning about scams. The organization must be a reputable non-profit, not just some people collecting money. The reputable ones will have an internet presence, a mailing address, phone, and so on, and will probably be organizations you've already heard of. I also heard some good advice, which is to donate to organizations that already had a presence in Haiti, such as Doctors Without Borders. They had three hospitals there, but none are usable now. They have sent up hospital tents, and are continuing to work. . even though there has been loss-of-life among their staff. I'd put that organization very high on the donation list, if not at the top.

Also be careful of those who say they are collecting FOR other organizations. The donations can go directly to those organizations, not through a third-party.
Or this?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Dear Friend,

Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti who are recovering from a devastating earthquake. Buildings have collapsed, thousands of people are missing, and many are presumed homeless.

My UN office and the rest of the UN system are monitoring the situation. While we don't yet know the full impact of this 7.0-magnitude earthquake, we do know that the survivors need immediate help.

Approximately 2 million people live in the capital of Haiti and the surrounding areas where the disaster struck.

What we do in these first 48 hours determines how many lives we can save. Together, we can help communities get back on their feet.

I have long been committed to helping Haiti "build back better" from the 2008 hurricanes and prepare for future disasters. Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, now needs our assistance more than ever.

Help provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors by making a donation today:
We have to pray :(

I'm really poor but I want to do what I can to help out, I'll try to donate whatever I can.
My family is originally from Haiti....It is really sad what is happening over there. Heartbreaking.

We still haven't heard from a few family members.

Doctors without borders is one of the best ngo.

...............My thoughts and prayers are with them and you:better:
(((((((((((((:)better:warm hug:better:)))))))))))))))))))))))))
I know it's been posted before, but be VERY careful of where you donate. CNN is now warning about scams. The organization must be a reputable non-profit, not just some people collecting money. The reputable ones will have an internet presence, a mailing address, phone, and so on, and will probably be organizations you've already heard of. I also heard some good advice, which is to donate to organizations that already had a presence in Haiti, such as Doctors Without Borders. They had three hospitals there, but none are usable now. They have sent up hospital tents, and are continuing to work. . even though there has been loss-of-life among their staff. I'd put that organization very high on the donation list, if not at the top.

Also be careful of those who say they are collecting FOR other organizations. The donations can go directly to those organizations, not through a third-party.

Thanks Vic, I'm gonna add this to the first post if that's ok?
Just gave to Giro 555 for all the Dutch donations! So so utterly sad what's happened there....:(

On a side note....good to see how the world can become one so fast in times of crisis.
If only we could without having these kind of things to happen.
Help us rush wheelchairs to Haiti

On Tuesday afternoon, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the impoverished island nation of Haiti, killing and injuring thousands when homes, schools and other buildings collapsed. Our distribution partner in the region contacted the FWM home office this morning, relating the dreadful scene in Port-au-Prince:

“People are in panic and assisting others with medical help ... many are dead ... many with no arms and legs ... trapped under buildings and crying for help ... like a horrible movie that one could not describe. We are asking our friends to pray.” - Reverend Max Manning, Global Mission

Help deliver wheelchairs to hundreds with an emergency donation today!

FWM has put into action a multi-tiered response to serve the people of Haiti:

1. FWM and our partner in the region have over 300 wheelchairs in country and ready for distribution – in response to this disaster, they will be immediately re-routed, assembled and mobilized for distribution to earthquake victims.

2. FWM will work in conjunction with our international partners, providing them with 400 wheelchairs to support their relief work in the quake-ravaged area.

3. FWM will begin immediate efforts to fund and expedite an additional container of 550 wheelchairs to be shipped to Haiti and made available for on-going medical support to the region.

Please consider making an immediate donation in response to this humanitarian crisis. Join us in prayer and gifts as we work together to send relief to Haiti through the transforming gift of mobility.​
God Bless,

Don Schoendorfer
Founder and President, FWM

© 2000-2010 Free Wheelchair Mission - All Rights Reserved

Mailing Address:
Free Wheelchair Mission
9341 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618

Contact Name: Don Schoendorfer
Telephone Number: (949) 273-8470

:angel:Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
:) Ty for informations. I will pray and me and my family will do what we can for support. There are many ways we can help if we have our hearts open.
If I want to give 50 swedish crowns by textmessage to doctors without borders then they get 41 crowns or 33 crown.
I guess it´s the same with other organisations, it cost money to give at least by textmessages
As former President Clinton said last night, even $1 or $2 dollars does help. It adds up. If you aren't comfortable giving out a credit card number, most people have a cell phone/blackberry that they text message on, send a text to the Red Cross or Wyclefs Foundation Yele. You get a charge on your monthly bill for only $5 or $10. Every little bit helps no matter how big or small.

This is a time to think about when MJ said "It's All For Love", Universal Love. There should be no place on the face of this earth where mothers have to feed their children mudcakes to fill their stomach, or live in unimaginable conditions and suffering that would most likely break anyone's spirit if they were put through it. Extending a hand and paying it forward to someone in need will give you the greatest gift you could imagine in life, food for your soul.
Thanks Vic, I'm gonna add this to the first post if that's ok?

Yup, good idea. Also, prioritize with your donations? Rescue first (i.e. digging people out from under rubble.) That means volunteers, heavy equipment, and even shovels and also (simultaneously) repair of infrastructure to the extent where it's possible to even get to those in need. Then, medical care. Doctors, nurses, and supplies (including tents to use as hospitals and clinics). Along with that, clean WATER. Then food. Then shelter. And eventually, rebuilding.

So think about organizations that provide these things? Especially those organizations already established in Haiti?
This is such a tragedy. The Red Cross has said between 40-50,000 people are now dead. Its just dreadful and they need all the help they can get.
Yup, good idea. Also, prioritize with your donations? Rescue first (i.e. digging people out from under rubble.) That means volunteers, heavy equipment, and even shovels and also (simultaneously) repair of infrastructure to the extent where it's possible to even get to those in need. Then, medical care. Doctors, nurses, and supplies (including tents to use as hospitals and clinics). Along with that, clean WATER. Then food. Then shelter. And eventually, rebuilding.

So think about organizations that provide these things? Especially those organizations already established in Haiti?

Do you know of an organization I can donate to that will do rescue? Thanks!!!
I know they are sending rescueteams from Iceland and Sweden and I think there will be teams from many other countries too.