Help Haiti - International Donation Information HERE!

Do you know of an organization I can donate to that will do rescue? Thanks!!!

Virginia Task Force 1 is an urban search and rescue team. They are already on the ground in Haiti, and were one of the first teams to arrive.

"Established in 1986 as a domestic and international disaster response resource, sponsored by the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, Virginia Task Force 1 is rostered by approximately 200 specially trained career and volunteer fire and rescue personnel, with expertise in the rescue of victims from collapsed structures, following a natural or man-made catastrophic event. 4600 West Ox Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Voice: (703) 815-5523
Fax: (703) 803-2119
The team is comprised of emergency managers and planners, physicians and paramedics and includes specialists in the fields of structural engineering, heavy rigging, collapse rescue, logistics, hazardous materials, communications, canine and technical search.
Virginia Task Force 1 has partnerships with the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency for domestic response and the United States Agency for International Development/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance during international missions. As a part of the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, the task force maintains constant operational readiness as a local resource for residents of Fairfax County and surrounding jurisdictions."
I donated to red cross yesterday, and I will donate again.
Victoria is SO RIGHT, prioritizing is the key now.
Also, this is what Canadian government is declaring:

"All donations to Canadian-registered charities will be matched 1-to-1 with government funds.
So if you give 100$ to the Canadian Red Cross, for example, the Canadian government will make it 200$ in total"

So I think it's worth it to have the money donated via Canada and have it doubled in the process (if we have a possibility to do that)


I donated to red cross yesterday, and I will donate again.
Victoria is SO RIGHT, prioritizing is the key now.
Also, this is what Canadian government is declaring:

"All donations to Canadian-registered charities will be matched 1-to-1 with government funds.
So if you give 100$ to the Canadian Red Cross, for example, the Canadian government will make it 200$ in total"

So I think it's worth it to have the money donated via Canada and have it doubled in the process (if we have a possibility to do that)


Can we have the money donated via Canada if we live in the states? What relief program would a reputable to give to there?
Help For Hati - President Barack Obama to you - 32 min ago
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Suzanne --

On Tuesday, a catastrophic earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The full extent of the damage is still being assessed, but the death toll -- already in the thousands -- is climbing fast.

This is the worst earthquake to hit the area in more than 200 years. Entire communities have been ripped apart and as many as 3 million people have been directly affected, including tens of thousands of American citizens who are in Haiti.

Our neighbors in Haiti are racing to confront the enormous devastation -- and the OFA community can help.

Click here for more information about essential relief efforts and ways you can help today.

Footage is pouring in of homes collapsing, Haitians carrying injured family members, and hospitals being overrun in what was already the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives. Personnel from the United States and our partners in the international community are on the ground in damaged areas right now, working side by side with the Haitian people. They're providing much-needed food, water, and sanitation supplies, saving lives and helping local communities start to rebuild.

Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I encourage those who can to reach out and help. It's in times like these that we must show the kind of compassion and humanity that has defined the best of our national character for generations.

Click here to find out what you can do:

As this story continues to unfold, I hope you will continue to keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the many Haitian-Americans who have done so much to enrich our country and who are worried about friends and loved ones in this time of need.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Virginia Task Force 1 is an urban search and rescue team. They are already on the ground in Haiti, and were one of the first teams to arrive.

"Established in 1986 as a domestic and international disaster response resource, sponsored by the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, Virginia Task Force 1 is rostered by approximately 200 specially trained career and volunteer fire and rescue personnel, with expertise in the rescue of victims from collapsed structures, following a natural or man-made catastrophic event. 4600 West Ox Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Voice: (703) 815-5523
Fax: (703) 803-2119
The team is comprised of emergency managers and planners, physicians and paramedics and includes specialists in the fields of structural engineering, heavy rigging, collapse rescue, logistics, hazardous materials, communications, canine and technical search.
Virginia Task Force 1 has partnerships with the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency for domestic response and the United States Agency for International Development/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance during international missions. As a part of the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, the task force maintains constant operational readiness as a local resource for residents of Fairfax County and surrounding jurisdictions."

Thanks! I called them. As you said, they do have their people over there now helping. The only money donations they take are by mail, so I'm going to look further for a direct donation site so my money can work faster. There's so many, but as you mentioned earlier, I hesitate to give to the unknown or third-party places.
Here's another one I can vouch for:

Major Earthquake Devastates Haiti; UUSC and UUA Launch Joint Relief Fund

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, was devastated by a major earthquake around 5 p.m. Eastern Time on January 12. UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association have launched a joint earthquake relief fund to help the survivors.

Most people in the capital spent the night outdoors, without shelter, or joined those frantically digging in the rubble to rescue the tens of thousands trapped underneath it. The situation is chaotic, communications systems are down, and debris impedes movement around the city. Nonetheless, the U.N. estimates that 2.2 million people are affected and fears that the loss of life may reach into the tens of thousands. The destruction is widespread, with extensive damage to homes, hospitals, roads, water and sanitation services, and electrical and communication systems. Major news outlets are all reporting severe devastation. An alarming number of buildings, including the National Palace and the United Nation’s Headquarters, have collapsed.
Haiti is the Western Hemisphere’s most impoverished and least-developed nation. Its society is rife with radical inequality, where large numbers of the population are systematically left out. Eighty percent of the population lives in poverty. Many people live day-to-day on what they’re able to earn in the informal sector. For those hundreds of thousands of poor people in Port-au-Prince, the daily struggle for food, water, and medical attention already amounted to an emergency — the earthquake has made these challenges infinitely more difficult to overcome, creating a humanitarian disaster on top of an existing humanitarian crisis. Poor Haitians who have never had equal access to services will be struggling to get basic necessities in the aftermath of this earthquake.

Photo courtesy of Lisandro Suero/Getty Images
What UUSC will do

UUSC’s disaster response in Haiti will focus on those survivors less likely to have access to aid, such as child domestic workers (restaviks), women-headed households that work in the informal sector, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Haiti has a vibrant grassroots movement with a vision of empowering people. UUSC will work closely with partners in this grassroots movement to reach those survivors at greatest risk of being overlooked. As of this afternoon, we’ve already connected with three organizations and will be reaching out to others over the next 24 hours in order to shape our response.

We will be updating our website regularly as our plans develop.
Finally, we are deeply saddened at the calamity that has devastated the lives of people in Haiti — please support our efforts to help them.
Here's another one I can vouch for:

Major Earthquake Devastates Haiti; UUSC and UUA Launch Joint Relief Fund

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, was devastated by a major earthquake around 5 p.m. Eastern Time on January 12. UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association have launched a joint earthquake relief fund to help the survivors.

Most people in the capital spent the night outdoors, without shelter, or joined those frantically digging in the rubble to rescue the tens of thousands trapped underneath it. The situation is chaotic, communications systems are down, and debris impedes movement around the city. Nonetheless, the U.N. estimates that 2.2 million people are affected and fears that the loss of life may reach into the tens of thousands. The destruction is widespread, with extensive damage to homes, hospitals, roads, water and sanitation services, and electrical and communication systems. Major news outlets are all reporting severe devastation. An alarming number of buildings, including the National Palace and the United Nation’s Headquarters, have collapsed.
Haiti is the Western Hemisphere’s most impoverished and least-developed nation. Its society is rife with radical inequality, where large numbers of the population are systematically left out. Eighty percent of the population lives in poverty. Many people live day-to-day on what they’re able to earn in the informal sector. For those hundreds of thousands of poor people in Port-au-Prince, the daily struggle for food, water, and medical attention already amounted to an emergency — the earthquake has made these challenges infinitely more difficult to overcome, creating a humanitarian disaster on top of an existing humanitarian crisis. Poor Haitians who have never had equal access to services will be struggling to get basic necessities in the aftermath of this earthquake.

Photo courtesy of Lisandro Suero/Getty Images
What UUSC will do

UUSC’s disaster response in Haiti will focus on those survivors less likely to have access to aid, such as child domestic workers (restaviks), women-headed households that work in the informal sector, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Haiti has a vibrant grassroots movement with a vision of empowering people. UUSC will work closely with partners in this grassroots movement to reach those survivors at greatest risk of being overlooked. As of this afternoon, we’ve already connected with three organizations and will be reaching out to others over the next 24 hours in order to shape our response.

We will be updating our website regularly as our plans develop.
Finally, we are deeply saddened at the calamity that has devastated the lives of people in Haiti — please support our efforts to help them.

Excellent!! I just donated to their Relief Fund! Thanks!
For those of you who have Publix grocery stores where you live, they will add a donation to the Red Cross to your grocery bill at the register upon your request. It can be whatever amount you choose. :) Not sure if all of them are participating so look out for signs posted at the checkout lanes.
my heart bleeds for's so unfair....the misery won't stop

how much can one bear?
Well done everyone! Michael is looking down on all that we are doing here and so so so proud of us all! Let's keep this going! In his name! Only we can keep his vision and way alive now!!
On the Canada question:
My bf is Canadian, but we live in Ireland now. He says it shouldn't matter if people are living in Canda, as long as the government will double the money. We are planning on making the next donation to the Canadian registered charity as well. All big vouched for and accountable NGOs that are there in Haiti at the moment and working at the site, registered in Canda, are good to go for.
I know that MSF has a big presence in Canada for ex.

The government policy


It's so frustrating for everyone that systems are damaged and help can get through fast enough! :sad:
Donated :)

Thoughts and prayers are with everybody out there. :pray:
BEWARE OF HAITI RELIEF SCAMS - -Oxfam UK for Haiti - Aid for Haiti -Christian Aid for Haiti - Catholic International Aid Fund for Haiti - Red Cross- think Wyclef said international donations can be made to Other ways -
Donations can also be made on the High Street, by calling into any bank or post office and quoting Freepay 1449, or at branches of any of the DEC's member charities. The DEC is composed of 13 major UK aid agencies: Action Aid, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Care International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Help the Aged, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.

You can help the victims of countless crises, like the recent earthquake in Haiti around the world every year, making a financial donation to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, which will provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need. The American Red Cross honors donor intent. If you wish to designate your donation to a specific disaster, please do so at the time of your donation by sending your donation with the designation to the American Red Cross, PO Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013 or at your local American Red Cross chapter. Donations to the International Response Fund may be made by calling 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or online at
I want to thank you all for your contribution in this.
But as you now me, I'm not satisfied.
We have to keep on going, so here I go again.

Please, Please, Please.
Start donating, giving, praying and Loving as much as you can. Even the smallest things count.

Love you all :heart:

I've just donated through the DEC. Its going £5 but every little bit helps. Michael would have been in such despair over this and would have done something big to help. He taught us to give and to Heal the World, which is what we need to do.
I donated as well and I think it's wonderful so many have donated too. Thank u to the mods for making this a sticky on the main page.

Since this is an MJ site, I have to say that I think MJ would be so proud of his fans for carrying on his message of helping others. I just know he's somewhere smiling right now.

Good job everyone! Lets all keep doing as much as we can to help.
Donated :yes:.

Pray for everyone. Love and help :heart:.
We must not only understand the situation. We must act. It's wonderful that so many people donated and tried to help.