Have you ever...?

No...actually I dont think I have ever raked leaves full stop! :p

Have you ever stayed inside for a week?
No, but I do like extended periods of solitude/escape from the world every now and then, just not for a whole week.

Have you ever split your pants in public (I have... at work....)? :lol:
I just ignore nonsense period.

Have you ever had someone you didn't even know very well say something to you that you felt was inappropriate and it creeped you out?
haha yes....
but the best story was when someone gave me something inappropriate...
My step auntie who I was meeting for the second time gave me a g-string for x-mas...:mello:...I was 12!!! That felt inappropriate & creepy to me.
I dont know if thats normal for the rest of you...but it isnt for where I come from! ...sorry if I overshared :p hahaha

Have you ever asked for directions from a stranger (not a help desk haha)?
Yes, but I fight with myself on this one, haha. In my head I'm all indignant like "I don't need directions. I live here." But then I'm like "Why am I being like that? I have no idea where this place is...." LoL.

Have you ever been water skiing?
...oh like when you say something & someone responds with a cat noise?....or just a cat meowing at you? haha
Either way yes.

Have you ever won a trophy?
Yes, can't remember what for though - I was like, 5 years old LOL

Have you ever bought a KFC Bucket just for the skin on the chicken?
Ewww never (well never bought a Bucket)...but if I did Im sure that would be the reason :D

Not really...but when I was little I used to make clothes for my dolls!!!

Have you ever forgotten your mobile in a store?
always :lol:
it's really baaaaaaaaad :lol:

have you ever thrown up on your doctor?!.........
Yes..johnny depp :lol: In reality...I wouldn't say first sight...I think that's just in the movies. In reality it's usually about 100th sight :lol:

Have you ever stepped on a snail bare footed?
Ewww yuck I can feel the sliminess of a slug under my foot...but no.

Have you ever been the culprit for road kill?